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Brainstorming character ideas for WrA

Posted: Sun Dec 13, 2015 4:01 am
by Snope
I have some character ideas for RP on Wyrmrest. Only problem is... I don't really have anyone to bounce ideas off of.

Tammie Torquebrew: The Pandaren-trained alchemixologist
Backstory: Rising into adulthood in Ironforge had not been kind to Tammie. Though she had a name of her own, she was lacking in inspiration and money. But everything changed after she sampled a wandering Pandaren's brew. Upon the first sip, she wanted to know everything about how such a unique and finely-crafted concoction came to be. The Pandaren credited his order of Monks for teaching him how to mix empowering brews and referred her to an instructor that arrived in New Tinkertown.

Tammie knew what to do. She abandoned her old home, trained under the Pandaren Monks, and used her training to travel the world and learn new techniques in both alchemy and mixology. Her time in Pandaria was especially enlightening since she was able to learn the finer points of growing ingredients from the Tillers. With renewed optimism and countless new recipes and techniques under her belt, Tammie has resumed her primary goal: to create the perfect formula for rocket fuel.
Currently: While service to the Alliance can be quite lucrative, Tammie regularly sells her goods and services for some supplemental income. She could be commissioned to make potions or booze, among other things.
Personality: Tammie is rather calm and easygoing (her lessons with her Pandaren teachers helped,) which makes her noticeably more restrained than her more spontaneous Gnomish contemporaries. In fact, other Gnomes may see her as boring for her more down-to-earth aspirations. Even then, Tammie occasionally dabbles in crafting absurd recipes in her spare time just because she can, and she can exude lots of enthusiasm when she wants to (if only to help advertise her products.)
Other notes:
-She has gained recognition from the Tillers for her service to them.
-She rides a simple Green Mechanostrider on the ground. I'm not sure what she would fly on. Maybe a Jade Cloud Serpent or the Zen Flight cloud.


Lucaan: The Outlander
Backstory: Lucaan started out timid, but dire circumstances eventually forced him to toughen up or die. When his people ventured through the wilds to find safety from the Horde and especially when the Exodar landed on Azeroth, someone needed to do the dangerous work of hunting the local wildlife for food, supplies, and safety. Lucaan took on this job to make up for his "cowardice" for not staying behind to fight the Horde. He was fairly inept at first, but his skill improved considerably after he learned how to build bonds with animals.

After growing stronger, Lucaan returned to Outland to help the Draenei he left behind to the best of his ability. As a result of his single-minded devotion to this task (that or he made a wrong turn in the Twisting Nether,) he missed the assault on the Lich King, the second Shattering, and the all events that occurred in Pandaria.
Currently: Lucaan is trying to adjust to an Azeroth that has changed considerably since his departure. Then again, he wasn't all that familiar with this new planet to begin with, so he may still be adjusting to Azeroth in general. Unfortunately, he happened to have arrived not too long before the Legion's next invasion.
Personality: Lucaan is a walking contradiction of sorts. While tough and delicate are usually polar opposites, Lucaan is a strange mixture of both. He is just as much a meticulous jewelcrafter and a dramatic (wannabe) poet as he is a brawny, stoic Hunter. His odd sensitivity even led to him going above and beyond to help reunite the Kurenai with the Draenei. Regardless, he is an introvert either way, generally preferring solitude or the company of his animal companions.

He usually tries to hide his emotions behind a stony face, but he doesn't always succeed since even his hairstyle choice can undermine that. And A'dal help him if someone shows up during one of his monologues.
Other notes:
-Lucaan flies on a Blue Riding Nether Ray. I'm not sure whether he would be better off riding an Elekk or a tamed Nightsaber on the ground. Or a Talbuk.


Huang Etherpaw: Shadow-touched disciple of hope

[Still a work in progress. I'll get to him soon.]