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Re: Your Salvation has arrived!

Posted: Wed Feb 29, 2012 1:03 pm
by sallysquish
I did not read all of the previous posts. Got nothing to do with me really. However I'd like to say that I think both guilds are nice. I'm happy where I am as a petopian and I'm always happy when others are happy. I personally would prefer not to see a rivalry made between the guilds. I like a more cooperative play style. But then I'm strictly PVE.

From what I can tell both guilds are thriving. Lets keep things positive. Makes it more fun for all concerned.

Re: Your Salvation has arrived!

Posted: Thu Mar 01, 2012 11:13 pm
by Thraxas
Lol seems to me not much has changed in the past few monthes.

Re: Your Salvation has arrived!

Posted: Sat Mar 03, 2012 6:21 pm
by Ketchaeatcha
I had a hair cut...

Re: Your Salvation has arrived!

Posted: Sun Mar 04, 2012 11:17 am
by Azunara
Teigan wrote:Sad to hear you decline our offer of war games. That would have been fun. Those at least would be clearcut. If this hostile rivalry between guilds is present as you claim, how could those other types of events be judged fairly, even if people had room to make throwaway characters for them?
See, now you sound like you are purposely trying to antagonize and cause trouble. People are trying to, as Moon said, bury the hatchet and let the hostility go. I'm already not impressed with you that you quit Petopians guilds, which you had been leader of, to go off and join this guild. But since I'm not actively on Nesingwary (Also shamelessly plugging for Evolution. What can I say? Dragged me in.) that's really not my business what you do or do not do for the guild. Really isn't.

However. I think that there will definitely be a way to find people who aren't from either guild--we're a big forum. Heck, ask people on the realm. Find the least biased people you possibly can. It's really not hard.

And stop trying to drag up and antagonize people. Because you may not think you are, but from where I'm standing, it looks like you definitely are trying to rile up people. Which is foolish. Because we're all from the same forum, and we once were a family, so what's the point of making people look like bad guys or fighting? It's really kind of silly.

Re: Your Salvation has arrived!

Posted: Sun Mar 04, 2012 2:30 pm
by Teigan
If you want the truth, PM me, ok? I didn't leave to join Salvation. When I left, it wasn't to join anything. I've done my best to keep my reasons private and not bash anyone on these forums. Implying it was to join a different guild is the most PC way I could find to explain why I left. Do you really think I wanted to step down as Petopian Allliance guild leader? Do you have any idea how much that meant to me? But you have to throw the gauntlet....

Re: Your Salvation has arrived!

Posted: Fri Mar 09, 2012 2:58 pm
by Sasrei
Sigh.. enough. Whether or not this was not a jab at the petopians guild, it shouldnt have been worded such as. It is clear the the leaders of each guild dont care for each other, and there are past issues but seriously you think by bringing up drama such as this, that this is what everyone wants? What will make people feel they want to join either guild. Drama happens, people opinions differ and things get blown up and all hell breaks loose, you can either decide to be angry for the rest of your life or move on. Whatever it was that happened Teigan your jabs are pointed to everyone in the guild not just the people who did it, which isnt right. We are all grown adults here (well most of us) and sometimes you are in places you dont like with people you dont care for. Its called life, most people dont work with people they care for but they suck it up/ignore them/ or leave. You want to recruit then go ahead but do so tactfully otherwise it doesnt seem to bode well to your character. In other words.. move on. Your in a different guild now, move forward dont look bad and dwell otherwise youll have the same problems you just left because of.

Re: Your Salvation has arrived!

Posted: Fri Mar 09, 2012 5:48 pm
by Teigan
Sasrei wrote: Whatever it was that happened Teigan your jabs are pointed to everyone in the guild not just the people who did it, which isnt right. You want to recruit then go ahead but do so tactfully otherwise it doesnt seem to bode well to your character.
Really? I didn't even start this post. And what jabs? And how exactly am I recruiting? I posted on a post someone else in my guild started. Yet somehow I am responsible for all of it. And I'm the bad guy. Oh my head...

EDIT: I seriously just read thru all of this twice. I fail to see what you are talking about. Are we looking at the same thread?

Re: Your Salvation has arrived!

Posted: Fri Mar 09, 2012 6:45 pm
by LuckyZina
I'm reading through this and the only thing in my head that I can possibly think of is how much the people that "have a problem" with whatever was said aren't exactly involved in the drama they claim they are.

Regardless of how you perceive our open armed welcome that's all it was.
Trying to delude yourselves into thinking this is something more is quite frankly hilarious. We opted for a way for you to "settle" things with us despite us thinking it unnecessary you turned it down and opted for a new way. While I respect that you still want to go through with settling things through competition you have to acknowledge that most if not all our members have full character slots and can't make an alt.
Furthermore, bury the hatchet by definition to me means that the subject should be dropped. I hope that this is the last post on this matter because honestly there is no room for drama in a functioning guild. I will not tolerate it, nor will I tolerate harassment to, from, by, anyone either way. Childish behavior is below me and I would hope the same is said of yourselves.

As my last part on this, Teigs left petopians with no intention of joining salvation. We merely extended a hand to her as old friends. As should the way it be when you feel as if you no longer fit in with different friends. Salvation is not about being asshats and spreading drama, we're merely here to offer our hands in friendship whatever reasons you may have.

Yes, I don't post often, Yes I made another account because I couldn't remember my password, Yes I will always defend my friends, Yes I know I can be an ass, Yes I know, No I don't care about drama. Now if you don't mind, I'm going to return to working so I can afford my subscription again. If you have any personal issues with Salvation I suggest you whisper myself or send me a message. Teigs has no leadership in our guild so don't take it out on her.

Get your flamethrowers, I'll be waiting.

Re: Your Salvation has arrived!

Posted: Fri Mar 09, 2012 6:51 pm
by Korii
Thread locked due to unnecessary drama. If you have a problem with anyone involved, take it to PMs, please.