Random "Pet Theme" Challenge

Relate your epic tames and show off your pets.
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Re: Random "Pet Theme" Challenge

Unread post by Finduilas »

Oh nice. I'm going off to tame today :)
And thank you so much for doing the rolls Tyger!


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Re: Random "Pet Theme" Challenge

Unread post by TygerDarkstorm »

My pleasure. ^_^

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Re: Random "Pet Theme" Challenge

Unread post by Ardawen »

it may take a while for joryan to get the raptor as she is lvl 17 and the lowest raptor of that color is 22 ;).
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Re: Random "Pet Theme" Challenge

Unread post by TygerDarkstorm »

Yep. I figured the raptor was something your little hunter could work towards. :) All the other rolls happened to include one rare, and that one includes one higher level pet to aim for. ^_^

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Re: Random "Pet Theme" Challenge

Unread post by starkittens »

level: 51 and going
restrictions: only old wolrd rare's please. also doing the single one so hopefuly combine the 2?
pet slots:i only have a few rares went though my stables threw out some ones i no like. i'm also a tauren.....

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Re: Random "Pet Theme" Challenge

Unread post by TygerDarkstorm »

Starkittens, since you're requesting that this be only rares (limiting the randomness and themes), I'm going to request that you please go over the rules on the front page. :) I'm just going to start you off with 3 pets since you didn't give me an exact number of slots.


Mammalian Theme!

Deathmaw Rak'shiri Uhk'loc
Image Image Image

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Re: Random "Pet Theme" Challenge

Unread post by Finduilas »

A bit late, but here's my report on my egyptian pets with Nerdanel (took me some time to level to 40 to tame the serpent).
I named all my pets after egyptian gods to fit in the theme.

The first pet I tamed was Osiris:

Osiris is a green crocolisk. I found him in the middle of Durotar (near the bridge to the barrens). He is a vanilla croc and looks a little bit like these asian dragons with his narrow maw.
I like his colours. They reach from a mossy green over yellow to a beige and white tone. His skin is very detailed with little spots and stripes and scales. I wouldn't have expected so many details on a vanilla pet (his dev must have loved him totally).
Osiris is a tenacity pet and Nerdanel took him to do quests with her at first. He was the first pet to hold aggro on her level (now 40), normally all mobs turned on her rather early in a fight and tried to eat her face off. But Osiris' ability to slow down the enemies was really nice and I think it helps him to hold aggro. Then Nerdanel and Osiris went to a Warsong together. He slowed down rogues, warriors, etc really good - once he reached them. This was the only problem I had with him. The other pet talent trees have an ability to increase your pet's speed in the first row, tenacity pets only get Boar's speed, and this in the second skill row. So Osiris needed his time to get in range for Charge. But once he was on a target, it wasn't able to move quick anymore :) Still I prefer spiders/owls/... for pvp.
I really dislike Osiris running animation:
As you can see in the other pics, Osiris has SIX legs (rl crocs have 4), this was the first thing that bothered me. I don't think it's wrong for fantasy pets to have six legs, but it has to fit. When Osiris runs the middle pair of legs moves inside the legs behind. It looks like he only has TWO pairs of legs then. Also the three leg pairs somehow divid his body in thre quarter-parts if you look at him from the top. Especially when running, these parts just move weird.
But all in all Osiris is a very nice and good pet.

After Osiris I went to look for the red beetle.


If you are not level 85 and get to the Bastion of Twilight, the only way to get this beetle is patience. I looked it up, that he is summoned by the Crypt Horrors or the Nerubian Sycophants in the eastern Plaguelands. They can either be 39 or 40. Nerdanel was 39, so I set out to the cave where all these little critters run around (usually I bomb them with my priest to get the minipet with my guild...) and the Nerubians can be found. Then a very long time started for Nerdanel. I kept going though this tunnel back and forth killing all the Nerubians. At first I had a pet out, but I put Tuffy the Turtle away after we killed the first beetle by accident. It took really long until the first beetle was summoned and we killed it. The next beetle was 40, so I couldn't tame him - a long time and many dead Nerubians later finally the third beetle was summoned and he was level 39. While the Nerubian kept hitting Nerda she tamed her new little friend and together they finished the Nerubian off. They were just posing for my second picture of him, when suddendly the beetle fell over dead. Nothing was hitting him, he just died. I would have been horrified, hadn't I read about it earlier. It can be possible, that they die after taming, just rezz and it's ok. So I rezzed poor beetle again and it was fine. He didn't die again. I named this beetle Anubis.
Beetles have one of the cutest animation (next to piggies' but wiggle *squeee*), they look at you "how're ya doin'?". Anubis was nice enough to do it for the camera :) First pic on the left, bottom line.
Anubis colour is a very bright red (like a fire truck) with green patterns on his back. I like beetles, but I never am able to bond with them. I had already tried out the green one with Nerdanel and hat the yellow one with Findu, but they never click with me. Anubis is also a tenacity pet and has almost the same ability as Nerda's turtle: "Harden carpace" reduces his taken damage.

Next pet on my list was the hunched brown cat. The only pet with this skin is the rare cat Pogeyan from Stranglethorn.
Meet Bastet:


When I was looking for Pogeyan the first time, he wasn't there. Of course. So I plucked some flowers to skill Nerdanel in the area, found the rare croc Mahamba, but no Pogeyan. I logged out on his spawnpoint (luckily enough he only has one) and decided to check later. Later got the day after, but when I logged in he was wandering around in front of me. Oh my gosh, he is just HUGE. The tame went easy peasy - he is only level 28.
I fell in love with this cat skin earlier when I tamed him with Findu. He is one of the metal kitties and the opposite of dark Skarr. He is a nice glowing yellow and has this shimer on him that moves when he moves. Almost like little golden flashes on his skin. He has read glowing eyes (little creepy, but ok).
His animations are the normal kitty ones: stretching and yawning. Nice sounds in combat - growling and hissing.
I named my Pogeyan Bastet, the egyptian cat godess.
Bastet is a very nice dps pet for dungeons and questing with her is also quite good, but she didn't hold aggro well.

Last pet on my list was the green serpent. These pets only can be found in Thousand Needles. Nerdanel had to gain one level to be able to pick up one. They are between level 40 and 41.

This is Apophis:


The first pic was quite funny I went to pick up my serpent west of the Splithoof Heights so I had to kill a few scorpions on my way. When I put one in my freezing trap I noticed that they get a very nice blue colour. I'd LOVE to have a scorpid with this colour. In the background future-Apophis photobombed my picture, I marked her with blue.
I tamed this serpent without problems and we posed a little on the cliff.
She is a very nice green and yellow colour with orange on the tips. Her scales shimmer when she moves, almost like she is under water with sunlight shining through it. On her back she has a few blue spots. Apophis is such a sunny beauty, she lights up every situation with her bright colours.
Her ability "Corosive Spit" reduces the enemy's armour - so she replaces a warrior, if the group is missing one. Apophis is a cunning pet, so she seems made for pvp, but her ability is none I personally would use, I prefer more slowing things or owls who snatch weapons. Actually Apophis did well with dps in a dungeon - so for me she would rather be a pve companion.


I like all the pets I tamed - BUT I will not keep them. I decided to give Nerdanel a white/purple/pink stable theme and already started to tame some pets I'd love to have (like Arash-etis, Ashtail, Bayne). Perhaps I will rehome these egyptian pets to one of my baby hunters on an other server, especially Osiris has already really grown on me.
Anubis.jpg (86.38 KiB) Viewed 14762 times
Apophis.jpg (101.86 KiB) Viewed 14762 times
Bastet.jpg (106.33 KiB) Viewed 14762 times
Osiris.jpg (87.17 KiB) Viewed 14762 times
Osiris running.jpg
Osiris running.jpg (37.04 KiB) Viewed 14762 times


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Re: Random "Pet Theme" Challenge

Unread post by Kylah »

hmm, I think I'll give this a shot, along with the other thread (putting together my report today :D)

Name & Level: Kylah, 71
Exotics: Yes
Pet Slots: Up to 5
Restrictions: None!
Armory Link/Screenshot (Optional):Pets or Kylah herself

Off to review my ghostly vulture for the other thread! :D

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Re: Random "Pet Theme" Challenge

Unread post by TygerDarkstorm »

Loved your review Fin, although just because a pet is cunning doesn't make it a PvP pet. :) With Cata Blizzard actually did a pretty good job of splitting pet abilities around to try and break us of the "Tenacity is for tanking, Ferocity is for DPS, and Cunning is for PvP" mold.


A Purple/Pink Theme!

Red and Purple Owl Damaged Boss Silithid Violet Dragonhawk Purple Jormungar
Image Image Image Image

I also have one totally optional pet that it rolled for you, but I didn't want to list him with the others when I rolled him since he's potentially a hard to find rare. Don't feel pressured into finding and taming him unless you really want to. :D
Purple Armored Chimaera

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Re: Random "Pet Theme" Challenge

Unread post by Finduilas »

Yes, I noticed that, when I took Apophis to a dungeon and she did well (did I write that? or did I forget to mention?). I think that especially in lower levels the differences between the pets are not so big. I take a bear with me to a dungeon as well as a cat with Nerdanel, whatever the goup is missing as buff/debuff I'm happy to provide it, even with my level 85 chars I always have a variety of pets with me (usually it's one tenacity, one cunning and 3 ferocity with different abilities) to help the group out as best as I can.


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Re: Random "Pet Theme" Challenge

Unread post by TygerDarkstorm »

I'm much the same way. :)

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Re: Random "Pet Theme" Challenge

Unread post by Vinessa »

Hey! my lil brother's new hunter want a challenge! :D

Name & Level: Dragoh, 28
Exotics: no, sadly :(
Pet Slots: 19 :lol:
Restrictions: well, hes low lvl, and thats enough
Armory Link/Screenshot (Optional): http://us.battle.net/wow/en/character/y ... h/advanced

thanks! he will be really happy :)
oh, and he loves the challenges ;)
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Re: Random "Pet Theme" Challenge

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A Blue Theme!

Blue Moth White Wolf Blue Serpent Blue Vulture
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Re: Random "Pet Theme" Challenge

Unread post by Vinessa »

TygerDarkstorm wrote:


A Blue Theme!

Blue Moth White Wolf Blue Serpent Blue Vulture
Image Image Image Image

:D Thanks!
he was so annoying! *my challenge is ready?!, my challenge is ready?!* :lol:
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Re: Random "Pet Theme" Challenge

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Re: Random "Pet Theme" Challenge

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Name & Level: Quington, Worgen Hunter, level 66
Exotics: Not yet ;]
Pet Slots: 13 slots available, so go nuts!
Restrictions: Other than level restrictions, none.
Armory: http://us.battle.net/wow/en/character/n ... ton/simple
Additional Notes: I did a cat themed hunt once, so I'm kinda fed up with cats for now. But that's about it.
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Re: Random "Pet Theme" Challenge

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Name & Level: Weehlos 85 hunter
Exotics: Yes
Pet Slots: 5
Restrictions: nope
Armory Link/Screenshot (Optional): http://us.battle.net/wow/en/character/s ... los/simple
Additional Notes:
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Re: Random "Pet Theme" Challenge

Unread post by TygerDarkstorm »

Oh right, I forgot I took over this thread for Acherontia since it's not as active as its single pet counterpart. :oops: I will work on rolls for these tomorrow as I don't really have the time tonight to sit down and find my list of themes and pick out pets. :)

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Re: Random "Pet Theme" Challenge

Unread post by TygerDarkstorm »

Querl Dox(Quington):
A Yellow Theme!
Yellow Windserpent, Brown Condor, Yellow Crocolisk, Tan Spider
Image, Image, Image, Image

A Jungle Theme!

Green and Red Parrot, Duskfang, Red Gorilla, Green Ant Silithid
Image, Image, Image, Image

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Re: Random "Pet Theme" Challenge

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I started taming the Windserpent, and since I like doing things the hard way, I decided to tame the one on Sunken Temple! :D

After a bit of dodging dragons and dragonkins, I finally got to her, she was so cute and small near the other larger windserpents. So I named her Cindy, a good delicate name that really suits her.


After that I picked up a gryphon and flew to Redridge Mountain, and found my Condor of choice, he was flying near a bunch of spiders, so they kept aggrooing on me, annoying little things, heh. I named him Connor.


Then, flying to Northern Stranglethorn Vale, I picked up my next pet, a Elder Snapjaw. I still remember to this day the amount of trouble I got into with these crocolisks back when they were still Elites, while questing there was always one that would sneak behind me and kill me. So as a revenge of sorts I got Roberta, here seen enjoying the water near the Whirpool nearby.


And at last, I got my Tan Spider. Since I was already questing on Blade's Edge Mountain, I decided to tame one of the big Mature Cavern Crawlers nearby, I never really realised how big those Crawlers were, specially compared to the smaller ones on the cave. While taming Henry I kept being attacked by two smaller spiders, apparently they weren't very happy to see me tame their big brother.


So, after questing and doing some dungeons, I decided to keep Henry and Cindy, Quington really clicked with these two, and I wouldn't be surprised if they were kept as two of his active 4. :)

Thanks for the roll Tyger, I had fun taming these guys! :D

Ralyne - 85 Blood Elf Hunter - Warsong US / Quington - 85 Worgen Hunter -Nesingwary US
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