Rant Thread

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Re: Rant Thread

Unread post by NoraNora »

Since Legion is slowly but surely dwindling to an end I can not only finally return but unleash thy rant upon thee about the logic of Legion and just thoughts I've had for so long about the factions

So Legion's alright aesthetic wise, pretty fun to do, lots of cool stuff, loving the class mounts.
First tidbit, grumpy about artifact possible loss bc I busted my friggin butt struggling to get the rare hidden appearances.

But I'm real salty about the cinematic and always have been.

Sylvanas and Varian could've communicated that when Vol'jin got stabbed she could have said "Yo my dudes our Warchief is literally dying so um GOTTA BLAST" And the seemingly neutral deal would've been okay-ish. Vol'jins death was the..dumbest..thing..I have EVER seen IN MY LIFE. Sylvanas is a HUNTER. She is a BANSHEE QUEEN. She has MAGIC to some extent and oh..I don't know..ARROWS!!! WHY DIDN'T SHE SHOOT THE HECKIN' DEMON HE WASN'T A FLYER IT'S LITERALLY A FELGUARD LIKE WHAT?! And the horse she gets just damn pops up in the middle of a battlefield. You got LOADS of healers and archers and garbage and nobody could stab a FELGUARD before he stabbed your WARCHIEF?! WH Y WHAT LOGIC IS THAT WHAT DID BLIZZ WANT TO EVEN ACCOMPLISH?!?!? And where the hell was Jaina? Off sobbing again? All she did was whine some more and complain, she could EASILY take down or at least help take down the mass amount of demons and save the guy whose name I can't remember before Gul'dan literally just incinerated him. I have no words for Varians death though mostly because I didn't care for him honestly..

And as for just the factions. It has always seemed like Alliance=good, Horde=bad. Orgrimmar was DESTROYED basically by DW, Stormwind got a little off the top. Durotar has an enormous SCAR, Stormwind...I don't even know. The Hordes leader died and they practically live in a real old city that nobody seems to enjoy. The new lore and the quests and storyline are so devoted to making Sylvanas look like the bad guy out of everything that happened from her getting the bigger Valkyr to making deals with Helya I think her name is. The Alliance is being glorified with fancy text in their storyline like Genn going all ham on Sylvanas for the lantern on the Valkyre and a whole damn cinematic for Anduin mourning his father. There was none of that for Sylvanas and Vol'jin except when he died and deemed her the Chief. They got no mourning or even tribute cinematics just bland stories. The Alliance feels so beefed up and jam packed with cinematics and dialogue and just..UUGHGHHGHGHHG

AND IMMEDIATELY AFTER THEY HECKIN DO THAT CINEMATIC and I won't say, unless everyone's seen it but it just irritates me that the factions basically fight again, which really isn't much of a surprise but..REALLY?! THE LEGION JUST HAPPENED LIKE MY DUDES WHAT?

OKAYY that's all for now OTL Sorry for poofing for those who even remember me hA life caught up real fast and hit real hard
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Re: Rant Thread

Unread post by Lupis »

@ NoraNora, I agree completely and my quarrels with that kind of stuff is part of why I stopped playing :,D The faction conflict is my least favorite part of WoW and the next expansion focusing on it is making me feel exhausted by the concept, not excited.

on to my rant-


my partner has type 1 and for the last four-five days has been really sleepy and tired all the time, and we couldn't figure out why. But with some testing yesterday we realized it's because her Insulin injections aren't working- ....at all. The fast acting stuff just flat out doesn't kick in no matter how much she injects or where (she tried two different injection sites, one with scar tissue and one without), and her long-acting Lantus doesn't seem to be responding either- she was at 274 BS last night, and woke up after doing lantus at 280. It'd be less immediately concerning if she wasn't averaging such a high BS count, but 280 is about 200 over what she should be averaging. That's- very bad.

I've immediately changed our diet to low/no carb so she won't need to inject until we can figure out what's happening, but oh my god, this is agony. I can only imagine how much scarier it is for her. My reading has suggested that she either needs to swap insulin types or do extended testing to change her Lantus dosage, but if she's not reacting to insulin _at all_ then that means a new type is the only thing that'll fix it. ...Which means going to the doctor. Ugh.

I really hope our government decides that maybe people's lives matter and starts putting more funding into medical science. We're so, so close to a cure for this. Please just let us get rid of this horrible disease.

edit- omfg her BS went down....... i'm so relieved- i dont know why or if it'll last but holy god i'm relieved

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Re: Rant Thread

Unread post by cowmuflage »

I'm making a kind of simple "visual guide to the elves of Azeroth" for a book I'm making and every time I think I have planned it out I find something else that needs to be put in and so I have to re-do the whole layout again. ;-; How did I forget Naga and Felblood elves?
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Re: Rant Thread

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Beginning to think the family would be better off without me. At least then my husband could support the kids properly without me dragging them down.. Just very tired


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Re: Rant Thread

Unread post by NoraNora »

back again with another salty lore filled rant about roleplayers

MG is so toxic at times like legit, people can't do what they want anymore
Like hey I understand that some abilities and such that make you OverPowered or a GodModder are just like...why.

I met someone last night who had this insanely strange lore and a weird story that to me doesn't make sense, though it's also due to English not being their native language, and while I DO NOT judge that, it is admittedly very hard to understand what they're trying to talk to me about :(

Their so called warlock-lore-demonlore friend gave her NO pointers on the lore about the demons she was using, basically giving her pats on the back that she's doing good, while in reality people were so nasty to her she stopped trying to roleplay outside of a group of 8 close friends. What the hell is wrong with people?

If you're going to tell someone their information is wrong, don't godamn assume it's on purpose. GIVE THEM POINTERS. SHOW THEM THE LORE!! I walked this woman through the basic lore of the demons she was using while NOT crushing her story. It IS a good story, but the way she used some of the aspects of the game and the theories she read from lore FANFICTION instead of the real thing messed her up and got backlash from the horrible people crawling around MG.

If she does come forward to me again I really want to help her more.
I can't cut MGs players in half anymore because there's so much garbage in them it's ridiculous, and I feel like even I can't follow the LORE without someone finding a TINY THING that's strange. I do my research, I take my time, and instead of insulting people who are new or unaware, I actually try to help them instead of push them back down. News flash jerks, being an absolute jerk won't make people better roleplayers, you're just ruining the server and the fun of roleplay for everyone else.
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Re: Rant Thread

Unread post by Talihawk »

Okay finally have to use this thread. GAAAAAAHHHHHH I hate the RNG on the Valajar / Stormheim faction paragon chests. I REALLY want that dragon mount. I've lost count how many I've opened.

If any one else wants to grind valajar rep with the Maw of souls dungeon, let me know.


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Re: Rant Thread

Unread post by Varethyn »

It hurts so much to rant this early in the new year but...
This is absolutely heartbreaking.
The link leads to a video by Gaijin Goombah in response to something horrific. Some idiot decided it would be funny not only to vlog their visit Japan and mock their culture, their fashion and traditions, but also to film a dead person he found in their forests. It's disgusting and a complete disrespect to not only the dead but to Japan's customs as well. It's people like this that make me question humanity and make me humiliated to be a part of it. If there happens to be anyone Japanese around here I sincerely apologise for this twat's actions. We are not like that. It's individuals like him that make the rest of us look bad and make things extremely difficult for everyone.

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Rest in peace mum. I really did love and miss you, even if I never got to see you.

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Re: Rant Thread

Unread post by cowmuflage »

Varethyn wrote:It hurts so much to rant this early in the new year but...
This is absolutely heartbreaking.
The link leads to a video by Gaijin Goombah in response to something horrific. Some idiot decided it would be funny not only to vlog their visit Japan and mock their culture, their fashion and traditions, but also to film a dead person he found in their forests. It's disgusting and a complete disrespect to not only the dead but to Japan's customs as well. It's people like this that make me question humanity and make me humiliated to be a part of it. If there happens to be anyone Japanese around here I sincerely apologise for this twat's actions. We are not like that. It's individuals like him that make the rest of us look bad and make things extremely difficult for everyone.
I did not watch that vid as I have issues with Gaijin Goombah as a person ( that's a whole giant rant for another day!) but I did google it and holy poop that is horrible!
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Re: Rant Thread

Unread post by Lupis »

I also read about that and I'm proud of people for their responses- which, almost universally, have been abject horror and the disowning of his name. But act itself- the total disrespect for the dead, especially considering it's concerning a suicide victim and Japan's desperate need for more mental health awareness- makes it only the more vile. What a soulless person.

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Re: Rant Thread

Unread post by Dewclaw »

That moment when you're in the middle of what the news is calling an "arctic bomb" and the heat goes out. :/
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Re: Rant Thread

Unread post by Nachtwulf »

If it makes you feel better, 'bomb' doesn't have anything to do with the strength of the storm, but merely the speed with which the barometer drops.

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Re: Rant Thread

Unread post by Castile »

Varethyn wrote:It hurts so much to rant this early in the new year but...
This is absolutely heartbreaking.
The link leads to a video by Gaijin Goombah in response to something horrific. Some idiot decided it would be funny not only to vlog their visit Japan and mock their culture, their fashion and traditions, but also to film a dead person he found in their forests. It's disgusting and a complete disrespect to not only the dead but to Japan's customs as well. It's people like this that make me question humanity and make me humiliated to be a part of it. If there happens to be anyone Japanese around here I sincerely apologise for this twat's actions. We are not like that. It's individuals like him that make the rest of us look bad and make things extremely difficult for everyone.
I didn't see the suicide forest video (just sounded so awful) but saw his "Tokyo is a playground" one and just omg no. As someone who loves Japan and loves going there its monkeys like this that make the rest of us look bad. And he thought they were laughing with him? no mate just no. American tourists get a bad rap as it is (to the point where my friend wanted me to teach her 'Australian' so people didn't think she was American in Europe - yikes!) and this guy isn't helping anyone with this sort of crap.


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Re: Rant Thread

Unread post by Dewclaw »

I just found out that my husband has a blood clot in is brain and will need gamma knife surgery. I apologize for board inactivity,but things are rough.
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Re: Rant Thread

Unread post by TygerDarkstorm »

Castile wrote:
Varethyn wrote:It hurts so much to rant this early in the new year but...
This is absolutely heartbreaking.
The link leads to a video by Gaijin Goombah in response to something horrific. Some idiot decided it would be funny not only to vlog their visit Japan and mock their culture, their fashion and traditions, but also to film a dead person he found in their forests. It's disgusting and a complete disrespect to not only the dead but to Japan's customs as well. It's people like this that make me question humanity and make me humiliated to be a part of it. If there happens to be anyone Japanese around here I sincerely apologise for this twat's actions. We are not like that. It's individuals like him that make the rest of us look bad and make things extremely difficult for everyone.
I didn't see the suicide forest video (just sounded so awful) but saw his "Tokyo is a playground" one and just omg no. As someone who loves Japan and loves going there its monkeys like this that make the rest of us look bad. And he thought they were laughing with him? no mate just no. American tourists get a bad rap as it is (to the point where my friend wanted me to teach her 'Australian' so people didn't think she was American in Europe - yikes!) and this guy isn't helping anyone with this sort of crap.
I thought I heard he was from England, not the USA?

Dewclaw: OMG that sounds terrifying. I hope that all goes well with the surgery. I can't imagine what you both are going through. Best wishes. :hug: :hug:

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Lord Godfrey wrote:Some people only want to watch the world burn. Others want to be the ones responsible for burning it...
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Re: Rant Thread

Unread post by cowmuflage »

Nope dude is from Ohio.
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Re: Rant Thread

Unread post by TygerDarkstorm »

Huh, dunno what it was I saw then.

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Lord Godfrey wrote:Some people only want to watch the world burn. Others want to be the ones responsible for burning it...
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Re: Rant Thread

Unread post by Dewclaw »

Tyger, I have been up all night, several hours of which I spent trying to pull him from the brink of suicidal thoughts. I have exceeded the limits of my body;s ability to cope. I feel sick.
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Re: Rant Thread

Unread post by Syleye »

Dewclaw wrote:Tyger, I have been up all night, several hours of which I spent trying to pull him from the brink of suicidal thoughts. I have exceeded the limits of my body;s ability to cope. I feel sick.
:hug: :hug: :hug:


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Re: Rant Thread

Unread post by TygerDarkstorm »

Dewclaw wrote:Tyger, I have been up all night, several hours of which I spent trying to pull him from the brink of suicidal thoughts. I have exceeded the limits of my body;s ability to cope. I feel sick.
I hope you are receiving help for yourself, as well as him. Perhaps therapy could be useful if you're able to get that kind of aid. I wish I knew what else to say, but I just can't imagine what you're dealing with and how hard it is. I genuinely hope all goes well for you both and you guys survive this. You have lots of love from us here. :hug: :hug: :hug:

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Lord Godfrey wrote:Some people only want to watch the world burn. Others want to be the ones responsible for burning it...
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Re: Rant Thread

Unread post by Dewclaw »

Another bad night. Finally fell asleep at 7AM, only to wake at 8 absolutely drenched in sweat. My hair was so wet it was plastered to my neck, and liquid was rolling off my chest. Weak as a kitten. Not sick,but my body has hit a limit on what it can handle apparently. Think it was the result of stress.
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