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Re: Show off your Mists of Pandaria tames! (picture heavy)

Posted: Fri Sep 28, 2012 12:11 am
by Kalliope

I am hoping, praying, that he decides to keep this form this time. It would save me a lot of grief camping Portent - and I really do like this skin best.

Re: Show off your Mists of Pandaria tames! (picture heavy)

Posted: Fri Sep 28, 2012 12:38 am
by SylviaDragon
My first ever pet on my first ever toon was a little Moonstalker runt named Phobos. I guess you could say Phobos has gotten an upgrade. ;) (I still have my runt though :3)

Hit lvl 87 and rushed over to the shoreline as fast as possible. I just had to have that amazing black and red dragon turtle! I was pretty confidant he would be up since most of the hunters on my server don’t do their research and don’t like to camp. Sure enough I found some footprints as soon as I hit the sand and eagerly followed them.
And then…. Ilost the trail. I thought maybe someone had found him before me so I asked around in trade but no one knew what I was talking about. I backtracked to find the tracks had despawned already. I combed the beach and almost gave up, thinking him tamed but just as I turned to leave I found them again…. Aaand once again the trail went cold. I recalled someone talking about backwards tracking so I searched once more but this time when I found the tracks I went in the opposite direction then where they where pointing. He led me across his entire route before I caught up with him at the edge of the zone. Probably spent 40 min trying to flush him out but it was so worth it. =)
I think I may name him Gar. (unless someone gives me a better idea.)
Tried to find glimmer but no luck yet.
I also got an ink-tipped crane named Hlory but I don’t have a screenie for her yet.

Re: Show off your Mists of Pandaria tames! (picture heavy)

Posted: Fri Sep 28, 2012 12:49 am
by Neilaren
Just dinged 90, and saw Portent's tracks (I saw them yesterday, too, but I wasn't 90 then... luckily it was green so no heart attacks on my end) so I did what I had to do to unphase the second half of the Vale.
Lucky lucky, was red! So I have my Auron.


Eventually I'll get Kumatora (blue), but I'll also need my conquest pvp set for the full effect. And... the next two weekends I will be away from my computer, so my only goal was to hit 90 and get one of my quilen babies. Goal achieved!
Now to do lots of dailies...

Re: Show off your Mists of Pandaria tames! (picture heavy)

Posted: Fri Sep 28, 2012 3:05 am
by Shadow
Well. He's not a rare, but...


I'm still not sure about the spelling, but I know that's what he wanted to be named. As soon as I tamed him. Rickan? Maybe I'll amend it to Rikkan. Yeah, that looks better.

Re: Show off your Mists of Pandaria tames! (picture heavy)

Posted: Fri Sep 28, 2012 3:29 am
by Ana
that looks good :D Looks like twin raptors :D

Tamed the black tiger today. I named him Sorba. I got room in Tårnfalks stable and I´m thinking of making Sorba Müsli´s mate :D



Re: Show off your Mists of Pandaria tames! (picture heavy)

Posted: Fri Sep 28, 2012 4:41 am
by Kalliope

I was thrilled to figure out how to work Stompy into my stable and Amalthea hasn't disappointed! I've tamed Stompy several times and tracked him as well, but this gal was super-easy to find....even moreso than usual!

If Hippomenes will behave himself, then this is my last Pandarian tame. :)

Re: Show off your Mists of Pandaria tames! (picture heavy)

Posted: Fri Sep 28, 2012 4:46 am
by Golden
Shade ღ wrote:Well. He's not a rare, but...


I'm still not sure about the spelling, but I know that's what he wanted to be named. As soon as I tamed him. Rickan? Maybe I'll amend it to Rikkan. Yeah, that looks better.
Eee I'd completely forgotten that I was supposed to tame this guy! <3 Will have to do just that when I get home.

Re: Show off your Mists of Pandaria tames! (picture heavy)

Posted: Fri Sep 28, 2012 5:23 am
by Lisaara

My first MoP Tame!

Re: Show off your Mists of Pandaria tames! (picture heavy)

Posted: Fri Sep 28, 2012 6:10 am
by Chimera
Theres a goat that bleats at you as you climb the Veiled Stair towards Kun-Lai. I was greatly struck in surprise by it and jokingly tamed since i was after the color anyways and we were both lvl 88. Well, im in absolute love xD My newest companion, Orod... or in translation, Mountain.

I swear he stuffed his muzzle into the bag and ate it himself! I had nothing to do with it! Honest! ;;>_> <_<;;

Also side note, Franknsteve the Quilen is now known as Kemen or in translation, Earth ^^

Re: Show off your Mists of Pandaria tames! (picture heavy)

Posted: Fri Sep 28, 2012 9:06 am
by Ana
Tårnfalks new tame - Zhentou which means pillow in Chineese :D


Re: Show off your Mists of Pandaria tames! (picture heavy)

Posted: Fri Sep 28, 2012 9:54 am
by Galaxy

So I had a bad day for taming yesterday. Seriously. I tamed my first Quilen only to find out he remained a statue after tame. Sure was pretty in stampede.... though... useless.... ><;

THEN! I stumbled upon the tracks for Stompy only to find him and realize I was 87, not 88, at the time. I dinged 88 and rejoiced when I picked up his trail once more!

There's nothing like having a stampede of blood thirsty goats, btw! I went to raid last night and NO ONE noticed I race changed. All they could talk about was my goat who could fly. :)


Re: Show off your Mists of Pandaria tames! (picture heavy)

Posted: Fri Sep 28, 2012 10:30 am
by GormanGhaste
Xakaal wrote:There's a goat that bleats at you as you climb the Veiled Stair towards Kun-Lai. Well, I'm in absolute love xD
I like that goat too :)

Re: Show off your Mists of Pandaria tames! (picture heavy)

Posted: Fri Sep 28, 2012 11:21 am
by Golden
Nani hit 90 and after sorting some stuff out I head over to Dread Wastes. At first I thought Hexapos wasn't around, but soon found his tracks going west in the North. ^^

Re: Show off your Mists of Pandaria tames! (picture heavy)

Posted: Fri Sep 28, 2012 11:26 am
by Ana
YAY albino waterstrider!! huge gratz! Its soo brigth you should name it snowblind ;)

Re: Show off your Mists of Pandaria tames! (picture heavy)

Posted: Fri Sep 28, 2012 12:58 pm
by Neilaren
GormanGhaste wrote:
Xakaal wrote:There's a goat that bleats at you as you climb the Veiled Stair towards Kun-Lai. Well, I'm in absolute love xD
I like that goat too :)
I definitely had to shout at it as I ran through that area: "No! Don't you bleat at me I don't have space in my stable for you! Stop tempting me!"
So cute. :<

Re: Show off your Mists of Pandaria tames! (picture heavy)

Posted: Fri Sep 28, 2012 1:03 pm
by Finduilas
I love seeing all these new pets and the love for them.
Finduilas has three new friends, too. Although I'm not sure if I will keep all of them or keep them with the current colors.

This guy is Ash. I totally love his color and the way cranes move and fight. I think their sounds are a bit annoying, and I'm not sure if I might exchange him for a white one. I'm a bit sad there's no yellow crane. I had already tried out green, but he doesn't match Findu at all. So green might move on to an other hunter.

This cutie is Siljan, named after a lake in Sweden and so he already fits perfectly into my nordish names stable theme. The blue skin is the one I like best, and as long as I don't have an other hunter in Pandaria to rehome him to, he'll stay blue. Someday he might morph into the orange or yellow skin. But this might take a while.

And this cat is Idefix. Named after my parents' cat that had to be put down yesterday. I want to honor her and keep her alive, even if it's only in a game. The grey color is perfect, I only wish it would also come without stripes and with yellow eyes. We really lack a pure grey cat in wow. There isn't even a grey cat minipet. So I took the white mini cat and named her Idecat, the nickname of Idefix. I have the white classic cat also named Idefix. Originally I had planned to let her become the grey tiger, but I couldn't release her. I had retamed white Idefix only about half a year ago because I had missed her in my stables and I can't let her go again. So now I have white Idefix and grey Idefix on Finduilas, but I might move grey Idefix to Larkania once she is levelling in Pandaria. It was also very fitting that the grey tiger Ro'shen is only found at level 85 in the cave of sorrow (or whatever it's called in English). Meh, I almost start crying again. I miss her so much :cry:

Re: Show off your Mists of Pandaria tames! (picture heavy)

Posted: Fri Sep 28, 2012 1:18 pm
by Kalliope
Neilaren wrote:
GormanGhaste wrote:
Xakaal wrote:There's a goat that bleats at you as you climb the Veiled Stair towards Kun-Lai. Well, I'm in absolute love xD
I like that goat too :)
I definitely had to shout at it as I ran through that area: "No! Don't you bleat at me I don't have space in my stable for you! Stop tempting me!"
So cute. :<
Welcome goooooat! <3

Re: Show off your Mists of Pandaria tames! (picture heavy)

Posted: Fri Sep 28, 2012 1:22 pm
by Vephriel
Welcome goat is who I ended up taming for my Baphomet. :D


Re: Show off your Mists of Pandaria tames! (picture heavy)

Posted: Fri Sep 28, 2012 1:32 pm
by Kalliope
By the way, goat owners, I think they all make sounds when clicked now. :D Stompy certainly does and there are others who do as well. :)

Re: Show off your Mists of Pandaria tames! (picture heavy)

Posted: Fri Sep 28, 2012 3:32 pm
by Shadow
Shade just strikes me as the kind of person to try to armor up a pet xD Just too bad I can't have a full stable of armored pets. Oh well! Congrats everyone on their tames, your pets look wonderful! And yeah, I just kinda giggled at the goat bleating at me. Forgot I could probably tame it. But I have no room to do so anyway. Gotta... stable some pets.