Favorite moments from questing in WOW? Potential spoilers

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Favorite moments from questing in WOW? Potential spoilers

Unread post by Shade »

So I came across one of my favorite lines while questing in Spires of Arak on the last leg of leveling my DK (9/11 classes maxed out now woot!). Hearing the lines of that quest again had me laughing-the first time I heard them I laughed so hard I could not breathe and I cried a bit too.

So it got me thinking. I am still working on leveling my last set of toons that I have not maxed out. I've got a lvl 1 warrior, a 58 paladin and a 91 warlock. I want to go through and hit some high points in questing, go after zones or quests that I may not normally see while I level these guys.

So tell me, what were your favorite quests, zones etc and why?

For me it was:
-Rashad and Percy's Fifty Layers of Shadows scrolls in Spires of Arak
-Gnomerreddon in Ulduar
-Legendary cape quest line in Pandaria. At one point the Black Prince goes on about how the person we were working for just kept talking and talking when we just wanted what he had promised us-while giving me a super long talk himself.

On the phone so I cannot go into more detail. But anyways what were your favorites?
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Re: Favorite moments from questing in WOW? Potential spoiler

Unread post by Xota »

Oghan'aka quest chain in cata STV. Gnome priests were just added, so I was leveling one as an escaped voodoo gnome priest. Ningtala'aka was my favorite minipet, until pets became renameable, which ironically made the name Ningtala'aka invalid because of the apostrophe.
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Re: Favorite moments from questing in WOW? Potential spoiler

Unread post by Wain »

The entire Harrison Jones chain in Uld. I still really enjoy that one, no matter how many times I repeat it.

The Pandaria starting zone chain.

A couple of my favourites don't exist anymore, or have been modified. I think removing / sanitizing all the world quests was not one of the better decisions made during Cata:

The original mechanical yeti chain from Wintergrasp where Umi gets you to go terrify her friends around the world with the yeti. These days I think you just scare one of her friends in Wintergrasp.

The Linkin quest chain from Un'Goro where you helped him put together his sword, etc. It was basically a riff on Zelda.

The Scepter of the Shifting Sands chain, probably the most epic chain ever added, and took you all over the world and had you face off against Dr Weavil and Number Two. I remember being terrified of having to sneak into Undercity to steal Draconic for Dummies.
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Re: Favorite moments from questing in WOW? Potential spoiler

Unread post by Castile »

Most of mine are really old or not around anymore:

The quest where you uncovered Onyxia in Stormwind. Its one of the most memoriable quest chains (it may have been apart of an attunement?) along with making the original Quel'serra.

There was one in STV where you are trying to find king varian (or what become of him) and you learn he went "missing" onroute to some talks. There was lots of interesting story with that one.

The CSI: Miami rip off with Old Blanchy in Westfall. I think it was added in Cata but it cracks me up everytime I do it.

The baby murloc rescue while you dress in a murloc costume in Borean Tundra. It was apart of the massive conservationalist faction chain. So cute!


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Re: Favorite moments from questing in WOW? Potential spoiler

Unread post by peanutbuttercup »

My favorite two quest chains were from Darkshire, Stalvan Mistmantle and Mor'ladim. Every alliance toon of mine has run through Darkshire just to do these quests while leveling.

I know some changes were made between vanilla and now. I liked the old versions better. For Stalvan, even though the quest sent you all over the place, I really enjoyed picking up the notes and piecing the story together (even though it was a bit fractured, even by the end). With Mor'ladim, it was all about learning who he'd been as a human, and of course getting terrified out of my wits being chased around while at Raven Hill Cemetary.
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