The Lucky Number 7 (Update: Wow!)

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The Lucky Number 7 (Update: Wow!)

Unread post by Aryenna »

Back again with another spirit beast story!

Back when WotLK came out, I had a low level hunter that I swore to level up because a special beast had claimed my heart just with his picture. I just HAD to have him. Well, my first hunter and I parted ways in an unfortunate twist of events, but I made a new one. Even with the new hunter, Loque'nahak was a must-have for me.

After hitting 76 on Friday, I immediately zoomed over to the Basin and flew in some circles, but there were four other hunters there already. Disappointment and sadness replaced hope; a weekend surely wasn't a very good time to get Loque. For a majority of Saturday, I played on my druid and occasionally looked to see who was in Sholazar. Still busy. But, for some reason, something kept pushing me back to his areas and numerous circles. NPCscan had him cached already and I was much too lazy to clear it, figuring I'd spot him roaming around easily.

After hours of running into trees, cliffs, and even a rhino or two, I finally decided I'd do one more circle and call it a night.

Lo and behold, I'm flying over a spawn point of his when I see a flash of white. Surely my eyes were playing tricks on me. A double-take and a frantic click and then my heart was pounding. Yep, it was the majestic Loque'nahak, pacing agitatedly with his tail waving as if he were mad that I was about to give up for another night. I dropped off my mount and landed on a dreadsaber. Dang! I quickly call out Arktos and we take care of the cat, only to have another one join in! Grr! Keeping a nervous eye on Loque, Arktos and I fight our way to him. Dismissing Ark, I quickly search for my frost trap and tame. And then... whoosh. Loque shrinks and runs to my side. He's finally mine.

About 7 hours exactly put into searching for him. Seven's my lucky number!

Edit: Pics!


And I woke up and was flying around the Basin when I ran into a new friend... and then I couldn't help but nab him.


Immediately after that, I flew off to see if there were any more rares floating around. No Arc, but I did manage to find Gondria and rehomed her to a fellow guildie (which is why I was in Zul'Drak at the time)! :D
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