Show off your 5.3 tames/retames! [image warning]

Relate your epic tames and show off your pets.
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Re: Show off your 5.3 tames/retames! [image warning]

Unread post by Jurz »

That's adorable Whynotcats :)


Sig drawn by the amazing Lupis! and avatar drawn by the wonderful Senna!

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Re: Show off your 5.3 tames/retames! [image warning]

Unread post by Iowawolf »

So the day began like any other I awoke from restless sleep images of her running through my mind and not finding her being able to tame her for she was a wild one a free spirit beast if you will but deep down I knew she would be mine this I vowed one day I will tame the beautiful Loque'nahak. And so that day I put on my armor grabbed my helmet and gun made sure it was loaded for the perils that lay ahead of me on this journey. Headed out of the inn in Dalaran paid my fee and went to the flight path where I got on a gryphon paid for my ride and flew to the damp dark reaches of Sholozar Basin where my query awaited me. I landed at Nesingwary's camp where I was greeted by that dwarf with a mug of ale and a handshake thanking me for the help I gave him back in Outland and the mainland. I proceeded to tell him about my own hunt and he looked at me as if I was a bit crazy for Loque only shows herself to those who want her to be seen. Upon hearing that though bit disheartening I summoned my Swift Windsteed and flew to where I knew she spawned and I sat and I sat must've been several hours which bled into days then into weeks I sat there waiting and often times flying to her other points but alas no luck. Till the one day when I awoke with a start and knew this was the day when she would be mine I hastily dressed and ate what remained of my rations then mounted my Windsteed and started again the routes I now knew by heart where she spawned. I began up the west side under the camp and went more west till I was at the point where Krush appears at times alas he was not there but no matter I wasn't after him. I arrived at the two points up north with a sad heart she wasn't there either began to feel I was wrong as usual. And so I flew east to the mountains where the apes were busy eating their mornings food which made me chuckle thinking maybe Loque was making a monkey out of me. I flew around those two points with no luck and found another path of Krush's followed it around the bottom of the Basin until I was under the Skywatch pillar when all of a sudden my instincts kicked in and being a hunter I kept looking for her tracks when I saw some my heart skipped a beat was this it was I finally going to tame her. I calmed my Windsteed for it was sensing my excitement and was getting scared and I guided it down to the tracks I saw when she appeared right in front of me, Loque'nahak. I stared in awe at her beauty at her awesomeness I knew this was it the moment of truth the moment that would define me as a true hunter among my peers. I steeled my will and set about the tame she was a fighter for being a free spirit she didn't want to be tamed but deep inside I felt she also knew I was a kind hunter I would treat her with respect and so she gave in at the last second. She allowed herself to be mine and tame her I was in shock and awe that it was all over I had finally tamed the great Loque'nahak been accepted by my hunter peers for taming her. And so with Loque by my side I continue to roam these lands in search of others and to fight the good fight of the Alliance. Hope those that read this liked my little story of how I came to tame this beautiful creature and to let you all know she is still out there waiting to be tamed, I got her at 2am my time which was 1am server on the 7th. Happy hunting and may you be blessed in finally getting her.

I know she is an older tame but thought I would share my experience in taming this awesome pet.
Loque and me.jpg
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Re: Show off your 5.3 tames/retames! [image warning]

Unread post by Iowawolf »

I just tamed this guy in Thousand Needles on Blackwater Raiders while on my hunter Shadowhowl unlike other wasps he retains his big size after tamed to be sure I summoned my other wasp and it was way smaller compared to this guy. His name was Cyn and he is a rare.

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