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Re: Thread of Accomplishments

Posted: Sat Nov 05, 2011 12:56 am
by Vephriel
I was trying to farm for the Firefly minipet today. (never had any luck with it) Anyways, since I spent all day in Zangarmarsh I started thinking 'Hey, maybe I should just work on Sporeggar rep and get the Tiny Sporebat'.

So I reached Exalted. Bought my sporebat, then I figured, hey, might as well go for Timbermaw Hold as well since I already had Mag'har, and I was that close to achieving The Diplomat. And then I got to Exalted with the Timbermaw too, thus gaining my new title. :lol:


Re: Thread of Accomplishments

Posted: Mon Nov 21, 2011 5:06 pm
by Worba
I've been trying to solo my way through the (group) quests in Shadowmoon Valley on my frost DK since he was lvl 69; as an alternative to yet-another run through northrend, my end goal was to unlock the Netherwing dailies and also obtain the end chain gear for transmogs...

Although I'd had some break throughs here and there, I was still stuck on Zuluhed and Vhel'kur as of lvl 73. My gear was very basic - probably a 2:1 mix of (ilvl 138+) greens:blues, e.g. modest by wotlk standards but pretty good for what TBC was balanced for... but still not quite there yet.

So I took a break and leveled my DK's blacksmithing all the way up to 397, upgraded a few pieces of his tank set with +dodge cobalts (despite being a DPS spec, I've found blood presence + tank set invaluable for tough solo fights), and tried again.

As I'd at least come pretty close vs Vhel'kur the last time (despite being required to de-equip my helm to see him...) I thought I might juuust be able to handle him, but wasn't hoping for more than that. Well he went down fairly easily this time - not a cakewalk but not a nailbiter either. W00T!

So then I figured, why not try Zuluhed one more time before I push for 74? Once more, things went considerably better, I remembered to stay away from his summoned demons, and finally took him out. As I was standing there waiting for my heart rate to slow back down, a regular orc shammy came charging down the stairs and got himself a Bruce Lee backhand for his trouble. ^ ^

Amazing what an extra 100-150 dodge can do, apparently.


EDIT: not sure if this belongs here, but shortly after unlocking the netherwing dailies I also completed the Dragonmaw "top gun" flying quest chain and got the "Skyshattered" achievement. I remember struggling with this back in TBC on another toon - back then, getting hit by the enemy airbursts meant you were dismounted and had to restart (and usually also died), and I was never able to finish the last NPC.

However it looks like nowadays getting hit has no effect. As far as I could see it doesn't even do dmg. I know they did something like that with the bombing run dailies, but at least with those I seem to recall that they inflicted a small amount of dmg. Meaning all the effort I put into dodging airbursts was pointless (?), and all I really needed to worry about was simply staying near the NPC... :|

That said, I can see why they did it - like the brewfest barrel runs, being recognized for doing the correct moves could be maddeningly lag/glitch-dependant even on a fast connection, and sometimes an airburst would simply materialize right on top of you, so... yeah. I guess it's for the best. Even though I do still sometimes miss those "razor's edge" achievements. :)

EDIT 2: Ok so that's how long it's been since TBC... looks like the airburst "dismount" effect was changed to a minor slowing effect back in 3.3 :shock:

Re: Thread of Accomplishments

Posted: Sat Dec 17, 2011 9:42 pm
by Teigan

Re: Thread of Accomplishments

Posted: Sun Jan 01, 2012 1:00 am
by Vephriel
Muahahahaha! I have finally completed the insane grind to Loremaster. :D Feels good man.

Appropriately my last zone was Icecrown: The Final Goal, so that tied in well. ^^


WHAT AN UGLY TABARD. It is destined to be stuffed in the bottom of my wardrobe, but for now I thought I'd do it the honor of wearing it once. :lol:


Re: Thread of Accomplishments

Posted: Sun Jan 01, 2012 8:28 am
by Bubbleme
Questgiver tabard? Say WHUT?! That's just awesome! xD

I finally got a good result out of my attempts to make Katiria's hair look nice XD. Also! This was a while ago, but I got the giant sewer rat from Dalaran! I want the turtle now :P.

Kat's edit!
Katiria's corrupted edit!
Katiria's corrupted edit!
EditKat1.png (708.27 KiB) Viewed 19974 times
Kat's new rattie friend <3. I wish you could name companions ... D:
Kat's rattie friend &lt;3 Kat was called Zeeri at the time, and was a Draenei! :P
Kat's rattie friend <3 Kat was called Zeeri at the time, and was a Draenei! :P
WoWScrnShot_121911_235228.jpg (71.95 KiB) Viewed 19974 times

Re: Thread of Accomplishments

Posted: Tue Jan 24, 2012 1:44 pm
by Moore
Not sure if this should go here but eh I figure I can update it with any accomplishments that I get.

Anywho, started exercising again. Trying to start slow with some jogging, normally I get pretty out of breath, jogged an entire 25 minutes without stopping. It's kind of sad I guess but in all honesty I was happy with it. Gonna jog some more later and keep extending how long I go and mix in extra running. o3o

Re: Thread of Accomplishments

Posted: Thu Feb 02, 2012 5:03 pm
by Schwert

I haven't gotten an achievement tabard that looks good. Nor do I really think there are any...
I like my Tabard of Flame though. Goes with almost everything.

[[Do you have the purple one from that set btw? Forgot what it was called. I think of you each time I use it.]]

150 mounts btw.

Re: Thread of Accomplishments

Posted: Thu Feb 09, 2012 3:21 pm
by Nili
I've lost 2 stone and half a pound since September. lost a pound and a half this week. :D Go me!

Re: Thread of Accomplishments

Posted: Fri Mar 02, 2012 5:39 pm
by Vephriel
Woo! Sat down and worked on this for the past couple days. Yay Armadillo. :D


Re: Thread of Accomplishments

Posted: Fri Mar 02, 2012 6:20 pm
by Demonicow
Ive finaly completed my pet collection there is nothing left in wow i wanted to tame this is great but its also a very bad for it is as illidan said to Maiev the huntress is nothing without the hunt and likewise for the hunter

Re: Thread of Accomplishments

Posted: Wed Apr 25, 2012 12:19 am
by Tunderbrew
Finished and posted my latest painting today and feel rather good about it ^_^: ... -298278914

Re: Thread of Accomplishments

Posted: Wed Apr 25, 2012 1:19 am
by Vephriel
Tonight my guild completed the Legendary Staff for our warlock! :) I've been joking the entire time that the only reason I wanted to get it for him was so that I could get my new minipet. :lol:



Re: Thread of Accomplishments

Posted: Wed Apr 25, 2012 1:24 am
by cowmuflage
I got exalted with the Cenarion Expedition on my DK Deathbybeef. Yup I'd have a screeny but theres no achive or I missed it or something. Yup >.> trying to get as many JC recipies as I can as I'm lvling her JC so I can get the gem mounts when they come out XD

Re: Thread of Accomplishments

Posted: Thu May 17, 2012 12:22 am
by Lupis
I did (part of) DS! Normal! Not even Raid Finder (which I'm too scared to do)!
…Oh shut up, I know that's not anything exciting, but judging by how hard I was shaking…

Re: Thread of Accomplishments

Posted: Thu May 17, 2012 12:25 am
by cowmuflage
I killed Malygos for the first time. XD

Re: Thread of Accomplishments

Posted: Thu May 17, 2012 12:25 am
by Kalliope
*cheers Lupis* When you're new to raiding, everything seems scary!

LFR is so heavily nerfed, though, compared to normal mode, you might want to check it out sometime. :) Especially since you've already done part of the instance on a harder difficulty! :D

Ohgod, Cow; PHASE 3 LOL! :lol:

Re: Thread of Accomplishments

Posted: Tue Jun 19, 2012 11:44 am
by HawkseyesX
This happened like a year ago, but I'd like to share it anyways.
We tried killing malygos, with 8 people for achieve, we died 9 TIMES trying to kill him, then the 10th time, he had like 100k left, and everyone except for me died. i had like half health left and managed to down him xD. It was the last guy i needed for my champion of the frozen wastes achieve. Its my most used title now LOL

Re: Thread of Accomplishments

Posted: Tue Jun 19, 2012 1:58 pm
by Bristlenose
My biggest accomplishment was logging in and on top of Posiedus about 3 weeks ago. I had been camping him for weeks on two servers. Finally as I'm about to log in for the last time before my sub ends, he's there. I still have learned it yet because of the uncertainty of whether it would be account wide or character only. Initially it was character only but that was recently changed to account wide. I'm going to wait until there's a more final answer on that before jumping the gun.

Re: Thread of Accomplishments

Posted: Tue Aug 14, 2012 1:55 pm
by Vephriel
Got two accomplishments today!

First I finally finished up my Kalu'ak rep grind and got evil little Pengu.



And secondly, I finally hit exalted with Hydraxian Waterlords. I'm so glad I don't have to run Molten Core every week ever again. :D


Re: Thread of Accomplishments

Posted: Sun Aug 19, 2012 7:15 am
by Golden
Kraai wrote:

I haven't gotten an achievement tabard that looks good. Nor do I really think there are any...
I like my Tabard of Flame though. Goes with almost everything.

There's the Tabard of the Achiever. :) I personally love that one.

I've finally reached a healthy weight. \o/ I've gained more than 15kg in the past four years and I couldn't be happier to finally be there.