Skyrim~ (Img Heavy. Expansion is out!)

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Skyrim~ (Img Heavy. Expansion is out!)

Unread post by Chimera »

Just wondering a few things...

Do you pay to play or is it the single payment which is currently when i went to Best Buy yesterday, $60?

How difficult is it to learn the gameplay? Basics and the Skills (Skills looked super confusing in the demo)

Can you play entirely in 3rd person or is it as ive seen so far which keeps going between 1st and 3rd person?

What races can you play?

What main classes are there?

Is there a class that can tame creatures?

If so, is that class exclusive to only a few races? Which races can be this 'hunter'?

Ive already researched that the non-named dragons have infinite and random respawns, that you learn something called dragon shout to take the souls of dragons you kill, how you interact in the game is how NPC's interact with you (something im familiar with from Neverwinter Nights), and the demo's ive watched on the site itself has touched on the basics but it will remain confusing to me until i can actively try it out for myself.

These are only a small amount of the questions i have but i honestly have no idea what they are so they'll probably stem from your comments and answers so feel free to inform me in detail on things in the game :3 i feel like ive barely scratched the surface of the game researching it on Wikipedia and the main sites demo's
Last edited by Chimera on Thu Aug 16, 2012 1:39 pm, edited 4 times in total.

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Re: Soo... Skyrim...

Unread post by cowmuflage »

It's not an online game so it's one payment like a normal game.
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Re: Soo... Skyrim...

Unread post by Chimera »

Sweet :D that was the one thing i was really worried about since i know i'd much prefer to stay with WoW if skyrim was pay to play. Im not one to stray to games that i havent tested in major detail yet that is out of my norm and i know no one in person that has the game to try it on

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Re: Soo... Skyrim...

Unread post by Zuilu »

I'll try to answer these the best I can, though I haven't played to end game since the game was quite boring to me.

1: Single payment as it's a single player game. No monthly fees apply.
2: Combat is extremely easy, even on the hardest mode. However, the professions and talents can become overwhelming.
3: You can change your perspective to 3rd person.
4: High Elf, Argonian, Wood Elf, Breton, Dunmer, Imperial, Khajiit, Nord, Orc, Redguard.
5: Different talents allow you to specialize in different weapons and spells, but the 3 main builds is a warrior, theif(which can also use bows quite well), and a spell caster. You're able to specialize into a ton of different things, though.
6: There is a free addon that allows you to have 'hunter pets', I don't believe any are tameable in the game. I could be wrong on this though.
7: N/A

All in all it's a very large and detailed game. Combat is a breeze, it's more confusing when you get into professions. The questline is alright. It's not a bad game, but something I wouldn't spend 60$ on. I'm also a bit peeved about the difficulty levels, as even on the hardest mode, it's not a difficult game. I actually had the hardest mode turned on when I first started playing and didn't even realize it until I checked.
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Re: Soo... Skyrim...

Unread post by Chimera »

Ahhhk... i looked up the names of the races you mentioned, theres one thats on the website that isnt mentioned there, does anyone know if its a special race you unlock in a certain way via progress or a special event? is it even playable or is it just a GM controlling it? ... wlegal.jpg

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Re: Soo... Skyrim...

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That one's an Argonian, the reptilian looking race, you can play them right from the start. :)
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Re: Soo... Skyrim...

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Ahhha (lol i just realized that was the 2nd listed race, i started googling at race #4 which was Breton XD)

TBH i hate hard games.. like, i hate taking a lifetime to beat up something that doesnt even need to be difficult.. with my life i dont have time for raids cause my stepdads always forcing me to stop what im doing so for this to be single player, easy combat, difficult in specializing in different fields, it will give me something to do but also allow me to play on my own terms.

Specially cause im hoping to find work this year. I dont mind games that come out and never have upgrades either, ive played the same Heroes 3 Complete game for 8-9years now. I cant play it anymore cause Windows 7 is too advanced and it wont run, being a game dating back to 2000 and i cant find a downloadable version on the web but thats a long time to play a game that is almost as old as the internet itself. So long as i enjoy it i'll play till the end of time. Legend of Zelda is definitely also one of those games where i'll love it till the day i die :lol:

I have two tests to study on (both the same thing tho, Savannah Birds but its part 1 + 2) for tuesday so im not going to jump on it right away, i'll sleep on it tonight (been thinking about it for a few days now so its not something ive just in an instant wanted to try out) and mull it over as long as i need to till i feel like i really really want it or not. When i talked to stepdad yesterday about it while at best buy, he was literally ready to whip out his wallet since he doesnt like pay-too-play games and WoW is my only PC game i can play on Windows 7, he was hoping to get it so i wouldnt have to restart my WoW sub (he doesnt know its active, he thinks that i cant concentrate on school and WoW when this entire time ive been proving him wrong and he doesnt even know it). :lol: But i wanted to make absolute sure i'd be interested in the game before either of us bought it.

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Re: Soo... Skyrim...

Unread post by Bonita »

Skyrim does get patches kinda like wow.
I cant play any patch but the first one or my mouse has a spazz fit and makes the game unplayable for me, but my BF went crazy and had fun with the latest patch.
Imo the last time I played it, it wasnt worth the $60.
My redguard's a vampire who cant do the quest to not be one anymore. When I wear a certain helm it makes her completely bald and creepy looking because shes a vamp lol. Horse fell from the sky onto me, my horse walked forward and randomly died, and there was one day where I was naked because my armor wasnt showing up lol.
Thats all just me though. It is a fun game and its really easy to pick up on how to play.

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Re: Soo... Skyrim...

Unread post by cowmuflage »

Hvae they fixed the gliches? I know alot of the patchs have made it worse :lol:
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Re: Soo... Skyrim...

Unread post by zedxrgal »

This is a game I'm very addicted to to be honest. I LOVE Skyrim. It helps to be online with Steam when you play because of yes updates and I've noticed I've never had a problem. If I was offline from Steam I had problems. I am an argonian warrior. She is awesome. I can tell you one thing .............. for me it's hard. I've heard others on master level who the game is "easy" for them but not me. Especially the ancient dragons. Holy crap they stalk me. Seriously. It's bad. :lol: But I cannot speak enough great things about this game.
Some SS's for you.


My spidey senses are tingling. I think there is a dragon near by.

Do I have something in my teeth????

You're sure there's nothing in there?? Get closer and look.



Probably not going to survive this.

Or this

My my what big teeth you have.

I could add way more shots believe me. :lol:
Oh and if you encounter Alduin ......... don't fus ro dah him. Seriously. Was a big mistake. Yes he killed me in less then a breath. Not sure if that was a glitch or not but yeah ....................... he wasted no time.

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Re: Soo... Skyrim...

Unread post by Chimera »

:lol: i bought the game this morning and i got to riverwood, accidently started attacking someone, killed them, got chased into the woods, killed the main quest target i needed to talk to to continue the storyline without knowing it, did the entire questline with the golden claw thingy, found out i fucked myself up, restarted the whole thing cause i was saved over pre-riverwood... been a really annoying day.

Controls are bizzare but ive miraculiously gotten the hang of them mostly, the mouse doesnt move so freakishly fast for my eyes anymore tho it is hard to focus it properly, i gotta play on low graphics with only a couple on medium cause its SOOOOO GLITCHYYY AND LAGGGYYYY if i have em on medium. I too chose Argonian, it was a toss up between them and the cat people but i wanted to go magi so i chose the lizard race and named my char Loel'var which is elvish for Crocodile :lol: ive been going really slow so i havent encountered any dragons besides the very first one we meet but im excited and scared cause im still not entirely able to free hand follow my enemies movements via ensuring my spells are HITTING them and that im actually in range to begin with, its hard to have to depend on the keyboard for absolutely everything when i kinda need my right hand to move my characters view so she can turn side to side if the enemy is bouncing around.

Im also pissed at them for making that golden claw place an area with undead. Going through it twice over has completely killed me, im terrified of undead and while they look pretty game-y, they are a lot more detailed then WoW undead, and they act a lot more freely so the unpredictability of what they're gonna do freaks me out.

All in all however i am happy with the game, im playing on Novice and its really difficult for me but im never one to be able to pick up a game and play it expertly within a day, its gonna take me a very long time to feel completely comfortable with the controls.

Also, how do you take screenies of yourself? I cant see my face :<

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Re: Soo... Skyrim...

Unread post by Bonita »

Make sure youre zoomed out, dont have your weapon out, then rotate your camera with your mouse :)

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Re: Soo... Skyrim...

Unread post by Chimera »

Ok, i got a couple screenies, where do i find them to upload them o.O

edit: Yey someone on magistream told me how


That town scene reminded me of when Aragorn, Gimly, and Legolas were approaching the town of Rohan in the movie, the butterfly floated into my screen while i was taking a screenshot which was a surprise but pretty XD

Yey i killed my first dragon


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Re: Soo... Skyrim...

Unread post by zedxrgal »

Oh you're going to get hooked! :lol:

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Re: Soo... Skyrim...

Unread post by Chimera »

I got beat up by this hella biatch troll a few times cause my huscarl or whatever she is was way too far away (i love sprint.. the horse i stole ran away when i was fighting a small pack of wolves) but i used a scroll and fireballed him like a motha facka' Image On the way to meet the Graybeards i got pwned by a ice one and it reverted me to i guess it was the last autosave so i tried again, making sure my huscarl was with me cause i kinda sprinted past the troll before he jumped off the ledge and her bow does fak all.. he beat me into a pulp tho cause my magic isnt strong enough. Image They're supposed to be weak to fire! Image

So i wielded the nordic sword of cold or whatever i got from the big and nasty dragul i fought in the room i learned... Fus was it? and we sliced n diced the bastard up. Learned Ro at the temple which is AWESOME! *zoom zoom zoom* Image and im sitting in Whiterun to move on to the next area.

But i need to study really hard today for my tests tomorrow, i can remember most of the answers to the questions by memory but hard ones like what a lesser flamingo eats in the zoo and a few other ones strewn throughout the test are a little fizzled in my brain (i remember most of the huge grocery list the flamingos eat but not all and i need to specify everything). So no Skyrim or at least very little of it Image. I may play a little of it after reading over the notes a few times over to let it process.

Cant wait to play again tho Image

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Re: Soo... Skyrim... (I has it! Img Heavy)

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Argonian's look werid with boobs :lol: Allways found that odd.
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Re: Soo... Skyrim... (I has it! Img Heavy)

Unread post by Chimera »

:lol: i dun really see anything wrong with em, tho now im tempted to look at Khajits to see if their bust looks weird since they're animal-created-upright too (cant remember the term for that conversion ><)

edit: Also, is there a way to stop having the game crash constantly when your trying to tab in? I pause the game by hitting Escape and then i tab out and most often then not when i try to re-enter it crashes and if i didnt save before i tabbed then i restart where the last save was

and when do i get a horse that doesnt run away ;^; i love the running but i had a gorgeous black stallion ad the bastard trotted back to whiterun after i was done with wolves, 'course he was stolen but still, i rather like that evil shadow horse you have zed XD

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Re: Soo... Skyrim... (I has it! Img Heavy)

Unread post by Bonita »

You get the shadow horse zed has when you do the Darkbother hood quests.
You can get a free horse named Frost from a quest line in Riften.

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Re: Soo... Skyrim... (I has it! Img Heavy)

Unread post by cowmuflage »

The tabing issue is proberly just becouse of the type of game it is. Alot of games have proberlems when you tab out and the better the grapihics a games got the less they like you when you tab out :lol:

It's useally best not to do that XD
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Re: Soo... Skyrim... (I has it! Img Heavy)

Unread post by Chimera »

Yeeeey i'll have to look into the dark brotherhood as soon as i can find them :D

Ahhhk, until i finish school i dont want stepdad to know i went ahead and bought it so everytime he comes in my room i gotta tab out >.>;; because he was willing to get it for me im probably doing it out of paranoia but i dont want him chastising me for playing games rather then studying for tests even tho ive aced most of them and nearly aced only a couple of em despite spending like 7-8 hours logged into WoW since november :lol:

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