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Re: Pets to see to the Future! And graphic remodel!

Posted: Wed Jul 27, 2011 3:48 am
by Calixte
I would love to see a couple new Devilsaurs and Corehounds. I'm sure we'll see another new spirit beast as well. However, the biggest thing for me is that I think the old models need a makeover, particularly bats, bears, boars and the old lion model. Sambas is so lovely and detailed, but our poor old lions are so spiky and crazy lookin'! I would love my Old Cliffjumper to get some more detail as well. It seems like Blizz is pretty happy with the families we have in-game right now. I'm kind of doubting that they'll add another new family.

Re: Pets to see to the Future! And graphic remodel!

Posted: Thu Jul 28, 2011 3:28 am
by Happyhooves
I wouldn't mind if boars got a remodel. It always bothered me how thin boars are. I think they should be a little chunkier or something.

Re: Pets to see to the Future! And graphic remodel!

Posted: Thu Jul 28, 2011 3:49 am
by Reaper
Happyhooves wrote:I wouldn't mind if boars got a remodel. It always bothered me how thin boars are. I think they should be a little chunkier or something.
I agree there like having war hogs or war boars some would be thinner for the armor but boars are suppose to be heavier looking.

Re: Pets to see to the Future! And graphic remodel!

Posted: Fri Jul 29, 2011 2:06 pm
by Bubbleme
What I want to see? Here's my ideas;

1. A tarantula remodel. Tarantulas are ugly and disfigured, their eyes are way too freaky and the way they move doesn't fit that well with their body. To me they just look really REALLY weird.

2. A few more beetle skins. I'd love to see lots of new, bright colours. Red and white, blue and green, teal and pink (I mean hot pink). Nothing really crosses the line when re-skinning beetles.

3. A remodel on SOME cats. Despite how it seems mean giving yet more attention to the cat family, I'm a crazy cat lady. It seems that the cats aren't really anywhere near unique, due to the same model being used time and time again.
(Also the same with wolves)
(And turtles).

4. More skins on those who've not got many. Added in with a few different models of said pets. The pets introduced in pre-cata, cata etc were great ideas. But I think they need way more skins and another model to make sure they're loved. Rats are a big one that could be majorly loved with a bit more of a 'wakey wakey' makeover.

5. A fox spirit beast. Something I've wanted for ages. Something similar to loque'nahak in the way that it's got a beautiful pattern, a nice skin and no real similarity to the others. I'd not like this one to be transparent too, though. The fox could be similar to ashtail, but blazing gold, and pure silver eyes. Like a holy fox. It could actually be called 'Ash'Belore' or something, due to the light infusement. Basically, the fox would be a holy spirit.

Re: Pets to see to the Future! And graphic remodel!

Posted: Sun Jul 31, 2011 12:04 am
by Calixte
Agree with boars!!! They are adorable and I love mine, but I'd be so happy if he got a model upgrade. The new pets are so lovely and the old world pets are pretty sad in comparison.
Bubbleme wrote: A fox spirit beast. Something I've wanted for ages. Something similar to loque'nahak in the way that it's got a beautiful pattern, a nice skin and no real similarity to the others. I'd not like this one to be transparent too, though. The fox could be similar to ashtail, but blazing gold, and pure silver eyes. Like a holy fox. It could actually be called 'Ash'Belore' or something, due to the light infusement. Basically, the fox would be a holy spirit. cute!!! I would tame that in an instant. I would be so happy to see a further branching out of spirit beasts.

Re: Pets to see to the Future! And graphic remodel!

Posted: Sun Jul 31, 2011 1:40 am
by Kayb
What really, REALLY grinds my gears the most, that Outland beasts, for the MOST part, are identical to Azeroth ones. Kaliri, Wolves, others etc, shouldn't look like Azeroth ones. At least the Outland basilisks were given new heads to show that these are alien creatures. It really irritates me. Any Outland beast that didn't come to Outland from Azeroth, should be at the very least, be given a new head on their models to make them more alien. Period. Even the spikey raptors and wind serpents need changing a bit IMO.

And why should a pet be locked into a certain class type? I want the talent trees to be open for pets as they are for the player. If I want my Sporebat to be a tank, then I should be able to choose the talent tree for it.

As for the rest, what the hey I'm just going through the whole darned list.

Disclaimer, this is just my 2cents, some of you will probably hate some of my thoughts and I'm fine with that :P

BATS : Needs to be remodeled, and at least 3 or 4 new skin types added.

BIRDS OF PREY : Mostly fine, but some changes are needed. Parrots need to taken out completely and given their own family type. Parrots are not birds of prey dammit. Seagulls need to be remodeled, it shouldn't look like a vanity/critter pet.

CHIMERA : No issues with them, though they could add that one unused skin somewhere.

DRAGONHAWKS : Model is fine, but what do they do when they're too tired to flap those wings? Do they slither like a snake? Do they wrap their tails around a branch and hang? They should add the remaining unused skins as well.

MONKEYS : I think the model could do with a bit of touching up, it's a bit jagged in some areas. More skin types would be nice too. Needs a better ability. Really? Crap throwing? Pft.

NETHER RAYS : Model is just fine, but they really really need a better ability, like zapping the enemy with a nether energy blast or something. Anything would be better than what it has now. Maybe a couple more skins too.

RAVAGERS : No problems here, it's spikey spikey love, but they really should be a ferocity pet.

SERPENTS : No problems here. They should add all those regular snakes to their own family though, a Python family would be sweet.

SILITHIDS : No problems here.

SPIDERS : The widow types could do with a model touch up so their legs aren't so jagged. Also, I really hate the antenna action on their heads. Those aren't antenna dammit and shouldn't fuss about like them. The windows also need their heads done better overall too, mush like what the spikey spider have, but with less extreme sized fangs. Speaking of spikey spiders, I don't have any dramas with them, but they really need more skins. Bone spiders, I dunno, they kinda work as is, aside the silly antenna action and heads. Tarantulas, for the love of god they NEED to be remodeled. They don't look like tarantulas, they looks like blocks. Also they need more skins.

SPOREBATS : Model is fine, but do they ever need new skins selections desperately.

WIND SERPENTS : Model wise they're ok I suppose, maybe one or two new skins for the regular ones, and make use of the unused skin for the spikeys

CARRION BIRDS : Maybe some updating of the Vulture models and couple of new skins. Why they decided to not have tamable ravens/crows I'll never understand. They should remodel them and add them :)

CATS : Very badly needs a remodel. And it wouldn't hurt to have 3 or 4 different cat model types either. Actually six models. Lion, Lioness, Tiger, Panther, Lynx, Cheetah. Then assign skins as appropriate to the models. Outside of that, Cats do NOT need any more skin varieties, there is more than enough as is.

CORE HOUNDS : Not a fan of these at all, but they could do some updating to their model, it's really blocky in some parts.

DEVILSAURS : Maybe touch up the model a bit, possibly 2 or 3 new skins.

DOGS : I'm not afraid to say it, I really hate that demon dogs are tamable. They should have stayed demons. That said, their model is old and needs updating. The mastiffs, fine I suppose. Not a big skin selection, could do with more. I dunno, in general I don't really think they should have domesticated dogs and such, but if they were gonna keep going on that path, then more normal dogs should be added. Mastiffs can't be the only ones on Azeroth.

FOXES : I think the model needs more work, it looks like it's as old as the vanilla beasts. Also, more skin choices would be a plus.

HYENAS : Definately needs a remodel. Not sure there would be many more suitable colors to run with for new skins, but there should at least be a black one.

MOTHS : No real problems here, one or two new skins maybe but not really all that needed.

RAPTORS : Remodel. And give more skin options that don't have damn feathers/bands/etc on them, wtf.

TALLSTRIDERS : Model for the most part isn't too bad, legs could do with some updating. Need more skin choices.

WASPS : Firefly types could do some model updates, but otherwise this family is pretty much fine. Blue firefly skin should be added, that would own.

WOLVES : All wolf types desperately need to be remodeled. Especially those horrible saber worgs. All the wolves suffer from spikey fail, and do they all have to have that rediculous snarl ALL the time? Skin wise, well I don't really think they need any more color options.

BEARS : Likewise badly need a remodel, and to ditch that snarl. Perhaps two or three bear model types? Polar, Grizzly and... I dunno, something-else-bear.

BEETLES : Maybe a slight model tweaking update but no real dramas here, skin choice is fine, though a Xmas/Jewel beetle skin type would look awesome (look em up)

BOARS : Hell yes to a remodel. Pumba ain't on no diet. The armored skins need to be done better too.

CRABS : The original crab could do with some remodeling, and a couple of new skin choices too. The unused skins on the spikey crabs should be added as well. I wouldn't mind a crab model with both pincers the same size, they do exist in the real world!

CROCOLISKS : The original ones need some work, I actually thought the new model we got in Cata would have replaced the old one entirely.

GORILLAS : Hmmm, I was originally gonna say give em an update to the model, but I think really it should just get a remodel entirely

RHINOS : Remodel. Make them look like a rhino, rather a kodo with a rhino head, and then give us more skin choices. Non wooly choices.

SCORPIDS : Remodel the originals, but hey, I'd be more than happy if they just replaced it entirely with the new one for Cata and remade all the old skins for it. Luuuuurve.

SHALE SPIDERS : More colors! Where is the blue one dammit!

TURTLES : Remodel, remodel now. I'd like smooth shell options as well please, and at least four more skin choices.

WARP STALKERS : Just some model updates/touch ups.

WORMS : Minor model touch ups.

There, I think that covers most of my thoughts :P Time for a break now :P

Re: Pets to see to the Future! And graphic remodel!

Posted: Fri Aug 05, 2011 11:09 pm
by Kayb
hmm interesting, I would have thought I'd stirred a few hornet nests there...

Re: Pets to see to the Future! And graphic remodel!

Posted: Sat Aug 06, 2011 5:16 am
by Finduilas
Totally agree with you Kayb! You really wrote what I'm thinking, too (get out of my head!).
Some of the vanilla pets just need to look less 2-D and more soft and just "better" (don't find the right word in English right now). Just look at the prarie wolfs in Mulgore, they really need a makeover and they are not the only beasts needing it!

Re: Pets to see to the Future! And graphic remodel!

Posted: Wed Aug 10, 2011 6:32 am
by Nubhorns
My issue with everyone crying "remodel remodel!!1!eleventy!!" is that I like my old school gimpworg and my spiky Mulgore wolf and my block tarantula. I remember a blue mentioning that when people asked for race remodels too. People grow attached to things and love them regardless of their flaws, and I don't know if I like the idea of them taking my pets away just because people want them shinier and sleeker.

That and the fact that it takes TONS of time and effort. We've(thanks to Wain and a few others) figured out how to manipulate skins fairly easily, but making a whole new model from scratch isn't anything like changing a skin. That said, I'm all for smoothing out the spikes and semitransparent 'lines' on the fur of my wolves/lions/talbuks/etc...that really needs to go, and I can't say I'd mind a minor reskin to smooth things out and brighten colors...but I can't see new models for my babies sitting well. :/ If they gave a new model to Loque overnight I'm sure a great deal of people would be peeing themselves in some incoherent rage - why is it okay to do it for the less shiny pets?

Re: Pets to see to the Future! And graphic remodel!

Posted: Wed Aug 10, 2011 10:39 am
by Akyo
i dont fully aggree with Kayb, though its a personal taste thing.
I dont thing anny of the old models should disapear for the new models. Why? cause some of us actually like the old over the new. We have played for a long time and we lvld alongside these old fellas.
Could need a texture update yes, but no major changes to its model.

I LOVE the old spikyness of old model lions and wolves where their suposed to be fluffy, and its something i gravely miss on the foxes. Foxes are fluffy things with lots of fur (at least at winter) and they shouldnt be all smooth looking like they currently are. not even the tail is fluffy. its just...a mass and that doesnt go well with me.

so for me its: do NOT want old models to be smoother. i want a texture update to make it finer, but if my lion and wolf got a "way smooth with hair gell overuse" body like sambas and go with a damned sabre cat and and prob ignore wolves all togheter.
I agree however with the constant snarly face on wolves and bears.
that could need a change, but the over all shape and look on my reg wolf.. no. its fine, dont mess with it.
Fluff that sticks out everywhere is <3 for me.

I also mean cats got LOADS of skinn to chose from but yes. the lynx model could need a couple more colors. but for the other cats its fine as it is. i wouldnt mind a dark brown old type lion though..

Sporebats and netherrays, i want to love em i really do, but i just dont manage too!
i would like to see the sporecloud to be changed to an aura around the pet, same cd and all that, just that its around the pet for the duration instead of just droping it somewhere.

Nether rays. Id like to see em in the ferocity family, there are just to few flying pets there and look at it!
It look hella mean! it skill should be changed to something totaly new. like a blast like sugested above.

Hyenas for me is fine, though id like to see a non spoted skinn. and yeah change to constant snarlyface.

Bears...never like em. the model is way of how a real bear look, but its a game. not everything have to relate to real life. But i wouldnt mind seeing a new model out on the field to chose from aswell.

Bats. Oh bats! I luv em, but got crushed when it lost its demo shout and got a stunn >:
Old model is ok, but wouldnt mind a new model to chose from aswell. Or simpler, more colors.

Hydras are fine by me. could use a lil touch up on the faces(old model), but for me its not needed.

Snakes. other skinns and patherns on em plz Q_Q the python snakes( their faces needs a update though) could be put into the family as well, no need for another family just for those guys. If eagles and parrots are in the same family so why shouldnt these two be.

Scorpions are fine. personally, id take a old model black and red over a new one annyday.

Again this is all personal taste. i see why some would want remodeling of old models but for me im partial against it. id rather see more skins and models to chose from than a retouch of the oldies. cause i luv em <.< Still. a texture update would be just fine. Just dont make my wolfs look like their soiking their fur in hairgell.

Re: Pets to see to the Future! And graphic remodel!

Posted: Wed Aug 17, 2011 6:23 am
by Aeladrine
Calixte wrote:I would love to see a couple new Devilsaurs and Corehounds. I'm sure we'll see another new spirit beast as well. However, the biggest thing for me is that I think the old models need a makeover, particularly bats, bears, boars and the old lion model. Sambas is so lovely and detailed, but our poor old lions are so spiky and crazy lookin'! I would love my Old Cliffjumper to get some more detail as well. It seems like Blizz is pretty happy with the families we have in-game right now. I'm kind of doubting that they'll add another new family.
But I like Cwrw being all spiky and crazy! Truth be told, I absolutely hate Sambas's skin and I'd hate it if my beloved cat suddenly turned into a black version of him. Now, I'm all for new things being put in, so long as my pet doesn't change. At least give me the option to keep him the way he is!

I'd love to see more foxes.(: Something that's more of a true white, for example, not the blue-white we have now. I'm gonna agree on the bats, though I don't use them, and also put in for more dragonhawk, sporebat, nether ray, hyena, dog, corehound, devilsaur, and moth skins. :1 I just want more options!

And I'd love to have a purple fox, mo matter how strange others would think it. We have blue ones, why not a pretty lavander and a nice dark purple, too?

I just want my favourite model to come in my favourite colour, okay? >:

EDIT: On top of that, if someone were to take Gwyn, my ghost saber, or Eirwyn, my fox and "update" them, I'd pitch a fit. I like how they look. I like that they're blocky and imperfect. I don't care if you add a find a way to change them so you have the option of taming a "new" one or an "old" one, but if you change my pet I will be pissed.

Gwyn has been with me as he is for five years. I do not want to see him changed.


Also, I think the Cata scorpids look disgusting. >:1 No offense, but I like my copper scorpid with his blue belly. The old model is absolutely beautiful, don't take that away from me.

Again, I'm fine with new options being added. But Blizz should never make it so something is the only option, especially if hunter's pets are going to be changed. I can promise you I would start a petition to get my old pets back and tear down every wall I had to until I got my way. Add new mobs that won't interfere with current hunter pets. Small touch-ups to obvious problems are fine. But reskinning everything in sight is a horrendous idea.

TRIPLE EDIT: Grammatical error. Derp.

Re: Pets to see to the Future! And graphic remodel!

Posted: Wed Aug 17, 2011 8:41 am
by Azunara
Yeah. Please, do not replace all the lions with Sambas model.

If you ask me, Sambas looks like he should be walking with his face in the ground all the time with his itty bitty legs kicking wildly in the air. His mane is so obnoxiously huge and looks top heavy.

I think the compromise is pick a few families to remodel, and touch up them, but only on some mobs. Leave some of the old skins alone. That way, you can go and get shiny new model, and people who like the older skins can keep theirs.

Example: Fix Sian-Rotam, don't touch Rak'shiri. Fix generic orange hyena one, leave generic orange hyena two alone. Fix generic black and red scorpid, leave generic black and red scorpid two alone. That way, you have options.

Re: Pets to see to the Future! And graphic remodel!

Posted: Mon Aug 29, 2011 3:50 pm
by Astratia
Now, I don't think everything needs to get a remodel, however I do think the model's need some touching up.

Example, take Sambas and lets use Sian-Rotam


What I like about Sambas is the overall smoothness of the graphics compared to the old white lion. The shaded detail around the around the limbs and joints gives him a less polygon appearance, and the extra detail in it's fur helps to define the muscles and details in the face. Also look at the paws, the shading there aids to give him digits rather then one larger block for a paw.

I personally am not a fan of Samba's over large mane, however I do like how it is detailed. It's softer in apperence then the spiky mane of the old world lions. It would be nice to see some rough edges smoothed out on old models and perhaps shaded and detailed a tad more to blend nicer with the new world.

I would personally hate to see all the old world models converted to new ones such as the scorpions and lions, but wouuld like to see some cleaning up.

Re: Pets to see to the Future! And graphic remodel!

Posted: Mon Aug 29, 2011 5:29 pm
by Sam
Smoother skin graphics and a few more polygons on the models would be excellent.

What I'd like to see is updating along the lines of druid cat and bear forms. They badly needed updating and I know not everyone liked everything about how it was done, but I didn't hear many people wishing they could go back to their old low-rez looking, snarlface bears and derpy tauren cat forms.

Blizz could build on what they've already done there to improve some of our current hunter pets. Take lynxes -- the old night elf druid form was the same as the current lynx model, correct? Just with a purple skin. It seems like it would be easy enough to remove the necklace and paw bracelets from the model, and use it to spiff up our lynxes, along with a nicer skin graphic. The mane on the backs of their necks would still be furry and spiky, satisfying those who (like me) prefer it to the more solid look of Sambas.

Likewise, remove the extraneous bits from the druid bear form, give it normal ears, and use that to improve our bears. (Not that I mind the bears so much as they are, but actual paws instead of a few polygons would make me happy!)

I keep hoping they'll overhaul the shaman ghost wolf model, and apply it to regular wolves, too. I actually don't use wolves because the model/skin looks so bad. The Northrend wolves have lovely skins, but I don't like the hunched posture and the gaping jaw. :|

Re: Pets to see to the Future! And graphic remodel!

Posted: Sat Sep 03, 2011 9:31 pm
by Reaper
Heres a idea spirit beast flaming style Boar similar to how i said of a blue flaming Devilsaur spirit beast.

Also as we all want more bloody Lynx skins!.

Re: Pets to see to the Future! And graphic remodel!

Posted: Sat Sep 03, 2011 11:00 pm
by deadpuppies
I think that New pets are always going to be a great idea weather they be spirit beasts or not. But how awesome sauce would it be to have armor sets for our pets. We could very easily customize a pet to look several different ways with this option. If there was a way to farm armor set pieces for our pets it would give us hunters allot to enjoy. We could even match the armor sets to our new transmog sets etc. Im not talking about extra buffs or anything just the cosmetics of the sets. Blizz will probably never go for set bonus from a pet but a cosmetic matching pet armor set....Yeah I think that would be really cool. It's not like Blizz hasn't already taken pets such as sambas and Madexx and slapped armor on them for mounts... There could even be a rare armor set that trans morphs your pet into a spirit looking beast. The possibilities are endless...

Armor set on a Turtle ftw!

Re: Pets to see to the Future! And graphic remodel!

Posted: Sun Sep 04, 2011 9:42 pm
by Reaper
deadpuppies wrote:I think that New pets are always going to be a great idea weather they be spirit beasts or not. But how awesome sauce would it be to have armor sets for our pets. We could very easily customize a pet to look several different ways with this option. If there was a way to farm armor set pieces for our pets it would give us hunters allot to enjoy. We could even match the armor sets to our new transmog sets etc. Im not talking about extra buffs or anything just the cosmetics of the sets. Blizz will probably never go for set bonus from a pet but a cosmetic matching pet armor set....Yeah I think that would be really cool. It's not like Blizz hasn't already taken pets such as sambas and Madexx and slapped armor on them for mounts... There could even be a rare armor set that trans morphs your pet into a spirit looking beast. The possibilities are endless...

Armor set on a Turtle ftw!
That would be pretty awesome wouldnt mind adding armor to some of my pets expect my wolf since he already comes with it and why not add other species to the pets or even split them up to diff types like the spiders and Tarantulas(apart from fixing them up as well) or say the Wolves and Northrend Worgs and the many types of Cats like the Lynxs should have there own family just cause they rock.

Re: Pets to see to the Future! And graphic remodel!

Posted: Mon Sep 05, 2011 12:38 am
by Niabi
I am also advocating skin remodels on the original, vanilla WoW beasts. Poor little fellas are in some desperate need of pixel love! Of course, I wouldn't want the models revamped so drastically as to change the essence of what we've all come to tame and love as hunters (ex: I would not like to see my Humar or Echeyakee become Sambas clones). I'd just like to see these beasts become more refined, with added depth and demension like with what we see in BC and beyond.

The beasts I feel need the most work personally are the following:

Bats: The back legs need to be fixed so they appear jointed and not just like the little nubs that they are
Classic Cats (non Saber models): Cleaner lines; More muscle depth and shading
Hyenas: Same issues as wow's classic cat models
Gorillas: That creepy 'derp' face has got to go ... although some people may really like their face so I don't know
Tarantulas: The eyes need to look more realistic; Cleaner and softer lines; hair needs to be more defined
Tallstriders: Smoother lines on the wings and legs; Plumage instead of hair or hair needs to be more defined
Coyotes (non Worg models): Same issues as wow's classic cat models
Classic Chimaeras: Fix their wings so they don't look like they've been chewed on
Classic Demon Hounds: Same issues as wow's classic cat models
Classic Crabs: Smoother and rounder lines

*Edit: You know, if Blizzard gave Sambas a slight haircut around his mane, I'd totally be in favor of updating all the lion models to look like him. The biggest complaint I have as of now with Sambas (and it would seem with many others too) is that his mane is too gosh darn big and not at all realistic within proportion to his face and body.

Re: Pets to see to the Future! And graphic remodel!

Posted: Wed Sep 07, 2011 6:55 pm
by Predatauren
Niabi, i really like your signature but don't you mean "La femme fatale" rather than "Le femme fatale"? :/

Re: Pets to see to the Future! And graphic remodel!

Posted: Wed Sep 07, 2011 7:40 pm
by Niabi
Predatauren wrote:Niabi, i really like your signature but don't you mean "La femme fatale" rather than "Le femme fatale"? :/
Not sure actually. It's just the name of the guild Niabi is on. I never took french or italian in high school but I always assumed that "le" simply meant "the".