Petopian Dungeons & Dragons Group!

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Petopian Dungeons & Dragons Group!

Unread post by Moonlost »

Next D&D Session:
Sunday the 1st of May
8:00 EST

This is the forum topic for the upcoming D&D sessions, with an open invitation to any forumites willing to kick back once every week or so and have a little roleplaying fun. (Within reason, alas it's a little hard to play D&D with too many people. But if that becomes a problem we can always start up a second group.)

We're using Skype for Voice Chat
And MapTool for our Virtual Tabletop (Build 1.3.b82)
We're still looking into other programs we may need to use.

If you are interested in any fashion, please answer these few short questions within this topic:

1) Have you had any experience playing Dunegons and Dragons in the past? How about roleplaying in general?
2) What day/s of the week are available to you (Considering a session can last anywhere from 2-6 hours typically)?
3) Likewise, what time of that day are you available for? (Please include Timezone details)
4) Do you have access to a Microphone?

Basic Campaign Setting Details and a Map for my campaign setting are attached. If you'd like to listen in, PM me for my Skype name and for Maptool details. :3
EDIT: Added the updated Lore info.
Alterra Map.jpg
Alterra Map.jpg (294.81 KiB) Viewed 27129 times
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Last edited by Moonlost on Fri Apr 22, 2011 4:19 pm, edited 24 times in total.


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Re: Petopian D&D Group?

Unread post by Tudyk »

1) Played DnD a couple years in college, and that's about the extent of my roleplaying experience.
2) Unemployed and mostly nocturnal, whenever's clever.
3) I'm east coast, but see #2.
4) Yup.

Thanks to Pengupuff for the sig!

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Re: Petopian D&D Group?

Unread post by Senna-Umbreon »

Ooooooooh, I kinda like this idea!

1) Never played it, but.. Hey, why not! It could be fun to try it out. And yus, I've roleplayed before, as many already know XP
2) Just about any, unless I'm doing something. Homeschooling/Unschooling ftw! XD
3) Buhhhh.... ..... I don't think timezone would help on this matter.. I have my own schedule that has nothing to do with any timezone. So that could be fairly troublesome.
4) I believe I do... Well, I have a headset that I've used for vent! But that thing hurts my head, so I may just end up getting a new one. Hm.
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Re: Petopian D&D Group?

Unread post by Lupis »

1. I haven't played it, nor really understood how to play... However, I've roleplayed quite a bit, both on forums and in game.
2. I'm typically available on weekends and on Friday.
3. I'm available...
Friday: 4PM to 12AM (midnight), Eastern Time.
Saturday: 12AM to 12PM
Sunday:12AM to 10PM
Note - on all those days I'll have times when I have to step away from the computer for a couple seconds to an hour, depending. 'Tis the faults of... life. xD Plus, depending on it I'll be visiting a friend or not, I may simply not be on for some of the day sometimes.
4. Yes, I do.

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Re: Petopian D&D Group?

Unread post by Redith »

1. Played DnD ALOT. Its been all 3.5
2. I have no life ATM
3. see number 2
4. yes I have a headset. A must
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Re: Petopian D&D Group?

Unread post by BrickWall »

Moonlost's brother again.
Moon's asked ... told me to post here letting you guys know I'll be here too. Helping to set this up ... if it does happen. Fingers crossed!
For those of you who have never played 4th Edition Dungeons and Dragons ... well I do have some bad news, you are going to need the books.

What you guys are still here?!

And now the good news. I have nearly all of them. On pdf's at least and I'll set up something so you all can download them or at least the ones you'll need.
I'll also be helping with making characters up. So dont feel too daunted when you check the players out and find it has 20 pages for just what your class has.

Keep in mind you wont need to worry about this until we do get started

oh the questionaire ...

1. I've got ALOT of DnD experience and am decently familiar with 4th
2 & 3. I dont work. Pension. So I get a lot of free time. I'll be co-ordinating with Moon since she lives with me and look she's right over there, across the room, Hi Moon *Waves* :P
4. Yes I have a headset. Nice one too.
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Re: Petopian D&D Group?

Unread post by Moonlost »

Good stuff, we have more than enough to get a decent group together already, assuming everyone is able to make it. :)

So, I'm going to go ahead and set up a date and time for our first meet up. Please note, we will probably NOT be playing this session. Most of the time spent will be used making characters, going over the rules of 4th Edition, learning the software we'll be using and generally getting to know each other.

Let me know if this time is unsuitable for whatever reason, we can work out something that will. :)

First D&D Session:
29th of January, 2011

We're still looking at what programs we'll be using for our Virtual Tabletop and for Voice Chat, I'll be posting links to the programs when I'm done and I'll give out specific info (if necessary) over PM.

Oh, warning ahead of time: Brick and I have Australian accents. Not the thick accent you probably accociate with us Aussies, but it's still noticable.


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Re: Petopian D&D Group!

Unread post by Saturo »

Aww... That means 01:00 to roughly 07:00 for me. Eh, probaby for the best, no mic. xD Posting the list anyway.

1) I have some experience, yes.
2) Pretty much anytime, I don't really sleep. ^^
3) I'm in Sweden. Available pretty much all the time though.
4) No.

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Re: Petopian D&D Group!

Unread post by Moonlost »

Aww. D:
If we get enough European interest, we could set up a second group at a different time.
And honestly, it's gonna be a bit strange for Brick and myself too. Not nearly as bad, as it's about 9 in the morning for us, but still. Early morning D&D! A perfect way to start your day. :P
... Or end it, considering our screwed up sleeping patterns. >.>

And we've figured out our two basic Programs:

Skype for Voice Chat
MapTool for our Virtual Tabletop (Build 1.3.b82)
I believe you need to download and install Java to use Maptools.


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Re: Petopian Dungeons & Dragons Group!

Unread post by Senna-Umbreon »

Okay, I suck. Cause now.. As much as D&D does sound like fun, something tells me I'd never be able to keep on the right sleeping schedule to be able to do it.. Sooo... I guess I'm gonna drop out D: *Flails* Stinkin' nocturnal habits of mine... *Grumbles*
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Re: Petopian Dungeons & Dragons Group!

Unread post by Moonlost »

At least come to the first game and say hi? It's okay if you come in late to a session or miss out on a day or two and the times for our games aren't really set in stone. We can work something out!
I just don't want you to miss out on the fun entirely. :(

(Also, I'm wondering how people feel about recording our D&D sessions and posting them back into this thread. Could be useful for keeping track of plot.)


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Re: Petopian Dungeons & Dragons Group!

Unread post by Senna-Umbreon »

Heh, I could try.

Thing is, though.. I'm almost worried that I might end up failing at coming up with a character or something. Cause, knowing me, it'll either be really similar to one of my Pokemon characters, or it'll be really stinkin' hard to me to RP. Grr.
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Re: Petopian Dungeons & Dragons Group!

Unread post by Moonlost »

Hah, well don't worry at all about that. :D
How to explain... D&D isn't really as roleplaying intensive as you would believe. Sure, it plays it's part, but there's nothing wrong with just playing a bare bones sort of character. Think of the typical D&D game as playing on a PVE server, but with a little RP thrown in there for good measure. It can be played more strictly, but I don't believe that's really fun for everyone.
That's not to say you can't or shouldn't come up with an elaborate backstory and personality for your character, feel free to go ahead and do that. With the overarching campaign I'm thinking of running, there will be plenty of moments moments to let your character shine.
Or you could start off basic and let your character develop as the campain progresses, make their history as you become familiar with the campaign setting and how D&D works. :)

If you want to check out a game session to kinda get an idea of what it's like, then have a look-see at this video. And skip to about the 30 minute mark, everything before that is random dithering by the players. XD
EDIT: Actually, Wyrmwick isn't too interesting to start with. You'll probably get confused listening along too. Try this game instead, even though it's in the middle of their little campaign, it'll be easier to follow. That, and Spoony is a fantastic DM.
Also, this for laughs.


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Re: Petopian Dungeons & Dragons Group!

Unread post by Tudyk »

If you're shy because of the role-playing aspect, don't let it hold you back! I was/am BAD at creating any sort of backstory, and our would-be GM told me just to pick a char that I would have fun playing. My chars' stories never did get all that developed (certainly not compared to others in the group), but it's pretty much impossible for them to not flesh out at least a little, just in the process of running around causing trouble. =D

For me, anyways, it was a lot like playing on an RP server. There would be people around who knew a lot more about their characters than I knew about mine, but as long as I made sure the things I was saying came from HER point of view it was never an issue.

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Re: Petopian Dungeons & Dragons Group!

Unread post by Lupis »

ARgh. I may or may not be able to get through all the info before tomorrow's game- lots of homework lately. :-( Hadn't had time to get into the reading enough.

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Re: Petopian Dungeons & Dragons Group!

Unread post by BrickWall »

Well Senna-Umbreon the basic thing that we're trying to do here is have a fun time. No one will be judging at the end of the day with how well or how badly you role play. If you want a character similar to one of you pokemon, go for it. I'll consider it a roaring success if at the end of the day we can say 'Well that was great. Cant wait for next time!"

As for how 4th edition works ... well it's basically set into two halfs. Roleplay and Combat (Keep in mind these are very braod generalisations) Roleplay parts are just like in the forums but in first person ... although I do end up refering to my characters in the third person. Combat however is a bit more like a board game. With rules for what you can and cant do but there is still a lot of vairity with this too.

I'll finish with what I say to all first timers to Dungeons and Dragons.
"Give it a try. If at the end you find that you dont like it, then thats fine. Not everybody has the same likes and dislikes."
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Re: Petopian Dungeons & Dragons Group!

Unread post by Moonlost »

That's fine Lupis, I'm mostly supplying the books so that you have them on hand for the day. :) And Homework/RL over a silly tabletop game any day.
We'll be going though the whole game step by step on saturday, so it's no issue.
BrickWall wrote:Well Senna-Umbreon the basic thing that we're trying to do here is have a fun time. No one will be judging at the end of the day with how well or how badly you role play. If you want a character similar to one of you pokemon, go for it. I'll consider it a roaring success if at the end of the day we can say 'Well that was great. Cant wait for next time!"


I'll finish with what I say to all first timers to Dungeons and Dragons.
"Give it a try. If at the end you find that you dont like it, then thats fine. Not everybody has the same likes and dislikes."
THIS. Very much this. Well put brother. :)
Last edited by Moonlost on Thu Jan 27, 2011 9:39 pm, edited 1 time in total.


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Re: Petopian Dungeons & Dragons Group!

Unread post by Lupis »

Ah, okay, cool.
Stupid school. -.-
Spanish vocab tests are annoying.

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Re: Petopian Dungeons & Dragons Group!

Unread post by BrickWall »

That's ok Lupis. There are a LOT of books for 4th and thats not getting into the optional extra books ... I'll stop here before I get too carried away.

All that both me and Moonlost want is for you guys to have the books you'll need handy (about 3). Refering back to them does happen a lot in combat.
There is a lot in the books to read up on. but you wont need to know all of it (I still need to look back in the books for details about what I'm trying to get away with). Just the parts that apply to your character at this time ... about 5% of the book in question

If you have Foxit reader then you can make your own bookmarks in the pdfs. I find it comes in handy. You can get it here ... _Setup.exe

There wont be much happening in the first session. Just a bit of a 'get to know you' and making some characters up (We'll make this a easy and painless as possible ... if fact think up a WoW toon you'd like to play they're not too hard to recreate in 4th ed) and hopefully a quick starting off adventure (Along the lines of 'Help there are rats in the basement ... Giant fire breathing rats')

Hmm looking back at that then maybe there is a bit happening in the first session.

We'll walk you through all this step by step. The way each character works is the same but with different flavouring ... Mmmm cookies and cream DnD ...
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Re: Petopian Dungeons & Dragons Group!

Unread post by Moonlost »

So, the session hopefully starts in less than half an hour. I'm won't be lying if I say that I'm a little nervous. It's been a while since I last DMed a session, I don't want to disappoint with a weak campaign. But I hope the idea I have will be a fun and exciting time for all. :)

I have an open invitation to whoever just wants to come in and listen along, PM me for my Skype Details and/or the Maptool Server info.

And I hope everyone who comes along has a fun time. Today may be a little slow as we catch everyone up on the fourth edition rules, but hopefully some laughs will be had and people will genuinely enjoy themselves. :)


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