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Re: Possible new pet models?!

Posted: Thu Dec 17, 2015 5:11 am
by pop
Razzy wrote:Really really don't care for the new bear model and its pinched back, so I edited it to something I personally would have liked to have seen. I was never a fan of the old bears' skeleton. I wish they'd redone that too, but that could possibly (hopefully) still be in the works.

(edit: added the ear and a different eye)


Re: Possible new pet models?!

Posted: Thu Dec 17, 2015 6:22 am
by SpiritBinder
Having a Tauren bear druid also, I'm really put off by the new model, and the main reason is the eyes. I have NO idea why but the new models eyes are really low quality, grey, murky and dark. Compared to the current model, I just don't understand. The new model has has a few added bits here and there that were only on the skin prior like some jewellery and the likes, and the fur texture are much higher in areas, but the eyes I just can't see past. It's the same for most all the new druid bears, murky, almost blind looking eyes for the most. The best of them is the troll imo, as they don't have any irises and can get away with it easier.


The new eagle model also suffers from murky eye syndrome, no spark, not much life in them... I hope it doesn't become a "Thing" :|

Re: Possible new pet models?!

Posted: Thu Dec 17, 2015 7:10 am
by Qraljar
SpiritBinder wrote:Having a Tauren bear druid also, I'm really put off by the new model, and the main reason is the eyes. I have NO idea why but the new models eyes are really low quality, grey, murky and dark. Compared to the current model, I just don't understand. The new model has has a few added bits here and there that were only on the skin prior like some jewellery and the likes, and the fur texture are much higher in areas, but the eyes I just can't see past. It's the same for most all the new druid bears, murky, almost blind looking eyes for the most. The best of them is the troll imo, as they don't have any irises and can get away with it easier.


The new eagle model also suffers from murky eye syndrome, no spark, not much life in them... I hope it doesn't become a "Thing" :|
I thought that was just MMO-Champion low texture datamining syndrome?

Because the textures in general look low-quality, even though they have more detail. Have we seen these forms in-game yet?

Re: Possible new pet models?!

Posted: Thu Dec 17, 2015 9:59 am
by Nachtwulf
I was gonna say, it just looks like the lighting in the model renderer, to me. It'll be way brighter in game with in-game lighting.

Re: Possible new pet models?!

Posted: Thu Dec 17, 2015 7:28 pm
by SpiritBinder
Qraljar wrote:
I thought that was just MMO-Champion low texture datamining syndrome?
Oh I sure hope so :(

Re: Possible new pet models?!

Posted: Thu Dec 17, 2015 9:52 pm
by Wain
I wonder if they will have glowing eyes in the game. In which case they may have reduced the background texture to suit. If you look at some of the character models (but not all) that have glowing eyes, they're missing eyeballs entirely. It would seem odd they'd do this for a tauren druid though.

Re: Possible new pet models?!

Posted: Thu Dec 17, 2015 9:54 pm
by Lupen202
I think (and hope) it really is the model viewer... The whole model, not just the eyes, seem a bit dark.

Re: Possible new pet models?!

Posted: Fri Dec 18, 2015 7:31 pm
by Razzy
Bhando wrote:Wow, that looks awesome!
Why don't you apply for a designers job @ Blizz? ;)
Haha, that's very kind of you! But I don't think they'd hire me just because I know my way around the lasso tool in Photoshop.. :lol:

Glad you guys like the edit! Wish there was some way to edit it and give it animations too

Re: Possible new pet models?!

Posted: Fri Dec 18, 2015 9:25 pm
by Qraljar
Razzy wrote:
Bhando wrote:Wow, that looks awesome!
Why don't you apply for a designers job @ Blizz? ;)
Haha, that's very kind of you! But I don't think they'd hire me just because I know my way around the lasso tool in Photoshop.. :lol:

Glad you guys like the edit! Wish there was some way to edit it and give it animations too
Once there is a Legion modelviewer, you can easily export the model and alter the model/rig in Cinema4d. I've done it with other models.

Re: Possible new pet models?!

Posted: Thu Jan 14, 2016 6:41 am
by Wain
The new wild kodo model is definitely replacing the original one in the old world. I think they did a pretty job of keeping them true to the original, although these have clear scales while the original had hide. Just found these in Desolace:


The mounts and pack beasts in the area (and in the mount journal) are still using the old model. This makes me wonder if MMO-Champ found the new mount model on the distribution server and it's not in the current Alpha release. I certainly haven't found it.

Re: Possible new pet models?!

Posted: Thu Jan 14, 2016 6:46 am
by Vephriel
Man, the new kodos are so wonderful and faithful to the originals it makes me wonder how they can come up with something so drastically different as the new bear. :( I just want this same attention to detail applied to the bears along with any other creature revamps. I know they're capable of it. I've seen it in the core hounds, the kodos, and a number of other old world mobs. But those bears are just killing me every time I look at them, and it's clear they really are aiming on permanently replacing a lot of older models.

Re: Possible new pet models?!

Posted: Thu Jan 14, 2016 6:49 am
by Wain
Vephriel wrote:Man, the new kodos are so wonderful and faithful to the originals it makes me wonder how they can come up with something so drastically different as the new bear. :( I just want this same attention to detail applied to the bears along with any other creature revamps. I know they're capable of it. I've seen it in the core hounds, the kodos, and a number of other old world mobs. But those bears are just killing me every time I look at them, and it's clear they really are aiming on permanently replacing a lot of older models.
Couldn't agree more!!

Oh, I also edited my above post. There is an actual major difference to the old kodo model, and that's that the new ones very obviously have scales, while the originals had more of a deeply creased hide, more like mammal skin. The changes make them far more likely as reptiles. I also think the changes aren't especially glaring, either. They're obvious once you notice but they don't seem to detract from the original design.

Re: Possible new pet models?!

Posted: Thu Jan 14, 2016 7:02 am
by pop
Vephriel wrote:Man, the new kodos are so wonderful and faithful to the originals it makes me wonder how they can come up with something so drastically different as the new bear. :( I just want this same attention to detail applied to the bears along with any other creature revamps. I know they're capable of it. I've seen it in the core hounds, the kodos, and a number of other old world mobs. But those bears are just killing me every time I look at them, and it's clear they really are aiming on permanently replacing a lot of older models.

I think they were trying to make the bear more anatomically correct but failed.

Re: Possible new pet models?!

Posted: Thu Jan 14, 2016 7:04 am
by pop

can we have a rodent family Blizz? Include Porcupine and RATS!


Re: Possible new pet models?!

Posted: Thu Jan 14, 2016 7:10 am
by pop
I gonna name my mech dog Sparky ;3

Re: Possible new pet models?!

Posted: Thu Jan 14, 2016 7:39 am
by Wain
pop wrote:I gonna name my mech dog Sparky ;3
Perfect! :)

Re: Possible new pet models?!

Posted: Thu Jan 14, 2016 1:51 pm
by zedxrgal
OH MAG GERD. Those kodo are AMAZING. WTG on those Blizz. *anxiously awaits new thunder lizards*

Re: Possible new pet models?!

Posted: Thu Jan 14, 2016 2:53 pm
by Lupen202
I just hope they don't replace the old Azeroth cats and wolves with the Draenor/MoP ones and call it a day in the future. I'm hoping since they haven't already, they won't... It's just that while I like the WoD wolves and love the MoP tigers, I like the old world Worgs, Coyotes, Sabers and cats too. Hopefully if they get around to replacing everything they'll do as good of a job as they have with Nagas, Kodos, core hounds and the various mini pets. Also crossing my fingers for hyenas soon!

And of course like the rest of you I'm hoping they'll still tweak the bear... Even if they don't fix the anatomy, since the old one has the same posture... At least fix the eyes, goatee and maybe narrow the snout? I just don't understand why they chose to change it up so much.

If it was a new "breed" of bears that weren't meant to replace the classic bears that'd be one thing, but...

Re: Possible new pet models?!

Posted: Thu Jan 14, 2016 4:52 pm
by Nachtwulf
The tigers don't look like the sabers, though... they don't have sabers, for one thing, and plus there's three very distinct 'breeds' of saber (basic cat, hunched mount type, and lion).

They do need an update, though, good grief. The jaggies on their manes (for wolves/worgs and lions) are so hideously obvious now... they look almost 8-bit! I have no problem with them updating them as long as they're as close to their originals as the kodos are.

Re: Possible new pet models?!

Posted: Fri Jan 15, 2016 2:54 am
by Wain
I suspect they'll replace the old cats at some point, but if so they'd need to replicate a frackload of old skins from the old model. And because the original tiger and saber models share 90% of their skins (and most of the skins are in game on both models), it'd really be best to come up with two replacement models (tiger and saber) at the same time which can share the same new skin files, or at least modified ones.