Share your ~level-scaled world~ tames! [img heavy]

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Re: Share your post ~level-scaled world~ tames! [image heavy

Unread post by Krysteena »

Ay, thanks for the heads up, I'll certainly get something posted for Kali shortly in that case :D Just got to actually get some decent screenies on her with them all first :lol:

As for Sol, I feel like Clefthooves of any colour, although mostly browns and whites, would work very nicely. Big gentle creatures that could have a feistier side to protect their master if need be. Especially the Draenor ones with their huge tusks. Accidental impalement is just a day in the life of a farmer, right?

Goats also strike me as a companion he could have, seeing as they're cute and quite like livestock as well. The brown, brown spotted and white might look good with the LF colour scheme in particular.

Riverbeasts have never been one of my favourite families, but a gentle hippo looking creature who can double up as a mount might be good for Sol. Now I mention it, Clefthoof also have this little perk in that they're very good pack animals. The pale variant comes to mind for the riverbeast option.

What about a gruff old Talbuk stallion who has had it with these young colts running around and causing havoc? While looking suspiciously like the magic of friendship only made him grumpier, the tan Draenor talbuk has got some LF-esque colouring. I'm not as certain on this guy though, seeing as Sol already came with a Talbuk who is significantly less grumpy looking.

Just because, this cute gazelle is small, like livestock, and really, really cute. Not sure how much of a gank counter one would be, though.

Basically, any overly large 'pack' animals come to mind for him, alongside smaller ones that might need protecting by those bigger animals. :)
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Re: Share your post ~level-scaled world~ tames! [image heavy

Unread post by Funk »

Thank-you for the suggestions!

I already shared screenshots, but so far Sol has a tan wolf, black boar, yellow kodo and lightforged talbuk (aka regular talbuk).

Only the wolf has a name, and it's named 'Dog'. :lol: I'm at a loss for names for Sol's pets rn.

I adore the old boar animations, and for some reason the black one stuck the best for Sol. I'm not sure if I'll swap it out for a different colour eventually, but I've tried a few so far and black is my favorite. I'm not too strict on the Lightforged palette, but unlike several of my hunters, I do want him to have largely more natural colours. I'm definitely grabbing him a greater/Draenor boar.

I'm also definitely planning on grabbing goats and clefthooves, so I like that suggestion. I'd like him to only have one of these guys, so I'll have to see what I like once he's in Draenor. I might try an Outland clefthoof once he's in that level range, though.

He'll probably have several goats, and it's possible I'll even give him two of the same colour. Heck, maybe I'll give him enough goats for a small herd. I'll have to see which colours I like once I can get Sol near them in game.

As for plans, so far I plan to grab him a brown yak and maybe a tan yak too. I also want to grab him a musken, but the one I like the most for him (the tan one) isn't tamable. :( I might settle for brown, but I have that guy on my dwarf already. I don't mind having the same skin on different hunters, but the whole reason I have so many hunters is to play around with lots of different skins. (As an aside, the black musken is absolutely gorgeous, and my pandaren hunter sports him.)

Pandaria again gives me inspiration for Sol's tames: mushan. I'm not sure which colour I'll grab for Sol yet, but I'm actually thinking about the green one to bring in more variance in colour.

I'll give the riverbeasts a shot, but the mouth on that model drives me insane, which is a shame, because they come in such nice colours. :(

I'll also grab that tan talbuk while Sol is in Draenor, and maybe an Outland or Argus talbuk too. Maybe he'll have a talbuk herd instead of a goat herd. Hmmmm.

I like the gazelle suggestion too; I was tempted to tame one while I had Sol in Mulgore (a friend flew me over). Encroaching on horde turf certainly puts Sol at a greater risk to be ganked. :lol:

Speaking of, I actually did take Sol to the Northern Barrens (riding a water strider up from Theramore) to tame a tallstrider with the idea of making it a 'chicken'. Even though I love tallstriders, I just didn't like the look of one with Sol. (Note: I didn't get ganked, although some horde did stop and stare at me blast through their questing zones.) I'm actually thinking of making Sol's 'chicken' a teroclaw chick.

Now, here's where my ideas start to get a bit more unusual. Sol is a lightforged draenei. There's two parts to that, and one of them is the draenei part. Draenei seem to be pretty skilled engineers and like to make constructs, so I've actually seriously been considering mechs for Sol.

A gold arachnodrone could help him around his farm:
(It could even be 'light-infused')

And a robot sheep seems obvious:

And so does a robo chicken:

Which seems to be getting a pretty rad update in BfA:

I also thought about grabbing Fenryr once Sol is leveled up and geared up, since he's got this kinda-light infused vibe to him.

Of course I'm sure all of this will change once I get him to the levels needed to tame these things. :lol:

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Re: Share your post ~level-scaled world~ tames! [image heavy

Unread post by Funk »

All that planning, and Sol already has a deviation:


Listen, there is such a thing as a crocodile farm. And they look good together.

He just needs a name :/

I also love how ridiculous the flower crown looks on Sol.

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Re: Share your post ~level-scaled world~ tames! [image heavy

Unread post by Krysteena »

You're welcome for the suggestions, and I love your little deviation, he looks very pleased with himself :lol: Tbh it's a shame the flower crowns are a year-round thing, but I don't know if Sol would consider it a shame :'D

Also, a gold arachnodrone is a brilliant idea for him. Can't say I can think of many who would intrude on a herd protected by a giant robot spider. :lol:
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Re: Share your post ~level-scaled world~ tames! [image heavy

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Buata had a small adventure today! I had to check around on other servers and managed to find Quall up on ED. A little custom group shenanigans and Buata had herself a pretty new friend!


Btag name is Buu! US Horde

Thwip - Xanbu - Lymphoma

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Re: Share your post ~level-scaled world~ tames! [image heavy

Unread post by Funk »

I love Quall with Buata!

I went and named Talyse's pets, and also got rid of a few/swapped a few for different models. I don't have the time for more screenshots atm, but I can just link her stables here. Some of the colours aren't the actual ones she has tamed, though. Also, Gwin is a placeholder for the new hawks coming in BfA. IDK which I'd tame, yet, but I know she will be named Gwin. :)

Sol also made another tame, in Westfall:

I don't know how it ties into his theme yet, but I have some ideas mulling around. I also like that the colours match his tabard pretty well. Apparently his bird is being updated to this model, but I'm hoping the updated tan & purple variant will be available.

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Re: Share your ~level-scaled world~ tames! [img heavy]

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Ystelle nabbed an exotic pet, who I've named 'Luxe':
(also pictured: weird omnipresent shadow at the bottom of the nightborne heritage set)

Sol also got his sheep :)

Sol's pets are all unnamed still hmm.

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Re: Share your ~level-scaled world~ tames! [img heavy]

Unread post by Krysteena »

Ystelle's new pet is looking great with her heritage armour, and Sol's sheep matches even more perfectly than I first imagined :lol:
Quall and Buata are looking great, Thwip! That's a very pretty new friend indeed :D

I finally put my foot down in levelling and have managed to get Vyonne from the stale level of 70 up to 87 - and so have placed her in Pandaria and intend to level in Dread Wastes to get her to 90. The Dread Wastes is one of my favourite zones, and the Mantid are, hands down, my favourite faction. While Vyonne, as a Nightborne, would never have been in contact with Mantid at all, I'm putting her through it all anyway, and am ready to cry over the Mantid and then leave at 90 and mope about their fate for a few days. Obligatory screenshots in Dread Wastes are obligatory.

The first is an unintentional tame, Rakesh, who I came across whilst looking for the grey pandaren tiger (which I consequently didn't tame). He's a quiet boy, preferring to silently pad alongside his mistress than put on any sort of show to ward predators off. Vyonne found him in the Jade Forest, alone and away from the rest of his pride (?), and noted that all the other tigers did seem to operate as a pride, which was unusual for such animals. Figuring she'd have better luck taming a lone tiger than risking aggravating several, Vyonne sought to befriend Rakesh, and found a stalwart and very pretty companion. He's one of the largest of her big cats, but is also one of the most gentle.

Next is Acenath, who was Savage. Acenath was intended to be Rakesh, but within seconds of completing the tame, I knew that Acenath was female and so Rakesh was just not going to work. Surprisingly difficult to track, seeing as the tracks are green and Jade Forest is, oddly enough, a whole lot of green, I didn't actually catch Savage until he started to come back the way he'd came and I used his old tracks to find out where the new ones were going to be. Acenath is a very gorgeous girl, and is the largest of Vyonne's big cats. She's solitary, but gets on well enough with Rakesh as to tolerate him. Very much Vyonne's pretty girl. The above screenshot also features an exploding swarmborn, which is always fun.

Lastly is Shali, a tame I didn't decide I wanted to make until I ran around on the matching mount for a bit. Vyonne and Shali are very similar, and Vyonne takes good care of her crane, as Shali can't really hold her own against much of anything. I'm not entirely certain on the name 'Shali', but there we go. Shali might not stick as well as the others, since she's just pretty and doesn't have much of a personality beyond that, but, if all else fails, she can 'grow' into the Regal Riding Crane mount that Vyonne uses instead.

All of my hunters (and by that I mean two), end up having a reference to at least one Mantid Paragon within their stables. Krys has Zekhar, who is a reference to Hisek's old Empress Zek'hara, and Kali has Luciel, a name taken from Iyyokuk the Lucid's title. Vyonne willl probably end up with a Paragon reference somewhere, I just haven't decided which, seeing as she canonically didn't meet them. We'll gloss over the detail, because it will happen, knowing me :lol: I'm thinking a reference to Xaril this time around - just got to find an appropriate pet for the poison-chugger :')
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Re: Share your ~level-scaled world~ tames! [img heavy]

Unread post by Falcon »

Everyone's allied race hunters are looking great, I've enjoyed reading all the tames. :) With the help of my boyfriend, I finally unlocked the Nightborne on Friday and I'm taking my sweet time leveling her so I can plan what I want to tame. Lunaire's pets will have a French theme, which my best friend is helping me with. ♥ Also apologies for me raising a slightly dead thread. ._.

First up is Lunaire and her starter manasaber, Ciel (sky). She has a short fuse and tends to be rather overprotective, as Lunaire is a rather quiet sort and is still trying to get used to the world outside of Suramar.

Next is the only tame she has so far, Minuit (midnight). I stumbled across Lopex while questing in Hillsbrad and I knew that being able to tame pets above your current level was a thing, as Lunaire was 24 at the time and Lopex was 26. Still, I was skeptical about it so it took me a few minutes of dithering before I decided to give it a go. Storywise, Lunaire stumbled across Minuit by accident, and seeing a fox with black fur piqued her curiosity, so she fed her and the fox practically followed her back to Tarren Mill. She's rather bouncy and easily excitable, which Lunaire is still getting used to, but she's always been rather taken by the foxes that live outside of Suramar City and always wanted one of her own.
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Re: Share your ~level-scaled world~ tames! [img heavy]

Unread post by Krysteena »

I'm loving Lunaire's pets, and I'm happy to see new things being posted on this thread :D Looking forward to reading about more of her tames as she grows~

For Vyonne, she's now at the stale level of 103, but I'm slowing down on her in order to level using the legion invasions rather than dragging myself all the way through the entire expansion again :lol:

First up is Zeria, who, alongside a couple of other pets, the name may be recognised by a few :) I love the Rylaks, despite their odd flopping run, and the silver variant is especially gorgeous. Zeria is very protective of her mistress, and has taken up the mantle of 'matriarch' of all Vyonne's other companions. In truth, I'm just really fond of her. Like Ishka, there was an immediate feeling of 'yes, this is a pet for Vyonne' as soon as I tamed her. Zeria is motherly, and with twin heads she's very good at dissolving disputes.
Obligatory second Rylak, this boy is called Eidolon. Again, a pretty model who, when I went to go tame, tugged at my heartstrings. The injured darkwing rylaks have presumably been cut down by the various pieces of goblin machinery they're surrounded by, and lay bleeding out on the dusky sands while more goblins move in to bring about more havoc and suffering for the creatures. Eidolon was one of those injured darkwings that Vyonne saw and found she couldn't bear to leave behind. Even after the goblin was taken care of, Eidolon didn't move, and it was only after he was tamed that he actually moved at all. Vyonne patched him up and took care of him, but never could Eidolon take flight again. Instead, he stayed with Vyonne after he healed, possessing seemingly endless patience and honour for a creature so previously wronged.
The only wolf Vyonne will tame, Phalanx is yet another reference. Like her namesake, Phalanx acts before she thinks, a rare level of impulsiveness that Vyonne values. Phalanx is incredibly protective, and is a shield like no other. Forever vigilant, the wolf made of flesh and shadow combines independence, honour and strength with the beauty and grace of the colour purple that Vyonne is so fond of.
Aruk is keen and cunning, the perfect and dangerous mix of shamelessly belligerent and overly cruel. He's always by Vyonne's side, amethyst gaze belying an intellect that characteristic of all raptors, but especially prevalent in himself. Aruk is always twitching, clicking his caws, and flicking his tongue in between his teeth as if tasting the air. It's not a matter of the raptor simply retaining his wild instincts, but the presence of such character and personality within the beast. Aruk has a cruel streak and is daring and sly like no other. He seems to pick up on the weaknesses of any opponent and exploits it to his advantage. That being said, Aruk is the first to bail if Vyonne isn't involved and the fight swings out of his favour. Several times Aruk has gone against a foe he can't overcome and has returned to Vyonne with a limp in his step and a wounded pride. Regardless, Vyonne is fond of the raptor, but even then she's wise to not turn her back on him.
Aluriel is a manasaber, like Manas, but is young enough to retain her magical capabilities. She's in the prime of her life and an example of everything that the Nightborne love and respect within such creatures. Beauty and deadly grace paired with a magical creature and a set of razor sharp claws is why Aluriel is at the top of the food chain, and she's keen to display this and please her mistress. Vyonne knows she means well when Aluriel drops the heads of small mammals at her feet, and tries to ignore the almost insulted expression that Aluriel wears when Vyonne picks it up between forefinger and thumb to get rid of it.
Final tame for now, this is Maelun. A gentle giant if there ever was one, Maelun can walk beside the various predators that Vyonne calls her companions and none will lay a single claw on him. He's a noble creature and has learnt to bow his head as a sign of respect, but he knows his place and won't bow to those who haven't earned his respect. Maelun looks out for Vyonne, seeing as she's rather young and inexperienced still. He's much like Eidolon in that he's filled with endless patience, but can give a mean headbutt if needed.
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Re: Share your ~level-scaled world~ tames! [img heavy]

Unread post by Falcon »

Thank you, and it's great to see you posting again! :) All of Vyonne's new tames really suit her well visually and I love the little tidbits about them.

Lunaire's now level 35, and she's picked up some new friends along the way.

First up is Gon, now renamed to Onduler (to ripple), due to the subtle ripple effect he has over his scales. My boyfriend helped me get him since he can only be summoned by a max level BM hunter, and I'm really grateful to him. Onduler is patient, like the element he resembles, but he's quick to leap to his mistress's defense whenever she needs him.

Up next is Sortilège (spell), a mana shifter Lunaire picked up from the Ghostlands while she was there. I admit I always keep forgetting that they're tamable now, and now that I've gotten to see one up close, I've never noticed how beautiful they are. Sortilège is pretty happy to be out of such a dismal place, and he absolutely loves exploring whenever Lunaire has him with her while questing. He's another pet she's wanted for a while, due to the significance mana wyrms have in maintaining the Arcan'dor.

Third is Éclair (flash of lightning), who I grabbed yesterday morning after running all the way through Northern Stranglethorn to get to Duskwood. Unlike Minuit, Éclair is more calm in personality though she likes to hide in shadowy places given where she used to live. And if you're wondering about Lunaire's size in this pic, I was playing around with my World Shrinker when I took this. XD

(Edit: Her wind serpent has been named Nuageux (cloudy), no personality has emerged for him yet, though.)
And finally is Lunaire's yet to be named wind serpent (formerly Sparkwing), and it took nearly two hours of riding through the Northern Barrens and Ashenvale in order to get to Stonetalon, as I don't really enjoy questing there. I haven't used him yet, since I don't like using unnamed pets, so he doesn't have much of a personality as of yet.

She's got a little while before her next set of tames, which are in the high forties-low fifties, so I'll post again when she gets to that point. :)
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Re: Share your ~level-scaled world~ tames! [img heavy]

Unread post by Krysteena »

Thank you as well, I'm happy you liked the new tames! :) Just got to get Vyonne to 110 and them, after a couple more tames, her intended stable will be complete~ Lunaire's newest companions are all gorgeous, and I'm really loving the naming theme that you've got going for them :D
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Re: Share your ~level-scaled world~ tames! [img heavy]

Unread post by Falcon »

You're welcome, I'm curious about what else you have planned for her. :) Thank you, it's been really fun!

And I stand corrected on one of my above statements, as Lunaire made an unexpected friend and this guy has a story behind him. :)

While doing errands for Hemit Nesingwary's son, Lunaire was asked to hunt a few noteworthy beasts, one of whom was a raptor called Tethis. Unlike Sindall and Bag'thera, who fought savagely to the death, Lunaire was surprised when Tethis backed down. She called off Minuit and decided to let Tethis live, but she still needed a trophy to prove that she'd killed him. So, the blue raptor surprised her again by chewing off one of his own talons and allowing her to treat his injuries the best she could before he disappeared back into the jungle. With the trophy in hand, Lunaire returned to Nesingwary's camp and received credit for 'killing' the beast.

The next day, Lunaire had to return to the area for a few errands, and she and Sortilège ended up jumped by a trio of jungle stalkers. During the chaos, Lunaire happened to notice a flash of blue that wasn't her mana wyrm, and once the jungle stalkers had been dealt with, she saw that Tethis had helped her fight them off. She guessed that it was because she'd spared his life, which was confirmed when the raptor bowed his head and followed her back to Bambala. Now named Cadeau (gift), he's currently staying behind until his injuries finish healing, but he and Lunaire are looking forward to traveling together.
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Re: Share your ~level-scaled world~ tames! [img heavy]

Unread post by Krysteena »

Bringing this back, oops :lol: You're welcome, and I really loved Cadeau's story <3 Raptors are one pet that I wouldn't expect Nightborne to have but they seem to be popping up and getting quite a bit of love in this thread :)

After a good week or so of procrastination and legion invasions not showing up/me not catching them, I finally put my foot down to level Vyonne normally and got her to 110 just last night. I held off posting for a bit, and I'm glad I did, because an accidental tame turned up who I'm rather fond of already :') Other than the one tacked on the end, Vyonne's stable is officially complete and now I can properly start working on her backstory. The idea was that her first pet was the one below, but obviously he had to be tamed last so :')

The first half of a whole, Mahrukh is independent, stubborn, and possessing of a nasty vengeful streak that makes itself known when his pride is tarnished in any way. He's protective of his mistress and was one of Vyonne's own tames that she made before adventuring throughout Azeroth. He likes to sleep and takes great pride in his appearance, and is at the forefront of many of Vyonne's battles. Mahrukh also represents a piece of Vyonne's heritage, something that she's very proud of, and the constant flattery has gone to his head.
While Mahrukh is a prominent presence beside Vyonne, he is wisely second to his sister, who diligently follows within the shadows cast by her brother and rarely making herself known. Aysun acts as the stoic and patient balance to her brother's impulsive stubborn streak, able to ground him when even Vyonne struggles. Demands even more respect than her brother, who will gladly step aside for his sister to take command - something that he will rarely do. Is just as proud of Mahrukh, but is much more subtle with it than he is.
"Mum, I love you, but what are those shoes?"

Jarak is the embodiment of a young child tugging at his mother's robes and unabashedly yelling her name for all to hear to get her attention. He is loud and obnoxious, and has no qualms with barging past people and biting strangers in order to firmly plant himself in front of his mistress and demand attention. It used to be endearing, but as Vyonne got acquainted with the Horde, Jarak started to bite bigger and meaner targets, which started landing him in trouble. Even then, he still keeps the habit, and the only individual he won't bite is Krysteena, who gave him a harsh smack to the beak when he even tried. Jarak doesn't react well to being scolded, furthering Vyonne to believe that he was definitely the spoilt hatchling in the clutch. Regardless, Jarak is a Moonfall Hippogryph, a species long allied with the Nightborne, and Jarak has proven his worth time and time again. It is often him who keeps Vyonne safe, but it can equally be Jarak who leads them both into trouble.
Accidental tames are accidental. I've tamed Gon once before and, although the model and concept is lovely, the sheer saturation and size is rather.. overwhelming. However, he looks quite nice when stealthed, which he shall be remaining permanently, and the idea of Vyonne accidentally attracting a omnipresent raptor spirit and having no idea what she's supposed to do about it was too good to let go. Lends himself to be one worthy of a proper backstory, but it'll be a while before I get around to writing it :lol: While he currently has no name, the raptor spirit is a protective individual, manifesting himself only when Vyonne needs him and leaving as soon as his work is done. Never remaining for very long, Vyonne initially believed that she was seeing things when the raptor first started appearing. She's still not used to him.

Edit: Not sure if I will actually name this guy. What backstory I have worked out for him kind of leads to him not actually having a name at all, and he is just a raptor spirit that Vyonne is so reverent of she doesn't actually ever give him a name. Maybe. I don't like running around with unnamed pets, but this may be an exception. A little more thought may be in order for this guy.

And that, in theory, marks the end of Vyonne's journey. She's run a full circle, and now it's time to just consolidate ideas and finish her backstory up in time for BfA :)
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Re: Share your ~level-scaled world~ tames! [img heavy]

Unread post by Falcon »

Congrats on getting Vyonne to 110! :) All her new tames match her very well, and since Gon's a spirit beast, you could always name him Raptor in game? Just offering a suggestion.

Lunaire's now level fifty with two new buddies, though one she technically can't tame until she's max level, but he ended up slipping his way into her planned roster of pets, but I'll go more into that a little later in the post.

First up is Haleine (breath), and one of my most anticipated tames for Lunaire even though I don't have a backstory for her yet. She gave me the runaround when I went looking for her, because I didn't know that she had a spawn aside from the one outside of Talonbranch. I decided to take two screenshots in order to show her in different lighting, as this is one of my absolute favorite old world owl skins.

Complete with Onduler looking rather annoyed about how much he sticks out like a sore thumb in Tanaris. >_>

Next up is a rather interesting case and who I hinted at above. On Aislinn, I finally got the wolfhawk mounts last night along with finally, finally being able to access the tome of the hybrid beast, though Lunaire can't use hers till max level, which annoys me but gives me all the more reason to level her as this guy and three other feathermanes are future tames for her.

Out of all three mounts, the blue ended up becoming my favorite and I knew that he was perfect to play the part of Lunaire's future flying mount. She's seen feathermanes from a distance many times, but always knew to keep her distance due to their ferocity, but when Aislinn allowed Lunaire to meet her three wolfhawks, one of them took such a liking to the nightborne that Aislinn passed custody of him to her, much to Lunaire's surprise. She's too paranoid about allowing him to fight alongside her yet so, in the meantime, he's content to serve as her transportation across the places of the world.
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Re: Share your ~level-scaled world~ tames! [img heavy]

Unread post by Krysteena »

Thank you~ I actually ended up naming him 'Zar' in the end, which is actually the name of one of the kyrapi trees in the Dread Wastes. Why? Aside from 'the spirit made himself known in the Dread Wastes first', I just like the name :lol: thank you for the suggestion though! :)

Lunaire's tames are really starting to come along now, and I agree that Olm's model is such a gorgeous skin that's aged beautiful in comparison to some of the other older owls. Her wolfhawk matches her, and her transmog, really well, I must say :)
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Re: Share your ~level-scaled world~ tames! [img heavy]

Unread post by Falcon »

You're welcome for the suggestion, and that's awesome that you named him after Korven's kypari tree! And thank you, I can't wait till she can finally tame her wolfhawk once she's max level, the pets that suddenly sneak into her stable are the ones who have the most development, hehe. She's now fifty-one, and I ran her to the Burning Steppes this morning for these two lovelies:

First up is Pénombre (twilight), Lunaire's new core hound. I usually see most of the core hound models aside from the Kurken as male, but after naming her, I decided that Pénombre would be female. :) It's been storming on and off today, so I haven't had a chance to get a feel for her personality yet.

Second is Ténèbre (darkness), Lunaire's dragonhawk. Again, I haven't gotten a chance to get a feel for his personality due to the weather, though he decided to give me a little challenge in keeping the worgs and scorpids cleared from his little area so I could have breathing room in order to tame him, hehe. To be honest, I originally wanted a blue dragonhawk for Lunaire, but the Sunwell is not fun, so I decided to get Ténèbre for her instead, and I'm glad I did. :)
LunairePénombre.jpg (205.1 KiB) Viewed 41439 times
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Re: Share your ~level-scaled world~ tames! [img heavy]

Unread post by Krysteena »

Eyup, I'm still a fiend for those guys so :lol: That always seems to be how it is, and the newest editions are looking great! Particularly fond (and biased towards) Ténèbre bc dragonhawks and that particular skin :'D the Sunwell is rather challenging, I agree, it's a bit of a 'run in, pop everything and cross your fingers' scenario with that one :lol:
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Re: Share your ~level-scaled world~ tames! [img heavy]

Unread post by Falcon »

Same here, them and the arakkoa both. :) Thank you, I'm so happy you think so! Yep, I've tamed a blue dragonhawk on two hunter alts and just didn't feel like going through all that again for a third one. XD

Lunaire's now fifty-eight and Ésotérique (arcane) here is her last tame for a little while, as her next planned tame is in Nagrand (Outland).

"Play? PLAY!"

I've always loved the darkhounds, and the runed variations are my favorites. This girl gives Minuit a run for her money in the hyperactivity department, but Lunaire's confident she can look after two pets who act like sugar-addled little kids. Though, with the advent of the updated darkhound skins, I'm a bit worried that the runed darkhounds will end up changed as well and I'm not really thrilled about it, as I love their unique rigging and bouncy animations. I'll give Ésotérique a chance if she ends up changing and becoming less bouncy and more prone to fleas, but the coyote rigging isn't exactly my favorite. :/ Still, I'm going to enjoy this bouncy puppy's company for the remainder of this expansion and hopefully she'll be here to stay if I end up liking the inevitable changes to her and the rest of the darkhounds.
LunaireÉsotérique.jpg (450.14 KiB) Viewed 41439 times
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Re: Share your ~level-scaled world~ tames! [img heavy]

Unread post by Krysteena »

You're welcome, and that's understandable, twice is enough of an adrenaline rush for that skin :lol:

Ésotérique is certainly a cute and playful looking girly, the blue runed variant is really quite pretty. She matches well with Lunaire, and I'll join you in keeping fingers crossed that they perhaps rethink using the coyote skeleton for them :)
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