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Re: So You Want to Roleplay? A Q/A by Azu

Posted: Fri Jan 28, 2011 5:58 pm
by Azunara
Nope. No rule as far as I'm aware. I tend to write rather longish posts myself. I find though keeping it short helps people keep engaged. In such a fast paced RP, taking the time to read a five, six paragraph post as to opposed to a five, six sentence post make a world of difference.

So yeah. It's not a rule to post short, but generally does tend to be better. Because you have people like me with ADHD and have short attention spans, and well...tends to end badly for me. xD

TL;DR...*points to Sat's post.*

Re: So You Want to Roleplay? A Q/A by Azu

Posted: Fri Jan 28, 2011 5:59 pm
by TygerDarkstorm
I don't see why you couldn't have a long post, however, it might be a little overpowering to some. I have a few long ones in the TotH thread, but I generally try to keep them short so the interaction between people keeps flowing. That's just how I see it though.

And yeah, Sat and Azu basically said the same thing. ^_^

Re: So You Want to Roleplay? A Q/A by Azu

Posted: Fri Jan 28, 2011 6:09 pm
by Mozag
Well, maybe I'll have to try out the whole "short posts" thing. Never succeeded, since I feel my characters are so very hollow if I do. But it's worth a shot. I'll see about any upcoming roleplays and sign-up, if I feel a character of mine could contribute. Thanks for the responses, guys. :)

Re: So You Want to Roleplay? A Q/A by Azu

Posted: Mon Apr 04, 2011 5:41 am
by Cerah
I have a few questions, considering I haven't actively RP'ed with anyone since high school, other than my boyfriend in person, and my friend from Florida via MSN.

1) Even if hybrid characters themselves are mostly considered too Sue-ish (frankly canon lore doesn't help matters here much), can your character have a hybrid kid?

i.e. My Orc Hunter, Cerah, is supposed to be married to my boyfriend's Troll Hunter, Seabaston, and they have a half-orc, half-troll daughter, Taysha. She's a teenager in-game because I wanted a Mage alt, but lorewise, I guess she'd only be about 3 or 4 at the most, and she's just a normal kid, not a "chosen one" or any of that nonsense.

2) What's the "norm" for mixed-species couples in most Warcraft RPGs anyway?

3) Are RPs limited to playable races in game, or can other sentient (non-demon/dracon/Sue) races also be played, like a Naga, Murloc or High Elf, for example? What about alternate tribes/factions of playable races, like an Amani Troll or Dark Iron Dwarf?

4) What are the usual RP rules regarding rare hunter pets? I totally understand if Spirit Beasts are considered "too flashy", but what about other rare, unique-skinned mobs, like Terrorpine or the Stranglethorn Loas, or even something as seemingly "normal" as Oozeworm? Also, are "alien" pets like Nether rays or other Outland species, allowed? What about pets that would be difficult for characters of opposite factions to get, like an Alliance character with a dragonhawk?

5) Also, how much characterization should pets get? Are they assumed to be sentient but non-vocal, sort of like a Pokemon, or are they just well-trained (or not so well trained) animals? If the latter, what are the rules regarding bringing potentially dangerous pets, like bears or raptors, into populated areas?

6) What do I do if I want to RP, but don't have the time to update my posts more than once every couple of days, and can't read *everybody* else's posts after an absence? How do I get back on track without looking like an idiot?

Re: So You Want to Roleplay? A Q/A by Azu

Posted: Mon Apr 04, 2011 7:15 am
by Azunara
1. I think it's just a matter of how practical it is in the timeline. Human/NE hybrids, for example, can't work. The kid would be very young. In this case, you're pretty aware the kid is young. In the end though, when you have a hybrid, you can expect a lot of RPers not to like it, since they have a bad reputation.

2. Can't really answer there. You'll have to get other people's opinions.

3. Eh. In the in-game stuff, you're fairly limited. Demons and dragons, you could, arguably play if you pull it off right. A demon isn't going to be running around in their demon form, or with horns or fel taint or any of that. A guard would see that and kill them. Same with a dragon, they wouldn't be in dragon form. But it can be done, if really, you don't run around saying, "HAI. I'MMA DRAGON." because that'll get guards on you.

With other races, there are race changing objects, sure. As long as you have a really good reason why your naga/wolvar/arrakoa is in the middle of a capital city full of guards...

In the forums here, we're a lot less strict. I mean, we have a dragon, an arakkoa, several Twilight Cultists...

4. Typically, whenever I tame a rare pet, I never say it -is- the rare pet, I say it is related or a child or spouse of the rare. That way, it explains why others have the same "rare" pet. Alien pets could be something you picked up in Outlands. Or maybe someone brought one over for you, smuggling it.

5. As far as I know, hunter pets are tolerated as long as they're kept on a short leash. It's one of those situations where the guards and others probably expect you to keep your devilsaur/raptor/wolf/moth in check. What to make of your pet varies by most people. Some people say they can talk, after association with hunters. Some say through the spirit bond, some say through spirit bond to only their hunter.

6. On the forums here, ask for a quick summary and one of us can help you.

Re: So You Want to Roleplay? A Q/A by Azu

Posted: Wed Jun 22, 2011 8:17 pm
by Jatbirkkal
Honestly, I play my hunter pets about the same way as I play my actual character. They all have backstories, unique personalities, and the occasional odd quirk.

For example, my big blue boss silithid (Named Venemu). Ven came from Un'gorro crater, where he'd been found in the middle of a brawl with another silithid, twice his size. Ven was winning, but then the big one called for help. At this point my hunter hopped in, and together he and Ven managed to get out alive, from which point Venemu has been a loyal hunter pet. Ven also has the odd habit of poking people when he's bored.

As for the "Potentially dangerous" pets, I RP hordeside, and am often in Orgrimmar. Yeah, they don't give a damn when my rhino and I are chilling in the Wyverns Tail :D

And as for Spirit Beasts, at least on Moonguard, so long as you don't get Loque and say he's ACTUALLY Loque, you're good. Same with Skoll. I just say my Skoll (Unoriginally named Loki...) was a worg from Northrend. And that I've no idea why he's repeatedly sparking... or able to turn invisible... or throw bursts of healing green light... :D

On another note, Terrorpene is hilarious in RP at times. I tend to sit him on the little stovetop thingy in the Wyverns Tail, and he'll just be chilling there when someone says "... Umm, is that turtle on fire..?" XD