General BlizzCon discussion

For discussion while BlizzCon is running. Anything pertinent to WoW will be moved to the appropriate forums after BlizzCon is over.
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Re: General BlizzCon discussion

Unread post by Valnaaros »

Nazjatar? I have always wanted to, as well. However, I think it would be a diservice to a place we've heard about for a long time if it was just a raid and not an outdoor questing area or something.
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Re: General BlizzCon discussion

Unread post by GormanGhaste »

Valnaaros wrote:Nazjatar? I have always wanted to, as well. However, I think it would be a diservice to a place we've heard about for a long time if it was just a raid and not an outdoor questing area or something.
Yeah, that's how I feel about Azjol-Nerub.
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Re: General BlizzCon discussion

Unread post by Shelassa »

cowmuflage wrote:I wonder if that Naga raid will be set in their capital city? I've always wanted to see that.
Tbh, I really hope we will see more of Azshara and her naga than just a raid or a raid wing or a single patch content. To me, at least, she has been Deathwing-level of character and the naga have been one of those unresolved plot points to look forward to on a scale of full expansion.
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Re: General BlizzCon discussion

Unread post by cowmuflage »

I'd like more under water zones myself. After all the Naga are not the only ones to have cities under the sea!
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Re: General BlizzCon discussion

Unread post by Xota »

cowmuflage wrote:I'd like more under water zones myself. After all the Naga are not the only ones to have cities under the sea!
A lot of people get really frustrated with the swimming. Not me, I love it. I was disappointed when Zangar Sea was flyover, instead of with fungal whales and aquatic versions of rays and spore bats and warp stalkers etc. But to not give people headaches the way Vashjr did, blizz would have to give some navigation tools. Like they would need to give everyone tools that let them auto-orient, charge, and loot-a-rang. "Is this behind me, how far away?" is really frustrating when there's no ground to show where you are. Or they could make everything doable on the sea floor, and if someone wanted, they could tie weights on their feet.
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Re: General BlizzCon discussion

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Zangar sea would of been neat. I missed the little sporelings. They were so cute.
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Re: General BlizzCon discussion

Unread post by Wain »

I was the same. I loved Vashj’ir and always chose that over Hyjal on my alts. I never understood the dislike of the zone. I thought they really made the swimming thing fun and easy. And the zone was gorgeous.
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Re: General BlizzCon discussion

Unread post by Shelassa »

I personally loved Vashj'ir for my ranged characters and totally hated it on my melee ones because my brain could not figure out how to deal with added dimensions. I could swear it would be the same if WoW was ever to add aerial combat.
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Re: General BlizzCon discussion

Unread post by Quiv »

I was the same as Shelassa, loved Vash on ranged, HATED on melee, for the same reasons. I think pure underwater zones are too polarizing to come back, but maybe an underwater zone that is in some sort of bubble. You can see outside the bubble to see sea life swim by, like whales or whatever. I think it could be cool if done right. I loved making underwater stuff in Minecraft, so it always has a soft spot to me.
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Re: General BlizzCon discussion

Unread post by Syleye »

I love the concept of the underwater zones but I find them so disorienting. Still wouldn't object to more


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Re: General BlizzCon discussion

Unread post by Valnaaros »

I really liked Vashj'ir, but they would need to add some utilities to help with navigation in order to make it better for melee and such.
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Re: General BlizzCon discussion

Unread post by Dino »

Vashj'ir is pretty and I like going back. Would be sweet to have another underwater level. We have been dealing with naga since Vanilla, and I just want to fight Queen Azshara already. That cata dungeon doesn't count. xD That was mess with time dungeon.
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Re: General BlizzCon discussion

Unread post by SylviaDragon »

Ah cool those new child models look really nice! I hope they update some of the older human models with them. I'm suprised with the variety of looks in the human group and the troll girl looks good too.

switching topics, I really liked Vashj'ir- despite spending over a month camping the zone on a level 70 for the mount before I ever had the chance to quest through it! I really liked all the aquatic plants and ruins and I have always been a sucker for creepy deep sea creatures. (although i found the whole questline involving the naga's battle for a broken underwater bridge to be pretty silly :lol: )
All that being said, I usually stick to ranged-only classes because i suck at melee and as a hunter with fetch i had it way easy in that zone. Once i tried to quest their as a melee my already horrific sense of depth perception made everything really tricky. I have made sure to level melee classes in hyjal ever since.
I wouldn't mind having new underwater zones again so long as at least half the new zones were land zones so people had options. I think at this point i would prefer some underwater areas just so shake things up a bit. But they would have to do something to help with the depth perception issues. Either have an in-zone ability to loot and jump to targets long range harpoon style, or have everything take place on the sea floor with standard land physics.


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Re: General BlizzCon discussion

Unread post by Xella »

Someone—and I can't remember who, but it was on twitter somewhere—said that you can start working on some of the prerequisites to the new subraces/allies now. I don't think they gave any more specifics than that, but I would assume it would be exalted with the appropriate factions and/or completion of the storylines already in-game associated with those factions. There might be additional things, like having credit for finishing ToS/Antorus on some difficulty or being at 110 or some such. Does anybody know who/what tweet I'm talking about here, and was there any additional information? Finding anything not specifically mentioned during an official BlizzCon panel is so frustrating because there's so much information spread out so far :(

Either way, do you suppose that "credit" will be account-wide, or will you have to have the rep/storylines done on the specific character you'll be using to unlock those factions? Using me as an example: I have everything exalted and all storylines complete on my druid, who is a Night Elf (and everything but Argus stuff done on my hunter, ditto). I have characters at 110 Horde-side, but as I don't have friends Horde-side I typically haven't been playing them. Will one of my Horde characters be able to unlock Nightborne or am I going to have to start siphoning some of my rep insignias away from emissary boxes and completing Order Hall set transmogs on alts in order to get one of them over the arbitrary rep gating in the Nightfallen quest line(s)? That's the kind of information I'd like NOW, and not some arbitrary number of weeks/months from now when the allied quests hit the PTR/beta, though at least I DO main Alliance—the thought of having to complete the Argus campaign and hit exalted with Army/Reach again to unlock Lightforged Draenei and Void Elves makes me want to vom (I can't even bring myself to do it to unlock world quests on additional alts, I hate Argus so much more than I thought I could).
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Re: General BlizzCon discussion

Unread post by Valnaaros »

It was in an interview. They said that you would need to be exalted with Highmountain and have done at least part of their storyline. There is more prerequisites, but that'll come later.

It could be account-wide, but I am kinda doubting it. I am guessing that to unlock VEs, Lightforged, and Dark Irons, you need to do their prerequisites on Alliance. Same goes for Horde and Zandalari, Nightborne, and Highmountains. I can't imagine that the prerequisites will be complete. Getting exalted with the base Legion factions is pretty easy nowadays, and you will probably only need to be exalted with the AotL and Argussian Reach if you're Alliance.
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Re: General BlizzCon discussion

Unread post by Krysteena »

I don't mind the prerequisites, and it makes sense that you're exalted with the faction before the allies of that race come and join either Horde or Alliance depending. I am hoping, though, that unlocking these allies isn't specifically locked behind completing a raid (such as Antorus) on normal/heroic/mythic difficulty. Making raiding feel compulsory (because, let's be honest, people will want these shiny new allied races) rather than a choice isn't one that would sit well with a lot of people.

Not that I wouldn't start raiding for a Nightborne, though. I would 100%, I'd just rather not, ya know? :')
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Re: General BlizzCon discussion

Unread post by Vephriel »

I'm wanting to know the same thing Xella. A lot of the info is pretty vague at the moment, but to me it does sound like this might be faction-specific for some races. >>; Mostly due to the fact that your character will have to go through a small quest chain to 'unlock' the allied races, and I imagine that quest chain will have to be done as an Alliance character for the Alliance allied races, and Horde for the Horde.

I don't mind the reputation requirements, but as someone who mains Horde it unfortunately puts a damper on me wanting to try out some of the Alliance allied races because the thought of leveling an Alliance alt to 110 and then grinding out the reps purely for that is...discouraging, to say the least. I kind of get it, but if that's how it'll be then I guess I won't play a void elf for a while. :lol:
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Re: General BlizzCon discussion

Unread post by Xella »

Valnaaros wrote:Getting exalted with the base Legion factions is pretty easy nowadays, and you will probably only need to be exalted with the AotL and Argussian Reach if you're Alliance.
Getting exalted with Nightfallen is marginally easier than it used to be because so many high rep world quests were added with the post-exalted Nightfallen quest line and there's the Nighthold world quests weekly (if you can get your groups to do those), though according to a friend who went through the whole line lately, there's no rep at all associated with the "newer" nightfallen questline (assaulting the Nighthold and such). I would argue that it's slightly harder to get a fresh character exalted with the other factions now, because the Kirin Tor and faction-specific emissaries are less likely to come up with the advent of Broken Shore & Argus emissaries into the rotation. Most world quests still only give 50-75 rep each, so once you're out of quests it's a thumb-twiddling good time.

The benefit for established characters (or altoholics) wrt reputation are the reputation token missions, which can help boost you along. Most of those don't pop 'til your followers are 880+ (Broken Shore follower tokens are BoA) and nowadays the vast majority seem to be gated behind the Argus campaign (BOOOOOOOOO). If you have other characters that are already exalted you can get the BoA versions as well.

The big issue for me with rep tokens is that my rogue still needs revered or exalted Highmountain for her combat hidden artifact drops, I still need the Highmountain paragon mount, and ten classes still need to finish exalted Nightfallen to complete their order hall class sets. Choosing between my rogue and my paragon caches is already a tough decision (and every time I choose one or the other I immediately regret my choice, lol); adding a third choice to that decision is going to drive me batty (though at least that and the rogue are a goal with an actual END, unlike the paragon caches). If I choose the right character to Horde-main I can continue to work on both Nightfallen goals at the same time (though with a loss of efficiency given the rep levels of my alliance-side alts atm), but... ugh.

At least I have the Nightfallen paragon mount and all my Alliance alts are Revered Nightfallen for the Balance of Power lines (7/12 alts are done with BoP altogether and two more are at least 50% of the way through it).
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Re: General BlizzCon discussion

Unread post by Xota »

I know it's only a 10% buff, but I save all my rep boosting for darkmoon faire week. And for when I need to push an alt through zone quests for rep. I have a human rogue specifically for things like this, for the rep bonus, and for stealthing through annoying quests.
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Re: General BlizzCon discussion

Unread post by Valnaaros »

I doubt they'll require you to complete raids on a higher difficulty than LFR as a prerequisite for any of the Allied Races.

The Faction-specific emissaries are less-likely to spawn? I rarely ever see the Legionfall Emissary, and AotL and Argussian Reach usually spawn once a week, which makes sense, seeing as they are apart of the main content right now. Though, I do not find it hard to get exalted with the Nightborne (bear in mind, they never said exalted with the Nightfallen to get the Nightborne).

I get plenty of rep tokens. Only one of my characters isn't exalted with everyone, and that'll soon change. The Argus campaign is pretty easy and doesn't take that long to finish up.