Problem with Fenryr

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Problem with Fenryr

Unread post by somnomania »

I haven't tried him this week yet, but I'm sort of afraid to. The last three attempts at getting him, Feign Death has absolutely not worked on him, even when combined with Misdirect. My pet dies, I get aggro, I revive my pet, MD and FD, and the aggro meter doesn't budge in the slightest while Fenryr keeps munching on me. It's really frustrating, because that didn't used to be a problem, and I feel fairly confident that if it worked, I could finally get him. Is anyone else encountering this problem, or does everyone already have Fenryr tamed by now except me? :lol:
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Re: Problem with Fenryr

Unread post by Shelassa »

I have seen posts about this problem on EU and US forums multiple times. I'd be able to try it out tomorrow and see if it happens to me, too.

Meanwhile, what is your talent choice? Stomp / Dire Frenzy?
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Re: Problem with Fenryr

Unread post by SylviaDragon »

I had the same problem while trying to tame him over the past two weeks. made what would have been a fairly reasonable fight nearly impossible. (not to mention i only had one legendary- but i did have 895 gear?) once my pet died that was it. there was no way for it to pick up aggro again and the boss ignores FD.
When i finally killed him the first time he wouldn't spawn because apparently I hat hit the soft reset. :evil: spent the next week getting killed at 1-4% before lucking out. Granted I have been away for a while so my soloing skills are a bit rusty.

My advice?
- The legendary ring The Apex Predator's Claw was really helpful in keeping up dps while using a tank pet.
- Use a core hound for that extra dps kick from molten hide. this was the thing that finally helped me kill him. In tank spec my core hound would die at about the same speed as my turtle anyway.
-obviously you will want your usual raiding buffs
- PRE POT! if you pop everything you should be able to pop another potion of prolonged power right around the time BW comes up again. (also ad emergency healing pots)
- if you cant kite the adds then spec into barrage and focus them down as fast as possible. save your misdirect for this. if you plan to MD the adds DO NOT TUNNEL BOSS! adds MUST take priority at all times. Even if you are running out of range you should still be using kill command on them if your pet is tanking them.
- stay fairly close to the boss (but not too close or you may get hit) so that barrage damage hits him too. Stay close until after he leaps then preemptively start backing up as much as you can. this way when he starts chasing you you can max out your damage without having to run.
- my talents were dire stable/dire frenzy/posthaste/ not important/ barrage. I can't remember if i ended us using aspect of the beast for extra survivability or killer cobra for burst. I was swapping between the two quite a bit when trying out new builds..... It may have been cobra that finally did it? ( looking back i should have given stomp a chance too)
-don't use exhilaration because your health is low. use it because your pets health is low. and don't forget last stand.

my pet would still die near the very end no matter what. this usually happened right before sent of blood happened again so i would have a little bit of time to prepare. (usualy had to pop turtle to survive till blood cast). revive your pet asap for extra damage and just hope you can kite long enough to get rid of his last fleck of health.

alternatively i have heard that some people clear out ALL the mobs in the fields and kite him around the pool as MM but i don't know if that still works.


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Re: Problem with Fenryr

Unread post by somnomania »

@Shelassa Unfortunately I have to stick with Chimera Shot on that tier, because my rotation that I'm used to gets totally screwed up without it. I end up mashing buttons that don't have abilities on them anymore, which loses me valuable DPS and also gets me murdered. I might try Stomp on some attempt, I don't know that I've ever tried him with that. I also usually have Killer Cobra, which is another part of my active rotation, but I've also tried him with Aspect of the Beast on instead, with negligible effects re: pet survival.

@SylviaDragon Ugh. I hate this game and how updates that apparently don't even have to do with certain things manage to break those things. At least it's not just me, I guess. I do have the APC, fortunately, and I just recently finished upgrading both active legendaries, so my ilvl is 902 now. My other is Roar of the Seven Lions. I'm lucky to even have those, since I hardly ever raid and I don't do enough else to ever get legendary drops. I'll have to grab a core hound, I never thought of that. I still haven't seen any real consensus on whether to focus solely on Fenryr and attempt to kite the adds around, or to actually attempt to down the adds as they arrive. Kiting's gotten me further, so I'll probably just keep trying that strategy. My usual attempt involves clearing all trash, both for survivability and to cool down from soloing Hymdall, and then kite as much as I can, with Turtle for my own health along with potions, and Exhilaration for my pet, yeah. I hit Mend Pet whenever the cooldown is up. I really do feel like if they just fix the aggro issue I can probably get him by now, and otherwise it's extremely low odds to actually get him with it bugged like this. I also don't know how on earth anyone ever got him as anything besides BM, lmao.
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Re: Problem with Fenryr

Unread post by SylviaDragon »

Have you been using a different pet for bloodlust then? There is no way a bm can kill him without it right now- which was why i initially brought my core hound in the first place.
I just started playing my hunter again and have not been raiding so i get the struggle.Still getting acquainted with all my new talents. seven lions should come in handy though. Hopefully your extra ilvl will be enough to burst him down because you eventually reach a point where your pet will die no matter what. What % are you getting him to anyway?
Since you plan on going for a kite method, i would recommend Crows, binding shot and probably cobra over aspect of the beast.

checklist of buffs to have with you:
-health potion
-potion of pronged power (x2 per attempt)
-agility runes (don't use these on practice runs. they get expensive)
-demon flask
-buff food
-Blood Lust

I don't know if you have seen the other thread that recently popped up on here but someone is saying that after patch day (the 29th of this month) mythic difficulty will increase so you are on a bit of a timer.


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Re: Problem with Fenryr

Unread post by Lee »

I tried Fenryr at least two dozen times and failed each time before deciding to go with the strategy a comment on Wowhead gave and kiting him around the lake. This necessitated killing pretty much every add in the zone, but it was by far much easier.

Turn growl on your pet off, have aspect of the cheetah keybound, and kite, kite, kite. The adds won't catch you, Fenryr's debuff attack won't hit you, and if you can stay ahead of him, you'll slowly chip away st his health. It's a very time-consuming method and it takes some perfecting but I found it far easier than fiddling with positioning diagrams.
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Re: Problem with Fenryr

Unread post by somnomania »

@SylviaDragon I've been using drums for BL, since god knows I'm not using the leather for anything else. The lowest I've ever gotten him was 16%, which I just got a little while ago after picking up a core hound. I guess higher difficulty is preferable over not being able to get him at all after that, which is the other rumor I've heard, but ughhhhh. If the whole thing didn't rely on doing it all in one trip it would be easier, but if it's increasing on the 29th then I basically have to get him tonight (I'm on my fffffourth try tonight? fifth?) or not at all before then.

@Lee I'm at 41 wipes currently. :|b I've been kiting him, and even with kiting I think my reaction time just isn't fast enough to hit things properly and keep my pet up. Why have growl off, out of curiosity? Does that mean I should also have my pet specced ferocity or cunning, or turn Thunderstomp off as well? I just end up overwhelmed by adds, even with kiting and traps and Binding Shot.
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Re: Problem with Fenryr

Unread post by Shelassa »

@Somnomania Sorry for the delay! I had no chance to clean Halls of Valor until earlier today.

The only way I've managed to have Fenryr on my pet instead of my character is going with the pet in Ferocity spec and talented for Dire Frenzy, Blink Strikes and Aspect of the Beast (in Ferocity, it places bleed on the target on every Kill Command which is great extra DPS for the kiting method). Otherwise, I did everything like before- cleaned adds, rune, flask, pre-pot, BL and blew all CDs on Fenryr before the pet croaked for the first time and was revived via Heart of Phoenix.

If you have them, I strongly suggest Sephuz for running speed increase and Prydaz for the shield / Soul of the Huntmaster for extra deeps / Healing helm for 20% healing on demand in any combination. For the last run, I personally used the Soul of the Huntmaster (which allowed me to spec into Blink Strikes + Bestial Fury at the same time) and the healing pants which were useless as I didn't stop running for a second (and even fell in the lake due to faulty Disengage and almost got eaten).

My order for the opening was like this:

Stand at the maximum range of abilities from the boss (literally a step backward and abilities gray out). Food, flask, rune, pre-pot, Blood Lust, Misdirect to Pet, Kill Command and Dire Frenzy, then this macro:

/cast Bestial Wrath
/cast Aspect of the Wild
/cast Titan's Thunder
/cast Dire Frenzy

Followed by the Murder of Crows. Pet dies in about 15 seconds. Use Heart of Phoenix (special Ferocity's pet ability), while starting to run away and dropping Binding Shot under feet. Drop Tar Trap right at the center of the bridge when you will be running over. Disengage before Fenryr can place his bleed. Put as much distance between yourself, the boss and the adds through the effect of Scent of Blood. Pop Cheetah if you feel he is too close. Continue running prioritizing Titan's Thunder > Kill Command > Dire Frenzy. Use the pot again when it is available (in a minute after the fight began). Don't stop moving outside of rezzing the pet.

With this method, I've killed Fenryr in a minute, without even finishing my first circle at ilvl 905 (he caught up to me at the second bridge and I had to turtle, too).
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Re: Problem with Fenryr

Unread post by Boven »

I managed to tame him Saturday. It'd been weeks since I'd last tried and I'm far better geared than I was on past attempts (915 ilvl with the gear I had on as opposed to my usual 918 raiding gear).


I followed the advice to use my core hound in Tenacity spec. I went with Dire Stable, Dire Frenzy, Barrage, and Aspect of the Beast. For legendaries, I was using the Apex Predator's Claw and Sheldrassil's Roots.

I was fortunate in that Fenryr started out at the cave instead of in the Vrykul camp, so I didn't need to clear out too many trash mobs. I pretty much just got rid of the bears and the wolf packs. I was surprised it only took me two attempts. Pre-potted, hit bloodlust and tore through phase 1. I messed up on phase 2 and ended up getting hit by his leap and ran into the awful aggro issues with the wolf adds which ended up killing me. When I ran back, Fenryr was at the phase 2 spot at 60% health, which worked out nicely, since I had all my cooldowns ready again, so I was able to prepot, bloodlust, and blow cooldowns to burn him down. I was so occupied trying to keep my pet and myself alive that I was suprised when I looked at his health and he was at about 3%.

I'm rather glad I got it done before the difficulty went up.
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Re: Problem with Fenryr

Unread post by Lee »

somnomania wrote:@Lee I'm at 41 wipes currently. :|b I've been kiting him, and even with kiting I think my reaction time just isn't fast enough to hit things properly and keep my pet up. Why have growl off, out of curiosity? Does that mean I should also have my pet specced ferocity or cunning, or turn Thunderstomp off as well? I just end up overwhelmed by adds, even with kiting and traps and Binding Shot.
Sorry for the late response.

Having growl off makes Fenryr follow you, and allows your pet to nibble at his heels the entire time. It also keeps your pet from drawing aggro of the adds he spawns.

Run in a full circle around the lake. Do not stop. It's just an endurance race. Your pet will eventually kill him on its own, you just need to live long enough for that to happen, which is achieved by continuously running from the boss and having it chase you.
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Re: Problem with Fenryr

Unread post by erictks123 »

Lee wrote:
somnomania wrote:@Lee I'm at 41 wipes currently. :|b I've been kiting him, and even with kiting I think my reaction time just isn't fast enough to hit things properly and keep my pet up. Why have growl off, out of curiosity? Does that mean I should also have my pet specced ferocity or cunning, or turn Thunderstomp off as well? I just end up overwhelmed by adds, even with kiting and traps and Binding Shot.
Sorry for the late response.

Having growl off makes Fenryr follow you, and allows your pet to nibble at his heels the entire time. It also keeps your pet from drawing aggro of the adds he spawns.

Run in a full circle around the lake. Do not stop. It's just an endurance race. Your pet will eventually kill him on its own, you just need to live long enough for that to happen, which is achieved by continuously running from the boss and having it chase you.
Put up survive gear , necklace , pants , helmet , ring and so on
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Re: Problem with Fenryr

Unread post by erictks123 »

erictks123 wrote:
Lee wrote:
somnomania wrote:@Lee I'm at 41 wipes currently. :|b I've been kiting him, and even with kiting I think my reaction time just isn't fast enough to hit things properly and keep my pet up. Why have growl off, out of curiosity? Does that mean I should also have my pet specced ferocity or cunning, or turn Thunderstomp off as well? I just end up overwhelmed by adds, even with kiting and traps and Binding Shot.
Sorry for the late response.

Having growl off makes Fenryr follow you, and allows your pet to nibble at his heels the entire time. It also keeps your pet from drawing aggro of the adds he spawns.

Run in a full circle around the lake. Do not stop. It's just an endurance race. Your pet will eventually kill him on its own, you just need to live long enough for that to happen, which is achieved by continuously running from the boss and having it chase you.
Put up survive gear , necklace , pants , helmet , ring and so on, but I think they make the boss tuff now try the new dungeon, I can't even dps down the boss in heroic ..... it is horriblely strong wonder they upgrade those old dungeon too
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Re: Problem with Fenryr

Unread post by Valnaaros »

Mythic difficulties were bumped up in 7.3. You will now need to be in the 900s, possibly 910s, in order to kill Fenryr.
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Re: Problem with Fenryr

Unread post by Krysteena »

Mythic was bumped 20 levels (looking at the gear it now drops), and so, if we're being technical, you need +20 levels than what you needed before, to deal with Fenryr. Say you needed 910 pre-7.3, you would now need 930.

Basically, whatever someone was managing to kill Fenryr with, item level wise, before 7.3, add 20 to that and you've got a rough estimate of what you'll now need. Personally, before I attempt Fenryr again, I'm going for at least 920
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Re: Problem with Fenryr

Unread post by Valnaaros »

I was able to down Fenryr when I was around 895, during 7.2. So you'll need to be somewhere in the 910s to manage, assuming you also have the skill.
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Re: Problem with Fenryr

Unread post by somnomania »

Ugh, no wonder I couldn't even get past Hymdall. Thanks for the specifics, though, it helps to have a goal to shoot for besides "better".
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Re: Problem with Fenryr

Unread post by ejpaints »

He is doable around 925 ish item level in 7.3. I actually just did it over the weekend with a turtle, using the Apex ring, and Pyrdaz. You just have to really keep on top of your pet's health, but it's doable.
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