Ana, The Accidental Rat

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Re: Ana, The Accidental Rat

Unread post by Vephriel »

Haha, yes ferrets are allowed...but I'm too terrified to risk smuggling a rat in. If you're found with a rat the government can literally take your pet away from you and have it put down.
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Re: Ana, The Accidental Rat

Unread post by Mania »

Ack! That's a terrifying prospect! I understand why you don't want to risk that.
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Re: Ana, The Accidental Rat

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Yes, it's a shame....they're such wonderful, intelligent pets and I hate the fact that they have such a horrible stigma surrounding them.

Ah well, I have plenty of other animals to keep me company. If we ever leave Alberta I'll be getting a rat for sure.
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Re: Ana, The Accidental Rat

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After I dropped off Ana this morning I stopped at a gas station nearby to get a drink. (Okay, and I was shaking a bit and needed to calm down also.)

The cashier asked me what was wrong and I said that I had just dropped my pet off for surgery, but I didn't mention that Ana is a rat. The woman was very sympathetic, asked her name and her breed. I bit my lip and said, "Well ... she's a rat." Even around here, knee-deep in reptiles, many people have a real aversion to rats.

But the woman immediately smiled and said, "Rats are so lovable! My son has one and it's always climbing up on his shoulder to give him kisses!" The man behind me in line looked disgusted, but I was really glad that the cashier understood so well.
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Re: Ana, The Accidental Rat

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Aww, that's wonderful! I agree, it's heartening when people understand that they aren't some diseased pest as most would have you believe.

I have an online friend that I've known for years who is positively obsessed with rats, and it's due to her that I hold them in such high regard. I never thought badly of them in the first place, but she was the one who really cemented my high opinion of them. The things that I've seen and heard from her rats are just inspiring.

Aw, all this talk is making me want one again.
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Re: Ana, The Accidental Rat

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Ana is back home again, set up in a sterile recovery cage next to me. She is one very unhappy rat. :( She's already taken water from the water bottle, though, which is good -- the vet was afraid she's be in too much pain to drink, in which case we'd have to force feed her liquids for a day or two.

The surgery went well, although the ingrown tooth was about three times as big as the vet thought it would be. Seems like it's been growing turned around her entire life and we just didn't know because it hadn't yet caused any outward symptoms. The tip had almost reached the corner of her eye. *shudder*

The vet says she should be fine, though. We have to keep her separate from our other rat, Margaret, for now and she'll be on antibiotics for a week or two. But he doesn't expect any complications.
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Re: Ana, The Accidental Rat

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Good to hear she came through alright! :) Poor girl though, that sounds pretty traumatizing. :( I'm sure she'll have lots of extra attention and will be back to normal in no time. ^^
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Re: Ana, The Accidental Rat

Unread post by Tahlian »

Warm fuzzies and healing thoughts to Miss Ana!

Get well soon, little one!

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Re: Ana, The Accidental Rat

Unread post by Karathyriel »

Scratch her behind the ears for me (that's what my rat could endure for hours) and when she's back to normal, give her a large piece of her favorite treat on my tab! :lol:
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Re: Ana, The Accidental Rat

Unread post by Emowin »

YAY!!! Give her smooches and cheese from me well when she can haz some cheese any way lol. I'm happy to hear she is doing good. Seth got a tumor on his man junk and every one thought I was a loon paying for surgury to have it removed. YES MY RATTY POOH HAD ONE BALL lol.
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Re: Ana, The Accidental Rat

Unread post by Mania »

We really appreciate all of your virtual scratches and treats for Ana. Thank you. :)

She's doing pretty well today, although her nose is swollen up terribly at the moment and looks just awful. She demanded to come out and be petted earlier, but tired out very quickly. She's eating little soft yogurt treats and apple sauce, and drinking a lot of water.
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Re: Ana, The Accidental Rat

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if she keeps eating and drinking, that is a good sign.
Animals mostly deny food or water when feeling unwell.
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Re: Ana, The Accidental Rat

Unread post by Dragonpuff »

Oh, I'm glad she's doing well! Just read this whole thread, and I was rooting for her all the way! XD

I really like rats but, like Veph, I live in Rat-Free Alberta. I'd have one, if I could! But then again, several members of my family are allergic to rodents/their living requirements, so even if it was legal, I probably wouldn't be allowed.

I hope Ana feels 100% soon! As long as she's drinking, she should be alright!

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Re: Ana, The Accidental Rat

Unread post by Striv »

I wish Ana the best of luck.
I recently lost a very dear pet mouse to me. Moomoo. I knew she'd been acting weird but we don't have any small animal vets around for miles and I don't have the money anyways. So I just kept an eye on her and made sure she got treats and other fun stuff. Then 2 days ago I found her dead in the back of the cage. I was shocked and upset. Only had her for a month and a half.
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Re: Ana, The Accidental Rat

Unread post by Emowin »

Awww i'm sorry to hear about your moomoo *crys*
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Re: Ana, The Accidental Rat

Unread post by Kroxis »

I had two rats, The Cheat and Kojak. Cheat was dark hooded and white, Kojak was hairless.

Both came from our local zoo where I worked. I was partly in charge of our domestic rats and mice tanks, breeders and feeders.

Cheat was going to be a feeder from birth but got liberated by a friend of mine who also works there. When she moved to a place that didn't allow pets we took him in. Kojak wasn't originally a feeder but a program rat, went to classrooms etc, but he was biting volunteers so he was banished to the feeder tanks. I felt bad for him since he wasn't actually over aggressive, he was only defensive inside his tank. Meaning if you reached for him in there he might bite, but outside of the tank he is nice and cuddly (for a blob of skin). So I took him as well, they were at odds with each other at first since both were male, but grew to be buds. Which is good since with a hairless its recommended to have a buddy who has fur so they can huddle for warmth on the cooler nights.
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Re: Ana, The Accidental Rat

Unread post by Rhyela »

Ana is adorable! I'm so glad she's being taken care of now. Between the tail and her ingrown tooth, poor little girl. But it sounds like she's in much, much better hands now!

I just adopted to big boys from the OSU veterinary program back in January. The tan one is Biggs, and the gray one is Wedge ( :D ). Biggs is the dominant, active, adventurous type. I call him my little Houdini because he is an expert at escaping his play pen! Wedge is quiet and submissive, and a little more timid. Neither of them are unfriendly though, and love their yogurt treats! They also love dry oat flakes. I've now had a total of five rats: Zelda was my first, followed by Rosie, then Whipple. They've all since passed, and I missed rats terribly, which is why I adopted these two.

Mind if I post a couple pics of my boys? :) (I know the first one is blurry but I love it!)
Biggs and Wedge 3.jpg
Biggs and Wedge 3.jpg (126.14 KiB) Viewed 2764 times
Biggs and Wedge 10.jpg
Biggs and Wedge 10.jpg (83.48 KiB) Viewed 2764 times


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Re: Ana, The Accidental Rat

Unread post by Mania »

Of course you can post pictures!

I love Biggs posed on his cardboard tube, and his lovely brown ticking. And Wedge looks like he may have some curl to his coat? We don't see either of those colors around here very often, which is a pity because they really are adorable. ;)
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Re: Ana, The Accidental Rat

Unread post by Rhyela »

Mania wrote:Of course you can post pictures!

I love Biggs posed on his cardboard tube, and his lovely brown ticking. And Wedge looks like he may have some curl to his coat? We don't see either of those colors around here very often, which is a pity because they really are adorable. ;)
Yeah, Wedge has somewhat of a rex coat. It's not as severe as some I've seen, but it's definitely there. I love it! It feels a little different than a standard coat, too.


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Slickrock wrote:Given their current trend, we'll probably get a spirit toucan that farts loops.
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Re: Ana, The Accidental Rat

Unread post by Suzi »

That story was so sweet, Mania. It always tugs at my heartstrings when a pet is a little different and not as wanted as others. The way I see it, differences make people and animals unique and special! I'm also glad she's doing well, go Ana! She's precious.
Maqueda wrote:Though I miss my Beanie, I don't think I'll ever have another rodent pet. They just live for such a relatively short time and I get so attached to my babies that it's hard for me to handle. :( Selfish reason? Perhaps, but I still have fond memories of my Beanie baby. ;)
I'm the same as you, Maqueda. After my rabbit died I missed the companionship that only a pet can give you. I didn't want to get another bunny, knowing it would remind me of him, so I researched various animals and their needs. I considered different rodents as a pet, but their short lifespans were something I didn't feel ready to cope with.

Biggs and Wedge are cute too. :) I don't think I'm really a rat person (and not because I was bitten when I was younger), but I can still appreciate how misunderstood, loveable and wonderful they are.

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