Wasted Rares :(

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Re: Wasted Rares :(

Unread post by Yoruko »

SgtMakkie wrote:The fact is.... it doesn't! So there's your answer from Blizzard, albeit indirectly.
I think you're forgetting something; manners. I'm pretty sure Blizzard doesn't encourage you to act like a douchebag. Yeah, the game lets you be one, but just because you can doesn't mean you should. I know I'm getting preachy here, but basically, what I see in your replies is that you're trying to make an argument that "If you can be an asshole then it's fine being one."

I agree that mobs aren't hunter property. But it does say in the patch notes "taming challenge" under the Hunter category which I believe is a big enough hint that these rares are directed to hunters AND hinting to other players that they wouldn't grief these taming challenges because of that. Yes, it is griefing if you interfere to a tame that is already in progress because it serves no other purpose than to make the other player feel bad. If the mob is tagged you do not get loot, exp, rep or whatever. Now, if the mob isn't tagged or engaged then it's first come first serve.
Last edited by Yoruko on Mon Jun 13, 2011 7:05 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Wasted Rares :(

Unread post by SgtMakkie »

I'm not saying it's OK. I'm just saying it can happen and that people need to accept it, instead of constantly whining that someone played the game they wanted to and it resulted in a lost tame. It sucks for them, been there myself by the way so I know how it feels. But I just chalk it up and move on.

If it was griefing, why don't the GM's present you a tamed version of the mob in your stables? Yes I can see the torrent of abuse such a system would open, so that's partly why. As you so rightly state, 'Taming Challenge' is in the patch notes. That doesn't mean, untouchable by anyone else? You want that mob as your hunter pet, awesome! If anything Blizzard have made it 10x harder for people to obtain these mobs as anyone can come along during the process of you setting up the actual tame and kill the mob (it might even happen they don't have rares etc showing on their UI and they come to help you - oeps).

Manners are fine and dandy and it would be nice if more people were polite in game. The point is, with a player base as large as WOW's, over 11 Million people, you simply can not expect everyone to play nice. You think everyone reads the patch notes? Or if they do, care about xyz pets being more of a challenge for hunters? They matter to us, so we feel connected and want to achieve our tames. Yet that does not give us any right to stop other players doing as they please, regardless of how immature or nasty it might be to you.



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Re: Wasted Rares :(

Unread post by Yoruko »

SgtMakkie wrote:I'm not saying it's OK. I'm just saying it can happen and that people need to accept it, instead of constantly whining that someone played the game they wanted to and it resulted in a lost tame. It sucks for them, been there myself by the way so I know how it feels. But I just chalk it up and move on.
People have emotions. Such as disappointment. Some people feel the need to vent such emotions somewhere. Yeah it does suck for them and it can't be helped. I agree. I know and agree that it might seem annoying when all these "whiny" posts pop up here and there like mushrooms but as far as I know it isn't against the petopia rules. ;)
If it was griefing, why don't the GM's present you a tamed version of the mob in your stables? Yes I can see the torrent of abuse such a system would open, so that's partly why.
You just answered your own question. While I believe it is indeed considered griefing it would require too much GM attenttion and backlog checking to actually make sure the tame took place and was interrupted. It's just not possible and opens too big of a loophole for abuse. Not all 'griefer' situations are adressed to. Hunter or non-hunter.
Manners are fine and dandy and it would be nice if more people were polite in game. The point is, with a player base as large as WOW's, over 11 Million people, you simply can not expect everyone to play nice. You think everyone reads the patch notes? Or if they do, care about xyz pets being more of a challenge for hunters? They matter to us, so we feel connected and want to achieve our tames. Yet that does not give us any right to stop other players doing as they please, regardless of how immature or nasty it might be to you.
You're reading me wrong. What I'm saying is that I do not support the attitude that "you pay your sub so you have the right to be a griefer" that seems to be the case here. If someone wants to be a nasty person then it's their decision and all the more power to them, but I don't think it is an attitude that should be endorsed. I know it's impossible to have 11 million nice players all together at once but it sure won't help if you pat the bully on the head and say "you can do that dear, you pay your sub every month!" ;)

(Also, on a bit of a siderail; my main is a druid. :D)
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Re: Wasted Rares :(

Unread post by GormanGhaste »

SgtMakkie wrote:So are you calling me an asshole for wanting to be a trophy hunter?
Yes, if it involves killing unique tameable rares that aren't part of an achievement.

Which complaint is more valid? One about someone negatively affecting game-play? Or one about a forum post that you probably knew you were going to disagree with just from looking at the title?

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Re: Wasted Rares :(

Unread post by Worba »

Personally when it comes to killing rares, I don't normally do it - if I see it and don't want it, then I'll leave it alone and whisper a nearby hunter if I can find one... who knows maybe I'll get a karma boost out of it...

But I don't expect others to do the same. If Joe random DK runs into the thing first, che sera sera - it's just not worth worrying about shit you can't control.

That being said, I do draw the line at interfering with a tame-in-progress. That's just rude, unnecessary asshat behavior... like camping a quest NPC or flightmaster in a lowbie zone, e.g. griefing.

If the tame fails and the hunter dies or runs off, then sure, whatever. First came / first served - next. But at least let them have their 10 seconds...
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Re: Wasted Rares :(

Unread post by Kalliope »

I am personally glad this incident was reported, simply because killing someone's tame is already easier than it is to tame it to begin with, but with Deth, all you have to do is walk up to her and she'll die. That requires NO effort on the part of the griefer and gives the hunter absolutely no chance to do anything in retaliation. Now, given, this may be part of what makes Deth'tilac the champion of the spiders....it's certainly not her tame mechanics directly, since Solix is far more brutal to solo tame. However, it might not be, so it's good that the report was made and is on the table.

I consider this a possible bug report rather than simply a report of people being griefers.

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Re: Wasted Rares :(

Unread post by Sasrei »

Deth needs to stop being able to randomnly kill something that isnt even attacking it. Her aura makes everyones pets go after her so even if you didnt mean to do it, the end result is still the same. A dead deth. I dont understand right now the odd glitch thats happening with pets attacking things that you didnt send them to attack on passive but what I do know, is that as soon as any hunter targets Deth and attacks everyone elses pets go after them, even on passive and I think it has something to do with the aura. And.. stop hugging deth.. seriously.. knock it off! :lol:

But people can be extremely ignorant or they just dont know. Even if you put it in the patch notes (which they have) people usually skip the parts that dont mean anything to them. Do I read about druids? Nope.. dont have one so I dont bother. Ive watched a ton of people try to kill them on the ptr and laugh so hard when they fail. Druid meets Anthriss, anthriss wins. Is it possible to kill these rares? Yep, more so then others but does it make it right for people to do it? No. Will it stop them? No, not most. And heres hoping alot of spiders killing people help to prevent more heart attacks of hunters npcscanner going off and finding a corpse. GO GO spiders!


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Re: Wasted Rares :(

Unread post by AdamSavage »

SgtMakkie wrote:So are you calling me an asshole for wanting to do Frostbitten?
Don't tempt me and for other reasons that don't include Frostbitten.
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Re: Wasted Rares :(

Unread post by Rower »

It's also a question of luck. I tamed all Spirit Beasts (not Karoma) and many other Cata rares, and yes, I spent months searching for them, but once found, the tame was always perfect.
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Re: Wasted Rares :(

Unread post by Sasrei »

Frostbitten though I hate that achievment with a passion I understand killing them.. those rares also drop blues. All the tameable rare catas except jadefang drop only the tear and they arent for any achievements so yes.. I do have a word for people who do kill them .. for now I call them "special" people so I dont get banned :lol:

But lets keep this post civilized and no name calling please.

I am sure blizzard knows how we feel and in the future it may be soo much harder if not impossible to kill them but the stepping stones are set and all we can do is hope for the best ^.^


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Re: Wasted Rares :(

Unread post by Nubhorns »

I'm going to kill rares and there is nothing anyone can do about it. I could probably fill a pool with the crystallized tears and cheap, outdated blues I've collected over the years and swim in it instead of sleeping on a pile of ill-gotten gold like the greedy, heartless jerk I am.

I don't care if Karoma or Skarr or Sparklefoofoobutt is your ~*~dream pet~*~, if you're not there setting traps and taming and/or seconds away from doing so, it's mine. I saw it first, I marked it first, it's dead. Sometimes I wait a bit, sometimes I ask people in Orgrimmar or in the zone or wherever if they want to come tame it, but sometimes I won't, and there isn't a damn thing anyone can do about it. And if you die because you clearly weren't prepared for whatever, I'll take a crack at it myself. It's nothing personal, it's just my turn. It doesn't make me an asshole or a griefer or a troll, because slapping a wide derogatory label on someone just because you don't like the way they play a game is an asshole move in itself.

Rares respawn. People log off. Servers reset. The world does not end. Is it disappointing when you see a dead rare, or you lose something you almost had - well, duh. But Azeroth does not crack in two, the moons don't come crashing into Kalimdor and people don't catch on fire - it's just a game. Suck it up, shake it off, move on with life. You now have a timer, go take a nap or eat something or maybe think about just doing flyovers for a while.

Maybe I am an asshole for killing rares. Or maybe days of staring at a screen waiting for a tameable sparkle-farting unicornlion just brings out the worst in people. That, I think, should probably be addressed.

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Re: Wasted Rares :(

Unread post by Saturo »

Nubhorns wrote:I'm going to kill rares and there is nothing anyone can do about it. I could probably fill a pool with the crystallized tears and cheap, outdated blues I've collected over the years and swim in it instead of sleeping on a pile of ill-gotten gold like the greedy, heartless jerk I am.

I don't care if Karoma or Skarr or Sparklefoofoobutt is your ~*~dream pet~*~, if you're not there setting traps and taming and/or seconds away from doing so, it's mine. I saw it first, I marked it first, it's dead. Sometimes I wait a bit, sometimes I ask people in Orgrimmar or in the zone or wherever if they want to come tame it, but sometimes I won't, and there isn't a damn thing anyone can do about it. And if you die because you clearly weren't prepared for whatever, I'll take a crack at it myself. It's nothing personal, it's just my turn. It doesn't make me an asshole or a griefer or a troll, because slapping a wide derogatory label on someone just because you don't like the way they play a game is an asshole move in itself.

Rares respawn. People log off. Servers reset. The world does not end. Is it disappointing when you see a dead rare, or you lose something you almost had - well, duh. But Azeroth does not crack in two, the moons don't come crashing into Kalimdor and people don't catch on fire - it's just a game. Suck it up, shake it off, move on with life. You now have a timer, go take a nap or eat something or maybe think about just doing flyovers for a while.
This. Seriously people, if you didn't get there first, there is ABSOLUTELY NOTHING WRONG with someone killing something. The world does not revolve around you. It's really as simple as that. Didn't get it? Just suck it up, and don't go QQing to some forum that every class but hunters should be banned or something like that, because really, the hunter is just ONE class, there are plenty of other classes, and the rare belongs just as much to them if they got to it first.

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Re: Wasted Rares :(

Unread post by Kalliope »

Not this debate again...

We're talking about one specific incident here, where the person who killed the potential pet WAS NOT THERE FIRST. Period. All other arguments are off-topic and unnecessary.

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Re: Wasted Rares :(

Unread post by Saturo »

Yes, and the whole business with "THIS DEBATE!" is completely relevant to the event, as that's what the discussion's been leading to. How about you not just jump in and try to change the subject whenever someone posts something you don't agree with, eh? I think it would make the place far more enjoyable.

Back to topic, now.

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Re: Wasted Rares :(

Unread post by Kalliope »

Feel free to follow your own advice, Saturo. :)

This discussion is done anyway, since it's the same junk that's popped up in multiple threads already. So let it die please.

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Re: Wasted Rares :(

Unread post by Lisaara »

Kalliope wrote:Not this debate again...

We're talking about one specific incident here, where the person who killed the potential pet WAS NOT THERE FIRST. Period. All other arguments are off-topic and unnecessary.
^ This

Guys...please. Let's drop it. The dead horse's corpse has no meat and the bones turned to dust. There's nothing left to beat out of it.

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Re: Wasted Rares :(

Unread post by Nubhorns »


While I've said all I need to say on the subject and my argument still stands(I don't approve of it, but what can you do?), I would really, really like it if we could curb the hostility for now. The topic seems to be drifting in this direction on its own, and I think it's just a touch late to call it back to where it was.

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Re: Wasted Rares :(

Unread post by Azunara »

Jessibelle wrote:
Kalliope wrote:Not this debate again...

We're talking about one specific incident here, where the person who killed the potential pet WAS NOT THERE FIRST. Period. All other arguments are off-topic and unnecessary.
^ This

Guys...please. Let's drop it. The dead horse's corpse has no meat and the bones turned to dust. There's nothing left to beat out of it.
Five gold I could find something. :D

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Re: Wasted Rares :(

Unread post by Saturo »

Kalliope wrote:Feel free to follow your own advice, Saturo. :)

This discussion is done anyway, since it's the same junk that's popped up in multiple threads already. So let it die please.
Or how about you actually bother to try to think about what you're doing, eh? If you didn't notice, I only popped in here to back Nubhorns up. How would you compare that to jumping in just to disagree.
Sometimes I wonder about how your thinking processes work, really.

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Re: Wasted Rares :(

Unread post by Kalliope »

Saturo wrote:
Kalliope wrote:Feel free to follow your own advice, Saturo. :)

This discussion is done anyway, since it's the same junk that's popped up in multiple threads already. So let it die please.
Or how about you actually bother to try to think about what you're doing, eh? If you didn't notice, I only popped in here to back Nubhorns up. How would you compare that to jumping in just to disagree.
Sometimes I wonder about how your thinking processes work, really.
Personal attacks will get you nowhere, Saturo. Now drop it before you dig yourself a deeper hole. Thanks.

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