Rest in Peace My Friend

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Rest in Peace My Friend

Post by Karma »

So, this is a tame story, and a story about a real pet--my 16 year old husky who I held today, looking in his eyes, one bright blue and one soft brown, as he left this world.

I had to stay away from home last night due to an ice storm, and left my husky here on the farm with my dad coming to check him. He had his own private porch with a big blankets, but I knew when I left yesterday that he was not feeling well. And when I got home today? He whimpered at me, whined, and would not eat. Then, he could not see and had a seizure. I wrapped him in a blanket and made the longest drive to the vet's office--a drive that I knew would be our last together. He was dying, and in pain, and scared. But when I lifted him into the Jeep beside me, he lay down and rested, trusting me to take care of him until the end. I had promised myself he would not suffer just to make me feel better and keep him with me. I honored his life too much to not help him go with dignity.

Now, don't laugh at his name. He earned it: Doofus. Not because he was not smart, or beautiful, but because he grinned all the time and loved to be goofy. He guarded me and loved me with a fierce devotion. I felt the same about him. Our farm is on a river, and if I got in my kayak or canoe, he would run the banks and howl at me. Then, when he could he would launch himself into the river to swim to me. He would lose me, and howl until he found me. He loved to take walks and sit beside me on the grass--or actually sit ON me more like it.

I held him today and told him stories as he left this life. He went peacefully and I never took my eyes off his. I wrapped him, carried him to the Jeep and drove him home. We buried him on a hill overlooking the river he loved.

And, what does this have to do with my wow taming? The pet I have most wanted in the game was a ghost wolf. Not Skoll, though I love him. Getting Ghost Crawler last night, and Sambas this morning, were great, but for two years I have so wanted a ghost wolf. So tonight as I mourned, I set out to tame Karoma.

Harley, another petopian, told me when he tamed him last night and came to keep me company. My gaming partner, Drigo, came and rode shotgun on my rocket with me. For the first time, I actually camped a rare and flew circles in the Highlands for two hours or so, mining and remembering. I wanted the wolf in honor of Doofus. Harley led me through setting up npc scan--many thanks to him for his company and information. After two hours, I had to get ready for bed. Harley left, I left, then came back, and I told Drigo--let's make one more round before I go to sleep. And many thanks to Drigo for always being patient as I obsess over my pets, real and pixelated.

And just as we hit the air, the npc scan goes off. I can't find Karoma, but then do see him--dismount us both midair and hit the ground taming. And when the tame went through I cried. I know these are just pixels. I really do. But this wolf is a tribute to Doofus, a good dog, a grand dog. I will name the wolf tomorrow in his memory.

So, this tame is for you Doof. I will miss you, Old Man. Rest in peace my good friend.

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Re: Rest in Peace My Friend

Post by Recoil »

Congrats on your tame, Karma. Well deserved. Just because it's pixelated doesn't mean they can't have real meaning to them. Truly a touching story.. :( You have my sympathy.
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Re: Rest in Peace My Friend

Post by Mychelle »

Honestly, I have near to the exact same story when it comes to this pet. So your not alone.

When I was growing up, my absolute best friend in the entire world was my Labrador / Rottie mix. I raised him since he could fit in my hand, and he was the most loveable animal I had ever owned up to that point. He was one of those dogs that didnt need a leash, he'd happily walk by my side. So close infact he'd every once in awhile almost tip me over from bumping into my legs while we walked together. His name was Romeo.

Due to a very sad series of events that I wont go into really to save space/room, I lost my friend. Speed up time by a few years, I was playing WoW, in BC, and heard of a tame for a rare wolf that involved a shaman's hero, ect ect to get. (The original very hard to tame wolves that had this exact same skin as Karoma.) At the time my main was a Druid, and I thought...I have to roll a Hunter, I have to get it to 70, and the very thing Im going to do is get that pet and name in Romeo. The plan was perfect.

I got my Hunter to 70, got my whole team together to go get the rare....only to find out, not even a WEEK earlier, they'd made it untameable in every sort of way possible. I was pretty heartbroken. I winced every single time I saw some hunter roll past with the pet.

Years past, and my druid was left alone in terms of my Hunter becoming my main. And still it hurt to see hunters with this pet. (YES it does sound silly but its the truth!) and then finally, right before Cata comes out...I hear about this wolf, Karoma. It was my 2nd chance!

I absolutely RUSHED to 85 just for this sole reason. I hit 85, and I started my camp. (Ending up catching Sambas by accident while looking for Karoma!) Days past, a tragic instance where a Paladin had to spew out to everyone where he was, and I was in totally the wrong to see someone else tame him, almost cried. lol.

And then I finally found'em. Was so happy when my tame went off. Soon as I got done making my screenshot I named him Romeo, just like my plan has been for the last...well hell, almost four years now.

To anyone else this 'prolly does sound rather silly! But I did want you to know that there is other hunters that share your exact same sentiment, and applaud you for it. <3
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Re: Rest in Peace My Friend

Post by Setanta »

That's a wonderful story, and a great tribute. Since the Shattering, I went to the Ruins of Gilneas and named one of the color changing mastiffs and named it Bear in honor of my Shepherd/Collie/Keeshound mix who left us in the spring of 2008, and later on tamed The Lost Hunter and named it Ciani in honor of my American Eskimo who left us in the fall of 2009. We were blessed to have both dogs for 14 and 15 years respectively, and there isn't a day that goes by where I don't catch myself still doing things that I would do when they were with us.

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Re: Rest in Peace My Friend

Post by TygerDarkstorm »

I cried reading your story; may poor old Doofus rest in peace indeed. I'm glad to see you're honoring his memory and love through Karoma. A truly touching tale! :hug:

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Re: Rest in Peace My Friend

Post by Karma »

Thanks so much for sharing this--makes me feel better knowing somebody else loves this wolf and tamed him in honor of a real pet. Same with me in wanting him--I was just a week away from getting him when he became untameable. When I saw Karoma, I knew the was the most important pet to me in the expansion.

He is even more important now.

*pets Romeo* And you gave yours a grand name, too.

Some day I am going to look into just how emotionally attached I get to my hunter pets, and how it may be just a game, and a game I just came back to after a long time away--but it does MEAN something to me.

Can you imagine running through Org with a gorgeous spirit wolf named, um, Doofus? Maybe will name him Memorial, or RIP. Not sure. Ideas anybody?
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Re: Rest in Peace My Friend

Post by TygerDarkstorm »

I would name him Doofus, and if anyone asks why or complains, just tell them he's named after your real life dog who passed away. Or if you don't wish to do that, I like the sound of Memorial or even just Memory. ^_^

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Lord Godfrey wrote:Some people only want to watch the world burn. Others want to be the ones responsible for burning it...
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Re: Rest in Peace My Friend

Post by Mychelle »

You HAVE to keep him named Doofus. Have to! I mean heck, Im sure I am going to get questions as to exactly why mine is named Romeo. =P It doesnt matter what anyone else thinks!
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Re: Rest in Peace My Friend

Post by Karma »

Agreed--he will be Doofus, and he does have a silly grin. That bouncy gait and big grin are what make me love the old world wolf model, and it does look like Doofus in full lope getting his grin on. And thanks all for sharing stories about wow pets that are in honor of RL pets.
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Re: Rest in Peace My Friend

Post by Rainz »

What a heart warming and touching story, thanks for sharing it with us and grats on the tame, I've grown up with dogs so I know what it's like to lose one after you've spent what feels like a life time with it.
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Re: Rest in Peace My Friend

Post by Icharia »

Very touching, I will admit to crying. Such a sweet tribute, I'm glad it was meant to be and you were able to tame Doofus in spirit. To be able to run with his spirit and have that tribute every time you bring him out, must be very comforting. I've never owned a dog, but I have all of the horde snake pets on my druid and they're all named after snakes I have owned in the past. The prairie dog is also a stand in for my first pet ever, a gerbil :)

Also, because I've seen so many of your pictures, I just have to mention that Karma is so adorable that I will be rolling a goblin female in the future.
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Re: Rest in Peace My Friend

Post by Celi »

That's lovely :hug: They always stay with us.

I have a similar one with the mastiff in EPL. I had an English Mastiff Grace, who we rescued from a puppy mill when she was five years old and had had god only knows how many pups. She was put down last year at a grand old age of 15. So when I saw the mastiffs coming in, I knew I had to tame one and name it Grace. I intended to have her as my main pet for leveling and solo but she kept dying and I got upset every time. So she's now guarding her companions in the stable while trusting my now faithful Pyralis the lava turtle to look after me.

I also had to tame Aotona and name her Rosie after the galah I've had for 14 years now. And when I get Karoma, I plan to name him Cloud after my beloved blue merle border collie Cloud (On Cloud Nine is his show name).
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Re: Rest in Peace My Friend

Post by Karma »

Icharia wrote:I've never owned a dog, but I have all of the horde snake pets on my druid and they're all named after snakes I have owned in the past. The prairie dog is also a stand in for my first pet ever, a gerbil :)

Also, because I've seen so many of your pictures, I just have to mention that Karma is so adorable that I will be rolling a goblin female in the future.
Oh, the prairie dog just does not get enough love. And about the snakes? Have you noticed how much more detailed the models are now? Lovely things now. And thank you, after going goblin my whole game demeanor has changed. Wish I had transferred to an RP server, just because I seem to always be in character while on Karma. Roll Goblin!
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Re: Rest in Peace My Friend

Post by Karma »

Celi wrote: I intended to have her as my main pet for leveling and solo but she kept dying and I got upset every time. So she's now guarding her companions in the stable while trusting my now faithful Pyralis the lava turtle to look after me.

I also had to tame Aotona and name her Rosie after the galah I've had for 14 years now. And when I get Karoma, I plan to name him Cloud after my beloved blue merle border collie Cloud (On Cloud Nine is his show name).
I am sure the stable crew is glad to have a mastiff on patrol. And hearing all the connections between our pets, virtual and otherwise, makes my day.
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Re: Rest in Peace My Friend

Post by Harley »

Grats on your tame!!! My timing was way off but told you that he was yours, lol.
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Re: Rest in Peace My Friend

Post by Ade »

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Re: Rest in Peace My Friend

Post by Karma »

Harley wrote:Grats on your tame!!! My timing was way off but told you that he was yours, lol.
Well, Harley, I attribue this tame to you and your hand holding with me last night. And yes, npc scan scared the crap out of me :}
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Re: Rest in Peace My Friend

Post by Thalin »

Had to stop reading, lump in throat as I pet my old pug next to me. I will fall apart when his day comes. :( So sorry for your loss.
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Re: Rest in Peace My Friend

Post by Makoes »

I do something very similar, but in my Pokemon game. I have a special game that holds all of my pets of the past. Except for my last Cat Angel, a black fluffy cat for which there is no pokemon to match, and so, on Petiopian, I have found the Pridelord and Named Him AngelBoy. It is never easy to loose a member of the family, whether they walk on tow legs or four, feathers/fur or hair. They become such a big part in our lives, and thier passing cuts deep.

My Heart goes out for you :hug:


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Re: Rest in Peace My Friend

Post by Aweena »

This almost made me cry its a very touching story of your Doofus it goes straight to heart am glad you can at least honour him with a long wanted pet

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