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Re: Battle for Azeroth Allied Races Thread

Posted: Fri Feb 23, 2018 9:10 am
by Jurz
Woo I haven't posted in forever! But, I've been lurking alot with the new expansion on it's way :)

I've noticed mostly disdain for the Vulpera race. I find them to be pretty cute myself, and I love foxes, but I guess I'm in the minority here XD Although I would prefer other races, such as the Arakkoa (omg I would main one probably I love them so much) I do realize that it's alot of work to make a race playable and I feel like models that share a skeleton with an already playable race are more likely to become allied races, but that's just me guessing. Blizz is trying to dish out the more new playable races than ever it seems, so I doubt they would bring in anything like the Arakkoa, Naga, etc.

While I would die of sheer happiness if they made the Arakkoa playable, I'm personally not gonna pass up on cute but deadly foxes if they become playable either XD

Re: Battle for Azeroth Allied Races Thread

Posted: Fri Feb 23, 2018 10:30 am
by Nachtwulf
I don't want Vulpera mostly because it's another 'pulled from ass' race and so far Alliance has already gotten one of those while the Horde ones all make logical sense. I also think they're 'too cutesy' and look more like a Final Fantasy race than anything in WoW... people already give gnomes shit because they're a joke race and oh look, these would be another... 'awwww pansy alliance get another poofy fluffy cuddle OwO race'.

But mostly I think my beef is just that while I do like void elves (I have two so)... they have absolutely no backstory with the game; they were just invented from a base obligation to balance out the shal'dorei evenly. If people remember, this happened before... way back in BC... when the Horde was given the lore-rich blood elves(high elves) and we got the draenei.... which at the time were again, pulled out of some dev's ass with zero story. Draenei had no story until like... WoD, so you'd notice. In fact they were legit retconned in because up until that point, the 'eredar' were just demons or else what we now call Lost Ones, and were uniformly considered hostile.

Kul Tirans, while I feel they're lackluster compared to orcs, would still be better than the bloody Vulpera; at least I'm invested in Human politics. PREFERABLY though, they'll pick something that makes some sense and has some actual damn connection to the Alliance.

Re: Battle for Azeroth Allied Races Thread

Posted: Fri Feb 23, 2018 11:04 am
by Valnaaros
Vrykul or Broken should've been given to the Alliance instead of VEs. They could've introduced VEs during the lead up to BfA, developed lore for them, and eventually made them into an allied race for the Alliance. VEs would've been better received by the Alliance playerbase and they would've gotten one of two long-requested races (Vrykul or Broken). I really like the VEs, but it is true that they came out of nowhere.

Agreed. If I had to choose between Vulpera and Kul Tirans, I would choose the latter. They at least have actual lore to them.

Re: Battle for Azeroth Allied Races Thread

Posted: Fri Feb 23, 2018 11:22 am
by Jurz
Do we know for sure if the Vulpera would be Ally? I was hoping they'd be horde lol

Re: Battle for Azeroth Allied Races Thread

Posted: Fri Feb 23, 2018 11:27 am
by Valnaaros
They aren't anything right now. Some have just assumed (not here on Petopia) that they will be, even though there isn't evidence yet to support that. If they do become playable, they would be Horde since they have a rep faction with them.

Re: Battle for Azeroth Allied Races Thread

Posted: Fri Feb 23, 2018 11:28 am
by Rozzana
Well to be honest, we're entering the territory in which every race will be new. I don't think that's bad, I just think it's something the players have to get used to. Not everything will have a basis in Warcraft 1-3 or an old novel, the material is spent. Sure races may be added with nothing much initially, but that doesn't mean they can't expand on them.

Plus with BfA in Alpha, it's a bit soon to claim they have zero lore basis. Right now they're just a new model and the story itself is still developing. Plus I don't need an expansive reason for them to exist, like how I never questioned furblogs, grummles, pygmies, pantheron, sprites, and other races. Not everything needs a "why" but a "how". The "how" is the most important point for the narrative. Example, they could give us faeries. The "why" is because they wanted to. The "how" is their relation to the ongoing story and where they fit within it. The idea could sound stupid initially, but when we play through it, it could be more than justified.

Now to clarify, I still hate their smashed worgen faces--but if they're gonna come, I won't hate them for what they are but how they're implemented.

Re: Battle for Azeroth Allied Races Thread

Posted: Fri Feb 23, 2018 11:30 am
by Rozzana
Also even if they do go red--if they are allied races--it's only fair the Horde gets it's share of the cute things. It's high time we suffered too :lol:

It'd be hilarious if orcs and trolls were the ones who vouched for them the most, while the "prettier" races of the horde were actually disgusted by them :lol:

Re: Battle for Azeroth Allied Races Thread

Posted: Fri Feb 23, 2018 11:45 am
by Valnaaros
@Rozzana. Of course every race that comes out initially has no lore. But as of right now, the Vulpera don't have anything. I'm sure that'll change as the xpac continues on, but as of right now they have nothing. Even still, there are plenty of other races that have way more lore than the Vulpera will, such as Vrykul, Ogres, and Arakkoa.

Whether a race needs to have a why or how is a personal thing, not something that applies to everyone. I personally want to know why something exists due to my immense interest in the lore. It makes the world and story much more rich when you learn about how and why something came to be rather than just "here are a bunch of fox people that are helping the Horde". Where did they come from? How were they created? Why? Who created them?

Re: Battle for Azeroth Allied Races Thread

Posted: Fri Feb 23, 2018 2:25 pm
by Rozzana
Valnaaros wrote:@Rozzana. Of course every race that comes out initially has no lore. But as of right now, the Vulpera don't have anything. I'm sure that'll change as the xpac continues on, but as of right now they have nothing. Even still, there are plenty of other races that have way more lore than the Vulpera will, such as Vrykul, Ogres, and Arakkoa.

Whether a race needs to have a why or how is a personal thing, not something that applies to everyone. I personally want to know why something exists due to my immense interest in the lore. It makes the world and story much more rich when you learn about how and why something came to be rather than just "here are a bunch of fox people that are helping the Horde". Where did they come from? How were they created? Why? Who created them?
Yeah, but it's what makes me more excited about them if anything (In general). I love when Blizzard just gives us something entirely brand new each xpac. It's fun to theorize and see what they let us experience when the game comes out! :D

Re: Battle for Azeroth Allied Races Thread

Posted: Fri Feb 23, 2018 2:32 pm
by Valnaaros
Agreed, and I look forward to learning more about all of the new races in BfA. It's just that in regards to allied races, something that has a richer lore and has been requested for a long time should be chosen over something new. :)

Re: Battle for Azeroth Allied Races Thread

Posted: Fri Feb 23, 2018 9:38 pm
by SlickrockGhost
Valnaaros wrote:Agreed, and I look forward to learning more about all of the new races in BfA. It's just that in regards to allied races, something that has a richer lore and has been requested for a long time should be chosen over something new. :)
I have to disagree a bit. There's a growing resentment and outright despising of VE here, simply because they are new to lore. While they are new, they make sense in context of the story we're nearing the end of.

Would it really have made sense for Alliance to get sent to go recruit the Vykrul right now? Or horde to go get the hozen?

To a certain degree I think we need to chill a bit and let Blizz tell the story they are preparing for us. Otherwise there's just going to be a lot of disappointment here.

Re: Battle for Azeroth Allied Races Thread

Posted: Fri Feb 23, 2018 9:51 pm
by Valnaaros
I definitely agree about the VEs. Personally, I would've preferred that something else was chosen over them.

Possibly. Makes as much sense as the Horde recruiting the Mag'har or the Alliance recruiting the Dark Irons. A story could be made that would have recruitment of the Vrykul make sense. It wouldn't exactly be out of left field, since the Vrykul were an allied force in Legion.

I agree. I'm definitely not expecting for there to be playable Vrykul or Arakkoa soon. I want for them to be, of course.

Re: Battle for Azeroth Allied Races Thread

Posted: Fri Feb 23, 2018 11:56 pm
by Rhyela
I'd still rather have Vrykul over what basically amounts to a body slider. At least Vrykul actually look like another race. Although, I suppose Dark Iron and Mag'har are basically just different skin tones with a few extra features. *shrug* I dunno, I suppose I'm thankful to get new things at all.

Re: Battle for Azeroth Allied Races Thread

Posted: Sat Feb 24, 2018 1:01 am
by SlickrockGhost
Heh.. I'm always the odd one out here.. :-)

Re: Battle for Azeroth Allied Races Thread

Posted: Sat Feb 24, 2018 1:08 am
by SlickrockGhost
Valnaaros wrote:...since the Vrykul were an allied force in Legion
Now there's a thought.. what other races showed up in order halls?

Re: Battle for Azeroth Allied Races Thread

Posted: Sat Feb 24, 2018 1:22 am
by Valnaaros
Death Knights: Various types of undead like ghouls and abominations.
Demon Hunters: Naga and Broken. Demons.
Druids: Dryads and Keepers (unlikely due to them having four legs).
Hunters: Highmountains and Nightborne.
Mages: various playable races.
Priests: various playable races.
Paladins: various playable races.
Rogues: a single Tuskarr. Hobgoblins.
Shamans: various playable races. Grimtotems.
Warriors: Vrykul
Warlocks: various playable races. Demons.
Monks: various playable races.

Vrykul and Broken are likely options for eventual playable races. Naga could be if Blizz can work out the technical side of things.

Re: Battle for Azeroth Allied Races Thread

Posted: Sat Feb 24, 2018 1:44 am
by SlickrockGhost
Tuskarr would be interesting... +25 to fishing :-)

Re: Battle for Azeroth Allied Races Thread

Posted: Sat Feb 24, 2018 1:45 am
by Rozzana
Oh god, I'd love to play a dryad! Screw Night Elf Worgen, let NE give us Dryad!!

Re: Battle for Azeroth Allied Races Thread

Posted: Sat Feb 24, 2018 2:40 am
by Rawr
SlickrockGhost wrote:Tuskarr would be interesting... +25 to fishing :-)
That replaces a hat, they should let them use fishing poles as a racial weapon, give it some nice bonuses :lol: :mrgreen:

Re: Battle for Azeroth Allied Races Thread

Posted: Sat Feb 24, 2018 1:12 pm
by SlickrockGhost
Rawr wrote:
SlickrockGhost wrote:Tuskarr would be interesting... +25 to fishing :-)
That replaces a hat, they should let them use fishing poles as a racial weapon, give it some nice bonuses :lol: :mrgreen:
Fishing spear.. :twisted: