Rant Thread

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Re: Rant Thread

Unread post by Novikova »

On what fucking planet is it remotely okay to beg me to use my laptop for an emergency e-mail from work then sit on it for OVER AN HOUR on youtube and facebook while badgering my roommate, ignoring my attempts to keep dinner warm (since that's when she wandered in) and get annoyed when I start hinting it's time to go? I try polite. I tried. But for the love of little green apples! Now a bunch of people are mad at me, a friend lost skitterflame and I've got cold dinner. :|

Oh and excellent job asking my roommate about his divorce then trying to sit on his stuff. I do not know if her claims of Aspberger's are true or not, but I would think even someone with Aspberger's would realize it's NOT okay to use someone's stuff without asking if it's okay. Or y'know, saying one thing or doing another.
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Re: Rant Thread

Unread post by cowmuflage »

Oh god I started playing Neopets agian O.o I'm 20 fucking years old what the fucks wrong with me?
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Re: Rant Thread

Unread post by Aeladrine »

Raaaaaargh, nail polish should dry faster. Also, I don't know if I like this colour or not. :1
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Re: Rant Thread

Unread post by Vephriel »

Hold your hands in ice water and it makes them dry super fast. I do that when I'm in a rush.
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Re: Rant Thread

Unread post by Aeladrine »

Woah, really? Thanks!(:

On topic: fhjhdjsfhskfhdsk why is there no cough syrup in this houuuuuuse

Really? REALLY? How does this even happen? :1 How does my nail polish suddenly decide that the plastic top will come off but the actual top won't? FFFFFF I NEED THIS TOP COAT, PLS.

Double edit: Woah, write this in here and suddenly it works again. MAGIC.
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Re: Rant Thread

Unread post by Lotusii »

I think i spend to much time on the League of Legends forum. I feel like it's making me more bitter and socially inept than I already am. It's full of so much trolling and whining. I hate it... But I also love it. Also why don't people know that killing the nexus and pushing turrets are how you win? Sure you may have a kill/death/assist ratio of 30/5/25 but if you lose all your turrets and nexus guess what? YOU STILL LOSE. I mainly play support and ranged carries, I can't always take them all myself because your e-peen needs to get that fiftieth kill. Stop being a jerk and help the team win.

Let me see, you know what else... Stop trolling and making smurf accounts too! If you want to help your friends who are new learn or something, whatever. That's cool. I've only played for a few weeks, there is no way I am going to win against some team of jerks who queue together who play at a super high level who want to be jerks and roflstomp some new players. I'm fine with losing, but when I have smurfs and or trolls feeding/afking/leaving all the time you get kinda pissed.
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Re: Rant Thread

Unread post by Makoes »

Fruitflies!! They are invading my house!!! Everywhere there are fruitflies!!!! Die you little buggers die!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

(@cow, I am 25 and I still play neopets, user Charfire. :) )


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Re: Rant Thread

Unread post by cowmuflage »

People who think theres no such thing as male sexism. Being sexest to a man is just as bad as being sexist to a woman.
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Re: Rant Thread

Unread post by Azunara »

Dear Teacher,

Hi. I emailed you the assignment that was due last week when it was due. You just now tell me that I did it too short (You said a paragraph or two, dammit, which is what I put.) and only tell me -now- I've done it wrong. And it's due today.

So this entire week, what the hell have you been doing, huh?
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Re: Rant Thread

Unread post by Golden »

Makoes wrote:Fruitflies!! They are invading my house!!! Everywhere there are fruitflies!!!! Die you little buggers die!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Mix some vinegar, water and a bit of soap in a glass and leave it on a table - they will be attracted to the vinegar, but due to the soap they won't be able to get out, causing them to drown. Heard this couple of years ago and trying it myself, it worked perfectly. <3
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Re: Rant Thread

Unread post by Gimlion »

Golden wrote:
Makoes wrote:Fruitflies!! They are invading my house!!! Everywhere there are fruitflies!!!! Die you little buggers die!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Mix some vinegar, water and a bit of soap in a glass and leave it on a table - they will be attracted to the vinegar, but due to the soap they won't be able to get out, causing them to drown. Heard this couple of years ago and trying it myself, it worked perfectly. <3
Another thing. My house used to be majorly contaminated with these little bastards. We discovered they were living in the drains, after entering our house through a bunch of bananas. They would swarm our fruits, flowers, hair, everything, and were extremely annoying, but when we sprayed these places, they still came back, until my noticed they were swarming our Kitchen sink. She then poured bleach down every drain in our house, sinks, toilets, showers, all of them. We've never had fruitflies since, b/c every year my mom does this at the first sign of them.


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Re: Rant Thread

Unread post by Nubhorns »

cowmuflage wrote:People who think theres no such thing as male sexism. Being sexest to a man is just as bad as being sexist to a woman.
This this this this.

On a related topic, people who think feminism means 'women being greater than men'. Way to completely miss the point, people. We're fighting for equality, not superiority. Don't treat men like shit under the guise of 'wanting to be equal'.

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Re: Rant Thread

Unread post by Silivren »

Nubhorns wrote:
cowmuflage wrote:People who think theres no such thing as male sexism. Being sexest to a man is just as bad as being sexist to a woman.
This this this this.

On a related topic, people who think feminism means 'women being greater than men'. Way to completely miss the point, people. We're fighting for equality, not superiority. Don't treat men like shit under the guise of 'wanting to be equal'.

On that note "Kitchen Jokes" as in "Go make me a sammich woman in the kitchen where you belong!" - Call me a bitch for getting tired of it but how do you expect me to react I dont tell you to go the garage to fix my car now do I?


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Re: Rant Thread

Unread post by Nubhorns »

Vulpixen wrote:
Nubhorns wrote:
cowmuflage wrote:People who think theres no such thing as male sexism. Being sexest to a man is just as bad as being sexist to a woman.
This this this this.

On a related topic, people who think feminism means 'women being greater than men'. Way to completely miss the point, people. We're fighting for equality, not superiority. Don't treat men like shit under the guise of 'wanting to be equal'.

On that note "Kitchen Jokes" as in "Go make me a sammich woman in the kitchen where you belong!" - Call me a bitch for getting tired of it but how do you expect me to react I dont tell you to go the garage to fix my car now do I?
My friends/boyfriend know I'm very lax about kitchen jokes - I make a lot of them at my own expense, actually - so I'm quite used to them, since I'm always willing to laugh at myself for whatever reason(even if it's not a very good one). But I can completely understand. It's a little annoying when a stranger starts cracking them just because - you have no idea how I'm going to react to them and it's just rude. :/

Completely unrelated, I don't get why it's perfectly acceptable and no big deal for my family to spend $80 on a fancy dinner or $40 on a game my brother asked for once and then threatened to cry over, but $20 for Street Fighter or that damned collar* is totally out of the question. I realize it boils down to managing money, but they know how badly I want these things and that I've been doing chores all week to make up for it and commissions to help pay it back off and it's just dfnkfgbsdjdf.

*I can't pick yet. Really like #1 and #6 though.

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Re: Rant Thread

Unread post by Lotusii »

I'm tired of my roommate saying he wants to kill himself. He says he's in pain constantly and I know he is, he's got spine problems, something is wrong with his ribs and he's been having nosebleeds every day, sometimes even in his sleep but he won't go to, or let me take him to the doctor. It kind of freaks me out when I go to get him for breakfast/lunch/dinner/whatever and he's sleeping in his own blood or just woke up and there's blood all over the place.

On a side note, I am going to have to agree with being sick of people saying you can't be sexist towards men. I'm also sick of the "Go back to the kitchen/why is there a computer in the kitchen/make me a sandwich/no girls on the internet/no girls play games jokes. I laughed at them for a while, but they got real old, real fast. I'm irritated at girl games who make other girl gamers look bad by acting like the stereotype for girl gamers. "Look at me!!! I have breasts!!! Can you treat me speshul because I am a speshul snowflake because I play games tee hee!" NO. Stop that. STOP THAT SHIT RIGHT NOW. You're making ALL FEMALE GAMERS LOOK BAD. I don't care about what race/gender/religion/sexual orientation or whatever else you are, I only care if you're not a jerk and if you know how to play.
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Re: Rant Thread

Unread post by AdamSavage »

I seen a dead Kitty on the grass beside the road, it looked like he got ran over. Poor cat.
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Re: Rant Thread

Unread post by Nubhorns »

WoW errored out and crashed right after I logged in, so I waited a bit and ran it as administrator to see if I could fix the issue(since that normally works for me).

I can log in fine, but now the realms are all down for maintenance. I haven't played in days now. :(

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Re: Rant Thread

Unread post by Lisaara »

Nubhorns wrote:WoW errored out and crashed right after I logged in, so I waited a bit and ran it as administrator to see if I could fix the issue(since that normally works for me).

I can log in fine, but now the realms are all down for maintenance. I haven't played in days now. :(
Really? Damn that was fast. Maint came way early.

Also reboot your comp. It tends to work.

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Re: Rant Thread

Unread post by Azunara »

"What day is it?"
"Uh, it's Tuesday, Azu."
*peers at note on the door mystically telling me not to go to school today for whatever reason.*
"You sure it's Tuesday?"
"Yeah, 'Zu."
"...Well, damn. Maintenace day."


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Re: Rant Thread

Unread post by Worba »

Nubhorns wrote:On a related topic, people who think feminism means 'women being greater than men'. Way to completely miss the point, people. We're fighting for equality, not superiority. Don't treat men like shit under the guise of 'wanting to be equal'.
Yes. Whether it's feminism or any other minority advocacy effort, some people get so caught up in the struggle for equality, that they become unable to recognize it in the areas where it's been achieved, and just keep fighting for more more more.

Coexistence should be the end goal, not "same pyramid system / different person on top".
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