An Ill Wind Blows (Side Pinkerlocke) - COMPLETE

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Re: An Ill Wind Blows (Side Pinkerlocke)

Unread post by Kirrandria »

Ahhh, what a pretty drake!

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Re: An Ill Wind Blows (Side Pinkerlocke)

Unread post by Varethyn »

Ooh the accent in wine striation matches pink skink (heh) better than I thought. And here I was messing with another Gaoler I'd have to explain the existence of :'D

Krysteena: No worries! Take as long as you need :hug:

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Re: An Ill Wind Blows (Side Pinkerlocke)

Unread post by Krysteena »

Done! I've done my best to proof-read it real quick, but I always seem to miss something when I do. Anywho - I really like Zinnia's sense of humour (strikes me as a very British sense of humour tbh) and I decided to stop showing all my love to Hyacinth and had good ol' Maggie appear in it instead :D Idk if it's crazy in-line with their characters, but? Ah well. Here be Zinnia and Maggie doing some science together - 100% willing participants. Don't even worry about it.




“You’re entirely certain this will work?” Magnolia stared through the murky vial she held precariously between two talons, muzzle wrinkling at the foul smell coming from the vial. This wasn't what she'd imagined Zinnia had said she wanted help, but, with Cin preoccupied and no-one else viable available, it just had to be her. Maggie just hoped this one’s scent didn’t cling like the last. She’d had to hold her wing over her nose whenever she’d walked past Zinnia and Hyacinth the last time a bit of 'science' had been in order.

“Fairly.” Across the room, Zinnia, who she’d come to recognise as something of an alchemist, leafed through notes she’d set aside with such speed Maggie was convinced she wasn’t actually reading them at all.

“‘Fairly’?” The pale ridgeback echoed, looking over to the bogsneak with what was definitely uncertainty in her eyes. Zinnia gave a small huff of irritation, and cast a foul look over her shoulder towards her ‘willing’ helper.


To her credit, Magnolia was much less unnerved by the disgruntled visage of Zinnia than she was whatever she was holding. “And how certain are you that this won’t go as horribly wrong as this thing smells?”

Zinnia began to rustle through scrawled notes with much more force than before. “That’s what I’m trying to find out. Now pipe down for a second, would you? I cannot concentrate with your incessant blabbing.”

Maggie glanced back at the vial she was holding, before wisely clamping her mouth shut. As Zinnia tried to find what she was searching for, the ridgeback turned her attention back to the vial. It was a strange foul-looking liquid - gloopy and bubbling all by itself. “Disgusting,” she muttered under her breath, giving the vial a small shake. “Funny shade of green, too.” Magnolia held it out at arm’s length now, closing one eye to focus on it. “Kinda looks like your wings, Zinnia.”

“It’ll look like your wings, too, in a minute, if you don’t stop moving it about.” Whereas just a few seconds ago Zinnia had been across the other side of the cave, she was now directly in front of the other, expression even fouler up close and cyan eyes narrowed dangerously. To her credit, Magnolia didn’t jump back, although she did gasp with some surprise at just how quick the bogsneak could move. Zinnia either didn’t care to acknowledge this or her patience was beginning to fade, for she just gave a gruff grunt in comment. “Hold it still, would you? I need to add the final ingredient.”

“Of course.” Magnolia tightened her grip on the vial as much as she dared to, although it was with fear again that she regarded the alchemist as she procured a strange looking herb and lined it up with the vial. “Are you really sure there isn’t someone else who could help you with this? I’m not really much of a scientist.”

“Who was the one who ate all the fish earlier this morning, and so now owes me for it?” Zinnia asked with a growl. She almost looked ready to fold her forelegs, although Maggie was certain it’d have made the other wobble - if only a little bit. Plus, she raised a good point. Magnolia had eaten all the fish this morning and, unable to fish herself, had swapped places with Zinnia’s usual assistant.

“Yes but-- I was hungry. You don’t even eat fish, and Cin said I had a fast metabolism!”

“So, let's see if you have fast reflexes too if this goes wrong,” Zinnia commented with a rolling of her eyes and flick of the tongue. Quite literally waving off Magnolia’s squawks of protest, the bogsneak then dropped the herb into the green goop.

Magnolia gave something of a horrific wail, sounding as if, for a second, it had gone horrendously wrong after all. “By the Icewarden and Windsinger and all of our deities, Zinnia, why would you--!” The rest all dissolved into an incoherent mess, her wings flailing and head whipping back and forth in what could have been a very convincing display – but Zinnia was having none of it.

Zinnia swatted the white ridgeback with a wing and hissed, expression somehow becoming even darker. “Shut up, you idiot, it’s not even doing anything!”

“We’re going to die, Zinnia, we’re both going to-- oh.” As quickly as the dramatism had begun, it stopped. Magnolia quickly realised that her wings were not, in fact, melting, nor were they a funky shade of green, and that her talons weren’t about to fall off. In fact, all was strangely still within the vial. Even the bubbling had stopped. As disgusting as it still looked, the green sludge was now as inconspicuous as water. This was enough to finally see Magnolia relax, even if it was only a little bit.

Zinnia, however, was less than impressed at this turn of events and scowled at the notes just to her right as if they were the reason for the failure. “I’m sure I had that right,” she grumbled under her breath, crawling away to properly take a look. The alchemist leafed through more notes, before stopping to read off a list. With each ingredient, her scowl deepened. “Two crushed silkworms, one ground-up featherhide locust, the innards of half a dozen bloated maggots, two drops of fan scorpion venom, and... Not spiral aloe! I should have known! Where did I get spiral aloe from? Certainly not-- Oh, by the Stormcatcher, I am a fool, Magnolia!”

“Uh-huh.” Maggie sounded dubious, slowly taking one step at a time to peek over the bogsneak’s shoulder. She tried her hardest to make sense of the scribbles Zinnia was looking at, but it, like most science-related topics, went straight over her head. “We’re done, right? You don’t need me anymore?”

Zinnia didn’t respond for a second, trailing a claw along the parchment to keep track as she read. The alchemist then gave a small shout of what could only have been victory, and slammed a heavy paw down onto the desk, causing Magnolia to jump.

Redblood snapper!

Magnolia physically deflated as the bogsneak jumped up with more enthusiasm than she’d seen her move with in days, and headed straight for her herb rack again to have another rummage. As random herbs and tools were tossed about onto the desks and cave floor, Maggie felt her heart drop to her stomach. They obviously weren’t finished – not even close. “Cin really needs to hurry up with those fish...”


Also, the new boy makes a really pretty goaler - it's such a shame blossom is so difficult to get.
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Re: An Ill Wind Blows (Side Pinkerlocke)

Unread post by Varethyn »

Ahhh that was super fun and adorable to read! I don't think Maggie would react *quite* the way she did to the potion but it's not too far off! Thank you so much for taking the time to write that :hug:

Yeah Blossom is proving difficult for a lot of people it sounds like. Which is a pain since I plan to give it to Lupin when he's high enough level. But then, given my luck so far that could be a long time yet :lol: But must say I'm leaning towards Kirrandria's PC scry. It's prettier than I expected and PC is the one breed I've yet to have in my 'lockes! Along with Earth element!

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Re: An Ill Wind Blows (Side Pinkerlocke)

Unread post by Krysteena »

Did wonder about Maggie, but there we go, so long as you enjoyed it! :hug: The pearlie scry is really pretty, and I'd be interested how you'd write said pearlie, too! The more sterotypical route, or maybe one in tune with his element and a lot more down-to-earth, perhaps? :>
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Re: An Ill Wind Blows (Side Pinkerlocke)

Unread post by Varethyn »

Day 55
Time to draw!


Kinda cheaty since she's not been introduced yet but inspiration was sorely lacking for everyone else. Up until I was inspired by the thing that makes Acacia interesting. When Krysteena gifted her to me I noticed a picture of a WoW dragon in her profile and was told that's how Krysteena imagined her to look rather than a bogsneak standard FR Guardian. So I wanted to give it a shot. ...I don't think I did her justice :lol: Apparel and I do not get along and I seriously gave her accent an honest attempt. Sadly my patience and art skills are too limited for that so this will have to do. But it's given me ideas for other characters that I'd like to toy around with at some point!

Inventory/Notes: Breed/Gene x2 OR Gen 1 Purchase x1, Wisteria Badly Injured for 5 days.

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Rest in peace mum. I really did love and miss you, even if I never got to see you.

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Re: An Ill Wind Blows (Side Pinkerlocke)

Unread post by Krysteena »

Despite the trouble some bits of her gave you (the accent is all spacey and complex tbh, completely understand leaving that) honestly she looks super good! The horns are spot on and I love the extra detail of her having the shadow emblem on her gorget! :hug:
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Re: An Ill Wind Blows (Side Pinkerlocke)

Unread post by Varethyn »

Glad you like how she came out! I seriously wanted to include the headpiece and accent since they add so much to her, but when you've got a short amount of time to work on a piece some assets have to be skipped over. If nothing else though having to draw something like this in a day/a few hours will (theoretically) help me improve my speed!


Day 56
Normally I'd say, "one more for the stockpile" buuuuut I rolled a 42! That means...

Image Reader Event! Image

Now, how this one will work is similar to the dragon gifting: Any of you who are interested in doing so may offer up one of your dragons to breed with one of my 'locke characters! It can be a random pairing or they can breed for potentially pretty hatchlings. It really doesn't matter.

Now, your dragon will need to be traded to my lair to breed but they are by no means joining the challenge proper - they will appear in the story to explain why one of my dragons is suddenly baring eggs and then leave again once the eggs have hatched. The reason for their arrival and desire to mate is up to you and we can decide together how to split the hatchlings (remember: these eggs will still have to undergo the coinflip to see if they live or die). As always, lore and backstories are a bonus but not required! And remember this spans both stories so as long as there is no lore reason why they cannot (Noelani and Whisper already being mates for example) anyone goes!

Depending on how many people decide to offer a potential mate I will use to determine who gets picked this time, as I shall for all future events of this style.

I look forward to seeing the admirers! :hug:

Inventory/Notes: Breed/Gene x2 OR Gen 1 Purchase x1, Wisteria Badly Injured for 4 days.

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Rest in peace mum. I really did love and miss you, even if I never got to see you.

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Re: An Ill Wind Blows (Side Pinkerlocke)

Unread post by Krysteena »

Oh, we haven't had one of these yet! :0 Unfortunately, I don't have many dragons that are up for breeding, as they're either established pairs or waiting for marriage not down with the kids. There's Adarga, if you want a 'two birds with one stone' deal w/ Acacia, though. Adarga is very partial to duels, fancy pieces of armour, and someone she can't immediately beat in an arm wrestle. Other than her, though, I'm afraid I don't really have anyone to offer. Hopefully some more admirers will pop up!
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Re: An Ill Wind Blows (Side Pinkerlocke)

Unread post by Ana »

Jack sometimes feels negelcted as Jill is not into breeding so much... so he would love some more hatchlings.. though is it possible for one of your clan to travel to me as I dont want to have him leave my lair :D If not thats ok just thought i should offer him up



HUGE thanks to Makoes, Syleye, FeralClaw, Pingupuff, Karin,Bowno, Varethyn, Ashaine, Kishay, Aki (Täräin13), my friend Marie and some lovely ppl on Fligth Rising for my lovely sig

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Re: An Ill Wind Blows (Side Pinkerlocke)

Unread post by Varethyn »

Aww poor Jack :hug:

I'd prefer it if your dragon comes to my lair as my dragons need to be available to be rolled for the coliseum. That said I'd feel like a complete hypocrite for denying the reverse since I actively promote participation :lol: I'll still add him to the list but if you feel comfortable sending him to me it'd be preferable :)

At the same time there could be story opportunity for why someone would decide to have a fling in the Plague lands. Hmm... It'll certainly be interesting to see who he chooses.

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Rest in peace mum. I really did love and miss you, even if I never got to see you.

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Re: An Ill Wind Blows (Side Pinkerlocke)

Unread post by Ana »

My crew lives on a ship. . So your clan is not needed to travel to plague. .they could simply meet Jack on a land expedition near by but feel free to do it which ever way you see fit :). Jack is a pacifist and a vegetarian (he has a bio ) and he won't leave my lair ;).. if that exclude him in the end it's totally fine :hug:

Im not a pinterlocke expert but Jack could take a potential mate in the coli as he is a pacifist. .So your dragon could fight for him in some way? Or he could try to pursuade your dragon into being a pacifist too? Im bad at rp so heh. In non rp Jack is lvl 25 so not sure how /if it could work hehe.

Just offered him up so you feel that someone participated. :hug:


HUGE thanks to Makoes, Syleye, FeralClaw, Pingupuff, Karin,Bowno, Varethyn, Ashaine, Kishay, Aki (Täräin13), my friend Marie and some lovely ppl on Fligth Rising for my lovely sig

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Re: An Ill Wind Blows (Side Pinkerlocke)

Unread post by Lupis »

I'm saving this spot for when I get home from class! I'd love to try and figure out a dragon to send. I can't say any of mine offer delightful ranges with the dragons in this 'locke but hey, whatcha gunna do. :lol:

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Re: An Ill Wind Blows (Side Pinkerlocke)

Unread post by Ana »

Alternative to Jack- this one will happily leave my lair. He has no lore yet but is a stylist. he can cut manes, clip/trim nails and make sure your makeup is just right! meet Sheers :D then you can decide which of mine if any fit your lore best



HUGE thanks to Makoes, Syleye, FeralClaw, Pingupuff, Karin,Bowno, Varethyn, Ashaine, Kishay, Aki (Täräin13), my friend Marie and some lovely ppl on Fligth Rising for my lovely sig

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Re: An Ill Wind Blows (Side Pinkerlocke)

Unread post by Varethyn »

It's entirely up to you who you'd like to offer up Mirya :hug: Lore doesn't need to fit! (Except Lore the Guardian, she needs a fair bit of space.) It simply helps with writing when I mention them is all :) I had a good think and I am happy to let my dragons visit other lairs as well!

I'll be leaving it til tomorrow to roll so everyone has a chance to drop in, so there's no rush in deciding :hug:

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Re: An Ill Wind Blows (Side Pinkerlocke)

Unread post by Ana »

both is fine with me :) Only reason I offered up two is that Jack wont leave my lair while Shears dont mind.. so if I win the roll i leave the call to you :D


HUGE thanks to Makoes, Syleye, FeralClaw, Pingupuff, Karin,Bowno, Varethyn, Ashaine, Kishay, Aki (Täräin13), my friend Marie and some lovely ppl on Fligth Rising for my lovely sig

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Re: An Ill Wind Blows (Side Pinkerlocke)

Unread post by Lupis »

Bluh, I'm so sorry, I'm having an absolutely rotten morning and haven't been able to choose at all. If you see any dragons in my lair that grab your attention you're very much free at them! :hug: I'm afraid my brain just isn't up to the task of choosing right now.

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Re: An Ill Wind Blows (Side Pinkerlocke)

Unread post by Varethyn »

Oh yikes, Lupis that sucks that happened. I'm so sorry to hear how rushed it sounds like you've been; being dead tired is bad enough. We'll see who RNG picks later so you might not even have to worry :hug:

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Rest in peace mum. I really did love and miss you, even if I never got to see you.

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Re: An Ill Wind Blows (Side Pinkerlocke)

Unread post by Varethyn »

In order of reply we got

1. Krysteena with Adarga
2. Mirya with either Jack or Shears
3. Lupis with any compatible male

And the winner is...



Please let me know which of your boys you'd especially like to breed and which of my lovely ladies you'd like to pair him with! :hug:

Check out PetEmote here! | Visit my Flight Rising lair!

Rest in peace mum. I really did love and miss you, even if I never got to see you.

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Re: An Ill Wind Blows (Side Pinkerlocke)

Unread post by Ana »

I think we go with Shears as he can visit your lair and he would actually have a funtion as a stylist :D I think he fancy Iris , even though their hatchlings will look odd!! I send him your way, with his accent ;)


HUGE thanks to Makoes, Syleye, FeralClaw, Pingupuff, Karin,Bowno, Varethyn, Ashaine, Kishay, Aki (Täräin13), my friend Marie and some lovely ppl on Fligth Rising for my lovely sig

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