The Black Wind Howls [Darkest Pinkerlocke Reboot]

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Re: The Black Wind Howls [Darkest Pinkerlocke Reboot]

Unread post by Varethyn »

Day 47

I decided to take a moment to send Sauvigni to the town to relax, as after the last foray she's ended up being the most stressed out of everyone. She rolled an 8, healing 40 SP!



Chapter 10

When Daedalon came to it was dark, the stink of rotting flesh still thick in the air. No amount of darkness would hide the image now burned into her mind. The limp body, the devoured, rotting skin, the oozing liquid. The hollow eyes. She longed to fall back into unconsciousness after that memory, wishing to awake in her nest, this mess being nothing more than a fever dream. There was no way this was real. It couldn't be.

...could it?

But she wouldn't slip back into darkness. The stone was still hard, cold and slick under her fur, the air full of decay, the vision still lingering behind her eyelids. Her throat tightened, tears stinging as they leaked down her cheek. This was the first time she'd ever seen a dead dragon of any kind. For it to be her best friend, and in such a horrific way...

Well-deserved time off.

Was... is this what Diaemus had meant? No. No! He couldn't! He... he had given Reynauld time off and Rochelle killed him! That had to be it. Diaemus couldn't be so heartless. No, no, no. She let out a haggard breath. Please don't let that be true. Please let it be Rochelle. She and Kamen are bad. Not him. He's... he's good. He's good. ...isn't he?

Similar thoughts denying the possibility entered and swam about the Obelisk's head. She wanted to scream. For some reason it didn't happen. Nor could she summon the will to stand up, staring blankly into the shadowed chamber. This wasn't real. This didn't make sense. It had to be a dream. Rey was alive, this was just part of her illness. Maybe if she closed her eyes again...

Opened again. Still in the circular room.

Closed them again.

Opened again. Still here


Open. Nothing changed.

A racking sob shook her entire body. Why? Why?

“Hey, you getting up any time soon?” A sharp pain erupted in Daedalon's lower back as Rochelle kicked her, eliciting a shriek from the grieving dragon. “He's gone already. Thought you'd like to see him before I got rid of him.” The malicious smirk could be heard behind her words. The Gaoler was enjoying this. A low growl started in Daedalon's chest as shock and despair converted to anger and hatred, rocking onto her paws to push herself up.

“Idiot was weak.” Rochelle jeered, purposely bumping into the Obelisk as she passed by in attempt to knock her back over. The growl grew, vibrating in her throat. “All of them are! Soon we'll replace all those fools who call themselves guards with our own numbers. Or turn them to our cause, but the first option is more fun.” The growl became a low snarl. “Either way, with him out of the way the rest will crumble one way or the other-”

With a roar Daedalon launched herself at the other dragon, lashing out with claws rarely used. She didn't like fighting. She preferred to talk or leave. But something inside her had snapped and now all of the emotion she'd been holding back poured out as easily as her tears did. “You did this!” She screamed as she brought her claws down on Rochelle, voice shrill with raw emotion. “You killed him!” Nothing. Her attack struck nothing. Where the Gaoler had been was just shadows. Too far, she'd been too far! But Daedalon couldn't see. The torches had been snuffed while she was out, only sizzling sparks of embers remained. Even if there were light, however, her vision would have been blurred as she cried.

Laughter echoed off of the walls, bouncing too much to tell where the evil dragon had gone. “Is this how it's going to be? How fun!” A heavy blow from behind, staggering Daedalon. The Obelisk instinctively hopped forwards both to regain some balance as as an evasive manoeuvre; this proved to be a good strategy as she heard the sound of thick antlers scraping the ground behind her. “Stand still!” The command was gruff yet still somehow more playful than frustrated.

Daedalon did not stand still, leaping to the right and spinning on her forepaw with the intent of meeting the foe head-on. Except Rochelle wasn't there. Confused, the Obelisk attempted to charge at where she thought her opponent was, only to be stopped painfully as strong jaws clamped down on her left wing. She screamed in fury, wheeling around to slap Rochelle's face. The grip released, there was a short growl as claws raked the Gaoler's nose but little more. Daedalon used the retreat to spin around again, calling upon her elemental magic to whip up a powerful gust of wind as her tail whipped in the direction she thought Rochelle had gone. There was a grunt, the sound of glass rattling and parchment rustling.

Try again or run? The Obelisk was blind either way, didn't know which way she was facing, where in the room she was relative to the tunnel. Even if she found the way out of the room there was the danger of falling off into the whatever liquid was below the walkways. Hatred and rage drove her to attack, but how could she fight a target she could not see? The darkness was stressing her out as much as the entire situation was, blotting out rational thought. Which way? Which way?!

A faint scuffling sound to the right. She backed up, too slow. Jaws sprung out to bite down. Not too slow: Rochelle got a mouthful of thick, black mane. Any later and she'd have bitten her arm instead. Daedalon tried to use this to her advantage, using her weight to throw Rochelle to the ground before she could let go. No good, as she shifted position to jump Rochelle pulled the other way. They were about the same size, but the Gaoler was heavier, sturdier. But Daedalon had large wings. As they grappled the Obelisk, ignoring the bite wound, began beating her leathery wings, smacking Rochelle with one and lashing at the other dragon's chest with her claws.

Rochelle snarled, summoning her unnatural strength to press herself into Daedalon, pushing her back and up, forcing her onto her hind legs. Unsteady, even with her wings and tail, the Obelisk felt she would topple backwards at any moment unless she fought back. That gave her an idea. On purpose she closed her wings, felt herself move further back, entered stoneshape. Heavy as the Gaoler was she couldn't outweigh rock. With a surprised, muffled cry Rochelle found herself unable to remove her teeth from the stone mane easily, was lifted as the Obelisk fell, flipped tail-over-head and, finally freeing herself from the stone, slammed into the ground.

“Cheater!” She spat, literally: a splattering sound hit the floor as the ancient got back on her feet. Then she chuckled. “Two can play at that game!” As Daedalon released the stone form she felt a grip on her extended ankle, yelped, kicked. A burst of the strange blacklight that Eudoxia's prison made blinded her. Seeing stars she became aware of a different, icy sensation. Snapping her head around she was aghast to see a glowing chain around her leg, the other end lighting up Rochelle's hands as she held it proudly. “Try escaping now.” She leered, lifting her arms ready to slam the free end into the flagstone.

In the seconds of silence that followed Daedalon caught the faint sound of clinking, heavy paws slapping the stone paving. All at once a golden ball of solid muscle collided with Rochelle, sending her flying. As she yowled, more in surprise than pain, the magic shackle dispersed and Daedalon was able to get to her feet and scamper in the direction of her saviour. A large, orange shape loomed in the gloom, Shadow eyes gleaming under the wide brim of a pointed leather hat.


“What are you doing here?” The Obelisk breathed, voice scratchy from... everything, really. Emotion, pain, the rancid stench, dust, screaming. It was a miracle she could even speak at all.

The Guardian grunted, wisps of purple smoke escaping her teeth. “Looking for someone. Wasn't expecting you down here.” A bolt of coalesced Shadow magic was spat at Rochelle, the Gaoler having recovered from the attack and now rounding on the pair, smattering over her face. “Or her. Let's move!”

“Where are Dismas and...” what was her name again? “your child?”

“Up top, now move!” Something long and thin bapped Daedalon's snout as Musard turned, then waited, shifted again so the thing bopped her again. A rope! Of course, Shadow dragons can see in the dark! Gratefully the exhausted Obelisk took the rope in her mouth as her companion began to canter away, willing herself to match stride. Musard was slightly smaller than she was and she was still fuelled by adrenaline, but the exertion of fighting in her untrained state was taxing her strength. Several times the rope went taut as she fell behind. Each time Musard fired another shadow bolt at their aggressor to slow the Gaoler down enough to keep going.

As the pair reached where Daedalon had only noticed a corner from the tunnel they'd left towards the circular room Musard flared her large, dark wings as she aimed another bolt of magic at the floor, using her wings to disperse the shadows in a large, misty cloud. Even if Rochelle could somehow see in the dark there was no way she could see through that. As expected there was a shriek of rage behind them, the sound of claws striking stone as the slate-furred dragon attempted to pounce on them. They kept running. Straight, Daedalon realised, not towards the tunnel. Vaguely she recalled the other pipes and passages she'd seen upon first entry to the chamber. Maybe they were aiming for another?

Something clattered somewhere to their left. The Obelisk panicked, hopping closer to the Guardian. Kept running. Claws struck down again, a small burst of blacklight... in the wrong place; Musard had thrown something as they passed through the mist to distract Rochelle.

“We need to jump here.” Musard hissed. “On three!” Daedalon gulped, hoping she had the energy to manage the action. “One..." No! She was flagging! "Two...” No time. No choice. “Three!” Musard leapt ahead, the rope almost wrenching from the Obelisk's mouth as she begged her hind legs to hold on just a while longer, forcing everything into them as she, too, flung herself from the edge of the walkway.

I'm not going to make it!

The rope went tight again, tugging the blue dragon along with it. Awkwardly she landed chest-first onto the edge of the pipe, back end dangling over the water below. A hand grabbed her by the top of her mane, hauled her inside. “Move, move!” She moved. Her legs burned, she couldn't keep up. She let the rope go, feeling it pull against her teeth. Musard said nothing. Did she notice? Gods she needed to rest. Her gait slowed slightly, unable to keep going.

Wait, up ahead. Was that light? Actual daylight? Renewed hope spurred her onwards. So close. So close! They had to get away from the crazy creature that called itself a dragon. Was Rochelle even still following? Did she know where they'd gone? Don't think, just go!

Closer. Closer. The light got closer, bigger, brighter, almost blinding after spending so long in the dark. Fresh, clean air! Briefly the light was blotted out as Musard raced through the opening first, Daedalon hot on her heels. Was that... the watermill? Was this the hidden passage that Dismas had mentioned before? What about the guards?! Couldn't stop now, the momentum was carrying her too fast to consider that possibility. Besides, Musard had gone first, she'd handle anyone wouldn't she? ...had she done that when she went in?

Nothing, no one. No resistance. Freedom! There were others. She didn't care. Her body gave up, sending her flopping into the grass where she breathed so heavily it grazed her throat, her chest. She stared, unfocused, over the river, listening to the creaking of the waterwheel, the rushing of water as it was forced under the slats. It was loud. In this moment nothing sounded better. Dragons conversed behind her. Familiar voices. An unfamiliar chirping.

Hang on. She pricked an ear, trying to pick out who was talking. Dismas. Musard. A squeaky voice she didn't know attempting to copy the words. Dismas again. Juniper? Why was the dryad here? Musard again. ...Saisset?

Panting and reluctantly pushing herself up on her front legs Daedalon swung her neck around to peer curiously at the gathered group. Indeed the pale purple Wildclaw was here, appearing nervous and jittery, wringing his hands together and glancing around. His wavehopper wasn't present either. He stammered as he spoke with the Pearlcatcher, Guardian and dryad, who seemed very interested in what he was saying. There was also a yellow Nocturne with red wings now sat on Musard's back. The one that had hidden amongst her belongings when her eggs... Anyway. Sauvi? Something like that. She was bigger than the Obelisk expected after the days it had been since she'd seen either of the females.

What about Nalani? Was xe here too? Why were they all back here? And further more, where were the guards that she'd seen watching this place before?

It was Dismas that saw that she was looking at them, a grin twitching his long whiskers as he separated from the group. Sai turned at his movement, brightening at spotting Daedalon himself. “Hey, you good?” The red Pearlcatcher inquired as the others trickled down after him. “Glad to have you here, though this ain't how I expected you to join us.”

“What... do you... mean?” Daedalon asked between breaths. Were they going to ask her to come with them again? “Why are... you all... here?”

Musard, who was trying to restrain her child from climbing all over her and gave up when the Nocturne chose to hang upside-down off of the Guardian's tail, spoke next. “Believe it or not, I'm still looking for my Charge.” She jabbed a digit at the passageway. “Who - or I guess what - ever it is, is in there somewhere. Cos you know, luck. Dunno, just got this feeling it's another dragon.”

“We couldn't help but notice that the guards were missin'.” Dismas added, gesturing at the blue dragon. “Thought I'd sneak in up top while Moose went in below. See what we could find, say hello to you and all that. Found this guy,” he nodded at Sai, who shrank at being made centre of attention, “found out Diaemus is out again, surprise surprise, so asked about you. Said you were missin' again and was lookin' for you.”

Saisset withered slightly at that. “Everyone's gone, you were gone, I was scared and didn't want trouble...” Poor thing looked so guilty he may as well have thrown himself in the dungeons.

Daedalon flashed a comforting smile. “It's okay Sai, they're friends. I'm glad you all got to meet each other.” He relaxed after the explanation, though he still seemed troubled.

“That wasn't everything though, eh?” Dismas prompted the Wildclaw with a nudge with his elbow. “Turns out this guy – Sai, right? - knew Diaemus when they were kids.” The Obelisk blinked at Saisset, surprised. “Yeah, I asked how he ended up workin' here and he just spilt it all out like I was threatenin' him.”

“You... knew Diaemus?”

Sai dipped his head sadly. “I... I did, yes.” Guilt melted into sadness as he said that, visibly troubled by the topic. She decided not to pursue it when he didn't continue.

“I bet it's interestin' stuff.” Starting to head up the path Dismas beckoned everyone to follow him. “But we can learn more later. Right now, gotta check something so it's kinda a good thing you came back, Moose.” Musard just snorted, intent on returning to her Search. “Time to see your efforts at work, June.”

The dryad curtsied politely as they replied, “Of course, after what we have seen I'm willing to do almost anything to rescue my master.”

Rescue...? Right! The leaf she'd seen in Eudoxia's cell! Daedalon had thought it seemed odd that anything would be growing in there. Now it made sense: Juniper must have created some vines to grow through a crack outside. That must be what the roguish dragon wanted to show them. As the others went to follow, however, Daedalon lingered. Now that she'd stopped, now that she'd had a chance to calm down, all the thoughts of what she'd just experienced resurfaced.

Reynauld was dead. Rochelle had killed him, tried to kill her as well. That stuff, that liquid that was coming out of him... was that Shade? Something to do with the Shade? Had they been using him as an experiment? Is that why he... was that way? She swayed unsteadily as she attempted to join the group. None of this felt real. His body, the fight, the dark dungeons, the hidden chambers. Musard was looking for something inside... was there more? The fact the rumours about underground chambers were true would have been enough. Just how far did it go?

Did Diaemus know about them? ...was he behind this? What else could he be hiding?

But he's-

No. Stop. Stop thinking that. He's not as nice as you think.

Then why did he treat her so kindly?

Reynauld is dead.

Gentle claws held her face, drawing her out of her reverie. She drew back and looked up, Saisset's form blurry through tears she didn't realise she'd shed. He regarded her with kind eyes, which flicked to her mane. Curious, he reached out to pluck something from the thick, curled hair. A tooth. Rochelle must have lost it when she'd tried to throw Daedalon around, getting stuck when the Obelisk entered stoneshape. “What is this, miss?” The servant boy asked, concerned, holding the fang almost as long as his palm up for her to see. “Where were you? Are you okay? I... I was so worried.”

Her jaw worked, trying to speak. But no words came. Her lower lip quivered unbidden. Fresh tears flowed into her already sodden fur. Her body shook.

“...dead.” She whispered, sniffling.

“Beg your pardon, mi-”

She broke. “He's dead!” This time she was shouting, followed by a choked sob, claws digging into the grass. It was all too much. Daedalon gave into her grief, wailing and pressing into the Wildclaw who could do little more than wrap his thin arms around her neck.

Coming Soon!

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Rest in peace mum. I really did love and miss you, even if I never got to see you.

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Re: The Black Wind Howls [Darkest Pinkerlocke Reboot]

Unread post by Varethyn »

Day 48

Flipped Heads again, oh boy.


This started off awkward as, since Daedalon is lv9, we had to go to Sandswept Delta. I decided to teach Dae how to Guard so she could protect Sai. Or well, that was the initial intent but she ended up protecting Musard as well. ...not that it helped on the very first round as Daedalon was KO'd by a crit. In my defence I got distracted irl so I didn't think to heal her. Still, Juniper rolled a 3 and saved Dae from Death's Door but sadly died in doing so. A few turns later Sai also got KO'd but thankfully Rose rolled a 4 so they're both safe. Beyond that the rest of the run went relatively smoothly, aside from a pack of 4 Bonepriests that would not keep still. Luckily they kept meditating and not attacking, or else attacked Sai for minimal damage.

Saisset is now lv7.

Notable Loot:
Image All Winds Lead

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Rest in peace mum. I really did love and miss you, even if I never got to see you.

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Re: The Black Wind Howls [Darkest Pinkerlocke Reboot]

Unread post by Falcon »

NOW will you open your eyes and see the truth, Dae? A very harsh wake-up call if I do say so myself. Poor Saisset, I just want to hug him and keep him safe.
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Re: The Black Wind Howls [Darkest Pinkerlocke Reboot]

Unread post by Ana »

Poor Saisset


HUGE thanks to Makoes, Syleye, FeralClaw, Pingupuff, Karin,Bowno, Varethyn, Ashaine, Kishay, Aki (Täräin13), my friend Marie and some lovely ppl on Fligth Rising for my lovely sig

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Re: The Black Wind Howls [Darkest Pinkerlocke Reboot]

Unread post by Varethyn »

Yeah Daedalon's having a time figuring out what's real and what isn't. The joys of being born from rock and having a world described by someone else who probably doesn't know all the small intricacies that can happen in certain situations. Saisset is a precious bean for sure.


Day 49



This actually went very smoothly. In part because Dae and Dis were both lv9 and fairly strong and I decided to make Sai a healer after all. Or well, he's kind of mixed cos I started giving him points in strength then changed my mind and don't feel it's necessary to spend a tincture on him (yet). Both Sai and Dae got pretty low once or twice but no one was really in any kind of danger. I even did a few extra turns as Daedalon was close to levelling up.

Daedalon is now lv10. Between funds and indecisiveness I haven't gotten her a primary gene yet so stay posted for that!

In other news, not sure if anyone likes to look at it but I updated the Stagecoach section a little bit :)

Check out PetEmote here! | Visit my Flight Rising lair!

Rest in peace mum. I really did love and miss you, even if I never got to see you.

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Re: The Black Wind Howls [Darkest Pinkerlocke Reboot]

Unread post by Varethyn »

Day 50

Pink demands blood.


Once again picking someone literally as they become available. Good job, Pink. That said, despite Nala being lower level this run went even smoother than the last one. No near-misses much less KO's. Kind of boring, really. Except Dismas landing crits every chance he got. Someone's upset!

Dismas is now lv10 and will be getting Cherub once it's in stock. Musard is lv9 and Nalani is lv6.

Check out PetEmote here! | Visit my Flight Rising lair!

Rest in peace mum. I really did love and miss you, even if I never got to see you.

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Re: The Black Wind Howls [Darkest Pinkerlocke Reboot]

Unread post by Ana »

I like Dismas critting despite of pinkerton.. it is like Dismas wanted to prove something in pure spite


HUGE thanks to Makoes, Syleye, FeralClaw, Pingupuff, Karin,Bowno, Varethyn, Ashaine, Kishay, Aki (Täräin13), my friend Marie and some lovely ppl on Fligth Rising for my lovely sig

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Re: The Black Wind Howls [Darkest Pinkerlocke Reboot]

Unread post by Varethyn »

Day 51


Ordinarily this would be added to a stockpile going towards breeding or giving my dragons genes. However, due to a recent update in the Pinkelocke community all items have now had their prompts changed. I'm not sure how this will affect TBWH going forward but hopefully it'll still prove to be an interesting read! My personal rules are still in play however.

Materials still prompt writing, however I am not allowed to continue the same story. Each entry must be a one-off and the characters' personalities and relationships must be different each time.

Familiars no longer allow me to buy a new dragon. Instead I must buy another familiar as deemed by RNG regardless of if I have one or not and add both to the next story.

Battle stones still trigger a death streak, however each dragon rolled now just straight up dies. No coin flip, they're gone.

Trinkets no longer prompt art. Instead I must now play a Fairgrounds game until I reach the lucky streak. Higher or Lower and Glimmer and Gloom are banned.

Apparel no longer prompts breeding. Instead I must buy the cheapest adult dragon on the AH, breed doesn't matter, level it in the coliseum until a max of lv10 and then exalt it.

Food no longer prompts a coliseum fight. Instead I must browse the FR forums for an amount of time dictated by the food type:
Plants - 15 minutes
Insects - 30 minutes
Seafood - 45 minutes
Meat - 1 hour

Since I pulled some apparel today that means I need to go level and exalt a random dragon. Doesn't impact the challenge in any way but hey it's money! I do need to apologise though if anyone was enjoying the current version of TBWH and sincerely hope there are no hard feelings when I change everything in the next instalment. Daedalon, Dismas, Musard, Sauvigni, Nalani and Saisset will still be around, they just might be a little different next we see them. I already have great ideas so I hope you look forward to it!

Happy April Fool's! TBWH is not going anywhere and everything is the same.
Apparel stockpile: 3

Check out PetEmote here! | Visit my Flight Rising lair!

Rest in peace mum. I really did love and miss you, even if I never got to see you.

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Re: The Black Wind Howls [Darkest Pinkerlocke Reboot]

Unread post by Ana »

Tbh I dont read or care about the rules ;) whatever works for you! I just wanted to trying to support the best I can


HUGE thanks to Makoes, Syleye, FeralClaw, Pingupuff, Karin,Bowno, Varethyn, Ashaine, Kishay, Aki (Täräin13), my friend Marie and some lovely ppl on Fligth Rising for my lovely sig

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Re: The Black Wind Howls [Darkest Pinkerlocke Reboot]

Unread post by Falcon »

Varethyn wrote: Fri Apr 01, 2022 5:54 am Day 51


Ordinarily this would be added to a stockpile going towards breeding or giving my dragons genes. However, due to a recent update in the Pinkelocke community all items have now had their prompts changed. I'm not sure how this will affect TBWH going forward but hopefully it'll still prove to be an interesting read! My personal rules are still in play however.

Materials still prompt writing, however I am not allowed to continue the same story. Each entry must be a one-off and the characters' personalities and relationships must be different each time.

Familiars no longer allow me to buy a new dragon. Instead I must buy another familiar as deemed by RNG regardless of if I have one or not and add both to the next story.

Battle stones still trigger a death streak, however each dragon rolled now just straight up dies. No coin flip, they're gone.

Trinkets no longer prompt art. Instead I must now play a Fairgrounds game until I reach the lucky streak. Higher or Lower and Glimmer and Gloom are banned.

Apparel no longer prompts breeding. Instead I must buy the cheapest adult dragon on the AH, breed doesn't matter, level it in the coliseum until a max of lv10 and then exalt it.

Food no longer prompts a coliseum fight. Instead I must browse the FR forums for an amount of time dictated by the food type:
Plants - 15 minutes
Insects - 30 minutes
Seafood - 45 minutes
Meat - 1 hour

Since I pulled some apparel today that means I need to go level and exalt a random dragon. Doesn't impact the challenge in any way but hey it's money! I do need to apologise though if anyone was enjoying the current version of TBWH and sincerely hope there are no hard feelings when I change everything in the next instalment. Daedalon, Dismas, Musard, Sauvigni, Nalani and Saisset will still be around, they just might be a little different next we see them. I already have great ideas so I hope you look forward to it!

Happy April Fool's! TBWH is not going anywhere and everything is the same.
Apparel stockpile: 3
*snerks* Happy April Fool's to you, too. XD
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Re: The Black Wind Howls [Darkest Pinkerlocke Reboot]

Unread post by Ana »

see i didnt even catch that because i dont read rules :P :oops: :mrgreen:


HUGE thanks to Makoes, Syleye, FeralClaw, Pingupuff, Karin,Bowno, Varethyn, Ashaine, Kishay, Aki (Täräin13), my friend Marie and some lovely ppl on Fligth Rising for my lovely sig

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Re: The Black Wind Howls [Darkest Pinkerlocke Reboot]

Unread post by Varethyn »

Bah! Well good thing it was a joke otherwise you'd be very confused as to why the story changed so dramatically :lol:


Day 52


Not my best work cos the hat refused to look right but I think I got something halfway decent. About time Musard got a chance in the spotlight!


Check out PetEmote here! | Visit my Flight Rising lair!

Rest in peace mum. I really did love and miss you, even if I never got to see you.

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Re: The Black Wind Howls [Darkest Pinkerlocke Reboot]

Unread post by Ana »

He got a Sherlock Holmes vibe to him! Very nice :)


HUGE thanks to Makoes, Syleye, FeralClaw, Pingupuff, Karin,Bowno, Varethyn, Ashaine, Kishay, Aki (Täräin13), my friend Marie and some lovely ppl on Fligth Rising for my lovely sig

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Re: The Black Wind Howls [Darkest Pinkerlocke Reboot]

Unread post by Varethyn »

Musard is a girl, but thank you!


Day 53


This. Was. HORRIBLE. Dismas got crit 8 times and Sauvigni 9 times and the enemy just. Kept. DODGING. Dis and Vee did manage to get a whole bunch of crits out in turn - 13 and 9 respectively - but they both also got KOd once each. Since they have no familiars they both entered Death's Door for even MORE stress.

Dismas and Sauvigni have both crossed the 100 SP threshold and both became Afflicted - as of tomorrow they will potentially cause team-wide stress until I can get them below 100 again. I do, however, have both of my emergency options available so that will help... for a time. That said, thematically this is very fitting for the story.

Sauvigni is now lv9 and Nalani lv8.

Notable loot:
Image - 4, new friend! Equipped to Dismas
Image - New friend, of a different kind
Image - 1, no new friend

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Rest in peace mum. I really did love and miss you, even if I never got to see you.

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Re: The Black Wind Howls [Darkest Pinkerlocke Reboot]

Unread post by Ana »

Dodging can be sooo annoying!


HUGE thanks to Makoes, Syleye, FeralClaw, Pingupuff, Karin,Bowno, Varethyn, Ashaine, Kishay, Aki (Täräin13), my friend Marie and some lovely ppl on Fligth Rising for my lovely sig

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Re: The Black Wind Howls [Darkest Pinkerlocke Reboot]

Unread post by Varethyn »

Day 54

Image 5
Image 1

Dismas was quietly sulking today but there's nothing more stressful than a screaming child. Vee caused everyone to gain 10SP.

Before ANYTHING else, I used up both emergency actions to reduce Dismas and Sauvigni's SP. Daedalon approached Dis for a chat and he was grateful, healing 20SP. Vee meanwhile went back to have fun in the town, healing 40SP. Both are back below 100 but it's still rocky.

Pinkerton please


Oh how the turns table. Or something. This time it was my dragons who got all the dodging and crits! Ha HAH!
Though we did also get crit a few times it was nowhere near as bad as yesterday. However, since everyone's stress was already high (except Dae, ironically) it wasn't the greatest it could have been. I decided to try a few rounds in Sandswept Delta and it was going smoothly up until Musard got 1-shot by a super-effective crit from a carmine serthis. All of her 12 crits were put to waste, although not entirely.

Musard is at 99/100 stress after tallying.

On the other hand, again due to previous high stress Nalani has now crossed the threshold and became Afflicted, so will be causing team-wide stress (which I... may be tweaking again now that I've gotten far enough to experience it. I'm so sorry!)

Musard is now lv10 and will be receiving Pinstripe once it has brewed.

Notable loot:
Image - 2, no new friend

Check out PetEmote here! | Visit my Flight Rising lair!

Rest in peace mum. I really did love and miss you, even if I never got to see you.

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Re: The Black Wind Howls [Darkest Pinkerlocke Reboot]

Unread post by Ana »

Pinky is a bad bad boy


HUGE thanks to Makoes, Syleye, FeralClaw, Pingupuff, Karin,Bowno, Varethyn, Ashaine, Kishay, Aki (Täräin13), my friend Marie and some lovely ppl on Fligth Rising for my lovely sig

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Re: The Black Wind Howls [Darkest Pinkerlocke Reboot]

Unread post by Varethyn »

Day 55

Image - 5 (nothing happened)

Musard hit the threshold naturally.

Fffff- Pinkerton why-
I flipped Tails!

Image - 6
Image - 13 - no longer Afflicted
Image - 20 (woo nat 20!)

Afflicted dragons now have a chance of causing 1 or 5 points of SP, down from 5 and 10.
Increased the dice roll for battle stone Destress sessions to a d20, up from a d10.

Also, the previous site I used for D&D style dice rolls has changed. I now use this one if anyone's interested.

Check out PetEmote here! | Visit my Flight Rising lair!

Rest in peace mum. I really did love and miss you, even if I never got to see you.

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Re: The Black Wind Howls [Darkest Pinkerlocke Reboot]

Unread post by Ana »

Pinkerton is out for blood


HUGE thanks to Makoes, Syleye, FeralClaw, Pingupuff, Karin,Bowno, Varethyn, Ashaine, Kishay, Aki (Täräin13), my friend Marie and some lovely ppl on Fligth Rising for my lovely sig

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Re: The Black Wind Howls [Darkest Pinkerlocke Reboot]

Unread post by Varethyn »

Day 56

Image - 5 (Nothing happened)


I wanted to try something slightly different this time. At the very least I'm happier with this than Musard. Sorry, Moose!

Check out PetEmote here! | Visit my Flight Rising lair!

Rest in peace mum. I really did love and miss you, even if I never got to see you.

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