Fenryr can be tamed!

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Re: Fenryr can be tamed!

Unread post by Wain »

According to Bendak you don't have to leave. If you solo Mythic Hymdall and Fenryr then the tameable Fenryr should appear in the cave immediately afterwards. The leave/reset thing was only for people not soloing, but has now apparently been hotfixed.
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Re: Fenryr can be tamed!

Unread post by Sauler »

Oh man.. so i've to wait next week?? :(
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Re: Fenryr can be tamed!

Unread post by Valnaaros »

Wain wrote:According to Bendak you don't have to leave. If you solo Mythic Hymdall and Fenryr then the tameable Fenryr should appear in the cave immediately afterwards. The leave/reset thing was only for people not soloing, but has now apparently been hotfixed.
Aye. I've said the same thing prior.
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Re: Fenryr can be tamed!

Unread post by Xella »

I'd like to point out that even with good gear it's NOT easy. Yeah, the more thoroughput you have the easier it'll be, but that's the case for... well, an awful lot of things in the game. Even things where it's not a gear check end up being a gear check; you end up having fewer opportunities to mess up a one-shot mechanic if the fight is shorter. None of that stuff is timed (and can you imagine if it WAS timed? 20 minutes per attempt, just survive, no damage, everything one shots you no matter what you're wearing? blech.)

I'm 908 ilvl with both BiS legendaries (and the possibility of prydaz and the feign helm) and I was not able to get Fenryr down on my own; I got him to 2-4% multiple times, but always ended up bleeding out just before he did. If I'd swapped out my legendaries it might have been easier (prydaz is soooo gooood), and that's what I did for the challenge appearance, but I didn't have it (or my piece swaps) with me. Even if Prydaz had made the difference, it still would have required decent execution—turtle isn't up for every scent of blood, your pet gets hit very hard and Hati will die before your pet takes aggro back if your primary pet dies (though unlike the weapon challenge, feign DOES work in theory). It's not "get gear, get pet" by any means—you still need the awareness of your class and the mechanics.

Does the gear help? Absolutely; I wouldn't want to go in there on a character for whom base mythic +0 gear would be an upgrade. But even with gear, it's not a snoozefest, and it probably won't be until about this point in the NEXT expansion. People who are saying it's easy are either very, very good AND unaware of the skill levels of other players (I can see one of those being true at a time, but not both) or are exaggerating for effect.

Edit: RNG also probably plays a factor; Hymdall was not difficult for me though other people (who have successfully soloed fenryr) found him much harder. Don't think there's much RNG on Fenryr though, unless his bleed can crit.
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Re: Fenryr can be tamed!

Unread post by Valnaaros »

Despite what has been said, it is not a simple tank and spank. I wiped on Hymdall twice, and six-seven times on Fenryr before I was able to use my own abilities as Hunter to be able to overcome the mechanics. I didn't walk in, pop Hero, and just burn them down. You can't do that and it simply won't work. Those who have a lower ilvl just assume that it is all about gear, when it isn't.

Yes, gear does help, but I am certain that someone with an ilvl a fair bit lower than mine can do this challenge if they make use of their entire arsenal.

Blizz has never done stuff like this before, but Legion is full of first-times. I hope they continue to do challenges like this, so long as it is more about skill than gear.

And I will keep saying it until people understand: Fenryr is not going anywhere. Not everything has to be obtained right here and right now. If you have to wait a while, them that is how it is. We don't know what Blizz will do with Mythics as the xpac goes on. They increased them once, yes, but that doesn't mean they will keep doing so.

@Kich: Then that is your choice. If you don't want to do other content, that is your decision, but then don't be surprised that you decisin is limiting your means to get gear and Legendaries.

Every single pet ever released has been available to casuals. Fenryr is not a raider pet, but even if it is, it would be the only one. No reason to be upset about one pet out of hundreds - one that will always be obtainable.
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Re: Fenryr can be tamed!

Unread post by Valnaaros »

Very well said, Xella.
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Re: Fenryr can be tamed!

Unread post by Kich »

I called it a simple tank and spank because of this post on Wowhead:

"2. Kill Hymdall, use BL pet, keep mend pet on, shouldn't be a problem. Only took 1 try.
5. Again pop BL+prepot and just nuke him down. Save Misdirection for when the adds spawn and make your pet tank them.
If pet dies, just ress and feign death to reset aggro to pet. Use healing CD's when needed. Try not to stop dps while he is doing Scent of Blood. Took me a couple tries."

Since that's what this made it sound like. So if I misunderstood something, that's why. :p

Still, I'm working my way up. Like I said, I'm at 892 now. Anyone have any tips for the Fenryr fight? Or food/potion recommendations?
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Re: Fenryr can be tamed!

Unread post by Bendak »

Here's a few tips for soloing. IMO it's doable at 880+ (with a healing legendary), but at 900+ it becomes pretty easy.

1. You can skip pretty much all the trash. Run and feign past most of it, and for the long hallway use an invisibility potion.

2. Use a turtle pet for the shield (50% damage reduction), spec to tenacity. Use Aspect of the Beast for another 30% damage reduction. Misdirect on cooldown (another 35% damage reduction), use Mend Pet on cooldown.

3. Use a healing legendary if you have it. Flask/food and Drums would help too.

4. Heimdall is just a matter of keeping your pet alive with all the damage reduction cooldowns mentioned above. Don't get hit by the drakes and tornadoes and you should be fine. If you pet dies, rez and feign.

5. Fenryr is a bit tougher. For part one, you may need to kill a bear or two if he is on the left side. If he's on the right side, just run into the pond and feign. Then go around and over the bridge to get to him. For part two, you can start by skipping all the wolf trash around him (they hurt). Like I said, a healing legendary helps a lot here (roots or prydaz is probably best). Use healing potion and exhilaration when needed. During the first fixate, just use Aspect of the Turtle and don't run anywhere. For the second fixate, run back to the far end of his cave (should be enough room). If you get a third fixate, run back outside as far as you can without aggroing the wolves.
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Re: Fenryr can be tamed!

Unread post by Quiv »

Hymdall was more of an execution fight for me. It definitely had a gear requirement just for healing the melee hits on pet, but the real factor seemed to be could you dodge the lightning/tornados and the spinny axes.

Fenryr struck me as a "kill him before you bleed out", fixate and add control. At 886 ilvl, his phase 2 and the adds tore through my pet quickly after shell shield fell off despite Misdirect/Aspect of the Beast damage reduction. Granted I don't have a lot of raid gear, so I imagine itemization plays a role too.

With Tomb LFR being 885-895, I am hoping I can bump up enough to get over the requirement. Hopefully those who really want it are lucky in that regard as well before the dungeon difficulty gets bumped again in 7.3 (Assuming they continue to do so).
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Re: Fenryr can be tamed!

Unread post by Xella »

The issue I ran into when I was attempting it was that if you got a third fixate, you were almost certainly going to get a third jump. Turtle doesn't negate the bleed that he puts on you (feign might, actually? I don't think I ever actually tried feigning the jump) and it's not like beastlord darmac in BRF where you can outrange the bleed via a well-timed disengage either. That's kind of why a healing/shielding legendary feels necessary—I cleared most of the wolves to give me more room to maneuver during the fixate, and was able to mostly keep the spawned wolves under control, but exhil+health pot+turtle heal+KC heal wasn't enough to outlast the dot, which got real nasty with three stacks and got extra nasty if my pet died and I started taking chomps to the face as well.

I haven't gone back in to try it again since I first went in there to see if I could, since I'm not really in love with the idea of Fenryr for my main, so I'm not sure if swapping e.g. seven lions out for prydaz would make the survivability cutoff or not. I mean, the possibility that I'm just a bad hunter also exists, but I tend to feel I am at least marginally competent, so I dunno.
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Re: Fenryr can be tamed!

Unread post by Quiv »

Xella wrote:I mean, the possibility that I'm just a bad hunter also exists
I think this is my issue :lol:
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Re: Fenryr can be tamed!

Unread post by Iowawolf »

"For clarification - the soft reset method was a bug, which has now been fixed, and the intended method of taming Fenryr is to complete this challenge solo.

As others have said, it would be silly to remove those who already obtained the pet, especially when early adopters didn't necessarily realize that the method was unintended, so we have no plans to do so.

Best of luck to all those trying to obtain Fenryr!"

This was taken from a blue post on the forums concerning Fenryr and players being upset that many got her doing the soft reset.
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Re: Fenryr can be tamed!

Unread post by Sauler »

Fenryr in my istance is missed. (all adds in that zone are missed). What can i do now?
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Re: Fenryr can be tamed!

Unread post by Maizou »

Xella wrote:The issue I ran into when I was attempting it was that if you got a third fixate, you were almost certainly going to get a third jump. Turtle doesn't negate the bleed that he puts on you (feign might, actually? I don't think I ever actually tried feigning the jump) and it's not like beastlord darmac in BRF where you can outrange the bleed via a well-timed disengage either. That's kind of why a healing/shielding legendary feels necessary—I cleared most of the wolves to give me more room to maneuver during the fixate, and was able to mostly keep the spawned wolves under control, but exhil+health pot+turtle heal+KC heal wasn't enough to outlast the dot, which got real nasty with three stacks and got extra nasty if my pet died and I started taking chomps to the face as well.

I haven't gone back in to try it again since I first went in there to see if I could, since I'm not really in love with the idea of Fenryr for my main, so I'm not sure if swapping e.g. seven lions out for prydaz would make the survivability cutoff or not. I mean, the possibility that I'm just a bad hunter also exists, but I tend to feel I am at least marginally competent, so I dunno.
Does it count as an actual bleed?

Like, could you use a Feathered Luffa to remove it?
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Re: Fenryr can be tamed!

Unread post by Kich »

Thanks for the tips, everyone! Especially Bendak. <3 I was wondering if I should've tried it with a turtle pet, but since I was already in and midway, I tried to make do with a core hound and spirit beast. Next time I'll take a turtle with, it's time to put good old Leonardo to use. At least now I have two healing legendaries, so that's good! Should help with the bleeds if I can manage with the adds.

Should I focus on the adds, btw, or just keep shooting Fenryr? Last time I didn't kill them, so by the time of the second add pack, the lot of them would completely wreck my pet. Ress, feign, they'd just wreck my pet before feign was off cooldown, so that's where I would fall too.
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Re: Fenryr can be tamed!

Unread post by Seilahyn »

I wish I would have read this before attempting it with a full group last night after raid. I was going to run it solo but figured why not take a group and blow through it real fast if I can rather than take forever/possibly wipe solo.

Guess I'll have to wait til next week to try and see if I can solo it.
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Re: Fenryr can be tamed!

Unread post by Bones »

Is this only doable with BM? I've neglected that spec ALL XPAC :C

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Re: Fenryr can be tamed!

Unread post by Xella »

Fenryr himself is a wolf, so he should be tameable regardless of spec. As for whether you can do mythic HoV solo as survival, well... I don't have any experience with that (I'm still bitter about losing ranged SV) so I couldn't say. I suspect most people here doing it play BM either primarily, or have it built up enough to handle it; it's the only spec I'm playing this expac (c/o the loss of ranged SV, lol) so it's the only one I have experience trying it with, haha

As for bleeds: you know, I've never thought to check. I'll go give it another shot (with my Prydaz, and a loofah) once this scorpion nonsense dies down, unless someone wants to beat me to it.
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Re: Fenryr can be tamed!

Unread post by PorrasouxRex »

I'm kind of on the same boat as a few hunters here regarding the newer recent pets of legion. I love challenge tames, but locking pets behind ilevel and monthy progression is kinda off-putting to me.
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Re: Fenryr can be tamed!

Unread post by Kich »

I've tried so many more times with all the recommendations, two healing legendaries, turtle pet, all the possible potions and flasks and things, drums.. and I just can't get Fenryr down. :| Hymdall is easy now, phase 1 is piece of cake, but I just can't get through Fenryr no matter what I try. With the help of drums, I burn through the first adds with no trouble, but it's the second and third adds that start giving me trouble. I just can't get them down fast enough. I got him to 16% once, so it's a definite improvement from the previous 33% or so, but.. I'm just not good enough, I guess. So close, yet so far. It just saddens me so much, I would love the coolest doggy in the game right now, but I'll have to wait 'till I get better gear. Right now it's just a waste of gold and buff items for me.
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