Fel-themed hunterpets

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Fel-themed hunterpets

Unread post by Paradoxcandy »

Hi y'all! I'd love for som help finding fel-themed hunterpets. I've only been playing for two months, and most of that time has been spent on Argus. I'm obsessed with the feltheme, and I have found a lot of felcorrupted creatures, but it's hard to google or look them up specifically on wowhead. If any of you know of any rare, unique or hard to find (or just have a favourite) fel-creatures, I'd love suggestions. At the moment I have a fel-corrupted raven and the Trench Stalker Panthera, and I'm farming apexis crystals for the raven mount in Tanaan Jungle.. :D
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Re: Fel-themed hunterpets

Unread post by Wain »

Oh good theme, and welcome! :)

This boar has a unique look, in Tanaan, Draenor and I really like it:

And this lovely old-model fel hippogryph:

And this unique fel wolf:

The Chitinous Cragscaler talbuk on Argus also has four fel looks that are unique to it.

And the really old-school cat, Winna's Kitten also has a unique fel look:

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Re: Fel-themed hunterpets

Unread post by Xota »

These are some you've seen, some you've seen untameable versions, and some you might have missed.

I'm sure you've seen these stags on Argus, mostly Krokun iirc.

I think the ones on Argus are demons, but there's some tameable fel basilisks on Broken Shore:

speaking of the fel raven mount, it's also tameable as a bird of prey. I think the easiest way is to queue for LFR, with Seer Kazal in your garrison, Bastion of Shadows wing.

There used to be a fel-fire burning crab, Felscale Crawler, but I'm pretty certain the tricks that were used to keep the fire special effects don't work anymore. Worth mentioning, because you might see someone with it. But some of the crabs might fit your theme even without the special effects, there are a lot of spikey ones to choose from.

Wind serpents from Outland.

Demonfang Crawler in Tanaan jungle:

Warp stalkers look like lizards, but they're in their own family. They are spikey, and one of the skins looks fel to me, even if the particular mobs aren't.
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Re: Fel-themed hunterpets

Unread post by worgpower »

is a good one for fel hunters
is great, especially the corrupted glow on it’s eyes and back
is good if you love mechs
it’s also a pretty cool pet to go around, if you love iron
during shadowlands, this makes a perfect fel-pet along with the marsuul due to the green glow in it’s eyes
this tauralus would make a great pet and mount for the burning legion, already in love
this one would be a familiar great pet for fel, in many places, this dog is controlled by the burning legion

All those pets I have listed are great candidates for a great fel-themed hunters, you can never exclude any of them
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Re: Fel-themed hunterpets

Unread post by Paradoxcandy »

Thanks for the replies, it's very helpful :D I went and tamed another of the Cragscale, I honestly thought the only difference was the horns :p
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Re: Fel-themed hunterpets

Unread post by worgpower »

If you think this one is hard try going full undead, that one was a bit of a challenge, but SL makes it less challenging to have an undead themed hunter, if a necrolord is becoming a new allied race, I’m race changing
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