Wow Reddit community and today’s ama...

Everything Hunter-related, except pets.
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Wow Reddit community and today’s ama...

Unread post by Qinni »

I asked a question about why are so many things not tame able this expansion and it not only get hidden but down voted too. I guess I’m not allowed to ask about my class? Sure it’s not important but why make it impossible for me to get an answer is beyond ridiculous. What a community we have...
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Re: Wow Reddit community and today’s ama...

Unread post by Vephriel »

Yeah, I tried slipping in a question about hunter pet specs/abilities, but I was under no illusion that it would be answered.

I think it boils down to the Q&A being targeted at the community as a whole and to address a lot of the larger concerns people have with the expansion right now. This wasn't really the kind of topic to bring up smaller class-specific issues that would be better handled by those designers.

Ion mentioned in one response that "I want to preface this by noting that these days my focus is on the full breadth of the game, and so I'm not the best person to get into the details of specific class changes." so I don't feel he's really the person to bring these targeted hunter questions to.

The subreddit's been pretty volatile lately and I think a lot of people just wanted to ensure that the Big Questions were seen and answered before smaller ones that don't affect every player.
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Re: Wow Reddit community and today’s ama...

Unread post by Wain »

Qinni wrote:I asked a question about why are so many things not tame able this expansion and it not only get hidden but down voted too. I guess I’m not allowed to ask about my class? Sure it’s not important but why make it impossible for me to get an answer is beyond ridiculous. What a community we have...
I can answer that one, and I have in other places :) They just didn’t get around to finishing the job, presumably because they ran out of time at launch, and more stuff will be made tameable soon. It should be by 8.1, if not before.
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Re: Wow Reddit community and today’s ama...

Unread post by Qinni »

Wain wrote:
Qinni wrote:I asked a question about why are so many things not tame able this expansion and it not only get hidden but down voted too. I guess I’m not allowed to ask about my class? Sure it’s not important but why make it impossible for me to get an answer is beyond ridiculous. What a community we have...
I can answer that one, and I have in other places :) They just didn’t get around to finishing the job, presumably because they ran out of time at launch, and more stuff will be made tameable soon. It should be by 8.1, if not before.
Thank you for answering wain. As for vephs reply with class related stuff, why is things like shaman and monk getting voted to the top then? I don’t play either and couldn’t care less what happened to them.
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Re: Wow Reddit community and today’s ama...

Unread post by Valnaaros »

Because Shamans, Spriests, and Ferals are in a rather bad place right now. Enhancement and Elemental are at the bottom of the dps charts, and Resto is a bit undertuned compared to the other healers. Spriests aren't being used outside of dispels on Zul. Feral's rotation is rough and their aoe is weak. As three of these specs/classes had a huge amount of player feedback during the Alpha and Beta, yet nothing was really done for them nor was there any communication between the devs and players.

As for monks (specifically Windwalker), their Touch of Karma (which is a defensive CD) is being used as a DPS CD. 10-15% of Monk dps is due to Touch of Karma, and it shouldn't be like this.

Whether a class/spec is viable in PvP, Raids, and M+ is much more important than an incomplete taming pass. BM is at the top of the dps charts, and Surv isn't doing too bad. MM isn't that great, but it isn't in the same state as Shamans.
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Re: Wow Reddit community and today’s ama...

Unread post by Wain »

I don’t really follow all the class stuff, so I don’t know how they’re all doing, but I can say that I knew something wasn’t right when I leveled my enh shammy first and at 320 ilevel I couldn’t kill things as well as my hunter who was still only level 118 or so and was in leveling greens. Now they’re both 120 and have very similar gear scores but my hunter kills things much more easily. It’s very hard to get groups to complete the mythic weekly quest because nobody wants me. I spent 2 hours trying last night and was constantly ignored, even if my gs was well higher than they asked for, until I finally got accepted but by someone who didn’t know what they were doing and the group disbanded :(
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Re: Wow Reddit community and today’s ama...

Unread post by Thwip »

I also wanna preface that any system with an up or down voting system is easily manipulated if enough people from say: A mythic raiding guild or several all got together and decided "NO, WE NEED -THIS- ANSWERED." I wouldn't take it to heart, really. Yeah, that was kinda shitty for them to go so far as to get it hidden, but I'm not surprised. It's like trying to ask on the forums. Yelling into the wind, getting no response and a buncha people being jerks while you do.

Granted, as someone who DOES actively play Feral as their second main. It feels SO bad right now. I'm at nearly a 320 ilvl and it takes me -forever- to kill stuff. I rarely die due to the nice Regrowth procs, but damn if it feels like crap just slogging through WQs. I'm tempted to go back to bear and just get gear for feral. I'm also energy starved 90% of the time, which is why it's taking me so long to kill things. No energy, no combo points, no damage. I need so much haste to offset this, ugh.

MEANWHILE, I can go bananas on Thwip who's 340 ilvl and my DH who's 318 and just obliterate things.

And for the most part, I do kinda like pet functionality back. I'm just a bit sad that some of my favorite pets are stabled right now because it's better for me as a solo player to take X pet instead.


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Re: Wow Reddit community and today’s ama...

Unread post by Valnaaros »

So very sorry to hear about that, Wain D: You aren't the only Shaman that is suffering. Slanderman, one of the lead Theorycrafters for Shamans, quit WoW due to the poor state of the class and how Blizz wasn't listening despite his many, many posts during testing and live.
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Re: Wow Reddit community and today’s ama...

Unread post by Teigan »

I can understand shaman getting the spotlight for a moment. They're in bad shape. I haven't touched mine yet, but my gf who mained shaman all through Legion went with paladin for raiding instead and is kinda sad about it.
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Re: Wow Reddit community and today’s ama...

Unread post by Wain »

Shaman aren't a really popular class, so I think the fact they still got upvoted that much says something about the magnitude of the concern. In normal play it doesn't bother me heavily, as I'm not part of a cutting-edge raid team or anything, but it does still make it hard to get groups.
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Re: Wow Reddit community and today’s ama...

Unread post by cowmuflage »

That's a shame as I've always found them to be a fun class to play.
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