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Re: Patch 4.3 on live realms this week

Posted: Mon Nov 28, 2011 11:15 pm
by Siliverin
i cant wait for it, tomorrow wont come fast enough, and the servers wont be up fast enough lol

Re: Patch 4.3 on live realms this week

Posted: Mon Nov 28, 2011 11:36 pm
by Vephriel
I still haven't decided on what transmog outfit to use yet, or even if I will at all for the first while. I've grown pretty fond of the T12 set now that I have all the pieces, but I also love the purple/green PvP conquest gear I got, and my Ebonhold based set.

I feel like one of those girls looking at her closet full of clothes and fretting "I don't know what to weeearrrr!" :lol:

Re: Patch 4.3 on live realms this week

Posted: Tue Nov 29, 2011 12:02 am
by Kalliope
I'm still kind of on the fence on what to wear myself. I won't be able to complete my s1 set, so I'm not really enthused.

Re: Patch 4.3 on live realms this week

Posted: Tue Nov 29, 2011 1:05 am
by Magli
Woohoo! Tuesday's my regular raid night, so hopefully the servers will come up smoothly and we'll be good to hit the ground running.

And you know...I thought I had a transmog set ready to go, but then we decided to roflstomp Ulduar-10 Saturday night and the Magnetized Projectile Emitter dropped.

And, really, it's the perfect gun for a dwarf engineer. I mean, come on, it's a freakin' rail gun! And it's even better for me, because I'm an engineer and a physicist outside the game and I worked on a rail gun project many years ago.

The T5 Hunter set (which has lightning bolts coming from the shoulders) works thematically with a rail gun, but the armor colors don't really match the gun colors. T12 matches color-wise, but I'm getting a little tired of T12. Decisions, decisions....


Re: Patch 4.3 on live realms this week

Posted: Tue Nov 29, 2011 2:46 am
by Arwyn
But of course before everyone can try out the new items, every mailbox in SW and Ogrimmar will be covered with players claiming their Tyrael's Charger. I plan to be in Dalaran to avoid the crush.

Re: Patch 4.3 on live realms this week

Posted: Tue Nov 29, 2011 3:16 am
by SpiritBinder
I've already got a map/plan for what is going in my Void. All neat, organized and level staggered.

I'm only missing the belt from my perfect transmogrify outfit, but I will get it soon I hope. I have other outfits I also <3, but they are 2 or 3 pieces short or are at different levels of completion.

I'm excited to see the darkmoon fair as I made a point of avoiding it during the ptr to have something new and exciting once 4.3 when live.

Can't wait to burn a big hole in the new raid. We got 6/7 on the ptr and had 4 of our raiders with pre-made toons and their mains are much better geared, so hopefully will be able to get DW down 1st week. Fingers X

So many pets and mounts to chase that I've had to write down a list of who what where when.

In fact, I may just be feeling little to ill to make it into work tomorrow <.<

Re: Patch 4.3 on live realms this week

Posted: Tue Nov 29, 2011 10:09 am
by Smyelmdar
Wassa wrote:
I don't mind the new run, but it looks so silly at normal run speeds. It looks like I'm pulling Hahadori with a rope around her neck and she's resisting me going so slow. Would have been nice if they kept the old run for run speed and the new run for dash/mount speeds.
I could live with that too. But this new weird animation just looks too strange for me. It even does it when it's walking next to you.
"No Fido! Stay!" :?

Re: Patch 4.3 on live realms this week

Posted: Tue Nov 29, 2011 10:44 am
by Schwert
-looks at transmog bag-
-glares at ToC-10-

I'm not ready. Not ready!

Re: Patch 4.3 on live realms this week

Posted: Tue Nov 29, 2011 10:52 am
by lilaughingwolf
OOhh, going to have some VERY happy raiders in our guild tonight once we can log on. This is raid gorup 2 and some of raid group 1's raid night!!! Wooot. Wish we had downed Rag befor this but its all good....*claps hands* NEW PRETTYFUL KITTIES here I come!!!!! (oh and the neat new charger mount)