Fury of the Twilight Clan

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Re: Fury of the Twilight Clan

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Azunara, Dragon and Kozri

Azunara winced, cowering away from Batlek and with the spell, made a break for it. After a few minutes, she stood, shaking and snarling, unsure of what she could do at this point.

Kozri let out a snarl of pain, closing his eyes and holding on with a death grip. He'd be damned before he let this cat go. His mouth and jaws felt horrible, and he knew this was going to do bad, bad things to him if he didn't get healing at some point, but he figured that was something to worry about later.

The other dragon looked baffled as time was slowed for it, peering at the pathetic mortal. Its face split into a grin, saying in rough orcish to compensate for the elf, "You've got guts, mortal, trying to mess with time for a bronze." It threw off Talonaris' time slow and took the blast, howling in pain, before firing its own in retaliation.
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Re: Fury of the Twilight Clan

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Myriana and Swift - Mulgore

Myri and Swift both gave a cry of horror and ran until the fear wore off. Shaking her head, the huntress focused on Batlek again, this time firing off a different poisoned arrow ((cobra shot)). Swift once more lunge for the warlock as Myri healed him, though his attack was a bit weaker as the curses continued to take effect.
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Re: Fury of the Twilight Clan

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The fire cultist had been busy trying to wipe out what she could, flames streaking along the ground and consuming whatever they could. She was about to give a cry of triumph when she realized she had hooves and was a sheep. She gave a frustated 'baa!' and stumbled around, baaing furiously. Or as furious as one could baa.
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Re: Fury of the Twilight Clan

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Threnaad - Mulgore

Satisfied he wouldn't need to worry about Sen for a moment, Threnaad raised a hand to the sky and started to channel a spell. Storm clouds formed above him, then rained down healing water onto the rest of the group. ((Healing Rain))


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Re: Fury of the Twilight Clan

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Glix - Bloodhoof

Glix's face lit up as her target shrank down and became noticeably more wooly. Pricking her ears at the sound of a baa, she grinned to herself and did a small, victorious fist pump. "Good. Now stay that way, please?" She murmured under her breath, starting to back up before the angry mage caught sight of her. She glanced up as rain started to patter down on her face, smiling slightly at the soothing feeling it left on her skin. The goblin went to move toward where the clouds were forming, guessing that the others must be somewhere over there. She blinked and ran, freezing the feet of cultists when she could. She stopped dead as she caught sight of Banet being attacked by an elemental of some sort. The mage ducked down low, scanning the cultists around her. It was entirely possible she was being paranoid, but the last person she wanted to see was an arrakoa with a hate on for her.

((Edit for elemental beast backup, whoo!))
Elemental Spider - Bloodhoof

Tapping her legs against the ground in irritation, the lighting-infused arachnid gave a rattling hiss at the adventurers pouring into the devastated town. She tucked herself in a corner in an attempt to find some peace and quiet to enjoy her meal of what had been a tauren villager. A nearby cultist yowled at her, gesturing at Batlek. The spider hissed unhappily, webbing her victim's cocoon to the charred wall of the nearby building. Skittering up the crumbling building, she paused at the highest point to study the battle below, twitching slightly and letting a quick flash of lighting scatter across the fine hairs on her body. She let out a soft hiss before turning and spewing out thick webbing, the sticky silk humming with electricity as it launched toward Decay.


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Re: Fury of the Twilight Clan

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Little Mouse and Moony - Mulgore

Little Mouse winced as she felt a wave of panic wash over her, making her lower her bow for a moment. Little Mouse pushed the panic down, forcing herself to aim and launch the arrow she had readied, hoping it would hit its target and weaken some of the troll's power. ((Tranquilizing Shot))

Moony hissed, his fur standing on end, heart pounding. This was crazy! He pelted towards Little Mouse. They couldn't do this! The troll was too strong!

Little Mouse looked up as Moony suddenly appeared, looking spooked. She tried to send some of her courage through their bond, although she didn't have much.

Moony rumbled as Little Mouse sent him reassurance, and more confident now, darted back towards the troll, putting on a burst of speed to catch up. ((Dash))


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Re: Fury of the Twilight Clan

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Decay - Mulgore

Decay sighed as the spider started attacking her. Why did animals always have to go after her!? She skipped sideways to get Batlek in the way from the spider, and then lashed out with a death grip to try and smash the spider into the troll at a lethal velocity.
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Re: Fury of the Twilight Clan

Unread post by Kamalia »

Elemental spider - Bloodhoof

The spider let out a hiss as her web crashed uselessly into the ground where the death knight had once stood, the electricity filtering out into the earth and leaving the silk as ordinary as any other. At the sudden pull she felt on her she scrambled about, frantically shooting thick, sticky webbing at the building she was perched on. The webbing was sufficient enough to keep her there for only a few moments, straining against the strong pull before snapping. All eight legs flailing about as she sailed through the air towards Batlek, she spotted a tree a short distance away. In one last attempt she shot more webbing at the tree and pulled hard as she tried to veer off course. It just enough to just avoid the troll, sending her instead crashing into the ground and rolling several feet away, running over a few startled cultists and the odd vindicator. She laid there twitching for a moment before rolling over and righting herself, clicking and hissing furiously at Decay. She threateningly raised her two front legs at the deathknight, clicking her mandibles before spewing out lightning-laced poison at her ((Poison. With some electricity for extra flavour.))


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Re: Fury of the Twilight Clan

Unread post by Kira »


Akira growled and attacked the troll again with another strike to use her diseases to power it. She had a Strangulate ready for when she would need it and she threw a ball of green flame at him as Gnash tried to grab onto his back. (( Scourge Strike and Death Coil ))


Banet grabbed her throat as she felt the air leaving her and she coughed as soon as it had come back. She looked up at the elemental and saw Helthang move into the way to block the creature before he moved to attack it. She rubbed at her throat and glared at the stupid bird-man before she stood up and hit him with a curse to hopefully slow his casting before another blast of corruption was thrown at him. (( Curse of Tongues and Corruption ))
Last edited by Kira on Tue Jul 12, 2011 6:49 pm, edited 1 time in total.


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Re: Fury of the Twilight Clan

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Decay - Mulgore

Decay sighed again as the spider didn't die. She leapt at it, chopping with both swords in a heavy downwards attack, growling. "Stop. Fucking. Pestering. Me!"
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Re: Fury of the Twilight Clan

Unread post by TygerDarkstorm »

((Sorry Moon. Haven't felt much like posting.))

Ambrosia and Indigosa--Mulgore

As much as Indi wanted to rush to Zar's side to help him against the rogue, once she saw his Man'ari side appear, she knew he was better left to just let go on his own, much as she had, then face interference. The death knight stood to the side, ready with her axe should something bad happen.

Ambrosia panicked as she came to, finding Zaruuk's fingers around her neck and her life force drained away. The rogue began flailing around and lashed out at the mage's face with a poison coated dagger.

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Re: Fury of the Twilight Clan

Unread post by Moonlost »

((It's fine Tyger.))
Zaruuk - Mulgore

Zaruuk's lips peeled back into a cruel smile as he felt Ambrosia's life start to flow into him and heal the wounds she had caused not moments earlier. Oh, the sensation was divine, he had forgotten just how much he enjoyed this. Then, he cried out in pain, releasing his grip on Ambrosia's throat and staggering back, hands gripping at his face where a long, deep cut now marred it; stretching down from the bridge of his nose to the left side of his jaw. He snarled, ignoring the blood spilling down his face. He streched out a hand and released a blast of fire at the rogue. ((Immolate))


Jraak - Mulgore

Jraak let out a screech and staggered back a few paces, quickly moving to remove the curse the nasty rat had placed on him. He placed his claw to the ground, causing it to rumble underneath Banet. ((Cleanse Spirit and Earthquake))
The elemental, distracted by Helthang, moved to attack the voidwalker with it's stone fists.


Threnaad - Mulgore

The broken raised his head to the sky, allowing the healign rain to wash over him as well. The water slithered down his back, slwoly healing the skin around his burn. But it did little to soothe the pain of loosing little Ina. The rage that had welled up inside him earlier had bubbled down, leaving a sore ache amidst the sorrow that threatened to overwhelm him. He was tired; all he wanted to do now was mourn for his daughter in peace. He looked down to Senisra with sad eyes, wondering what to do with her. Part of him still called for her blood. But... But he didn't think he had it in him to do it, despite all she had done.
"Why did you do it?" He asked the frog. "Why do you feel the need to cause pain to others? Why do you hunt for Myri? I don't understand."


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Re: Fury of the Twilight Clan

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Cori - Mulgore

Cori wasn't quite sure of what to do. There were people fighting all over, now. She aimed a Chastise at Batlek, and cast a shield over Jraak. The bird-man was friendly, even though he was scary.
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Re: Fury of the Twilight Clan

Unread post by TygerDarkstorm »

Ambrosia and Indigosa--Mulgore

What the fel? This was the weirdest mage Ambrosia had ever come across. The rogue cried out as she was lit on fire. Before she could attempt to lunge at Zaruuk, however, Bloodletter had sliced the undead clean in two.

Indi spat on the rogue before turning to Zaruuk, throwing her axe on the ground and stripping off her gauntlets. The death knight tore into her hand with her teeth and reached out for Zarruk's face, attempting to get the mage to let her see the wound. "Zaruuk, I know you are in there somewhere, you need to let me help you," she said calmly, letting her blood coat her wounded hand.

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Re: Fury of the Twilight Clan

Unread post by Serendipity82 »

Myriana and Senisra - Mulgore

Myri continued to attack Batlek, relentlessly firing arrows at the troll as he continued to defend himself.

Senisra glared up at the shaman, completely enraged. Suddenly the hex broke and the mage didn't waste any time. She lunged for Threnaad, trying to wrap her fiery hands around the Shaman's throat. "Let's see if you scream as nicely as the others did!", She laughed crazily at the shaman. Oh this was too easy.
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Re: Fury of the Twilight Clan

Unread post by Kamalia »

Glix and Elemental Spider - Bloodhoof

Glix pricked her ears at the sound of a screech, her eyes darting about as she tried to spot Jraak. She let out a startled squeak and jumped to the side as an elemental rumbled past, watching as it moved toward Banet. As Helthang attacked it she straightened and caught sight of Jraak. The mage frowned at the sight of a shield shimmering over him and she moved back again, watching the arrakoa cautiously as she waited for the shield to fade or be broken. It would be best to try and keep out of his sights until then. Instead she focused on the elemental attacking Helthang, summoning a small water elemental of her own. At her command it gave a quiet, obedient gurgle and moved forward into the battle, firing off a bolt of freezing water toward the other elemental as it moved ((Waterbolt)).

The spider skittered backward as Decay leaped for her, letting out a screech as one of her front legs was severed and as the swords slashed over her eyes. Bunching the rest of her seven legs beneath her, she jumped up and over the death knight, landing somewhat clumsily behind her. She waved her front leg and the stump of her missing one, chattering furiously and glaring at Decay through the rest of her working eyes. She fired a string of electrified silk at the death knight while dancing around her, trying to either cocoon or trip her up ((Web)).


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Re: Fury of the Twilight Clan

Unread post by Moonlost »

Zaruuk - Mulgore

Zaruuk frowned as the rogue fas felled by Indi, disappointed he hadn't been able to roast her in felfire. His gaze flicked to the Death Knight as she approached him, then wandered back over to the battlefield, looking for his next target.
"Be quick about it." He snapped, irritated at this waste of time. The wound wan't lethal, but if it would put the undead's mind at ease, he supposed he could let her heal it.


Jraak - Mulgore

Jraak let out an appreciative squawk as he was surrounded by a shield of light, then turned back to glare at Banet... and a water elemental? Where had that come from? He fired an arching bolt of lightning towards it, then swivelled his gaze to look for it's owner.


Threnaad - Mulgore

The shaman had been expecting Senisra to break free of the hex, so was not surprised when she lunged at him. He drew his mace and, without much more than a blink of his eyes, swung it at her. ((Primal Strike))
"Why?" He asked as he moved to the side, conjuring a shield of earth to protect and heal him. "What satisfaction do you gain from this suffering?"


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Re: Fury of the Twilight Clan

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The death knight narrowed her eyes at Zaruuk, then muttered something quickly in Scourgeish, her diseased-ridden blood converting to be temporarily used for healing. She placed her coated hand on the mage's face over his wound, hoping the poison hadn't worked its way too deeply into his system ((Specialized Rune Tap + Glyph of Rune Tap)).

Once finished, her ear twitched as she heard a rumbling noise come from behind her. Turning around, her ears flattened as her mouth fell agape--that's right, infused creatures exploded after they died! "Run!" she exclaimed to Zaruuk, grabbing her axe and gauntlets before dashing away from the rogue's fallen body.

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Re: Fury of the Twilight Clan

Unread post by Kamalia »

Glix - Bloodhoof

Glix ducked as a lightning bolt arced toward her poor water elemental, causing it to gurgle unhappily and splutter at the electricity coursing through it. She couldn't help but smirk to herself as she got an idea, ducking behind a small clump of wreckage that had fallen off of a nearby building. With a few murmured words three more of her popped up and stared at her with blank faces ((Mirror Image)). Glix grinned in delight, gesturing out at the battlefield. "Okay, good looking, you head out there and confuse the fel out of that arrakoa. Try to make sure he only sees one of you at a time." She had no idea if these empty-faced images could even understand her orders, but they left anyway, spreading out to loosely surround Jraak. Glix peered over the top of her makeshift hiding place to watch. One of the images stepped forward and fired a weak frostbolt at Jraak, her face remaining eerily expressionless.


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Re: Fury of the Twilight Clan

Unread post by Serendipity82 »

Senisra - Mulgore

The mage was able to turn her body just in time so that the mace connected to her shoulder with a crack. Senisra grimaced, but it was better that than her face. She glared at the shaman, furious. "I do not have to answer to you!" she growled, sending a cone of flame in Thren's direction in an attempt to disorient him. ((dragon's breath)).