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Re: DotB Sign-In

Posted: Wed Sep 10, 2014 10:19 pm
by HoneyShuckle
(Omg triple post, I'm horrible, but this kinda needed to be done.)

Name: Zox
Species: Slowbro
Brief Personality/Physical Appearance Description: Zox is pretty cautious, but not in a shy sort of way. He can be a little oblivious, but his Shellder, Kim, is always there to back him up. Unless she gets upset and decides to detach from his tail. He will usually stay Warmhearted and collected, but often asks Kim's help for problem solving Via telepathy. Very good at taking orders.

Zox's ears are very slightly pointed, but other then that is rather average. Kim curls around his tail Counter-clockwise, and is also quite pointy.

Delta/Hybrid/Dusk-Evolved/etc?: N/A
Johto or Unova: Unova
Ekleipsis or Blessing: Blessing