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Re: Mount Acomplishment Thread

Posted: Fri Nov 21, 2014 9:17 am
by Lupis
Got to seventh place in a Nok-Karosh kill group before their server reset, so I was dumped out alone and decided to check Nagrand with five minutes before server shutdown.



Re: Mount Acomplishment Thread

Posted: Fri Nov 21, 2014 2:49 pm
by cowmuflage

Re: Mount Acomplishment Thread

Posted: Fri Nov 21, 2014 9:26 pm
by Lupis
Well... that was agony.

I got in a Nok-Karosh farming group at about 1:40 PM. I was 14th in line when I joined- by the time I was second, I was leading the group. I don't know why. I don't have leadership ability, but apparently I'm good at faking it. The group juuuust about died at that point, and for a good long while I was sitting at my computer crying because I had gotten SO CLOSE and I was going to need to give up again.

And then, finally, we killed the boss. And we got more people. And we killed him again, and again, until the group was running smooth and almost seven hours after I joined, I had my mount.


And as a bonus, about five days back I killed Pathrunner but I didn't get the mount due to a Dominate Mind bug. Well, while I was sitting at my computer crying, my ticket was responded to- and I got a mount in the mail.


I'm gunna go to sleep for about a month now.

Re: Mount Acomplishment Thread

Posted: Sat Nov 22, 2014 3:04 am
by Lupen202
Congrats! The garn really is a pain to get -_- between luck, ninjas and whatever else..

I got myself another pretty mount today too .. The Shadowmane charger! He's beyond gorgeous. <3

I had only 5k crystals on hand... I'm already exalted with the Frostwolves, Arakkoa and Steamwheedle, all of which have mounts that cost 5k crystals (+ 5k gold). Not to mention, the legendary questline requires 5k crystals.

Well, I'm not a huge fan of the Steamwheedle boar - I just want it for my collection - and I knew I'd be getting a frostwolf soon from the stables achieve... The first raid tier won't be out till December as well, so the legendary can wait. So I went with the talbuk ^^


I noticed that the Swift Breezestrider's mountspecial uses the old talbuks' sounds. But this guy uses the new ones.

Re: Mount Acomplishment Thread

Posted: Sat Nov 22, 2014 10:38 pm
by s1ncer1ty
I was in the right place at the right time for Luk'hok -- just questing when up he spawned by the Ring of Trials.


And I finished off the Advanced Husbandry achievement for the Armored Frostboar. He's cute and his butt wiggles when he walks!


Re: Mount Acomplishment Thread

Posted: Sat Nov 22, 2014 10:54 pm
by Lupis
Aaaah, I'm jealous, s1ncer1ty! I'd very much like to get my hands on Luk'hok, and I don't even like Elekks. I love that yellow color, though!

Lupen, that tallbuk is gorgeous, very nice!

Re: Mount Acomplishment Thread

Posted: Sun Nov 23, 2014 2:24 am
by Lupis
Apologies for the double post! Apparently, luck is on my side. o.o I just said I wanted Luk'hok, and then when I ran through Nagrand to tame a Snarler... he spawned. On top of me. I feel like the Nagrand rares are laughing at me and my weird desperation to get all the mounts.


Unfortunately people pulled way early so only a handful of people got the mount, but I'm just glad I was there!

Aaaand a little before that, I saw I had 198 mounts, so I hopped on my lock and got myself a dragonhawk. I'm not really into dragonhawk mounts, but it is really ute, I have to say.


Re: Mount Acomplishment Thread

Posted: Sun Nov 23, 2014 2:28 am
by Snowbird

Wow finally after soo long of countless hours camping in soo many different groups, camping all the mount rares at the same time, camping only one at once.
Last night i found a Pathrunner only group. So i thought maybe its better to only camp just one for now. So i sticked with that.

Has been sitting in this group for the past 4 hours, wathing tv series, was on my third episode when i tabbed into the game again. And i saw the guy who was camping at the cave said he is up!. HE IS UP AT THE CAVE.
Everything exploded peaople screaming CC Stop attacking!! He said there is allies here NUKing him! Get here fast NOw!. I ran for my life. The other day i was camping to i found Shirni, and got the Spirit of shirni item that turns you into him for some seconds runs really fast. I was up at the very northrend spawn, and flew with this item allmost down to the cave, where i saw Pathrunner going from 40% to 10 in a few seconds!! Then the blessed druid cycloned it to save it for the few lucky ones that made it because of it. I got my hit in at only 6% because ppl where spamming attacks.

Finally got it! Was soo happy! But i felt bad for the poor souls who didnt make it!.



Re: Mount Acomplishment Thread

Posted: Sun Nov 23, 2014 4:43 am
by Snowbird

So before i went to bed last night i camped myself at Nagrand. At one of Nakk's spawn points, hoping that he would be up when i logged in this morning. There was no nakk or Luk up. Then i decided to stalk the group finder. There it was a group called LUK'HOK up!!! and i spammed it and started running. Joined in and he had spawned at the Mar'gorks spawn point and i was down south. Thank god there wherent many there and he was inviting in ppl to get it. So i ran and eventually found it. We summoned and got all there. I think we where around 20 something players, and i also got a friend into the grp aswell! :) so happy pathrunner and luk so close!



Re: Mount Acomplishment Thread

Posted: Sun Nov 23, 2014 5:16 am
by Vephriel
Oh my gosh, Moila because of your post I decided to check the group listing just now and found a Nakk up! :D That's such a great idea, I don't know why I didn't think to look in the premade finder before.


Re: Mount Acomplishment Thread

Posted: Sun Nov 23, 2014 5:21 am
by Lupis
Congrats both of you! The premade finder tool is amazing for rare hunting- I haven't used it yet for rares, but a ton of friends have had great luck with it. And I always check it every hour or so for "____ UP" groups!

Re: Mount Acomplishment Thread

Posted: Sun Nov 23, 2014 5:48 am
by Snowbird

So After getting Luk'Hok. I started camping raid finder in hope that something else was up. I found a grp named Silthide up!. I tried to join it but no inv. So i decided to take fp there just incase. I landed and still no inv. I stalked the finder again and saw a grp called NAKK IS UP!!. Wow i just came from Nagrand! I joined that seeing it filled up FAST! and my hs to nagrand was on cooldown. So i jumped on a FP and spamming in raid chat wait ill summ all.

When i got there i started summoning ppl and saw we filled up to 40min in seconds. He spawned at somewhere around there in North. We started killing and it went down fast!

The other day i was in a 40man raid grp for around 8 hours straight it went from 40 ppl only to 2 40man grps to more! So i think we where over 100 ppl at the same spot. So i think it phased out because ppl said nakk spawned at our spot but we could not see him. So when camping theese dont stack at one spot!!
Cant believe i got 2 mounts, in less than an hour! Bless ppl that annouce a spawn, and wait for all to come!.

I suggest all stalk that finder!! You might get lucky as me! 3 mounts in less than 24hours.!




Re: Mount Acomplishment Thread

Posted: Sun Nov 23, 2014 10:42 am
by Castile
Well i thought it wouldn't happen but I finally got it!! The one rare I really wanted (red is my fav colour) nd after two very long stints of camping and after a 29 1/2hrs spawn time my very own Nakk mount! <3


Re: Mount Acomplishment Thread

Posted: Sun Nov 23, 2014 12:12 pm
by Snowbird
wow congratz!! I love my nakk so much!

Re: Mount Acomplishment Thread

Posted: Sun Nov 23, 2014 12:57 pm
by Lupen202
Congrats all! :D The pre-made group finder really is a life-saver, I'm so glad they implemented it in-game. That's how I got my silthide as well - was browsing groups and found one titled "SILTHIDE SPAWNED!"

Re: Mount Acomplishment Thread

Posted: Sun Nov 23, 2014 10:04 pm
by Castile
Oh grats Lupen :) I'd love that one too (mainly because the stable riverbeast is so bland) but after the last camp i'll leave it abit lol!! Oh btw my nakk was a server effort - we had two groups and one called out when it spawned. Ppl invited others so they were the correct phase too for it was a awesome effort!

I don't have a screenie cause it was soooo late but I got my achievement Piggy from Husbandry :) I really like the colour and armour but not sure about its run lol! Still finally we get our pigs for worgen er!

Re: Mount Acomplishment Thread

Posted: Mon Nov 24, 2014 8:14 am
by Finduilas
So thanks to the awesome Moila I got my first Draenor mount. If she hadn't invited me at some ungodly hour this morning I probably wouldn't have gotten this (or any other) mount anytime soon. One of the advantages of being too panicked out to go to school today (meh finals tomorrw).

Re: Mount Acomplishment Thread

Posted: Mon Nov 24, 2014 6:12 pm
by Golden
I was meaning to make a long post to showcase all the mounts I'd gotten since WoD's release. Then I got an error and lost the whole thing. Instead I'm just going to leave this one screenie here.

Re: Mount Acomplishment Thread

Posted: Mon Nov 24, 2014 6:36 pm
by Lupen202
I'm so jealous. I hate that thing. So much. So many hours wasted... Why couldn't I have picked a group that actually had a spawn.

Re: Mount Acomplishment Thread

Posted: Mon Nov 24, 2014 7:17 pm
by SylviaDragon
So even though I'm switching servers to join a raiding guild and should really be working more on my ilvl, these mounts continue to suck me in and eat away at my evenings, creeping into the late ams.
Pathrunner was first. really enjoyed the group. made some friends, started a pathrunner cult. he spawned right next to me. everyone gathered around and waited for the go ahead to pull. we all got the mount + a few players in general chat and guilds/btag. a good camp.
Luk was just a right place at the right time thing. i joined a nak camp and kept trying to convince everyone that we should send out a few players to go camp luk as well. they all ignored me though so i went to go camp him alone. sure enoguh he spawned down the road a few min later and some questers pulled him. I managed to make it just in time to tag him at 9%. a few other raid members got there in time but most were too far away and didn't know where to go. >.<
i eventualy left that group and joined another one late at night. they were pretty fun. one of thier cross realm scouts found him and made another group so we could all phase over. it was a great kill. guilds, friends, raid members and a ton of general chat players all got to get a tag. probably some 60+ players. at 36% one guy asked us to wait for his wife and everyone stopped dps. new players came in and hit him only once but he still ended up at 1% by the time his wife got there just in time to give the killing blow. it was great.
and then there is this guy. glad to get him out of the way. the amount of trolls, pandemonium and paranoia over this guy was crazy. sadly there were a lot of rotten apples hidden in the raid groups. a lot of servers had him spawn and then die to two or three impatient players. i join a group and he spawned 20 min later only to die before most of us even knew where he was. camped with a new group till 5am. nothing. saw a group in the customs tab saying he was up on there server. went to scout it out, thinking it was another troll. nope! tried to get my raid group over there in time with no luck sadly. it was well organized for a cross faction 100+ player kill but he still died pretty fast. i'm glad to have this one out of the way.