Bonding with pets... in other games!

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Bonding with pets... in other games!

Unread post by Kirrandria »

( A bit of a long story here! )

So, I got a bit bored with playing on WoW recently, seeing as a lot of people in my guild don't log on as often anymore. I decided to cure my boredom by getting back into the Elder Scrolls games, and after messing around on Morrowind for a while and then discovering that Oblivion didn't want to cooperate with me at all, I decided to go back to playing some Skyrim.

Seeing as it's been over half of a year now since Skyrim was released, I decided to check out a number of mods that had been made, and downloaded a few that interested me. Of all the mods I downloaded, three of them have given me a rather interesting experience in Nirn- one adds a large variety of creatures and critters to the world, one makes predators act more like real predators, and the last allows you to tame creatures and store them in slots to summon at a later time, a lot like hunters on WoW can do.

After wandering around a bit on a new character, I encountered a strange and rather sad sight. A large wolf was being rather territorial and was trying to violently remove a much smaller one from the place it owned. I felt bad for the young wolf, so I helped it to fight off the bigger one. Of course, as soon as I had killed the big wolf, the young one decided to turn on me and start attacking. My first instinct was to fight back, but then I thought 'No, I just helped save the poor thing, what would be the point of killing it?', so I tried to run away. The young wolf didn't seem to want to give up, however, and ended up chasing me quite a distance! Frustrated, but still not wanting to kill it, I turned back to the wolf and tamed it. There, now it won't attack me!

Now, though, I had a tiny wolf following me around. It was rather annoying at first, with a ball of fuzz constantly running into the back of my legs, and I couldn't wait until I went into a city or dungeon and lost the thing. After all, if you didn't store your pet in a slot, it couldn't follow you into new zones. Buying a pet slot was rather expensive for me, and I had lost one pet this way before. So I ran along towards where the next quest lead me, and eventually arrived at an old fort surrounded by bandits.

I rather quickly realized that I wasn't ready for this quest. It took me a good five swings of my weapon to bring down a single bandit, but it only took one with a broadsword or axe two swings to kill me. I was badly outmatched- that is, until, my wolf ran up and leaped at a bandit... and brought him down with a single bite! I was amazed. For such a little thing, she sure packed a punch. I was sad that I wouldn't be able to bring my wolf into the dungeon with me to help me take down the bandit boss. Somehow I managed to kill him on my own, though, and when I exited the keep I was amazed to see the little wolf there, waiting for me.

I think it was at that point that I decided I wanted to keep her. So I started to carefully make my way back towards the merchant that sold pet slots. Along the way, my little wolf proved herself even further- we managed to bring down a dragon together, and I was pleasantly surprised to learn that taming a creature marks it as essential, so that it cannot be killed by other creatures. She even developed her own little attitude. Fierce in battle, willing to fight, and very sure of herself... but if she's with someone she trusts ( like me! ), she can be a real oddball. My character in the game happens to also be a member of the Companions guild, and is a werewolf because of it... and when a guard said that I smelled like wet dog, she yipped at him for me! Way to stand up for me, my little wolf. Of course, when nobody is looking, she likes to act as weird as I sometimes do. Every once in a while, she'll look straight at me, open her eyes real wide, cross them, and look at me with -the- goofiest grin. I wish I could get a picture of it, but it's always so random and sudden that I haven't been able to.... -yet-.

I think I've decided on a name for her, too. Scheherazade! Named after a legendary queen that found out her husband planned to kill her, she kept herself alive by telling him stories every night but always leaving it at a cliffhanger, so that she would live the next day to tell more. I had originally planned on killing Scher, but she amazed me with her strength and personality, and I have completely fallen in love with my new pet.

So then, what about everyone else? Are there any critters, not on WoW, that you have fallen in love with?
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Re: Bonding with pets... in other games!

Unread post by zedxrgal »

I am a pretty avid Skyrim player and do not mod it very much if at all. I like it as vanilla as possible. My bonded pets whom I love and adore are Meeko and Vigilance the two war dogs. Both just have separate personalities. Meeko is all goofiness while Vigilance is all about business. Both are fierce fighters but Meeko seems to cower from fights more often.
Other then the dogs I adore my horses. Oh my gosh I love my horses. Each gal has a different horse who she's attached to and each horse with their own personality. My one horse, Allie (Whiterun horse), she is spirited but isn't that much of a fighter. She seems to only engage when she herself is attacked. Dapples (Riften horse) is a brute as is the Windhelm horse Storm. Frost ............... he is vicious. He fights anything and everything whether he's attacked or not. The horses' personalities also seem to vary greatly between characters which I really love. On one of my girls Allie is a brute. On another she's a sissy.
I don't really play anything except WoW and Skyrim.

However. I do play Terraria and on my one little character there the same little bunny rabbit always seems to be around which I've become very very fond of. It almost never leaves the house and if it does it doesn't wander far. :D

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