Boktor and Tusk are back! (Part 7 out now!)

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Boktor and Tusk are back! (Part 7 out now!)

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Some of you might remember the first adventure of Boktor and Tusk in Tiragarde Keep.

Just as Vephriel, I suffered from a writers bug bite and here is part one of the new adventure.
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Part 1

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Sitting in the shadow of a palm tree sure was a nice pastime and watching Tusk chasing around the surprised scorpids was entertaining enough to not get bored. His eyes half closed, Boktor gave a deep sigh that was singing a cheerful song about relaxation, freedom and enjoyment. He felt his eyelids getting heavy and a little smile crept on his face as his mind waved a friendly welcome to the little nap that was coming closer.
He heard steps and then a shadow fell over him. He opened one eye to see who had come to disturb that little piece of peace he was trying to enjoy to the fullest. It was Torka, Razor Hill's cook.
"You got your raptor eggs. Now leave me alone." Boktor said.
"Ha, you think you go get some eggs and thats it? No pal, you are part of the horde and like everyone else you will get off your fat arse and do something valuable for the people around here."
"And what heroic deed did you have in mind?"
"Easy enough, pal." said Torka, "You're a hunter. You have a bow. You know how to hunt. Kind of gives me the idea you could go out there and look for some fresh meat. We're almost out of cured meat and I need fresh supplies, so no orc or troll will go hungry."
Boktor gave a deep sigh again but this time, it sang a mournful song.
"Alright. I'll go. Any special request?"
"Anything an orc can chew will do. I got a large sack of hot spices delivered only yesterday." Torka gave a humorless laugh. "They won't recognize what it is anyway."
As Boktor got to his feet, dusting his bottom off, he gave a sharp whistle and heard Tusk grunt in frustration but stopped his pursuit of a terrified scorpid and returned to Boktors side.
"Sorry, you little show-off" Boktor said, "but we've got work to do."
He rummaged in his pockets and found half an apple, which he threw over his shoulder. He knew that Tusk wouldn't let it go to waste and sure enough, he heard the black boar chewing withouth hearing the apple hit the ground.

Boktor thought about the upcoming hunt for a moment.He could bring in some boar meat and some boar ribs but couldn't bring himself to do that to Tusk. Maybe some of that strange meat from the scorpids? Torka said he would season it anyway. But then, he would have to chew on that stuff as well. That left him with only three choices: crocolisks, raptors or a journey to the Barrens. He decided on crocolisks.Their meat was tasty and he might get some nice skins as well. He shouldered his quiver, took his bow and took a deep breath. A quick glance around made clear that no one was going to wish him luck so he just left Razor Hill to the west, following the road to the river. Left and right he could see the large thorn twines that indicated those primitive quilboar settlements. "We'll have to take care of these bastards one day." Boktor thought. Tusk raised his snout and sniffed loudly.
"Yeah, those are kind of relatives, huh?" Boktor laughed. "I hope you won't let me down when we're driving these bastards out of Kalimdor one day."
Tusk eyed him expectantly but Boktor was sure that his friend was hoping more for some food then details on a battle plan. They followed the road, down to the bridge, where he saw lots of crocolisks lurking in the river. He gave a swift wave to the guys at Far Watch but only Kargal Battlescar seemed to notice or care and waved back.
The river was glittering with reflected sunlight but Boktor could make out the huge, massive forms just below the surface. Immobile, almost like logs, floating in the water.Boktor had seen them pulling a drinking boar into the water and ripping him apart in almost no time. Unlike any other predator, crokolisks didn't kill their prey before starting their feast.They just didn't seem to care. Boktor swallowed hard. There were more of them than he had seen at first. The water seemed infested with crokolisks.He heard rumors about crocolisk skins so thick and hard that an arrow wouldn't go through. Suddenly, the whole idea of crocolisk meat didn't seem such a bright idea anymore.
Boktor turned around as he heard some footsteps. It was Kargal.
"Hey kid. Why're you lookin' at those crocs?" he asked.
"Well, Razor Hill needs supplies and I thought it a good idea to go hunt some of them. Would get meat and leather in one go, you know?"
Kargal gave a short bellow of a laugh. "Not the easiest prey you picked, kid. But I tell ya something. There are so many crocs in that river, even the raptors use straws when going for a drink!" He laughed again and slapped Boktors shoulder. "Good idea to get rid of some, I'd say."
Boktor watched him walk away, back to Far Watch. Then he looked down at Tusk, who starred back expectantly.
"Don't ask me, pal. I have no clue how to do it either."
They left the bridge and went down to the river bank, always looking around for any sign of a crocolisk, a raptor or one of those damned scorpids. Boktor thought it best to go to the Barrens now, look for some strider or something but now he couldn't back off his task, not with Kargal watching him and all.
He found a spot that looked good to him. He took his bow from his back and got ready. "You hear me, buddy? No running into the water. You stay here with me. No charging before I tell you, understood?" Tusk grave a loud grunt and Boktor hoped it meant confirmation. He drew his bow, took careful aim, held his breath and... let loose. He watched it go, hit the surface and then heard it crack in two pieces. The crocolisk didn't even so much as flinch.
"Damn!" he swore.
"Righ', mon!" he heard behind him.
He turned around quickly, even Tusk seemed to be taken by surprise. There were a troll and a hyena, both sitting on their haunches, both having their heads cocked to one side.
"Ya huntin' da crocs, mon, ya betta switch tactic." the troll said.
Now Boktor realised, the troll had equipment not very unlike his own. The hyena seemd tame and so the troll must be a hunter, too.
"I never went croc hunting before, so try-and-error is all I can do. My name is Boktor and this is Tusk, by the way."
"Me be Shoya'Jin an' dis 'ere be Nura." the troll said, pointing at the hyena. "Me be huntin' da crocs becoz of dere skins, mon."
"Really? And how do yo do that?"
"Me be showin' ya, orc." the troll said with a grin.

to be continued...
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Re: Boktor and Tusk are back!

Unread post by Vephriel »

Hooray! \o/ I love reading about this pair. ^^ And I really want to hear more about the Troll and hyena now. :) Hee, I like the interaction with NPC characters, always a fun detail to have in there.

I demand mmooorre! :D
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Re: Boktor and Tusk are back!

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The troll Shoya'Jin and his hyena Nura have been some alts I leveled on a different realm. Actually, I leveled an undead warrior and this troll hunter side by side and made gold by choosing only collecting professions (mining on one, herbalism on the other, fishing and skinning on both) and selling everything in the AH.

Here they are when they founded their company...

Sign says: leather - ore - herbs - meat - fish

Just thought it funny to get him into this story. :lol:
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Part 2

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Part 2:

The troll started to take of his armor, his weapons, everything. Finally he stood there with just his pants and a vicious looking dagger. He ruffled the hyenas mane and carefully waded into the river, his eyes darting here and there, making sure there was no crocolisk around that he didn't see.
"Shootin' da crocs issa no good, mon." he said. "Da hides to thick for da arrow." He stood there, barely moving, eyes scanning the water, dagger in his hand. "Secret is to keep croc from bitin' an dat best be done by holdin' da mouth shut."
Suddenly, he jumped forward with a trollish war cry coming from his mouth, dagger lifted, ready to stab. For a second, he was gone but then the surface broke and a large crocolisk rose from the water, writhing and struggling against the troll who had his legs locked around the monsters neck and clamping the crocolisks snout shut with one hand while the other rose and fell, quick as a flash, burying the dagger in the beasts throat again and again, shouting some troll gibberish Boktor didn't understand and then they fell back into the water, the surface closing over them and where gone again.
Boktor noticed Nura lying on the sand, head on her front paws, completely unaffected by the drama that was going on.
It seemed like an hour to Boktor before the troll broke the rivers surface again. Shoya'Jin took two steps forward and stood, waist-deep in the river, panting. Then he dragged the huge dead crocolisk to the river bank, pulling it up on dry sand. He knelt down, whispering in his own language while he turned the crocolisk on its back and cut it open. He reached into the bleeding body and held the crocolisks heart in his hand. He seemed to be praying and then took a large bite out of the heart, chewing it slowly and carefully, then offering it to Nura, who took it without hesitation and swallowed it in one go.
His face was covered in blood when he smiled at Boktor. "Dis way ya huntin' da crocs, mon!" he said and laughed.
Boktor was an orc. Orcs weren't raised to be frightened easily. Orcs were meant for battle. Honor or death, that was their choice. But there was no way denying that he felt very uneasy as he watched the troll, who started to skin the beast.
Tusk sniffed at the bloody carcass of the crocolisk but jumped back when Nura growled. The troll giggled and threw a bloody lump of meat to her and she caught it in midair. When she started chewing, Boktor heard bones crunching. Nura seemed to have an incredibly strong jaw.
"Nura be da great hunta, mon. She just no good swimmin', yanoe? So me be huntin' da crocs alone." Shoya'Jin pointed his bloody dagger at Tusk. "How be da boar helpin' ina fight?"
"He's doing fine." Boktor said. "Very clever. Very fierce. He took down some human warriors on his own."
"Tusk da fierce!" the troll said but there was no sign of amusement in his voice. Then he looked at Boktor. "Ya be huntin' crocs now, mon?"
What could he do? Kargal still seemed to look in his direction. Telling the troll he changed his mind would make everyone deem him a coward, wouldn't it? He took a deep breath, forced a smile on his face and said "Sure! I'll try it your way then."
The troll giggled as Boktor started to take of his armor. "Ya be makin' sure dere is no otha croc near, mon! Ya be makin' sure be behind da croc!" The troll had a dirty grin on his still blood smeared face. "Ya scared, mon?"
"Scared? Me? Ha!" Boktor answered. But the nervous tone in his voice betrayed his brave words.
"Me be scared like baby troll when me be tryin' firs time."
Boktor looked at him. The troll shrugged.
"Be no problem bein' scared mon. Be problem not gettin' ova dis."
Boktor waded into the water. He heard Tusk squeal encouraging. Ha! He didn't have to fight a crocolisk, did he?
Boktor watched the surface. He saw one crocolisk coming closer and quickly scanned the river. Seemed like there was no other around. "It's now or never!" he whispered and got ready to jump.

to be continued...
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Re: Boktor and Tusk are back!

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Awesome, I'm totally drawn in! Great action scenes. Loving that Troll more and more. :D And for some reason I laugh at the image of Kargal silently watching from afar. :lol:
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Re: Boktor and Tusk are back!

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You have no idea how hard it is for me to write this troll slang! :lol:
I hope it comes across OK, though.

It's still kind of strange to have native english speakers compliment me on my writing, seriously.

:shock: I forgot to explain that heart eating thing... Damn! Have to do it in part 3, then.
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Re: Boktor and Tusk are back!

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Oh weird, I was actually about to comment on that! I have a hard time doing troll accents myself, I can't imagine trying to implement an accent on a language that isn't even your native one. xD You did a fantastic job, better than my troll accents!

EDIT: Totally random thought. What do the troll voices sound like in other languages in game? o.O
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Re: Boktor and Tusk are back!

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Your English is excellent, there's a reason they praise it. And your trollish is coming across just great!

Dem' trolls, dey' be hard ones ta' accent, mon.

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Re: Boktor and Tusk are back!

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@ Vephriel:
Really? Oh man...
I never thought I could do it. But if you like it, thats OK, I guess. :lol:

Now I have to figure out if Boktor is good enough to take on a crocolisk on his own... ;)

Actually, they don't have such a great accent in german. They sure do talk different but the jamaican style language is way cooler. In fact, they speak pretty normal german with a casual "man" here and there.

* * *

@ Saturo:
Thanks. I knew my english was OK but never thought it good enough to write stories. But, you sure know what I mean, this is even more fun than writing it in german.
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Re: Boktor and Tusk are back!

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I think of it that way too. It's just not fun to write in Swedish, but English is much better! It feels natural for me. Your English is definitely good enough for stories. Much better than what is needed.

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Re: Boktor and Tusk are back!

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My brain just broke trying to imagine what a Jamaican/German accent would sound like. xD
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Part 3

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Part 3

The crocolisk changed direction and gathered speed. Damn, that beast wasn't supposed to attack! How could he jump on when it came right at him? No time to think as the beast came close, Boktor jumped. He locked his legs around the crocolisks long snout and put one arm around its neck. Damn, he was on it the other way around! The crocolisk started thrashing and wriggling to free himself of the orc and Boktor was busy holding on. He felt his grip weakening already, as the beast tried to shake him off with all his might. If he lost his hold, he'd be done for.
The air in his lungs started to burn, so he had no choice but to try and end this pretty quick. He aimed blindly for where he thought the crocolisks heart might be and started stabbing. The pain made the beasts only fight fiercer. He stabbed and stabbed and could already taste the iron-like, salty blood in the water. His lungs cried out for a gulp of fresh air but he didn't dare to let go or stop stabbing.
After what seemed to be forever, the thrashing of the crocolisk seemed to get weaker and weaker. Boktors lungs were burning, his body was aching for some air but he didn't dare to let go. Finally, the crocolisk gave a shudder and went limp. Boktor let go immediately, swam in direction of the light and gulped the hot air of Durotar into his aching lungs when he broke the surface.
He stood there, panting, coughing. He wiped the water from his face and saw the troll standing there with a nasty grin on his face. The now drying blood didn't make it look any better.
"Ya be huntin' widda uncommon style, mon." he said. "Me evva thinkin' orcs be some strange fellow. Me be draggin' da croc outta da wata, mon." he added, pointing to the floating body.
Boktor hauled the heavy beast ashore, then fell to his knees and tried to catch his breath. The troll kneeled beside him and hold out Boktor dagger.
"Ya be wantin' eatin' da heart, mon!"
"Why would I do that?" asked Boktor, face distorted in disgust.
"Ya be gettin' da strength, mon! Ya be winnin' da figh, so ya be takin' 'is powa!"
Boktor looked at him. "What are you talking about?"
The troll went to the river and started washing the blood of his face and arms.
"Long ago, trolls be eatin' defeated enemy after fightin'. Takin' da powa from da enemy fo yaself, mon. Thrall said, eatin' da otha people be no good, mon. Vol'Jin sayin', we stop eatin' enemy to honor Thrall who be savin' me people."
He turned his head and looked at Boktor.
"Croc be no enemy. Croc be beast. Everone be eatin' beast, so takin' powa from da beast be all righ, mon."
"Well, you know, we orcs usually do not do such things. We're good with winning."
The troll grinned. "Ya righ, mon. Me be keepin' me tradition, ya keepin' yo tradition."

Boktor started to take the crocolisk apart. Meat, skin, bones, everything that could be used was set aside. The innards were divided evenly between Tusk and Nura. Since Shoya'Jin only took the skin of his crocolisk, Boktor had a hard time carrying all the good stuff home, back to Razor Hill but the troll was willing to help. Boktor knew that this would only last two or three days, before Torka would send him out again.
Actually, the cook was surprised to see so much good, tender meat. He admitted that he liked crocolisk a lot. He imediately went to work to cook some fresh stew and smoke the rest of the meat.
Later that evening, when all folks were gathered around the fire, everyone cheered for Torka for the tasty stew and Boktor and Shoya'Jin were praised as well for the fresh meat.

The very next morning, Takrin Pathseeker came to see Boktor. He handed him a letter, a recruitment letter, in fact.
"Kargal from Far Watch told me to give you this. Go and see him there, on the border to the Barrens." He looked at Shoya'JIn and smiled. "He told me to offer one to you too."
"Me be joinin' ya be all righ?" he asked Boktor.
The orc grinned. Aside from Tusk he never had a real friend before adn somehow he had a feeling, this troll could get as close to one as possible. He nodded with a grin.
Shoya'jin took the second letter. Within a matter of minutes, they've packed their stuff and left Razor Hill to the west once more.

to be continued...
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Re: Boktor and Tusk are back!

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Poor crocolisk :cry: *sniffle*

Awesome again, can't wait for more! :D
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Re: Boktor and Tusk are back!

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The win. I can not describe how much of the stuff radiates from this. :D
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Re: Boktor and Tusk are back!

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Vephriel wrote:Poor crocolisk :cry: *sniffle*
Aw, don't cry, Veph. We're hunters, after all. We go hunting.
We do not hunt daisies or cauliflower.

Thanks. I'll do my best to keep you happy. :lol:

* * *

Azunara wrote:The win. I can not describe how much of the stuff radiates from this. :D
Thanks. I'm really quite satisfied myself, so far.
I wonder what those two will do in the Barrens...
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Part 4

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Part 4

Shoya'Jin and Boktor went side by side down the road to Far Watch. Nura, the trolls hyena and Tusk, the orcs boar trudging behind them, keeping a respectful distance to one another. Shoya'Jin didn't even comment it and Boktor thought it amazing to see predator and prey walk together. When he tamed Tusk, he thought he'd tame a tool. A beast that would do the close combat like his bow would do the ranged. But it was different. Tusk was no simple tool. Didn't he learn to trust the beast? Wasn't he alarmed when he saw the boar get nervous? And even worse. Tusk had developed a personality. No one ever saw a boar attack scorpids in the wild. Tusk was charging them for fun. He didn't kill them. He charged them, hit them and tried to turn them over or, when they tried to escape, chased them around. He had learned that he could take on larger beasts and even humanoids, so he messed around, showing of his strength, just like a young rowdy. Boktor smiled. Over the last two years, Tusk had become a friend. A friend that was always there. A friend that the trusted his life with. He looked back at Tusk and the boar gave a short, loud grunt. Boktor wondered, what the beast was thinking about him.
"Say, Shoya'Jin, how did you find Nura?" he asked.
The troll looked over his shoulder at the hyena, then at Boktor.
"Me no be findin' 'er. Nura be findin' Shoya'Jin." He giggled.
"How's that?" Boktor asked.
"Me be huntin' in da Barrens, mon. Me be huntin' da wild raptas fo dey be givin' fine skins. And me be lookin' fo da nests. Me be bringin' home some eggs to be breedin' raptas fo ridin', me be gettin' great honor, mon!"
Boktor thought about the raptor eggs he brought to Torka who used them for cooking and decided to not mention it.
"Me be takin' all me be needin' from da raptas and me seein' a hyena, draggin' 'er left hind leg very bad, mon. She be eatin' da rest of me raptas. Me be lookin' aroun' fo 'er pack but she be all alone, mon. Me be goin' to 'er and me be offerin' to be takin' a look adda leg but she be snarlin' at ole Shoya'Jin so me leave 'er be." He looked at Nura again and smiled. "Me be makin' a fire an eatin' some rapta in da nigh when me be seein' 'er eyes in da dark, she be watchin' me, mon. Me be takin' some meat an puttin' it far from da fire and me be invitin' 'er fo dinna. She be comin' from da dark joinin' me.Yanoe, orc, widda bad hind leg she no be huntin'. She be starvin'. Me be tellin' 'er 'bou me 'dventures an me be offerin' to be lookin' fo her leg again."
The troll stopped walking when they reached the bridge. Far Watch was just on the other side of the river. He sat down on his haunches and Boktor made himself comfortable by sitting cross-legged and leaning agains a rock.
"She be comin' fo meat evry nigh, mon. She be showin' 'er leg one dae. Me be lookin' an it no bein' good. It al bein' purulen an all. So me be cleanin' da wound. Me be thinkin' da wound be from a lion. Me be puttin' healin' salve an da bandage on it." Shoya'Jin giggled. "Me bein' so scared when she be twitchin' o' snarlin'. But me be helpin' an she be knowin'."
The troll put his arm around Nuras neck and ruffled her mane and she playfully snapped at his hand.
"She be stayin' wid me all da time nao."

to be continued...
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Re: Boktor and Tusk are back! (Part 4 out now!)

Unread post by Vephriel »

I love how vivid the descriptions are! I could completely visualize the scene with Shoya'Jin sitting by a fire in the dark and the hyena's eyes glowing from outside of the ring of light. Such an awesome pair. ^^
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Re: Boktor and Tusk are back! (Part 4 out now!)

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Glad you like them, because I do too. :D
I had the idea for Shoya'Jin when I've read about the "hyena men" of africa.


I don't know if Boktor and Shoya'Jin should be forming a team and I still have no idea how to deal with the hyena / boar relationship.

Oh well, something will be coming to my mind, I hope...
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Re: Boktor and Tusk are back! (Part 4 out now!)

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Karathyriel wrote:[...]I still have no idea how to deal with the hyena / boar relationship.
Hyena/boar babies soon, then? :D

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