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Re: Words with the Big GC

Posted: Tue Oct 26, 2010 12:31 pm
by Troubleshot
Ryai wrote: ... IE like; you want Sons of Hol'dir but you're forced to do the most asinine prequest chain there ever was.

*(I tried to post this a few minutes ago, but it seems that it did not go through. Sorry for a double post if it happens.)

Total side note here: Other than being a bit long, I think that the Hodir rep chain was the best quest chain EVER.

I mean, you are essentailly tricked by Loki to get Thor out of his funk and bring him off the mountain. Really, how cool is that?

Along the way you get illusioned-up by Loki, mend fences for Thor with the Giants, reunite Thor with his steed, and even get to do some "Shaman Multi-Boxing" along the way. (There is much more, but it's been a good while since I did it.)

I liked it much more (as a chain) than even the Wrathgate chain, because it was a more cohesive chain of events that progessed as a story.

Re: Words with the Big GC

Posted: Tue Oct 26, 2010 12:58 pm
by Sasrei
Alrighty.. lets try and calm down guys.

The pet collars would be interesting indeed, kinda nice effect to make our pets a little more unique :) And though yes it would have been neat to see what his answer is about tameable hydras or moose like he said we could :Lol: I think the person got in some good honest questions about the hunters abilities and not just about pets. I am sure if the person had more time he/she would have probably asked that but if you read GC was going down the hall and getting swarmed by a massive amount of fans which would of course is highly likely to happen as he is the most popular out there.. whether you hate him or like him EVERYONE knows who he is.

I am just glad that blizzard knows about some things and will fix it. And the answer to our questions about tameable hydras and stags? Well we have less then 2 months to find out. And recently Wain has been finding new tameable unqiue rares, so its a huge amount of chance that indeed the pets are starting to get a run through of what will be tameable come cata. I just think right now blizzard is busy fixing some bugs and stuff and is quietly adding more and more just to excite the hunter community. I for one am quite excited for Cata and to see what new things will pop up for me to tame. Beast lore on everything! And with the amount of people we have in beta and going around trying to tame everything, we will probably know whats out there to tame before cata comes out.. atleast until blizzard adds some more in by patches.

Re: Words with the Big GC

Posted: Tue Oct 26, 2010 1:09 pm
by Kalliope
Ryai wrote:
And to be honest, if you hate grinding rep/farming mobs/beating bosses for items which upgrade your character's performance... That's most of WoW's non-social endgame right there.
Actually no, I've gotten away with not rep grinding for a while now on several alts- it's not real endgame unless I choose to make it my endgame, but you know nice enough of you to toss out my concerns of FORCED rep grinding/questing and not the kind you can choose to do or not to do. IE like; you want Sons of Hol'dir but you're forced to do the most asinine prequest chain there ever was.

And rep grinding wasn't my only concern, it was the ones being held within raids and such things, if they do make DPS increasing trinkets for pets, because then not only are you having to farm and grind for yourself but you have to for your pet because if you don't yada yada yada elitism back. IE if you don't have [Spikey Purple Glowing Collar Of Doom] attached to [Decked out Devilsaur] ur a scrub, sort of attitude.
The Sons of Hodir chain wasn't too bad. And if you just wanted the enchants on alts, all you had to do was access them on a main. That was implemented fairly early, all things considered.

I'm not sure why you care if people give you crap for not having Spikey Purple Glowing Collar of Doom. You've already said you're a casual player and not having a collar for your pet would be no different than not having Leet Crossbow of Impurity for your hunter.

(That said, I really think GC was humoring the concept, so we REALLY don't have anything to worry about on that front. We do already have pet talent trees for loose customization, so I don't see it getting implemented. He DID seem genuinely interested in some of the other ideas, which is GOOD.)
Worba wrote:
Spiritbinder wrote:
Ryai wrote:-_- could have mentioned the hunter community are at their wits ends for hydras, stags and other currently untameable beasts of Azeroth.
As for your question, Some may say that the last thing you talk about are some random untamable beasts. And that may not have been the 1st thing I would have asked him either, yet it does not make it any less important or interesting to your self or others... and clearly not here :D
Agreed. Not every hunter is interested in tamable hydras or stags; to many that subject is just as peripheral as the question of pet collars.

Re: Words with the Big GC

Posted: Tue Oct 26, 2010 1:39 pm
by Ryai
Kalliope wrote:
Worba wrote:Agreed. Not every hunter is interested in tamable hydras or stags; to many that subject is just as peripheral as the question of pet collars.
I guess Hydras and Stags are the only untameable beasts in all of Azeroth then? :/ I listed off the two that were apparently the most popular, than added the rest in a 'in general' sort of deal. Or hey, what about Zehvra's, once upon a time a dev did say rthe possibility but I guess that's not important either.

No, I don't like elitists, I never said I was one nor wasn't nor wanted to be nor not wanted to be one. I dislike them because I have recieved almost constant abuse for being BM, people allowed me to die, people harrassed me to respecc, and even other hunters rubbed their dps in my face whenever I was grouped in a pug with a marks or an SV. I was also not allowed in several VoA runs because I was BM. This is why I want to avoid another series of events like this, which dps boosting items could bring about.

Because it wasn't until RECENTLY, mostly the 4.0.1 change, that people have STFU'd with the god damn hunter elitism and I don't want to see a return.

But fine evidently whenever I open my mouth it's to negative and shit so I guess I will just once again go back to lurking, nevermind my concerns.

Re: Words with the Big GC

Posted: Tue Oct 26, 2010 1:46 pm
by Kalliope
Ryai wrote:
Kalliope wrote:
Worba wrote:Agreed. Not every hunter is interested in tamable hydras or stags; to many that subject is just as peripheral as the question of pet collars.
I guess Hydras and Stags are the only untameable beasts in all of Azeroth then? :/ I listed off the two that were apparently the most popular, than added the rest in a 'in general' sort of deal. Or hey, what about Zehvra's, once upon a time a dev did say rthe possibility but I guess that's not important either.
It didn't matter which species you listed off; not every hunter is going to be interested in new families, let alone specific ones.
Ryai wrote:Because it wasn't until RECENTLY, mostly the 4.0.1 change, that people have STFU'd with the god damn hunter elitism and I don't want to see a return.
The only reason this hated elitism is dormant post-patch is because things are unbalanced/unfinished again, since none of us is 85, and a lot of people are relearning how to play their classes. It'll be back. It will ALWAYS be back. To believe anything else is a pipe dream. Sorry, that's the reality of it.

Re: Words with the Big GC

Posted: Tue Oct 26, 2010 3:39 pm
by Worba
Kalliope wrote:The only reason this hated elitism is dormant post-patch is because things are unbalanced/unfinished again, since none of us is 85, and a lot of people are relearning how to play their classes. It'll be back. It will ALWAYS be back. To believe anything else is a pipe dream. Sorry, that's the reality of it.
This. Sadly. :|

Re: Words with the Big GC

Posted: Tue Oct 26, 2010 3:40 pm
by Lisaara
Worba wrote:
Kalliope wrote:The only reason this hated elitism is dormant post-patch is because things are unbalanced/unfinished again, since none of us is 85, and a lot of people are relearning how to play their classes. It'll be back. It will ALWAYS be back. To believe anything else is a pipe dream. Sorry, that's the reality of it.
This. Sadly. :|
I'm gonna have to third this. It will never go away.

Re: Words with the Big GC

Posted: Tue Oct 26, 2010 5:24 pm
by Adam-Savage
Wow.. I never expected this many replies to this thread!

Re: Words with the Big GC

Posted: Tue Oct 26, 2010 9:45 pm
by Makoes
lol really?
You actually got to talk one on one with GC, off course thats going to get us all stirred up over what you've learned :)
It seems that GC is a really nice person. I am glad he's taken some of the stuff you've said under consideration.

Re: Words with the Big GC

Posted: Tue Oct 26, 2010 10:37 pm
by Adam-Savage
Makoes wrote:lol really?
You actually got to talk one on one with GC, off course that's going to get us all stirred up over what you've learned :)
It seems that GC is a really nice person. I am glad he's taken some of the stuff you've said under consideration.
It was not me who talked to him as I never even went to blizcon. ;) I changed my quotes to reflect the person talking to GC to clear up any confusion. :)

Re: Words with the Big GC

Posted: Tue Oct 26, 2010 10:45 pm
by Kalliope
It's a big deal that Frost managed to corner GC for an actual Q&A type session and got many more satisfying responses than we actually got as a class from Blizzcon itself. ;)

Re: Words with the Big GC

Posted: Wed Oct 27, 2010 12:05 am
by Adam-Savage
I think we managed to see GC for how he really is. I believe he comes across very dry on the forums due to the sheer number of people on there. So because of this he has to put on a hard front to keep people in line sorta thing. This really changes how I view GC as a person now. He actually seems to be a nice guy who is just stressed and tired. (You can see it in eye's)

Re: Words with the Big GC

Posted: Wed Oct 27, 2010 1:04 am
by Makoes
Ahhh. ok :)

Re: Words with the Big GC

Posted: Wed Oct 27, 2010 1:20 am
by Lisaara
AdamSavage wrote:I think we managed to see GC for how he really is. I believe he comes across very dry on the forums due to the sheer number of people on there. So because of this he has to put on a hard front to keep people in line sorta thing. This really changes how I view GC as a person now. He actually seems to be a nice guy who is just stressed and tired. (You can see it in eye's)
Hehe. Can you blame him?

Re: Words with the Big GC

Posted: Wed Oct 27, 2010 1:40 am
by Kalliope
AdamSavage wrote:I think we managed to see GC for how he really is. I believe he comes across very dry on the forums due to the sheer number of people on there. So because of this he has to put on a hard front to keep people in line sorta thing. This really changes how I view GC as a person now. He actually seems to be a nice guy who is just stressed and tired. (You can see it in eye's)
I've been saying this from the getgo. :) *waves her lil' GC flag* ;)

Re: Words with the Big GC

Posted: Wed Oct 27, 2010 2:27 am
by Adam-Savage
Taluwen wrote:
AdamSavage wrote:I think we managed to see GC for how he really is. I believe he comes across very dry on the forums due to the sheer number of people on there. So because of this he has to put on a hard front to keep people in line sorta thing. This really changes how I view GC as a person now. He actually seems to be a nice guy who is just stressed and tired. (You can see it in eye's)
Hehe. Can you blame him?
With the amount of trolls on there ? No, I don't. I think I actually have respect for the man now.. I never thought I say that.

Re: Words with the Big GC

Posted: Wed Oct 27, 2010 2:30 am
by Lisaara
AdamSavage wrote:
Taluwen wrote:
AdamSavage wrote:I think we managed to see GC for how he really is. I believe he comes across very dry on the forums due to the sheer number of people on there. So because of this he has to put on a hard front to keep people in line sorta thing. This really changes how I view GC as a person now. He actually seems to be a nice guy who is just stressed and tired. (You can see it in eye's)
Hehe. Can you blame him?
With the amount of trolls on there ? No, I don't. I think I actually have respect for the man now.. I never thought I say that.
I respect him too for dealing with all the trolls and the QQers.

Re: Words with the Big GC

Posted: Thu Oct 28, 2010 9:25 pm
by Dare
As neat as vanity is... I'd only be interested if a collar would allow me to put a gem or something into it. Maybe it'd be worthwhile then, haha.

Re: Words with the Big GC

Posted: Fri Oct 29, 2010 6:12 am
by Protego
I'm glad that Intimidation will not be "the special thing" that Beast Masters only are gonna have (a year from now). I'm glad he took done some Hunter pets' notes! lol I'd absolutely love to have a Collar for my pets (some thing I've thought about myself too before)! I'm glad you mentioned that to Ghost Crawler. I really hope he did indeed "warm up to the idea". I'm definitely mentioning pet collars, to any officials that'll listen to next year's Blizz Con, if I decide to go.