ICC-25 Geared Huntress looking for a guild (tearful rant)

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ICC-25 Geared Huntress looking for a guild (tearful rant)

Post by Kastarakovski »

So...it finally boiled down to this.

Look at me, I'm still shaking like a leaf from what happened tonight and still crying from the 'permanent' decision they gave me. Shaking like a leaf from the finality of losing everything I worked for, for the past five years. How much gold, how many goddamned mats, how many bank alts, how many "friends" went and turned on me tonight...

Tonight I raided for the last time with "Indifferent" on Saurfang Alliance, formerly "The Dragon Knights" from Windrunner Server.

We were up to Dreamwalker. I hadn't raided in so many days, weeks, months with this particular 25-man team in our guild due to life screwing me out of my free time and days off. I was flying blind and I knew this and I thought, after saying it several times on Vent and in guild/raid, people understood this. No amount of strats or videos I watched were preparation enough to deal with the abuse, and patronisation, and intimidation I got tonight...and it was all too damned much. I logged off crying. I've never done that before. Ever.

We wiped 3 times at 91%. The yelling on vent made me leave it shaking like a leaf, physically trembling and staring at my hands wondering what had I done that had been so wrong. I'm still shaking and sniffling even now that I've logged off of Laz for what I know is the final time with that guild.

My guild leader, our raid leader, our secondary raid leader - these are people I've raided with for five straight years, visited, spent time with their kids for chrissakes. They turned on me. Their solution was to permanently shunt Laz to standby. And then told me "too many people want in so for the rest of the time until you're geared, you'll be on standby for good". I need the gear to get Laz to their level, need the badges to get her geared. And I've been told that'll never happen anymore.

Yes, I could always pug, but the issue is Saurfang Alliance fails with pugs. Only successful pugs on this server, ally side, is Malygos/Sartharion 25. Nothing else gets past first boss, and believe me, it's not a viable option. Every other progression guild has stopped recruiting hunters. I'm stuck here. Stuck on standby with a guild that doesn't want me anymore.

I feel sickened that these people I've helped gear up, helped get epic fliers, raise the guild from the fucking dead thrice over could do this to me - could turn on me and then say if I was more like Dalamar (their *new* hunter class leader who is, by all accounts, the most patronising asshole I've ever met) who "never misses a raid!" I wouldn't be getting yelled at. It's like I have control over my boss PMSing and putting me on an 8 hour night shift six times a week with fifteen minutes' warning. I'd have control if I told her "I QUIT!" but to play this game I need money, and I need to pay rent and cover bills. I feel controlled by the goddamned circumstances outside of the guild. I committed to a five day a week raiding schedule, but when I'm up at 5am the next day to make a shift at 6am, turning up to work exhausted with MY boss is the quickest way to the unemployment queue.

My GL said he understood what I was going through with my workplace...and then told me immediately afterwards I was no longer guaranteed a raiding spot because "there are too many people who have ALTS to gear up that take PRIORITY over you." It was like I was talking to a brick wall. Like I wasn't even there.

I feel like my heart has been torn out and stomped on, and the last time I felt like this was 15 years ago, long before WoW.
So I ask anyone, do they want me to server transfer, because I am now fully open to the idea, despite putting it off and putting it off thinking this whole mess would get better, which it didn't, if anything, it's made me want to quit WoW altogether. I need a guild. I need a guild on a different server that is not going to treat me like this, who is not going to turn on me because I can't be there because work owns my soul for five days a week. I'm so tired of having people I thought I trusted turn on me like a blood-baying mob.

I thought for sure tonight would be different. I'm a bloody. fucking. idiot. for thinking that the failure of a guild I even thought, and out of plain necessity and stupidity to help people out of genuine kindness, that I let myself be used in this way.

Does anyone want an outcast dwarven huntress?


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Re: ICC-25 Geared Huntress looking for a guild (tearful rant

Post by Saturo »

Ah that is just too much...

I'd kill them, but my evil methods aren't always appreciated. If you want to, you can borrow my shotgun...
Had something similar happen to myself yesterday. So the GM for my raiding-guild said "I'm quitting WoW, you guys have fun without me", and appointed an incredibly skilled and nice resto druid as the new GM. Anyhow, my cousin logged in today, and saw that the guildbank was completely empty. We had about 15k gold worth of raidsupplies and 30k in pure cash in that bank. 1k of those supplies were purely mine, and 75% of the rest was the B-squad who had saved it up. The asshole ex-gm had taken everything, sold it on the AH and given the cash to his brother. I don't have time on that account now, but if I had, I'dve chewed off the face off both the GM and his brother. Now I'm limited to letting Ráper the dwarf pally wearing only a Frayed Robe stalk him around, /flirting.

The Petopians guilds are open to you. They always will be. I'll be with you in the pain.

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Re: ICC-25 Geared Huntress looking for a guild (tearful rant

Post by Sarayana »

Wow Kas, I'm so sorry to hear that. Clearly they've made the incredibly bad decision to put the game before life... :( I wish there were words of comfort, but unfortunately I've seen this happen before. It was the very direct reason why I stopped raiding - my GM/RL who was also a very close friend decided he didn't "trust" my husband and I anymore because we placed life before WoW when making decisions for the guild (we were both officers).

I would love to welcome you with open arms on Ysera. Our guild is very small and friendly. The only caveat is that we don't raid. We're about 10 people that have decided to make a very comfortable, friendly home together. Raiding comes in the form up pugs for those that want it (pugs aren't bad on Ysera, btw). People do pretty much whatever they want - pvp, raiding, 5mans, alts, achievements, whatever.

I also know that you have other friends on Ysera, so it's definitely an option. Even if you don't join <The Exodus>, I'll be happy to friend you and run with you.

Lots of hugs!!! And a few of these:

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Re: ICC-25 Geared Huntress looking for a guild (tearful rant

Post by Ade »

Sorry to hear about this Kastarakovski.

The way they have treated you is pretty disgusting in my opinion. A decent GM and guild will make time for all people to gear up nevermind a person who has helped others out for such a long period of time

Avoir to them, i would seriously look into guilds on your own server. I know you said they are not any spots open atm but most guilds will make exceptions for good applications. Changing realms is appealing but it brings it's own issues with it.

And on a side note, if any of these people are real life friends that you are close to please don't cut them out of your life on the basis of a game. It hurts now but someone of your skill and kindness will always find a good guild.

Lots of :hug: :mrgreen:
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Re: ICC-25 Geared Huntress looking for a guild (tearful rant

Post by The huntress »

WOW I dont even know what to say! :hug: :hug: :hug:

well transfer to Rexxar and go horde :) <Tempest> Will take you :mrgreen:



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Re: ICC-25 Geared Huntress looking for a guild (tearful rant

Post by Karathyriel »

I can understand that you are upset.

My reaction to this wouldn't have been rage, it would have been pity.
Pity on those freaks who can't understand that the real world is something that can actually hurt you and Arthas will be there next week, too. Pity on people, who actually believe that any achievement on WoW actually means something. Pity on people who seem to think that a fully epic equipped main with two fully epic equipped alts will bring food on the table and pay the bills. Pity on those poor creatures, whose real lives seem so boring, so colorless, so incredibly gray and blunt that they obviously need the designers fantasy to color it up. Pity on people who seem to believe that pressing keys and clicking buttons are actually making a difference.

Take one of those cookies, have steaming mug of chocolate and start smiling again.

Why you should start smiling?

Because you just realised that you seem to be normal and got rid of a bunch of psychos in one go.

Maybe you should post that right here...
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Re: ICC-25 Geared Huntress looking for a guild (tearful rant

Post by Dragonpuff »

I'm sorry for you Kas!
/gives MANY crushing bearhugs!
But judging by the amount of trouble you've been having with that guild recently, by the amount of threads on here were you've detailed certain stupidity, you are probably better off without them. I know, all that time and effort with them, wasted. But now is the perfect time to drop them, let loose and start over somewhere else that will appreciate your hard work! If you do find a new home to go too, make sure you send an ingame mail to the Guild and Raid Leaders, telling them EXACTLY why you had to leave. >:(

I wish I could give you a suggestion, but I'm mostly a Horde player, so I don't know any really good Alliance guilds on my main realms. Even if you were willing to switch sides, I'm not sure if my guild would be good for you. I only joined recently, so I don't have a very good feel of the group yet, though I have been watching over my brother's shoulder for about a year. From what I've seen, they're decent people, but appearently Forged in Blood has a slightly bad reputation on Duskwood now.... Oo''

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Re: ICC-25 Geared Huntress looking for a guild (tearful rant

Post by Palladiamorsdeus »

Kastarakovski, I am sorry. I have half a mind to let them know exactly how stupid they are. Unfortunately, people like that wouldn't listen no matter what I said. They've convinced themselves with things like "For the good of the guild." and "It's for progression!" and don't give a damn about what you've done in the past. People like that need a swift kick in the ass, and oh GOD would I love to give it to them.

Unfortunately I have nothing to offer you beyond comforting words. I haven't raided since vanilla, because of similar circumstances with a stupid guild. I have one character in a real guild at all, but I don't even know how active that one is anymore. Otherwise I just spend time with what of my friends still play on Sentinels.


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Re: ICC-25 Geared Huntress looking for a guild (tearful rant

Post by Gimlion »


I'm really sorry. Those guys seem to have become asshats, and over a game none-the-less.

If you feel like Server Transfering, you Could always give a go at applying to my guild as a raider. Or you could ask my GL to join as a FnF (Friend and Family) under the Guest rank. They usually don't get to raid as much, but we're friendly and caring to them, just like all in our guild.
If you'd like to check out the guild, our website is: http://www.aneancorr.com/

If you don't mind not raiding though, Your best bet for a friendly guild would prolly be the Ally side Petopian Guild, or Race changing/faction changing and going on the Horde Guild.


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Re: ICC-25 Geared Huntress looking for a guild (tearful rant

Post by Nevar »

I am so sorry - this is terible...truely.. a person should NEVER be treated with such cruelty and insensitivity... /hug tight - hang in there


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Re: ICC-25 Geared Huntress looking for a guild (tearful rant

Post by Aleu »

Been there, done that. Had something similar to warrant me to leave my last PvE server. It's the sad truth that people are unappreciated to others that helped them so much. That's what I love about most RP servers. They do appreciate all that work you put into helping them.

Free hugs for you! /hug

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Re: ICC-25 Geared Huntress looking for a guild (tearful rant

Post by Kastarakovski »

Well, I logged in just now to take Laz out of the guild...and her inbox virtually exploded overnight. It's full of PM's entitled "Dumbass HUNTARD" and other lovely things I just, well, couldn't consider even opening to begin with. This one stood out the most and for the most part, has encouraged me to leave Laz where she is and take her elsewhere when Cata hits. Horde of Saurfang is just ample cover, I've told no one my hordie's name, only my husband knows it...and he's not telling anyone unless I give him reason to tell them. He's going to try to get me into 10-mans, but after the abuse last night, I don't want him to. To be told by the secondary raid leader that she cannot do anything except maybe demote the two hunters giving me grief, and knowing demotion of their "two best players" won't last more than a day, I'm just...done.

God damnit, I'm still shaking and it's not because it's cold at 6am this morning.

"Did it ever occur to you that you can refuse shifts, you dumbass moron? Maybe you should come to terms with the fact you're just not that fucking good? Now if you actually had a brain in your head, maybe you'd actually make a difference in this guild? Right now all you're good for is a gold slut, like Shin. Don't come back until you're fucking geared and outdpsing me, you dumbshit BITCH!!!"

I don't really think I need to post the douche's name.

I love Laz, she's the only hunter toon I've had for 5 years, but logging in this morning, seeing this in my inbox (which I've left alone and not deleted because the husband has said he's going to tear a particular someone a 'fucking goddamned new one' in his words), I'm just going to restart elsewhere. I have alts, one on Ysera (because Frisket demanded it lol), I figure I'm just going to jump and alternate alts until Cata goes live. Then, I'm gone, husband following me to the same server or not. I want to be with friends but...yeah. I don't know anyone anymore.

I logged onto Kas and pretty much broke down. I'm second-guessing my skills, and the only time I ever did that was when I swapped from rogue to hunter back in vanilla, and that was a loooooong time ago lol.

After all of this, you know, I think these forums are pretty much my home. And I think I'd rather be with this family than the one I helped build from the ground up.
The six things I'm going to miss til Cata on Laz specifically are Nightshade, Boannan, Amenti, Griefstrike, Tiberias and Winterfield.
Laz's story, well, extended story, is on hold until further notice. Kas's will continue, and I'll prolly start focusing on Cley's too.

Thank you guys for your support on this. I think, without this forum, without this home, I'd have quit outright and not come back.
Thank you <3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3


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Re: ICC-25 Geared Huntress looking for a guild (tearful rant

Post by Palladiamorsdeus »

It's probably a good thing you didn't post a name. I'd have been there, on that realm, in a heartbeat, and I would have had some very, very nasty things to say to some one. I'm still tempted to do just that, to be honest. People piss me off.


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Re: ICC-25 Geared Huntress looking for a guild (tearful rant

Post by Sarayana »

Oh my god I'd be right there with Palla. I'm fuming right now! Who the hell does this person think he/she is to even SUGGEST that you should decline work to play??????? D:

I think you should show your GM the messages. If the guild has changed - and it's my impression it has - I would imagine he'd want to see how much. I know he wasn't on your side in this, but I can't imagine he'd be on their side when they're verbally abusive like that either. If I were in his shoes I'd appreciate that heads up, if nothing else.

I'm so very happy to hear that your husband has your back. Tell him I have a baseball bat I can lend him. ;) (You should also tell him that you're in need of hugs, cookies, and perhaps a backrub or two. I'm sure none of those would hurt right now.)

Please don't second-guess yourself. You're the one person in this confrontation that is absolutely not to blame in any way. If they think the only way you contribute to your guild is by your dps, then they'll see soon enough how wrong they were. :hug:

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Re: ICC-25 Geared Huntress looking for a guild (tearful rant

Post by Kastarakovski »

Palladiamorsdeus wrote:It's probably a good thing you didn't post a name. I'd have been there, on that realm, in a heartbeat, and I would have had some very, very nasty things to say to some one. I'm still tempted to do just that, to be honest. People piss me off.
Do you know, this particular douchebag spent an hour and a half berating me in raid for turning up as BM for that fight, only to switch to BM after the first wipe at 91%?
I don't know who's the bigger hypocrite - my former GL for letting him berate me or this fuckwit who can't admit that I had the right idea to begin with.

I've said everything I needed to say to that guild last night before I logged off. When I logged in, I found myself on the ignore list of a few people, not honestly surprising, but hey, if they want to treat me like that, well, they're not the ones who "earned" those epic fliers or half the gear they're wearing. I guess I still have power in that respect.

I honestly hope they like farming their next 2000 frost lotus, because with me gone, that guild repair thing ain't going to be happening anymore! It's 1000g a stack of Frost Lotus on Saurfang (yay for inflation and the fact the gold farmers have set up permanent camp at the new vendor and don't let anyone else buy), and I did that regardless of how little time I had on WoW to begin with (even transferring from Kas to Laz via the neutral AH late at night). At least, I know the guild's potion master is gonna be pissed they lost me. Besides my husband and a select few of our guild (two players) that went horde instead, I was the only provider. And I went unnoticed. They praised our druidkitty, not the person, me, who spent all that time amassing the mats for their bloody Endless Rage Pots and whatever else they begged the GL to "have" [/endrant]

All I feel right now is relief really. Relief that I don't have to commit to a raiding schedule that doesn't work, commit to a raiding guild who is failing on each and every run they do regardless of me being there or not. They say they're sick of wiping on that boss, and then specifically said that I was the failure.

I'm so glad I don't have them hanging over my shoulders anymore. SO. GLAD.


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Re: ICC-25 Geared Huntress looking for a guild (tearful rant

Post by Dragonpuff »

We Petopia Hunters stick together, through and through! We'll always keep the home fires burning for anyone who needs a place to return to! ;)

In all honesty? I would brave that inbox, and take a screenie of every mail with that kind of grief. Then I'd send a major griefing/harassment ticket/email to Blizzard. Comments like that CANNOT be tolerated, even if the reciever was someone that did mess up real bad. Based on your posts here, you know Hunters, you know how to play them, and you just had a bad night. If that guild didn't understand that after you told them multiple times that you were unprepared, then they are the idiots. Not you. And they can't get away with saying shit like that. Maybe some temp-bans will show them the error of their ways?

Taz'dingu of the Petopians Guild, Nesingwary Server

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Re: ICC-25 Geared Huntress looking for a guild (tearful rant

Post by Palladiamorsdeus »

I know it's a relief to be away from them, but that kind of behavior is intolerable, and there is no excuse for it at all. Even if you were just the normal hunter running with them, without all of your accomplishments, they'd still be the kings of uber-douchebaggery for treating you that way. With everything you've done for them? That makes them the scum of the earth. Hell, they give scum a bad name.

And seriously? Switched to BM, after having given you an earful over it? What a fucktard, pardon my language. If they are going to treat you that way, then you are so much better off without them. Though to be honest, I'd still consider just changing servers, and getting a name change. No reason to not play one of your favorite characters because of a bunch of asshats.


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Re: ICC-25 Geared Huntress looking for a guild (tearful rant

Post by Adam-Savage »

You could transfer to Anvilmar. We Started doing 25 man runs a couple weeks back and we seem to be doing better progression then we did for 10 man. Our GL is abit of a twit at times but mostly everyone thinks that anyway. The 25 man ICC run isn't ran by the GL it's run by a Officer that's well respected in the guild.

For the guilds comments to you.. well they where never really a true friend to you if they turned on you like that.
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Re: ICC-25 Geared Huntress looking for a guild (tearful rant

Post by Ade »

Can we leave abuse on your old guilds website? :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :hug:
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Re: ICC-25 Geared Huntress looking for a guild (tearful rant

Post by Saturo »

Ade wrote:Can we leave abuse on your old guilds website? :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :hug:
Good idea. I also need the link. I'm going to chew some faces.

And just let them have some fun without those pots. If they wipe with them, it would be fun to see them try without.

Spamming you insults... Is any of them older than twelve!? Give some screenies to blizz and they're dead.

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