Thoughts On Volley Removal - Survey

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The loss of hunters having a true "AOE" damaging ability
The loss of utility that the current volley offers - pvp/los/etc.
The fear of not being able to "AOE" effectively - grinding/pet lvling/old content
The fear of not knowing what aoe abilities we will end up having
The issue of the way it's removal was handled
The issue does not really bother me.
Total votes: 135

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Re: Thoughts On Volley Removal - Survey

Unread post by Skarm »

I use it for AOE, and sometimes to pull my chestnuts out of the fire when I'm jumped by crowds. I hope that they replace it with something that is comparable in effect.


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Re: Thoughts On Volley Removal - Survey

Unread post by Sarayana »

Rhyela wrote:
Sarayana wrote:I'm cautiously optimistic. And I'm happy that 1) they're improving multishot and 2) they're making it feel more hunter-y. It just doesn't feel right to click a button and a targetting circle to dps, I need to be firin' mah weapon! If I can get a nice aoe rotation with, say, trap launcher, MS, sting-tab-sting, something to that effect, then I'll be insanely happy. :D
Not to mention it will be a lot more fun!!! I find myself single-targeting even AoE groups more and more lately (unless it's a huge group, of course), just because it's more fun than spamming the same button over and over and over and over and over...........

Yeah, I'm very much looking forward to non-spammy fights!!! :D Even when farming stuff, I find it's a lot faster to just Explosive Shot everything into oblivion than to try to round a bunch of stuff up and Volley from afar. I've tried it both ways before and it actually takes me longer to Volley than it does to pick things off one or two at a time in rapid succession. :)
I totally agree Rhy. Particularly when I'm in MM (which just has that many more shots than BM to fire, you know?) I love single-targeting them down. And you know, unless I'm with a boomkin or mage (who both just kick arse with aoe) I do comparable damage to all the aoe going on. I'm super happy that they're moving away from aoe'ing everything, I really am. :)

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Re: Thoughts On Volley Removal - Survey

Unread post by Jakkra »

Woah, I'm really behind.

Seeing as cata is coming across as "bringing back crowd control" I'm not all too surprised. I do love using it with misdirect, to help tanks with trash pulls, but that may not be as necessary in cata, I dunno.

I find it a little strange to ditch the ability entirely, but it does get a little boring just spamming one ability all the time.
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Re: Thoughts On Volley Removal - Survey

Unread post by Makoes »

My biggest fear is not having a decent AoE ability, and one that can be used in melee range when not able to get to ranged (ie when rooted) I still dont really understand why volley was removed in the first place, it was an AoE, that was well named/animated for the class.


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Re: Thoughts On Volley Removal - Survey

Unread post by Nimizar »

They removed it because the initial nerf to Multi-Shot to take it out of our single-target rotation left it with too narrow a niche: groups with 3-4 targets so it was worth using over a higher damage single target shot and over Volley.

With Multi-Shot and Volley competing head-to-head for use on AoE groups, Blizz felt one or the other had to go, and the Volley animation lost as being less huntery than Multi-Shot (which is a subjective aesthetic call on the devs part, but one I happen to agree with).

As far as minimum range goes, tooltip changes suggest that Multi, Tranq and Distracting no longer have a minimum range, but we know from Kill Shot's tooltip (no minimum range listed, but minimum range applies in game) that doesn't necessarily mean anything. Still, with the 4.0 PTR going up, interested minds can go check it out for themselves without waiting for beta players to answer :)
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Re: Thoughts On Volley Removal - Survey

Unread post by Kalliope »

We're better off than ever before.

When GC said the new multi is "a little like fan of knives," he wasn't kidding.

It's instant cast, unlimited targets within 8y of the initial target.


I'm pretty satisfied.

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Re: Thoughts On Volley Removal - Survey

Unread post by Agravaine »

Me too. We've suffered worse, no?

