cc immune gone?

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Re: cc immune gone?

Unread post by Rhyela »

Anansi wrote:
Palladiamorsdeus wrote:To be fair, a lot of classes are losing CC protection in PvP. That was one of Blizzards big focus's, to make a lot of classes 'less good' at PvP. So we aren't the only class being hit by this particular nerf stick.
Exactly. There's a design effort to move PvP back to a more chaotic free-for-all style rather than being more tightly controlled due to a number of class mechanics and abilities, which is where it's at now.
Since the game is returning us to the old world, the design is also to move WoW back a bit to its earlier style, although still using many of the advances and improvements that have come during TBC and Wrath, hence a desire for more battle royale type PvP.
Blizzard acknowledged that Arena really messed with the PvE game and they want to undo some of that, to make PvP function on the same level as PvE, which we see in the inclusion of PvP talents in our trees and the removal of some CC-immune/removal mechanics. We'll still have Master's Call, but BM having that along with the CC-removal of TBW could have been considered too much under the current design agenda.
I :hug: this post. I really like that design philosophy for Cataclysm. My husband and I often reminisce about the days of old, when we spent literally hours in Alterac Valley in an absolute free-for-all. I don't think it will ever return to that extreme again, but at this point I'll take any slight improvement over the "burn all cooldowns" bursty PvP we have now. I like epic battles, not massive gankfests. But I know there are others who are the opposite. Still, though, I have high hopes for the future of PvP. :D


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Re: cc immune gone?

Unread post by Lhel »

If the battles go more back to what we had I don't mind changes to CC, we're still an inherently powerful class which have a fairly wast array of pvp tools handy.
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Re: cc immune gone?

Unread post by Saturo »

Yeah, assuming they nerf the CC immunity of melee classes, we might actually have a chance now! Right now, it's basically Wingclip Disengage Chimera Concussive Get Intercepted Wingclip spam Attempt fleeing Get your ass kicked.

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Re: cc immune gone?

Unread post by Kalliope »

Do not get me started on how bs deterrence is. -_-

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Re: cc immune gone?

Unread post by Blacktongue »

This is an outrage! Kiting is the lifeblood of PvP hunters and even now an experienced/intelligent player can force us to exhaust our bag of tricks to stay at range and consequently punch our teeth down our throats. The CC synergy that the RMP comp - for example - has going on will be rendered even more potent in Cata if all the other classes' capacities to temporarily avoid this lock-down approach to PvP is removed.

Naturally these fart-sniffing PvP elitists don't like the idea of a crude Beastcleave-style of play superseding their 'elegantly skilful' and complex combination they pride themselves on. However, in any situation the reigning status quo will grumble about changes that may threaten their security at the top of the heap.

I understand that battlegrounds will become the PvP focus of this next expansion, but those of us who still like to mix it up in the arena will feel a little ripped-off should we not reroll priests, rogues, mages or any of the other arena-friendly classes. As it is, there are far too many stuns, silences, roots and snares in the game as it is. I honestly am tempted to start a PvP guild called 'Can't Do That While Stunned' in homage to this state of affairs.

So basically other than having a good old cry about this I'd like to propose that the game have less of the elements that leave you in front of your computer, tapping your fingers and rolling your eyes as you get lynched whilst stunned by ppl with better ping that you (I'm in Australia: 500ms ping is about average for me), and simplifying PvP to being more about coordination among the players - sans chain stuns and silences. This would be in line with Blizzard's purported motto for WoW being, "bring the player not the class." Were this the case, I really don't think you'd see so many of the same combinations of the same classes at the top of the PvP ladders.