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Re: AMAZING PTR Change for us Hunters.

Posted: Mon Mar 21, 2011 3:46 am
by Kalliope
erwil wrote:
Tyuriwen wrote:Oh no =( I loved the feeding animation, especially with my cats and my Devilsaur...chomp chomp chomp!!!
I thought you'll still be able to feed your pet to heal it up?
Erwil is right. It's not pet feeding that's being removed, just the happiness component.

Re: AMAZING PTR Change for us Hunters.

Posted: Fri Apr 08, 2011 5:00 am
by Eochaid
To be honest I am not sure how i feel about these changes. I have been away from the game for a bout 3 months now, and was considering coming back for a while, but these changes seem to me, to be just one more step to taking away what is unique about hunters and making them like everything else. Or maybe I am just grumpy this morning lol.

Re: AMAZING PTR Change for us Hunters.

Posted: Fri Apr 08, 2011 4:13 pm
by Meldiren
Xakaal wrote:And the Devilsaurs get even bigger...

The Chimeras get wider...

The Seagulls become more fearsome..

PREPARE FOR BLOODTHIRSTY GIANT SEAGULLS! /quickly buys and embeds Glyph of Poportion into the back of her spellbook and casts Beastial Wrath

Mine Mine Mine Mine Mine Mine Mine Mine Mine Mine
LOL what we need to do is get a bunch of hunters with Seagulls.......and have them ALL attack a large target (Like Problim)....shades of an Alfred Hitchcock movie....:)

Re: AMAZING PTR Change for us Hunters.

Posted: Fri Apr 22, 2011 8:40 pm
by AdamSavage

Re: AMAZING PTR Change for us Hunters.

Posted: Fri Apr 22, 2011 9:56 pm
by Walreinman
I'm kinda upset about the removal of the happiness system.

I mean, it added a new level of depth to maintaining your pet. Like others have said, your pet may as well be a lock demon or even a freaking water elemental.

I'm sorry I'm kinda upset by this ;A;

Re: AMAZING PTR Change for us Hunters.

Posted: Fri Apr 22, 2011 9:58 pm
by Azunara
I still think hunters have it better. Sure, you lose happiness system...but you tame your own beasts. You can NAME them. I would frikking KILL to be able to name my warlock's demon, honestly! I hate his name, so I've nicknamed him and call him Maxwell, but he will never officially be Maxwell.

I also am stuck with a certain set of demons, a mage is stuck with a water elemental. Hunters can chose a huge variety of pets, and they are much more complex then a warlock's demon. They have not in anyway stooped to a level of a warlock demon or mage elemental or death knight ghoul, so I just can't see why people complain.

Re: AMAZING PTR Change for us Hunters.

Posted: Fri Apr 22, 2011 10:08 pm
by Nubhorns
Azunara wrote:[...]so I just can't see why people complain.
No offense meant to those of you handling it politely and rationally. ;P

Re: AMAZING PTR Change for us Hunters.

Posted: Fri Apr 22, 2011 11:47 pm
by Litlemouse
Saturo wrote:This change kinda' sucks. I miss loyalty too, though. It made the pet feel like more than just something that follows you around and takes a beating on command. Now it's just a mindless buff-bot.
This and the other comments on how they're turning into warlock pets, etc.
Excuse me :mrgreen:
Seriously though, if they're gonna make 'em robots in one way, then they have to un-robot them in another, or I'm gonna be sad :(
Like maybe, uhh... O_o;;
Well that's Blizz's problem! :twisted:

EDIT: Looked at this, and no idea why but I found this funny:Image
Looks like one of those descriptions in animal shelters :lol:

Re: AMAZING PTR Change for us Hunters.

Posted: Sat Apr 23, 2011 10:40 am
by Ellaran
The only one making your pet feel like it's turning into a soulless stat boost is YOU. Yes, YOU. By reacting like it's the end of the world because we no longer need to constantly monitor our pet's happiness and therefore damage, especially when it's practically automated anyways.

Happiness was the last remnant of an outdated mechanic that sorely needed to be taken out. Yes, in the beginning it seemed cool and fresh, but now it's unnecessary. WoW isn't Pokemon, or Tamagotchi Digimon, or those little "click my egg so it can hatch, then click my baby dragon so it eats and grows up" things. More is not always better, and streamlining is not always bad.

That being said, you know what Hunters do that no other pet/minion class in WoW does? They go out into the wild, choose which of the myriad beasts that roams the wilderness or lurks in the foreboding dungeons they want as their lifelong companion, and set about finding and taming it. Then they customize the creature as they wish with their Pet Talent points. Then they give it a glorious name. And then the hunter can go back out and find a companion for their new pet. Or two. Or ten. Or TWENTY-FIVE. That's a lot of beasties you can cuddle up with on a cold winter's night. And you can still feed your companion, but instead of making him happy it makes him healthy. What class comes close to all of that? The Warlock, who gets to have a grand total of FIVE look-a-like minions and two temporary guardians, and their relationship is less Old Yeller and more Southern Plantation Owner. To change their demons' names, Warlocks trade them in until they get what they want, like they were cheap cars. No Hunter worth her bow would do that to their pet, we even have Certificates that let us change our pet's name. And our pets fulfill nearly every support role in the game, so your entire stable can fulfill a role in a raid if you so desire.

Now on a personal note, Happiness was never a factor for my bond with my pets. My bond was forged from hunting for them, searching and waiting patiently, pulling strings and tagging along to find the really rare and hard-to-get ones. Terrorpene and King Krush were incredibly lucky chance encounters. I begged on Trade Chat until I got two total strangers who helped me tame Chromaggus, and then we defeated Nefarion immediately after. Nuramoc, Akariss and Loque'nahak were days, even weeks of patient waiting, searching, and hoping. The giddy joy I felt with each tame never diminished, every time it was like Christmas and I was 6 years old again. Just seeing them standing and running beside me, watching them charge at my foes while I covered them and healed them, taking them into raids and watching them tear into bosses with the other players, that is what makes me feel warm and proud.

Don't think of your pets as something less because the last remnant of an archaic system is finally being phased out. We still have all of the things that truly matter as Hunters. Let your love and passion for your companions remain strong and true.


Re: AMAZING PTR Change for us Hunters.

Posted: Sat Apr 23, 2011 1:58 pm
by Nachtwulf

So... since Happiness is being removed (which is fine as far as I'm concerned)...

This leaves me with wondering what Bloodthirsty, Carrion Feeder, and Guard Dog are going to even do. Did they get taken out completely or do they have a new effect?

Re: AMAZING PTR Change for us Hunters.

Posted: Sat Apr 23, 2011 1:59 pm
by Magnakilro
they lost the happiness increasing effects but still do their other effects.

Re: AMAZING PTR Change for us Hunters.

Posted: Sat Apr 23, 2011 3:14 pm
by Azunara
Ellaran pretty much summed up what I wanted to say. I would like to point out that I, at least, do think of my warlock's less as slaves and more as friends. Call it old habit as a hunter, but I would never, ever, ever give up my Maxwell for the most shiny, updated model you can throw at me. Maxwell the Felguard will always be my Maxwell.

Re: AMAZING PTR Change for us Hunters.

Posted: Sat Apr 23, 2011 4:26 pm
by Sasrei
uhhh how does the pet hapiness system going bye bye make our pets more robotic?

Ive got a few reason why they arent

1. we find them in the wild to tame them, lock/mage pets come alot easier
2. we have pet families that have their own unique identities, including unique pets where people register the pet instantly. You do not see people saying omgosh I just got pwned by that stupid water elemental.. friggen pet! nope they say King krush just face rolled me in pvp :lol:
3. with mend pets glyph no matter what your pet was never unhappy, just hit mend pe,t happy pet, and even if its unhappy it wont runaway like it used to
4. we camp for a long long long time for our pets, we buy potions/gear pocket healers just to get a pet
5. we go into dungeons to get a pet
6. we can name our pet, our pet becomes that name. Ive never seen someone say Khaeernna is tanking something! nope its usually Airien (madexx) just tanked a boss, thats awesome! of course that very fact we can properly pronounce our pets name usually helps to..

Alot of our pets become special to the guild to, I know some people their guild doesnt want them to raid without taking this one special pet. Mages/locks/dks most of them do not care about their pets like we do, some I say do of course but most dont care less, while we on the other hand.. freak out if our pet dies. Pretty much in most situtuations if our pet dies.. we die.. mages/locks will most likely survive their ideal of running past a mob and getting dismounted. But we.. will die most of the time especially with our pet health glitch that when you summon it for some reason it goes to 10% health.. and gets one shotted. And detterence does not last long enough to revive your pet, you can only trap one, SS last a few seconds, and WS is surv spec only. And disengage needs a quicker cooldown... unfortunately it still doesnt help me so much when they intervene or mage blinks and just dances right on me while he laughs at me smacking him with a staff.. to being resorted to that makes me sad..

so in reality our pets are a huge part of being a hunter. So even without pet happiness its still our pet that was tamed/camped for, and we could have 25 cats but each would be unique in its own way to that hunter.. so I say its a nice change, spamming mend pet I do anyways lol.

Re: AMAZING PTR Change for us Hunters.

Posted: Sat Apr 23, 2011 11:41 pm
by Litlemouse
Well, technically you're all right and of course it won't really make a HUGE impact like "OMG OMG NO HAPPINESS WATRE WE GONNA DO NOW", but I just have memories of fishing for my cat just so he could be happy way back in Vanilla, being proud at keeping him happy so long, etc. The real system was removed, which made me sad, and even though this is just the "shell" left now after the juicy meat's been taken, to me it was still a pretty shell.

What I mean by "robotic" is that they seem less life-like, which I know many people wouldn't care a bit about, but to me it added to the atmosphere of raising/training my pet and "growing up" with him. Also, although my main and most other characters aren't on a RP server, I do have a few lowbies (many of which are hunters) on RP servers, and the happiness system, although very easy to care for nowadays, still added to the RP fun.

I'll just miss it, that's all :hug: <--is hugging pet

Re: AMAZING PTR Change for us Hunters.

Posted: Sun Apr 24, 2011 1:11 am
by Sasrei
Well to use feed pet you have to use the actual food for your pet so atleast you still can do that. And if anything thats kinda nice, he gets some food and gets healthy ^.^. And now your pet levels alongside of you, when you gain a new level so does he.

Re: AMAZING PTR Change for us Hunters.

Posted: Sun Apr 24, 2011 2:19 am
by Ashaine
Ellaran wrote:The only one making your pet feel like it's turning into a soulless stat boost is YOU. Yes, YOU. By reacting like it's the end of the world because we no longer need to constantly monitor our pet's happiness and therefore damage, especially when it's practically automated anyways.

Don't think of your pets as something less because the last remnant of an archaic system is finally being phased out. We still have all of the things that truly matter as Hunters. Let your love and passion for your companions remain strong and true.
^ Exactly. And to quote Erwil & Kalliope, "It's not pet feeding that's being removed, just the happiness component." I'm all for this, and honestly, it's about time this was changed. I look forward to this and the auto-pet leveling (which I know many people are also up in arms about). I however, believe both changes are positive advantages. My thumbs up to you, Blizz.

Re: AMAZING PTR Change for us Hunters.

Posted: Mon Apr 25, 2011 12:28 pm
by zedxrgal
I am extremely excited for not having to level my pets but also I am glad I won't have to monitor their happiness level either. I will still /love /hug and feed them anyone just because that's how I feel they should be treated. :D :hug: I'm excited to see all the new changes.

Has the PTR closed yet?????? Heard through the rumor mill 4.1 is supposed to come tomorrow. :hug: :D

Re: AMAZING PTR Change for us Hunters.

Posted: Mon Apr 25, 2011 1:02 pm
by Fafnir
While it's really awesome not to have to grind half an hour getting most of my pets from 82 to 85, I couldn't help but feel a little detached from my pets now, like they're disposable :< I know it's just me. I definately will not miss the happiness mechanic though.

I guess I'm just a Pokemon breeder at heart, my Milotic with Mirror Coat and Dragon Pulse was my pride and joy.

Re: AMAZING PTR Change for us Hunters.

Posted: Mon Apr 25, 2011 4:25 pm
by Treezap
aww you dont even have to level them any more? i made a hunter cuz the pets seemed like real people, with the happiness 2 now im sad :(

Re: AMAZING PTR Change for us Hunters.

Posted: Mon Apr 25, 2011 5:24 pm
by Tahlian
Sorry, guys...count me among the ones who are glad to be seeing the Happiness mechanic going away. As it stands, when Tahl's in a raid and he and his cat are working hard and burning tons of energy...the cat never once gets hungry. If he's standing around Silvermoon City, RPing with friends, that self-same cat suddenly becomes a bottomless pit and gets hungry every half-hour on the average when it's not doing anything but lounging around a major city. That strikes me as a little bit...backwards.

So bring on the patch, bring on the new kitty skins, goodbye constant pet feeding/mending to keep happiness up - and welcome home, Daishar. You've been missed. :)