Dawn of the Blessing OOC

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Should we allow three typings for a pokemon? (IE Fire/Grass/Flying)

No. We've always had it at two, let's keep it. Besides, it might get OP.
Yes. Change is good, it gives a wider variety. It won't be that bad.
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Dawn of the Blessing OOC

Post by Azunara »

yooooo new pkmn RP?

new PKMN RP.

first, if you're interested and for whatever reason still haven't found this thing you're bad and should feel bad (i'm kidding I swear)

second, we need to discuss the motives of the blessing. I know that was a big stickler point. I was thinking it was less of a "GRR ARGH KILL ANYONE SPECIAL WE ARE RACIST" it could be more of a fear of the superior race kind of deal. it'd be, if you will, a lot like the X-Men plots. because there are shinies/special hybrids/deltas/whatever, they are "the master race" and people are scared of them. so it's not surprising someone wants to put them in their place.

additionally I feel while assassin can be a sector of blessing, if it's PURE assassins, there's no publicity, no motive to join. what if assassins is the blessing, but there's a more public part of it, sort of a "THEY ARE HERE WE ARE AFRAID WE MUST FIGHT" sort of riotous kind of group. make their cause very loud and very clear. it'd help get the Blessing out there--but if people only really know the motives, not the means, i can see a lot of the secrecy that still exists for the blessing. and a lot of people don't quite understand how far they go.

if you disagree with any of this, ruby, smack me and we'll work it out as a group. that goes for any of you.

what I would like is a very clear list of what the blessing doesn't like and what they do like/tolerate.

seriously though this is just a planning/discussion thread as we work out logistics. if you want to join and new to things, feel free, but there'd be a lot of stuff to catch up on, as it builds on a lot of old characters/plot lines/whatever.

edit: heeeeey it's an official ooc thread now yaY
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Re: Dawn of the Blessing planning thinger

Post by HoneyShuckle »

About the typing thing: I believe that having more than three typings, is just part of being a hybrid, and I can understand limiting the typing if there's going to be new people readily joining, but in this case there's not. once people understand the typing of a particular character, it would be fine to have three, or, god forbid, Four typings. As I explained to senna though, the four typing thing is something I said so we could have full crosses of any two pokemon. however, more typings than that would be catastrophic to the pokemon on a genetic level, and would have disastrous side effects, which may, in some cases, even be fatal to the pokemon. (If we have three typings be the limit, then this could happen at Four? Although I admit to being reluctant.)

However, on these specific pokemon, I think moves like trick-or-treat and Forests curse will act like soak, and just change them to that type. (Or always, if that's what you want.)

Just wanted to voice my opinion. although if I seemed a bit harsh, I'm hormonal right now, and a little bit... too many cookies today.
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Re: Dawn of the Blessing planning thinger

Post by Senna-Umbreon »

Alright, time to weigh in on the type thing now that I can sort of coherently explain stuff. I think, at least.

(Unless you wanna read my dumbass opinions on why I'm for more than two types, just.. Go down to the big bolded part and read from there. I actually have a suggestion that may mean we can avoid this taking sides thing altogether.)

So, while I technically take the side of having three types for hybrids.. I will admit that four is a bit overboard. Mainly, the reason I like having three types is that really, no matter what the hybrid is, three types will sufficiently represent all species it is made up of. That's why I oppose two types, since for a lot of hybrids, it leaves things.. Lacking, in a way. It feels like they lack a type to represent one part of them.

For example, a Vaporeon-Darkrai-Rampardos hybrid. If three types were present, it would be Water/Dark/Rock. So it represents all three species the hybrid is made up of. But if it only had two types.. If it were Water/Dark, I'd be left wondering "wait, what about the fact that it's part Rampardos? shouldn't it be Rock type too?". Same for it it were Rock/Dark, then "what about Water? It's part Vaporeon, isn't it?"

I feel like in that situation, said hybrid would feel.. Incomplete, in a way. Like part of it isn't represented.

Then, for a hybrid with four potential types.. If we settled on three types, it can still work, in my opinion. For example, an Espeon-Charizard-Rampardos hybrid. Its potential types are Fire, Flying, Psychic and Rock. Now, if I had to give it three types, it would be Psychic, Rock and.. Fire, most likely. Flying could work too. Anything to just get some representation for its Charizard part. Again, it would feel strange to me for it to only have two out of those four types. (This can go for a hybrid of two dual-typed Pokemon, too. Like.. A Gardevoir-Roserade hybrid. shut up I am uncreative as all hell and just use existing hybrids as examples. Sue me. To me, as long as it has one of the two types belonging to those two species, then that's sufficient representation. Psychic/Grass/Poison? Still has Psychic from Gardevoir. Psychic/Fairy/Grass? Still has Grass from Roserade.)

(And don't worry about the idea of "four-way hybrids." We've ALL agreed we're never going that far. XD)

HOWEVER.. I can definitely see the point of saying hybrids with three types can be overpowered. That's a legitimate concern. But honestly, we have a LOT of OP characters around. (Dusk-Evolved, I'm lookin' at you!) And even WITH only two types, hybrids are still generally stronger than normal Pokemon as it is.

And, really, the point of the being kind of OP with three types WOULD tie in with the idea of making the Blessing act more out of fear than anything? Like, yeah, hybrids with three types ARE kinda OP. In that way, I wouldn't blame the Blessing for going "Hybrids are OP! we need to kill them before they kill us!"


I would like to suggest the thought of just going "you can do whatever", and say that some hybrids have two types, and some have more. That way, both sides technically "win." Both sides would get what they really want out of the argument. So those who prefer two types can have dual-typed hybrids, and those who prefer hybrids with more types can have hybrids with more types. While I did also suggest the idea of taking votes on the subject, the more I think about it, the more I like this solution. That way nobody really "loses."

And honestly, we're mainly here to have fun with this RP, aren't we? Let's not turn this into another "only one "special" character per person!", or "only X amount of characters per person!" thing, because we ALL know how badly those situations ended. Like how we settled the character limit thing by saying people can have as many characters as they want as long as they can handle it, I think at this point, we can TRUST each other to not go all god-mode with a Pokemon with more than two types. And as I said, it's not like we don't already have a bunch of "OP" characters around. We have Dusk-Evolved, Wraitheons, Champions and giantass uber Legendaries EVERYWHERE in this verse. Hybrids or Deltas with three or more types are OP, yes, but so is practically everything else in this verse. And like I said, I think at this point ALL of us know how to handle characters like that and not make them so horribly OP that it's just unfair. We're actually sort of GOOD at this sorta thing, ya know? I think we can trust each other to handle these characters reasonably. And really, the important thing here is we want to have fun with this RP, right? So maybe we should just agree to let everyone do basically what they want with their hybrid (or Delta) characters.
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Re: Dawn of the Blessing planning thinger

Post by Azunara »

HoneyShuckle wrote:About the typing thing: I believe that having more than three typings, is just part of being a hybrid, and I can understand limiting the typing if there's going to be new people readily joining, but in this case there's not. once people understand the typing of a particular character, it would be fine to have three, or, god forbid, Four typings. As I explained to senna though, the four typing thing is something I said so we could have full crosses of any two pokemon. however, more typings than that would be catastrophic to the pokemon on a genetic level, and would have disastrous side effects, which may, in some cases, even be fatal to the pokemon. (If we have three typings be the limit, then this could happen at Four? Although I admit to being reluctant.)

However, on these specific pokemon, I think moves like trick-or-treat and Forests curse will act like soak, and just change them to that type. (Or always, if that's what you want.)

Just wanted to voice my opinion. although if I seemed a bit harsh, I'm hormonal right now, and a little bit... too many cookies today.
Alright. Now the internet is back and I can pretend I've been awake for more than five minutes, let's see what I can do.

First off, on the new people front--I'd already argue that Silva is a new person. Sure, she participated in one RP that died. She understands the whole catching up thing. She vaguely knows about the old RPs. And I'm gonna do what I can to get Silva on the same page as everyone else, mostly because I dragged her into this. (Let's face it, no Cole without Cynda.)

I don't see why three types are necessary. A, that's pulling from a HUGE move pool. Play your cards right, and you can have a pokemon that effectively is glorious for any situation ever. We don't need full crossings. God forbid you have to pick and choose types from both parents. That's whole genes work anyways. You get bits from parent A and bits from parent B. Not "WE GET ALL OF IT".

Also, Trick-Or-Treat or Soak are temporary things. And while yes, Trick-Or-Treat does add a third typing, it doesn't give it access to any moves in the first place, nor does it alter the pokemon. Effectively it's a hidden type that has no effect other than giving it an extra weakness. It does pretty much nothing. And if all you're interested in is a third type that means absolutely nothing for your char, then why not just go with two? Besides, using that rationale, I should be allowed to have my pokemon change its type whenever its wants, because Camoflauge/Conversion/Multi-Type are a precedent. See how that argument is flawed?
So, while I technically take the side of having three types for hybrids.. I will admit that four is a bit overboard. Mainly, the reason I like having three types is that really, no matter what the hybrid is, three types will sufficiently represent all species it is made up of. That's why I oppose two types, since for a lot of hybrids, it leaves things.. Lacking, in a way. It feels like they lack a type to represent one part of them.

For example, a Vaporeon-Darkrai-Rampardos hybrid. If three types were present, it would be Water/Dark/Rock. So it represents all three species the hybrid is made up of. But if it only had two types.. If it were Water/Dark, I'd be left wondering "wait, what about the fact that it's part Rampardos? shouldn't it be Rock type too?". Same for it it were Rock/Dark, then "what about Water? It's part Vaporeon, isn't it?"

I feel like in that situation, said hybrid would feel.. Incomplete, in a way. Like part of it isn't represented.
Well then. I guess that's too damn bad. You have to pick and chose. That's how this stuff works. I mean, if you have a parent with red hair and black hair, you don't expect the child to have half and half. You pick a type from the parent, you pick a type from the other parent, and you let aspects of whatever hybridy parent you want show through in order ways--say, I dunno, its body shape. Colors. The way it talks. I don't care. There's other ways to represent a pokemon than purely type. Trying to figure out weaknesses/strengths for a three type pokemon will be hell for everyone. No one wants to do that and what'd it'd mean in RP things. A friend pointed out that when skorupi evolves, it loses its bug type and becomes dark. Yet I'm pretty sure we can all agree that, yeah, skorupi looks pretty buggish to me. You want to do that and change a typing when your hybrid evolves, fine.
HOWEVER.. I can definitely see the point of saying hybrids with three types can be overpowered. That's a legitimate concern. But honestly, we have a LOT of OP characters around. (Dusk-Evolved, I'm lookin' at you!) And even WITH only two types, hybrids are still generally stronger than normal Pokemon as it is.

And, really, the point of the being kind of OP with three types WOULD tie in with the idea of making the Blessing act more out of fear than anything? Like, yeah, hybrids with three types ARE kinda OP. In that way, I wouldn't blame the Blessing for going "Hybrids are OP! we need to kill them before they kill us!"
So we should add more? I mean, at this point I'd like to consider addressing that and working to make sure they're all on the same level. I mean, I have several characters who are insanely OP. They'd probably not be fun to actually RP with others in a big group setting, because no one wants to RP with a big scary god-beast. Legendaries are different in my opinion because, at least for me, all the Legends I've played so far are nowhere near 'max power' they could be. Cro? Young, doesn't know how to do half his crap. Forrestal? At the end of the day he's still a gimpy, young, immature ho-oh, he just tries to act older than he is. Dusk as it is, there's like what, one proper Dusk evolved that's still a Dusk evolved? Two if you use Phantom? All the others are either children, and thereby nowhere near as strong as the Dusk were because it's a generation removed, or have become insanely weirdly OP in different ways, say Sol. It's probably why I'll make Sol a background character. Because she's fun to play with in small settings, or write stuff for. But she'd be annoying in a bigger setting with a bunch of people because she's inherently stupidly OP. And I don't want to force that on others. You point out hybrids are way OP. I'm not sure I see how. They stick to two types, they use a certain set of moves roughly drawn from their parents, which is appropriate considering a hybrid wouldn't have its own move pool, and if people are RPing it as a SUPER GOD BETTER THAN THOU kind of deal, that's on them. I certainly don't. Pretty sure the whole Blessing plot line wasn't even a I TOLD YOU SO THEY REALLY ARE STRONGER more based on prejudice and perceptions of superiority.

Furthermore, those OP things you discuss are generally and thus far approved by the group. Should dissent come out for any of them, then we'd do what we do now--take a poll, see what the opinion is. If people no longer like it, they're no longer playable. Plain and simple. Three types is an OP element that has been added that is new and thus far at time of writing it, is not wanted.
I would like to suggest the thought of just going "you can do whatever", and say that some hybrids have two types, and some have more. That way, both sides technically "win." Both sides would get what they really want out of the argument. So those who prefer two types can have dual-typed hybrids, and those who prefer hybrids with more types can have hybrids with more types. While I did also suggest the idea of taking votes on the subject, the more I think about it, the more I like this solution. That way nobody really "loses."

And honestly, we're mainly here to have fun with this RP, aren't we? Let's not turn this into another "only one "special" character per person!", or "only X amount of characters per person!" thing, because we ALL know how badly those situations ended. Like how we settled the character limit thing by saying people can have as many characters as they want as long as they can handle it, I think at this point, we can TRUST each other to not go all god-mode with a Pokemon with more than two types. And as I said, it's not like we don't already have a bunch of "OP" characters around. We have Dusk-Evolved, Wraitheons, Champions and giantass uber Legendaries EVERYWHERE in this verse. Hybrids or Deltas with three or more types are OP, yes, but so is practically everything else in this verse. And like I said, I think at this point ALL of us know how to handle characters like that and not make them so horribly OP that it's just unfair. We're actually sort of GOOD at this sorta thing, ya know? I think we can trust each other to handle these characters reasonably. And really, the important thing here is we want to have fun with this RP, right? So maybe we should just agree to let everyone do basically what they want with their hybrid (or Delta) characters.
I'd like to suggest we do what we're doing right now. Gather a poll. If you win, then we have three-types. If you lose, then we don't and people have to suck it up. /shrugs. That's how it works. Saying "Those who want three types get their three types everyone is happy" doesn't quite work like that. If your three types remained only in your RPs and your headcanons, that's fine. But you're trying to force them onto a group RP, which has always been a separate beast than your headcanons, and if people don't like it, then people reserve the right to say "No I don't want it." and you have to respect that if that's how it goes.

The only reasons those ended badly is because you were the main dissent against it. Everyone else was alright with it. And in the scheme of things, I wouldn't argue hybrids or deltas are OP. They stick to the two typing rule. We've never really had a problem with that. It's been a good way to make sure things don't go out of hand, and it's been at the core of all of these RPs. We all agreed--hybrids, two types. Deltas, two types. You got a two type already and want a delta, replace one of the types.

Can I trust you guys, sure. But in the long run, there is a distinct difference between three types and their FAR MORE increased adaptability than two types. Not to mention, this is how it's been. This is what we agreed on a while back. Everyone was okay with it. I don't see why it is necessary to change it now. Yes, we've RPed it so that stats aren't as important. But I don't know about you guys, but if pokemon got hurt by something it was inherently weak against, then yes I'd make it pretty significantly noticeable. I've learned to do that over the past four years and worked on that. But three types adds a whole another element of things we'd have to figure out.
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Re: Dawn of the Blessing planning thinger

Post by Lupis »

There's a point where I have to draw a line on "do what you want with your characters" and for me, three-type is that line. Azu already pointed out all the reasons I'd use, but it just takes character creativity too far for me. Hybirds are already a huge stretch of pokemon lore, don't even get me started on three-species hybrids- and any more than that just... makes me feel like we're trying to get away with too much.

Limits are imposed for a reason. Trying to get around all of them gimps creativity and is a lot less fun. There are tons of interesting ways to combine types and breeds without making our characters giant type clusterfucks.

I understand that headcanons were already made, but if a headcanon was made in a private RP, it can't automatically apply to a public RP- especially when other people don't agree with it, and wouldn't be comfortable using it. If I said Buzzard fused with Dialga in an RP with Azu (he didn't), I wouldn't come here and try to force it on you guys if you didn't want that to happen.

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Re: Dawn of the Blessing planning thinger

Post by Azunara »

LupisDarkmoon wrote:There's a point where I have to draw a line on "do what you want with your characters" and for me, three-type is that line. Azu already pointed out all the reasons I'd use, but it just takes character creativity too far for me. Hybirds are already a huge stretch of pokemon lore, don't even get me started on three-species hybrids- and any more than that just... makes me feel like we're trying to get away with too much.

Limits are imposed for a reason. Trying to get around all of them gimps creativity and is a lot less fun. There are tons of interesting ways to combine types and breeds without making our characters giant type clusterfucks.

I understand that headcanons were already made, but if a headcanon was made in a private RP, it can't automatically apply to a public RP- especially when other people don't agree with it, and wouldn't be comfortable using it. If I said Buzzard fused with Dialga in an RP with Azu (he didn't), I wouldn't come here and try to force it on you guys if you didn't want that to happen.
dear god I got confused for a second and thought it was legit and I had to spend a moment like "WHICH RP WAS THIS?????"
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Re: Dawn of the Blessing planning thinger

Post by HoneyShuckle »

Do we even have more than eight people in this RP? Are people just answering?

ANYWAY, I'm looking at forests curse and trick or treat from a battle perpective, for if those moves were to apply.

And now I feel like no matter what I say, you will find a way to crush it. I give up.
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Re: Dawn of the Blessing planning thinger

Post by Azunara »

If people are just answering, that's on them. I can't make a poll private, if that's what you're wondering.

You presented your side of the argument, I have every right to refute it if I so choose. That's how discussions work.
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Re: Dawn of the Blessing planning thinger

Post by HoneyShuckle »

You're not even allowing to come half way! But does this mean that you CAN'T have a delta of like a mega!sceptile? Or even a delta of any two type Pokemon? And before you say "just not have one of those types on the Pokemon" that ruins the integrity of the Pokemon! And deltas, as far as I remember, don't even apply to weakness and resistance. So at the very least, we should allow deltas for everyone! We should have them to have three types, if nothing else!
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Re: Dawn of the Blessing planning thinger

Post by Lupis »

That's not how deltas have ever worked before, though. We've always replaced one of the types with the new type. That's why things like a Poochyena/Eevee cross with a Fire delta type would be Dark/Fire or Normal/Fire, not Normal/Dark/Fire.

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Re: Dawn of the Blessing planning thinger

Post by Azunara »

...how does it ruin the integrity of the pokemon though????

if you can't pick and choose, then don't. You came here expecting the headcanons of your own private RPs to work in the big public things. I understand that. That is why I am reciprocating half way and not going to use my wraitheon unless everyone is cool with that because, weirdly enough, a wraitheon is hideously OP and not standard and was purely own headcanon. Funny how that works.

And Lupis is right. Deltas of multi-type species always replaced one. If it is TRULY a big deal, start with a lesser evolution and when it evolves you can change types and get a chance at both. Still at two, but you'll have used all three you want.
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Re: Dawn of the Blessing planning thinger

Post by HoneyShuckle »

Fine. If you're not going to have ANY give, I'm just going to quote Jonathan Colton.

I quit. I'm done. Because every time it's going to end the same way.

Me zero.

Now that I seem like a total jerk, I'm going to go be frustrated by my self.
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Re: Dawn of the Blessing planning thinger

Post by Azunara »

I'm sorry you feel it necessary to quit because things don't go your way. If that's truly why you quit, there's a chance you have other things to deal with than the fact you can't have triple typing.
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Re: Dawn of the Blessing planning thinger

Post by Moonlost »

*Carefully pokes head in. Clears throat a little*

Been sorta toying with the idea of joining up with this. School holidays are a thing and I'll likely have a bit more time in the following semester, so hopefully I'll actually be able to keep up with this. Besides, the blessing has always been a cool concept that I've wanted to toy with, and I do miss RPing with pokeymans. Looks like you guys have a solid idea for a conflict and I'd like to help out and have fun.

*eyes the elephant in the room*
Okay, my stance is on the side of restricting it to two types per pokemon. And it's not because I hate your super duper hybrid delta characters and I want you to suffer, or that I want you to restrict your creativity for fears of overpowered characters. Not at all.
I come from the perspective of less clutter is a good thing, and that ultimately the label of a type is not as important in a play-by-post freeform roleplay than it is within the games themselves.
The "types" are pretty much purely labels designed for game mechanic purposes. They define what a 'mon is weak/resistant to, and which attacks receive a small buff. Just because a hybrid/delta/whatever character meant purely for a play-by-post roleplay is missing that label doesn't mean that that side of them has been removed. It just means that those mechanic-related traits specific to that type aren't in effect.

This is an RP universe, the only benefit anyone would get from an extra type being added to their character would be an imaginary boost or drain in regards to certain attacks. Maybe your selection of abilities too. Both of which can just be emulated with good roleplaying anyway.
Just because a 'mon might have some resistance (or might not be weak) to an attack doesn't mean that you must roleplay to the letter of the game mechanic.
As an example, if Venin the vaporeon was blasted by a Flamethrower from Buzzard the dusk-evolved charizard, you would bet that I'd roleplay that hurting like all hell, despite the game mechanics saying that she has a huge stack of HP, pretty decent Special Defense and is 1/2 resistant to fire.

Not to mention that adding in a third type just makes things messy for everyone. It makes telling whether or not an attack would be super effective or not much more work than it needs to be, alongside introducing the idea of sextuple weakness/resistance. Forcing everyone else to bend to those game mechanics in a roleplay system where we abstract those same mechanics for storytelling purposes is just inviting much more trouble than it's worth in my humble opinion.
Sometimes we need to make sacrifices with our characters to make them fit in better with a group setting. It's not a matter of handicapping people, it's about making sure everyone has as much of a chance to have fun as possible. It's about making things go smoothly and without confusion and fuss. And really, is that label made mostly for the purposes of game mechanics core to your character in the first place? As far as I can tell, we're not asking you to gimp your movesets or anything like that. I don't think that such a thing is too much to ask.


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Re: Dawn of the Blessing planning thinger

Post by Senna-Umbreon »

(I'm just waking up, so pardon any dumb stuff.)

..Hoo boy.

I'm just start by saying I'm sorry I ever brought this up, but I guess it would have been inevitable.

Alrighty. Time to sort this out. First off, I want to say that I will be fine if we go with two types. I have my own opinions why I PREFER more, but I can deal with whatever happens. It's just an odd change, but I can deal with it for the sake of this RP. And personal headcanons and private RPs exist for a reason, too. :D I was just hoping to find some kind of balance, considering I wasn't the only one who prefers more than two types, simple as that.

I want to also say that I was in no way trying to "force" anything into this RP. I wanted to see if we could potentially make something work for everyone. I respect that you guys have your own stance on this, and as I said, I'm fine with whatever happens in the long run, because the RP over all is far more important to me. In the long run, this whole thing is a relatively minor problem. The reason I brought it up in the first place was I knew that it would mean both Honey and I would have to shift our mindset over it. And now it's just.. All turned into this. So again, I'm sorry for causing this big shitstorm. I really just wanted to see if we could find a way for everyone to be at least decently happy. I.. Guess that's out of the question at this point, though. 10/10, Senna. Great job fucking up everything, as per usual.
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Re: Dawn of the Blessing planning thinger

Post by Nick »

/peeks head in
Sssso... I haven't really kept up with the pokemon RPs around here -- hell, the only one I joined I soon-after dropped out of because I couldn't keep up/didn't feel like I was contributing -- BUT... I would have to agree and draw the line at two types. Two types is enough, and with the right typing, a pokemon can be near-goddamn immortal because nothing could hurt it enough to actually cause sufficient damage. But add in a third type? Hello Dragon/Ice/Fairy, good-bye world.

It also seems like it'd get a tad bit confusing, and a little line-pushy because honestly, where would you draw a line with that? I don't know if in previous RPs, you guys put a cap on how many moves a certain character could have/learn, but if they had a whole menagerie to work with, that would get downright horrifying after awhile.

But that's just me talking as a bystander and not really as someone who's been in a good number of the RPs...

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Re: Dawn of the Blessing planning thinger

Post by Senna-Umbreon »

To be fair, I think we've just kinda settled on the two types thing now. /shrug

Also, pfft, we've never put any kind of limit on moves characters can use. XD We even throw rules on how they learn the moves out the window. If a species can feasibly learn a move via move tutor, TM, egg move, event? A CHARACTER CAN USE IT. XD Even the wild ones.

Because it's more fun that way! XP

(But yeah, I've at least given up the "THREE TYPES BLARKGLSKDLS" shit now. I can live with two types for this RP, because.. Bah. The RP is more important that a dumb detail like that. c:)

*EDIT* Also, I really have to note that I do agree that more than two types IS confusing and all that. I guess the only issue I was having was just the fact that it meant having to change a mindset about it, I suppose, since I was used to the three types thing for a lot of my characters. So yeah.
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Re: Dawn of the Blessing planning thinger

Post by Lupis »

*peeks in*

*showers hugs*

Thanks for being calm headed, everyone. I acknowledge that I'm terrible at discussions and I get too emotional and myyeeeehh about all sorts of things (especially the last few days where I've been a guilt-ridden wreck about everything) and I really appreciate the positive "let's just PR and have fun" attitude.

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Re: Dawn of the Blessing planning thinger

Post by Azunara »

Glad we all agreed to something.

...noe can we actively discuss the RP and hash out plot? 8D
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Re: Dawn of the Blessing planning thinger

Post by Senna-Umbreon »

Yes, PLOT STUFF! By the way, I will note that I think Ruby will be able to get to helping out with this soon-ish? I dunno. XD Hopefully. We kinda need her, after all!

..So what kind of planning do we even need to do, anyway.
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