WoD tames

Relate your epic tames and show off your pets.
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Re: WoD tames

Unread post by Kalhoun »

Congrats to both, especially the Thunderlords Rylak! I remember wanting to tame that guy at the beginning of WoD and couldn't find him anywhere.
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Re: WoD tames

Unread post by PrimalTazza »

Oh yeah, I remember a friend asked me about it because he couldn't find it. I told him about it, went to look it up, and was a little shocked they'd removed it altogether. I feel like it could have been a simple fix, just make the mob spawn normally, not as a part of any spell or whatever it was before, and maybe follow the orc around her new home on the pier. Kind of disappointed they haven't given us any other armored rylak options, there are the black armored ones flying around the uninstanced Iron Docks that they could have given us, but nope. But hey, maybe if our buddies from Blizzard are lurking, maybe they could use the rylak models for chimaeras, which are usually found around night elf areas, or maybe the Horde brought some rylaks home from Draenor... either way, flying beasties around for the Horde to dress up in that fancy armor that could easily escape in the chaos of the Legion invasion, just waiting for some adventurous tamer of beasts to bring them back into the fold...

*cross fingers*


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Re: WoD tames

Unread post by Boven »

While it's not an epic or even difficult tame and one I already did on my main hunter, my second hunter to go to Tanaan just couldn't resist taming a toaster wolf. This time, I decided to give him a proper descriptive name:

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Re: WoD tames

Unread post by Kalhoun »

Boven wrote:While it's not an epic or even difficult tame and one I already did on my main hunter, my second hunter to go to Tanaan just couldn't resist taming a toaster wolf. This time, I decided to give him a proper descriptive name:

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Re: WoD tames

Unread post by Goldheart »

Sesamee wrote:OK I finally had the time to post! I have a lot of pets so will split them up into two posts so I don't ss spam..too much. First up are the brand spanking new ones:

Grizele is my new clefthoof. I didn't really like the Draenor models until I saw them in game. In pics their enourmous tusks look like they over power them but in the game they look really cool. And she's quite photogenic. Grizele is my take on several names meaning "grey one". I really love this shot.

This is Sunshine! He's named for obvious reasons. I've never been able to bond too long with a raptor and tried with the dark green one but then I came across this guy while rare hunting and I loved his pretty bright color. His name came immediately to me and was perfect.

Rakka is my rylak. He's beautiful and majestic....at least I imagine he would be if he didn't flop on the ground so pathetically next to me. Every time he comes down so hard on his wing joints it makes me wince...it looks like it hurts!! I wish they could hover like the chimera's but it is what it is. Maybe Blizz will change this in the future and give these majestic creatures the flight they deserve.

I can't decide between Pookie (purple) and StuffnThangs (green). I might have to keep them both now that we have way too many stable slots. I LOVE the new Draenor hydras. They look so incredible. Well done, Blizz!


This is Jaffa. I wasn't planning on taming this guy but I came across him while questing and he instantly won me over. What a unique looking pet. I wish he had a better ability but I can use him when no other buffs are needed. I can see him being useful in some arena situations too.

Hangry the Hippo! Seems like an appropriate name, lol. I wasn't really crazy about any of them until I saw this beautiful blue one in Shadowmoon Valley. She was sleeping and kept on sleeping while I was taming her. Didn't wake up till it was over. It kind of reminded me of my dog who can sleep through anything.

I tamed Fallow right after 6.0 as a placeholder for a Draenor talbuk but I fell for him and now he's the only stag I want. He's graceful and majestic!
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Re: WoD tames

Unread post by Goldheart »

I like all the pet for my hunter
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Re: WoD tames

Unread post by Rhyela »

Rhyela finally found a rylak she could bond with! <3



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Kharon 3.jpg (125.45 KiB) Viewed 2247 times


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Slickrock wrote:Given their current trend, we'll probably get a spirit toucan that farts loops.
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Re: WoD tames

Unread post by Rhyela »

I'm soooooo late to this party, but I finally got myself the green fel wolf! I first tried the Rangari fight as SV, but that didn't end well at all. I decided to try MM to put some room between us. The first attempt failed miserably because I stood in that Fel Blossom stuff. But the third attempt was indeed the charm, and that wench went down!


The first place I went didn't have any fel wolves (some area in the northeast), so I went to the temple place and the wolves were all over. I got really nervous for a minute because there were some folks questing in the area, and I was afraid they'd kill the wolf as I was trying to tame it. The fact that it was still red (hostile) threw me off, I thought it didn't work at first. But I hit tame before anyone could kill it and sure enough, it worked!

I named him Andoral since I re-named Gara to Garahel (Dragon Age references). He's a gorgeous wolf, and I just adore his vibrant green color. However, I still think Grimjaw (my armored WoD wolf) is my favorite. Still, I see no reason why I can't use them both! I'm just happy to have finally gotten it, and solo to boot! :D

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Andoral 1.png
Andoral 1.png (913.99 KiB) Viewed 2247 times


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Slickrock wrote:Given their current trend, we'll probably get a spirit toucan that farts loops.
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