Pet skins that are still untameable

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Re: Pet skins that are still untameable

Unread post by Wain »

Skins that fit tameable models but would need to be copied over from other models / folders

Hippogryphs, New Model:
This is the skin from the Emerald Hippogryph mount. It's the same format as the new Broken Isles Hippogryphs and could provide an extra colour to the family.

Pandaren Tiger model:
The skin for the "Warnightsabermount" model added in 5.4. Similar to the Frost skin, but more yellowed:
Standard model:
A standard model version of any of the following skins that are currently only available for the sabre model:
Glowing-eyes / hunched / 'gem' model:
A glowing-eyes/hunched model version of any of the following skins that are currently only available for the sabre model:
Sabre / 'riding' model:
A sabre model version of any of the following skins that are currently only available for the standard or glowing-eyes models:
A sabre model version of any of the following skins that are currently only available for the spectral feral (spirit beast) model:

The following crane skin can be located in the "alternate" folder (which I think is used for the Chinese version of the client?):
(actually grey)

Zandalari model:
This is the original blue skin, which was used in-game during the 5.2 PTR but then removed. It's a much clearer blue than the one that was eventually used. To be available it would have to be copied back into the database:
ZandalariDevilsaur_Blue (original)

These are the original blue and green skins, which were used in-game during the 5.2 PTR but then removed. They're much lighter and less-saturated colours than the ones that were eventually used. To be available they'd have to be copied back into the database:
TriceratopsBlue (original)
TriceratopsGreen (original)

The following exists on the "MothPet" model used for the Imperial Silk Moth battle pet, but works on the large model. Current skin is only 128x128 instead of the normal 256x256. Hopefully higher res. version exists. Otherwise it's too low res.

There's a quilen skin that is only used for a statue. It's a pretty cool dark clay, and would definitely suit someone who wants a brooding pet. It would have to be copied from World\Expansion04\Doodads\Mogu\Quilin_statue.blp . Also, it needs an alpha mask (which can be copied from any other quilen skin) before it will work properly.
- it's worth noting that while there's a "jasper2" skin in the database, there's no plain "jasper". This is the only stone colour without a plain form. I wonder if the Art team created one but forgot to copy it in....

Elite model:
An elite (extra spiky) model version of any of the following skins that are currently only available for the regular ravager model:
(elite model)
(elite model)
(elite model)
(elite model)
(elite model)
(elite model)
(elite model)
(elite model)
(elite model)
The three elite model skins would also work on the regular model, but would need alpha masks copied to them first. Unmodified they look wrong.

This yellowish-green colour is currently only used for a low-res dragonfly creature, but is in fact a full-res wasp skin. It's located in World/Kalimdor/Silithidhive/PassiveDoodads/Silithidmodels/Dragonfly.blp

The following old-style worg skin was added for the "Darkmoondirewolfboss" model in 5.4. It's the same as the "light blue" Dire Wolf skin except for the glowing blue eyes.
Last edited by Wain on Sat Jul 23, 2011 1:58 am, edited 92 times in total.
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Re: Pet skins that are still untameable

Unread post by Wain »

Other models that could fit in existing families


Amani Bear Mounts:
These look like they're wearing armour more than a saddle, so don't look too weird as an attack beast. In fact they're used that way in the ZA raid. There are two skin colours (black, brown) and six armour colours :
Body ↓
"Brown" "Green" "Purple" "Red" "Violet" "Yellow"
Black Image Image
- Amani Bear
- Amani Bear Mount
Image Image Image
- Amani Warbear
Brown Image Image Image Image Image Image
Northrend Bear Mounts:
There are a bunch of colours, including an icy white with blue lips, that don't occur on regular bears and could make interesting new skins if they could have no-saddle versions (though these probably don't exist). Just one example is given below:
- Brunnhildar Riding Bear

Draenor armoured model:

- Porkchop



- Ashmaul Gutwrencher


Core Hounds
The Void Hound is the only core hound-style model left untameable. It occurs in quite a few places in the game but all are demons. Hopefully we'll find a non-demonic one someday.

Zandalari Battlesaur:
There are five skin colours (same as the non-armoured version) and five armour colours. 25 combinations all up:
Body ↓
Brass Copper Gold Pewter Silver
Blue Image Image Image Image Image
Brown Image Image Image Image Image
Dark Image
- Oondasta
Image Image Image
- Defiant Devilsaur
Green Image Image Image Image Image
Pale Image Image Image Image Image

Zandalari Direhorn:
There are five skin colours (same as the non-armoured version) and five intended matching armour colours (i.e. body and armour files are named the same way). The armour and body colours could be mixed and matched but I'm not going to list them all here unless we see this happening in the game.
- Horridon
- Defiant Direhorn
- Zandalari Battlebeast

It may seem a stretch but the pug model model, blown to full size, would make a pretty scary-looking attack bulldog!

Gryphons, New Model:
(The new gryphon model was added in Pandaria but seems to be unused in the wild so far.)

Hippogryphs, Old Model:
Both these fiery hippogyphs are currently only found on saddled models, but the skins are fine for use on an unsaddled / wild model (i.e. there's no harness pasted on the base skin).


Wind Riders, New Model:
(The new wind rider model was added in Pandaria but seems to be unused in the wild so far.)


Snake model:
This low-to-ground model has no tameable examples, but belongs in this family. They'd be great for hunters who want a serpent but don't like the large "in your face" model. They also still look nice and sleek when scaled up to larger size, too. Examples of each colour are below:
- Cavern Serpent
- Serpentbloom Snake etc.
- Cobaltscale Death Adder etc.
- Dune Rattler
- Sand Serpent etc.
- Bamboo Python etc.
- Slad'ran Constrictor etc.
- Swarming Serpent etc.
- Sand Slitherer
- Twilight Serpent etc.
- Deviate Python etc.
- Yellowback Water Moccasin etc.
Python model:
- Ancient Python
- Elder Python
- Ancient Python
- Death Adder
- Ancient Python
- Imperial Python
- Marsh Anaconda

Spirit Beasts (potential)
Wind Rider model:

(Also listed under the standard families for their looks)
Draenor wolf models:


Fiery kaliri model:

Crane god model:
Pandaren tiger god model:

Hawkstriders would make fantastic and very colourful additions to this small family. Unfortunately the only available models have saddles, but even saddled ones may work, just like some wolf and raptor tameables.
Regular model
- Azurebeak
Epic / armoured model
The "epic" skins often seem quite similar to the regular ones, but the colour shades are actually different in all cases.
Eclipsion Hawkstrider

Caterpillars have become tameable worms in MoP. A couple of older style maggots also were, for a time, but no longer.
Original larva / maggot model:
- Silicate Feeder
- Blood Maggot
- Worn Bloodworm
- Vile Larva
- Gorishi Grub
(was tameable in 5.1)
- Maggot (critter)
- Silkwing Larva
- Carrion Grub
- many others
Outland larva / maggot model:
- Jormungar Tunneler
- Mutated Grub
- Amber Parasite
(was tameable in 5.1)

Birds of Prey
The following "talon" model occurs in a couple of places but has so far only been associated with demi-god level beings.
- See also "Elemental Birds" in the "Missing skins from untameable families" list

Armored riding sabres
I need to re-do these.

There are no tameable lobsters, but presumably they belong with crabs. They use the Makrura model. Note that Makrura are humanoids but the Azeroth model has been used for a number of (small) beasts, including the Rock Lobster in Stormwind and the Muddy Crawfish in Orgrimmar. If they were used for more beasts, it would probably be more fitting if they were given a different skeleton so the beast version was distinct from the humanoid one, maybe less upright.
There are two models with various skins of each:
Azeroth model :
Image Image Image Image Image
Outland model :
Image Image Image Image Image
Last edited by Wain on Tue May 29, 2012 9:34 pm, edited 63 times in total.
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Re: Pet skins that are still untameable

Unread post by Wain »

And out of interest, here are the ones I previously had listed that have become tameable

Tameable as of 4.0.3, Cataclysm release:
- WarpStalkerSkinBlack: Gezzarak the Huntress tameable again
- WarpStalkerSkinGreen: green with blue stripes, Displaced Warp Stalker
- WarpStalkerSkinRed: fiery red. Daggertail Lizards added back
- WarpStalkerSkinBlue: blue with red stripes, Chasm Stalker
- TigerSkinGreen: Winna's Kitten
- TigerSkinRed (glowing eyes / hunched model): Tiger in Uldum
- TigerSkinBlack (glowing eyes / hunched model): Swarming Guardian
- RidingTigerSkinBlackNoSaddle: Duskfang
- RidingTigerSkinDarkNoSaddle: new skin of Shadowclaw
- RidingTigerSkinRedNoSaddle: new skin of Shango
- RidingTigerSkinSnowNoSaddle: new skin of Duskstalker
- RidingTigerSkinWhiteNoSaddle: new skin of Rak'Shiri
- SilithidWaspBossSkin (boss model): Sapphire Hive Queen again tameable
- SilithidWaspBossSkin4 on boss model: light blue and red, Stinglasher's new skin
- SilithidWaspBossSkin5: fluoro green, Princess Huhuran
- SilithidFlyerSkinTan: Silithid Wasp
- SilithidFlyerSkinBlue: Hazzali Stinger
- SilithidFlyerSkinPurple: Centipaar Stinger
- SilithidFlyerSkinYellow: Gorishi Wasp and Hive'Zora Wasps
- SilithidFlyerSkinOrange: shiny copper - Zora
- ScorpionSkinDarkIron: Duneclaw Broodlord
- ScorpionSkinBlue: never really missing. On Live only used by Silithid Swarmers and Silithid Creepers in the Barrens, which created concern when removed in Cataclysm. But then added Scorpid Cliffcrawlers
- HordeScorpion: brown, orange eyes, green sting tip. Tameable rare Madexx in Uldum (stable skin colour)
- HordeScorpionBlue: dark blue, aqua eyes, orange sting tip. Tameable rare Madexx in Uldum (stable skin colour)
- HordeScorpionGreen: green, orange eyes, purple sting tip. Tameable rare Madexx in Uldum (stable skin colour)
- HordeScorpionBlack: black with rusty-brown tones, yellow eyes, purple sting tip. Tameable rare Madexx in Uldum (stable skin colour)
- HordeScorpionRed: maroon, purple eyes, teal sting tip. Tameable rare Madexx in Uldum (stable skin colour)
- CarrionBirdSkinOutlandGreen: Bonepicker Felfeeders
- CarrionBirdSkinOutlandYellow: Bright yellow, black stripes. Spiteflayer
- MineSpiderSkinViolet: Dread Creepers in Naxx always tameable but level 81. Now confirmed tameable
- bonespider_ochre: Skitterweb Strikers
- bonespider_brown: Skitterweb Lurkers
- bonespider_slate: Skitterweb Matriarch
- ParrotSkinCrimson: red/grey, Monstrous Macaw
- ParrotSkinGreen: green/yellow, Brilliant Clayscraper
- ParrotSkinRed: red/blue, Monstrous Parrot
- ParrotSkinOrange: green/black/orange, Sunwing Squawker
- ParrotSkinGray: light grey with a couple of red tail feathers,Ol' Beaky
- ParrotSkinLavender: white/purple/blue, Brilliant Macaw
- ParrotSkinWhite: white with yellow markings, Albino Eyegouger
- UndeadEagle: undead-looking, Diseased Hawk in WPL now tameable (requires quest access)
- FelBoarSkin - Starving & Hulking Helboar (red with black spikes)
- FelBoarSkinBlack - Felboar (grey with green spikes)
- FelBoarSkinBlue - Shard-Hide Boar (blue with grey spikes)
- FelBoarSkinGray - Deranged Helboar (grey with orange spikes)
- FelBoarSkinYellow - Domesticated Felboar (yellow with brown spikes), Grunter
- SerpentSkinViolet: Needlespine Shimmerback
- SerpentSkinOlive: Needlespine Cobra
- WormSkinWhite: Flesh Eating Worms, Cadaverous Worms
- WormSkinBlue: Deep Borer no longer colour changer
- WormSkinPurple: bright purple, Coldlurk Burrower
- JormungarLarvaGreen: a paler blue-purple, Ice Heart Jormungar Feeder
- JormungarLarvaDark: dark inky, Rattlebore
- JormungarLarvaPale: all-blue, Ravenous Jormungar
- JormungarLarvaWhite: snowy white and purple, Ice Heart Jormungar Spawn
- SilithidScarabSkinTan: tan with brown markings, Silithid Defender
- SilithidScarabSkinWhite: white with black markings, Spitting Scarab
- SilithidScarabSkinBlack: steel grey with tan markings, Vile Scarab
- SilithidScarabSkinYellow: gold with blue markings, Spire Scarab
- SilithidScarabSkinGold: copper with blue markings, Yauj Brood
- SilithidScarabSkinRed: red with purple markings, Carrion Scarab
- UldumScarabSkinBlue: teal with blue spots. Sapphire Scarab & Jeweled Scarab
- UldumScarabSkinPurple: green/blue/grey with purple spots. Amethyst Scarab
- UldumScarabSkinRed: green with red spots. Emerald Scarab & Blistering Scarab
- UldumScarabSkinTeal: blue/teal with green spots. Turquoise Scarab
- UldumScarabSkinGreen: ochre/purple with green spots. Venomous Skitterer
- SilithidTankBossSkin_Different (brain bug): dark purple-orange with exposed brain. Hive Controller
- SilithidTankBossSkin: peachy-purple, Vem
- SilithidTankBossSkin_Red: orange-red, Lord Kri
- AurokkSkinTan: Silithid Swarmer (quest spawn)
- NetherRaySkinPurple: Aether Ray now tameable
- ShaleSpiderGreen: green. Jadefang
- ShaleSpiderOrange: orange Deep Spider variant
- DeepSeaCrabBlack (no markings): Sandskin Pincer
- DeepSeaCrabOrange (no markings): Silversand Burrower
- DeepSeaCrabRed (no markings): Spineshell Pincer
- DeepSeaCrabBlue (no markings): basic blue, Spiny Rock Crab tameable
- DeepSeaCrabGreen (blue markings): tameable as Enormous Sand Crab (quest summon)
- CrocodileCataclysmPale: Neferset Crocolisk
- CrocodileCataclysmBlack: grey-purple, Gorebite (quest spawn only)
- CrocodileCataclysmBrown: grey-tan, Riverbed Crocolisk
- CrocodileCataclysmBlue: grey-blue-green, Baradin Crocolisk
- HoundSkinBlue: Cursed Darkhound
- HoundSkinGrey: Deathshadow Hound
- HoundSkinPurple: Bayne
- HoundSkinRed: Bloodhound
- MagehunterBlue: Beryl Hound etc.
- MagehunterGreen: Various plaguehounds in EPL
- AncientSeaTurtle: Ghamoo-Ra's new skin
- DragonHawkSkin04: blue, Sunblade Dragonhawk now tameable
- WolfSkin_Ghost: new spirit beast, Karoma
- BearSkinBrownDiseased: Hulking Plaguebear
- BearSkinBlueDiseased: Infested Bear
- WoolyRhino_Blue: Shardhorn Rhino, no longer colour-changer
- CrawlerPurple: pink and purple, Rip-Blade Ravager, no longer a colour changer
- CrawlerVar2: orange and purple, Gore-Scythe Ravager
- CrawlerVar4: green body, red belly, fiery orange back. Lost Ravager now colour-stable
- CrawlerVar7: pink body, blue belly, fluoro purple back, new skin of Nethermine Ravager
- CrawlerVar9: pink body, tan belly, olive green back, purple head & tail, new skin of Bloodmyst Hatchling
- FelBeastSkinGreenBlack (yellowish version with red flames from original core hound model): Gomegaz
- DraekodonSkinChromatic: Chromaggus in BWL now tameable
- Raptor_OutlandBlue: Drakuru Raptor, no longer a colour-changer
- DeepSeaCrabGreen (blue markings): Enormous Sand Crab (quest summon)

Tameable in 4.0.6:
- SilithidFlyerSkinBlack: Rex Ashil's new model
- SilithidWaspBossSkin5 on non-boss model: Ferndweller Wasp
- OwlBlue: ,Hell-Hoot's new colour
- OwlSpirit: Olm's new colour
- CarrionBirdSkinWhite: Zaricotl's new colour
- CarrionBirdSkinOutlandBlue: Torgos now tameable & this colour
- ChimaeraSkinBeige: new skin of Mistwing Ravager
- ChimaeraSkinGreen: gnew skin of the Evalcharr
- ChimaeraSkinOutlandWhite: new skin of The Razza
- ChimaeraSkinOutlandYellow: new skin of Bladewing Bloodletters
- SilithidScarabSkinGreen: new skin of Silithid Harvester
- UldumScarabSkinYellow: new skin of Temple Scarab
- MastiffDog_Gray: new skin of Dragonflayer Hunting Hounds
- TigerSkinBrown on gem/hunched model: Pogeyan
- DragonHawkSkin02: new skin of Amani Dragonhawk
- DireWolfSkinBrown: Ripp's new skin
- DireWolfSkinDarkBrown: Deathmaw's new skin
- CrawlerVar6: Death Ravager now tameable
- WindSerpentSkinOutland1: Swiftwing Shredder's new skin
- MothSkinGrey: new skin of Vale Moth
- MonkeyBlue: ->
- MonkeyBrown: ->
- MonkeyWhite: all non-pick stable monkey colours tameable, now that Mining Monkeys lose their picks

Tameable in 4.1:
- SilithidWaspBossSkin (NON-boss model): Florawing Needler
- SilithidWaspBossSkin2 (NON-boss model): Florawing Needler
- SilithidWaspBossSkin3 (NON-boss model): Florawing Needler
- RidingTigerSkinIceNoSaddle: new appearance for Frostsaber Stalker
- RidingTigerSkinNoStripeWhiteNoSaddle: new appearance for Frostsaber Huntress
- AurokkSkin: magenta, Centipaar Worker etc.
- AurokkSkinBlueGreen: teal, Hazzali Worker etc.
- AurokkSkinCopper: copper, Gorishi Worker etc.

Tameable in 4.2:
- CrabSkinDarkDiamond: Karkin
- SpectralTigerBlue: Magria
- SpectralTigerGreen: Anhka
- TigerSkinBlackGem on hunched/gem model: Skarr
- FireSpider_green: Kirix and Cinderweb Broodlings
- FireSpider_orange: Solix
- FireSpider_purple: Deth'tilac
- FireSpider_red: Cinderweb Spinner and Skitterflame
- FireSpider_yellow: Cinderweb Creeper and Anthriss

Tameable in 4.3:
- TigerSkinSnow on hunched/gem model
- TigerSkinWhite on hunched/gem model

Tameable as of 5.0, Mists of Pandaria release:
- ParrotSkinBrown: Dusky Lory in KW
- SilithidWaspBossSkin2 (boss model): Florawing Hive Queen. She was always technically tameable on live but was level 86 so couldn't be till MoP
- Raven: Upland Raven in KLS
- TigerSkinJade (hunched/glowing eyes model: Jade Guardian in JF
- SpectralSaberWorg_Mid: Thundermaw in VEB
- RidingRaptorSkinTomato: Drakkari Riding Raptor in Drak'Tharon Keep (old mob, newly tameable)
- PvPRidingRaptorSkinCrimson: Zandalari Riding Raptor in KLS
- PvPRidingRaptorSkinOrange: Zandalari Riding Raptor in KLS
- DeepSeaCrabBlack (purple markings): Pyreshell Scuttler (always tameable but no longer colour changer)
- DeepSeaCrabBlack (blue markings): Pyreshell Scuttler (always tameable but no longer colour changer), also Venerable Viseclaw in KW
- DeepSeaCrabBlue (purple markings): Pyreshell Scuttler (always tameable but no longer colour changer)
- DeepSeaCrabGreen (blue markings): Pyreshell Scuttler (always tameable but no longer colour changer)
- DeepSeaCrabRed (blue markings): Viseclaw Fishers in KW and Glade Pincher (quest summon)
- DeepSeaCrabRed (purple markings): Elder Viseclaws in KW
- DeepSeaCrabOrange (blue markings): Muck Sifter and Spineclaw Scuttlers in DW
- DeepSeaCrabOrange (purple markings): Amberglass Crab in JF
- DeepSeaCrabBlue (blue markings): Bitterwater Crab in DW and Snapclaw in KW
- DeepSeaCrabGreen (purple markings): Mosstide Crabs around JF
- MothSkinYellow-BlueWings: Fluttering Swallowtails in Krasarang Wilds
- MothSkinYellow-RedWings (wings are actually green): Fluttering Swallowtails in Krasarang Wilds

Tameable in 5.1:
OwlSapphire: Quall in Stonetalon
TigerSkinIce (standard model): Iceclaw in Winterspring
LionessSkinGold (hunched / 'gem' model): Tabbs in Badlands
TigerSkinBlackStriped (hunched / 'gem' model): Duskcoat in Felwood
TigerSkinGreen (hunched / 'gem' model): Kash in SoS
TigerSkinYellow (hunched / 'gem' model): Feras in Stonetalon
HoundSkinWhite: Bleakheart in EPL. There was already a tameable white version, but it's ghostly.
DragonHawkSkin06: Manas in Winterspring
DragonHawkSkin07: Sunwing in Burning Steppes
MothSkinBlue-Red (actually green) Wings: Thicket in Felwood
MothSkinYellow-White Wings: Dustwing in Hillsbrad
CrawlerVar3: Karapax in Silithus
NetherDragonBlue: Arcane Wyrm (Dragonblight)
NetherDragonPurple: Arcane Serpent (Coldarra, Borean Tundra)
NetherDragonRed: Acroniss in Silithus (also Crazed Mana-Wyrm in the Nexus, but it's not attackable/tameable)
NetherDragonWhite: Spirit of the North (hard to reach, Coldarra, Borean Tundra)
SilithidTankBossSkin (damaged): Qem in Silithus
SilithidTankBossSkin_Blue (damaged): Manax in Silithus
SilithidTankBossSkin_Red (damaged): Qu'rik in Silithus
WindSerpentSkinOutland2: Chiaa in Burning Steppes
SilkwormDark: Bombyx in Krasarang
LarvaSkinGreen: Gorishi Grub (spawns from eggs laid by rare Clutchmother Zavas) (Spewed Larva and Diseased Maggot still untameable)
LarvaSkinOutlandRed: Amber Parasite (spawns from various, random, infected mobs in DW)

Tameable in 5.4:
RidingDragonTurtlePurple: Great Turtle Furyshell on Timeless Isle
Last edited by Wain on Mon Dec 12, 2011 1:42 am, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: Pet skins that are still untameable

Unread post by Wain »

Cool. Thanks for your feedback :)
Acherontia wrote:Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't it the Dreadscale (rather than Acidmaw) Jormungar that's untameable? Or are their skins swapped on wowhead?
These guys always confused me, but I'm pretty certain it's Acidmaw that has the unusual skin. I just checked Tankspot videos to confirm.

First of all, in mobile ("larva") form, they're both the standard purple colour of the regular tameable Jormungar. I guess Blizzard got lazy and cheated on that one! I assume this means they have no other skin for the mobile model so it's unlikely they'll ever bother to make them now :(

In static ("half buried") form, Dreadscale has the standard purple skin that matches the tameable Jormungar. Wowhead only shows the model for its mobile form, so it's not a good source for this one. But it's identical to Deep Jormungar.

In static form, Acidmaw, however, looks a very pale purple. Wowhead does show the model for this one, thankfully, so you can see it's quite different to the standard skin colour.
Acherontia wrote:By the way, I'm pretty sure there's a diseased bear skin around that still isn't tameable--but it's not anywhere in the game so I'm not sure if you are including those or not.
Yup, I'd definitely include those! Can you find one that's untameable? The only diseased skins I found on Petopia (Live and the Cataclysm section) all seemed to have tameable versions, but maybe I missed one.
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Re: Pet skins that are still untameable

Unread post by Wain »

Updated with references to untameable dog, crab and croc skins, but only in as much as to say that I won't detail them till they get sorted out more on the beta.
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Re: Pet skins that are still untameable

Unread post by Acherontia »

You could see if Rotclaw (the pet bear in Shadow Vault) is that color, but I'm not sure he is. The only place I've 100% seen this skin is in ModelViewer, but I'm not sure if you're using in-game beasts only or not :P

RE: Jormungars, I'd have sworn that one was always "blonde" and one was always purple. Just wasn't sure that Wowhead had the right skin matched to the right mob, but I assume Tankspot saved the day ^^
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Re: Pet skins that are still untameable

Unread post by Shavahi »

Some more existing models which could be made into tamable beasts:

Tallstrider Family:
Hawkstrider mount models(, armored or unarmored, would fit perfectly within this family. We already have one tamable mount model in-game, the Black War Wolf( ... black.html)

Dog Family:
The Perky Pug model( ... ky_pug.asp) could be implemented as a tamable beast in the game, perhaps as a guard dog in a gnome settlement?
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Re: Pet skins that are still untameable

Unread post by Wain »

Acherontia wrote:You could see if Rotclaw (the pet bear in Shadow Vault) is that color, but I'm not sure he is. The only place I've 100% seen this skin is in ModelViewer, but I'm not sure if you're using in-game beasts only or not :P
Rotclaw seems to be the same diseased brown bear skin of a number of tameable beasts, like Deathclaw.

If a skin exists in the database, even if it's not in the game, I'd still love to add it. Can you point me to a link of the skin you've seen in modelviewer? :)
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Re: Pet skins that are still untameable

Unread post by Wain »

Shavahi wrote:Hawkstrider mount models
Oo, I like that. They really are like short plainstriders. They'd have to either add some wild ones to the Blood Elf starting zones (the mounts must have been tamed from somewhere!) or allow players to tame some of the ones from the evil blood elf factions in Outland.
Shavahi wrote:The Perky Pug model?
That guy looks rather scary when he's expanded to full size! When blown up he'd definitely make a credible attack dog.

Thanks :)
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Re: Pet skins that are still untameable

Unread post by Shavahi »

I could see the hawkstriders in both both places, unarmored ones running around in Eversong and the armored mounts in Outland. They could also possibly add them to some of the new zones. It always seemed odd to me that the model doesn't exist in the wild; where'd the elves get them in the first place?
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Re: Pet skins that are still untameable

Unread post by Wain »

Added some skin details about crabs, crocs and dogs. I'm not sure if the info is still current or whether new tameables have been found in the latest patch (or if the Gilnean starting zone dogs can be accessed by non-Worgen now, somehow??). I'll have to get about more and check on these, but please correct any info I've got wrong. Thanks :)
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Re: Pet skins that are still untameable

Unread post by Wain »

Removed the green/orange tiger (now tameable on beta)
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Re: Pet skins that are still untameable

Unread post by zedxrgal »

Do you want to add the Core hounds that are untamable?
Magmadar, Summoned Wrath Hound and Lavanthor are all untamable. :D

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Re: Pet skins that are still untameable

Unread post by Wain »

zedxrgal wrote:Do you want to add the Core hounds that are untamable? Magmadar, Summoned Wrath Hound and Lavanthor are all untamable. :D
Thanks, but they're all still the same skin that is used by the standard core hounds :) This isn't a list of untameable pets, but a list of pet skins (colours) where there are no tameable examples :)
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Re: Pet skins that are still untameable

Unread post by Wain »

Moved the 5 helboar skins to the "now tameable on beta" list. Yay!
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Re: Pet skins that are still untameable

Unread post by Wain »

Added the beetles that don't seem to have tameable skins yet, and included some details on the ones that do.
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Re: Pet skins that are still untameable

Unread post by Wain »

I'm starting to look through wowmodelviewer and locate skins I haven't seen on Wowhead.

Here's the first batch of updates, most of these found using wowmodelviewer:

- A couple more python snake colours (blue and yellow-black).
- Exposed-brain versions of the silithid colossi, in four colours (one is in the game but untameable)
- DragonhawkSkin02 (light body with pink wings). Been in the game a long time (but untameable) but I somehow missed it.
- SilithidFlyerSkinOrange: a shiny copper colour Found using wowmodelviewer.
- SilithidFlyerSkinBlack: an inky blue colour Found using wowmodelviewer.
- SilithidWaspBossSkin2: fluoro purple (way more fluoro than the sapphire hive wasps). Found using wowmodelviewer.
- JormungarLarvaDark: an inky-black version, found on wowmodelviewer.
- JormungarLarvaWhite: snowy white and purple version, found on wowmodelviewer.
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Re: Pet skins that are still untameable

Unread post by Shavahi »

Ok, this is a bit of a stretch, but if the hawkstriders could be in the tallstrider family maybe the Magic Rooster model would work too. Chicken of death? Yes please.
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Re: Pet skins that are still untameable

Unread post by Bellatryx »

I don't know about you but I want the deep sea crabs to all become tamable. STAT.


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Re: Pet skins that are still untameable

Unread post by ummeiko »

If they turn the silithids in Feralas into beasts, as they have done in Tanaris, then we may have a white silithid flyer (and outside of AQ). There is a rarespawn, Qirot, who uses that skin. Currently in beta though, still not a beast, so not tameable.
white wasp.jpg
white wasp.jpg (123.8 KiB) Viewed 2853 times


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