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Re: Do you want to see your toon's new model/face?

Posted: Sun Aug 24, 2014 9:02 pm
by Quiv
So with the work week starting, I personally won't be able to check out requests until a few hours of the work day evening (monday evening, tuesday evening). Its Sunday 9pm Eastern time for me FYI.

Of course anyone in beta who wants to help is free to. I will get to any untended requests tomorrow evening! Thanks again to Qraljar for all the help!

Re: Do you want to see your toon's new model/face?

Posted: Sun Aug 24, 2014 9:39 pm
by SylviaDragon
Quivering wrote:
SylviaDragon wrote:oh gosh I'm not sure how i feel about my druid! so odd looking hah. although they are still a WIP so i will just have to wait and see.
I kinda love your druid's transmog, so I decided to dress it up on beta. Dressing room is small of course but heres how it looks.

hahaha thanks! He looks much better with his druid garb. still has a bit of that grumpy face going on but still decent xD

Re: Do you want to see your toon's new model/face?

Posted: Sun Aug 24, 2014 10:00 pm
by Xota
I can't get in-game right now, but here's a portrait from wowhead.

I think it's face 10 (last one), maybe 3. Skin is moderately light, red hair, "flirty" hairstyle, no piercings. I almost always xmog armor with a "turtleneck", like Tunic of Unblinking Vigil: /run print("\124Hitem:99577\124h[Tunic of the Unblinking Vigil]\124h");

I appreciate the preview of the unsamed faces.

Re: Do you want to see your toon's new model/face?

Posted: Mon Aug 25, 2014 1:05 am
by Rhapture
I would love to see mine. This is an older shot, but it shows her features the best. It doesn't matter to me what she's wearing or even what hair color you use, as it frequently gets changed to purple, teal or white depending on my mood. Thanks! <3

Re: Do you want to see your toon's new model/face?

Posted: Mon Aug 25, 2014 2:20 am
by Xella
Dwarf hair colours are pretty off atm (have been for a while) but I think somewhere there was a tweet or something saying that they're gonna fix it, so there's hope! I went with 2-10-Flirty-3-1 which looked about right.

I went with 8-4-1-8-2, though I'm a little unsure about the skin tone. I'm so jealous of your lips! (I use that face on two of my NE and they both have skin tones that make those lips a really weird colour, haha :x Yours are still a little purple, but my druid in particular went SUPER purple, haha)

Re: Do you want to see your toon's new model/face?

Posted: Mon Aug 25, 2014 8:30 am
by Ana
Quivering wrote:
TĂ„rnfalk wrote:Image
This is as close as I could figure. Your toon uses the #7 face, so I chose the #7 on beta since none of them really jumped out at me. Skin tone may be slightly off. Hope this helps!

Thankies!! Not to wild about the eyes and the gray instead of white hair..but else it looks good. Thanks :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

Re: Do you want to see your toon's new model/face?

Posted: Mon Aug 25, 2014 9:09 am
by Ziarre
Ooooooh, I'd love to see how Shaiel looks!
Image ... iel/simple

I don't remember which face/skin she uses, since she's...kind of ancient. And I'll restrain myself and just ask to see her--I can see my army of alts if I get into the beta, or when the changes go live!

Re: Do you want to see your toon's new model/face?

Posted: Mon Aug 25, 2014 10:14 am
by Nikrosnil
I'd love to see what my Eskarina Skye would look like, if you have the time? :)

Re: Do you want to see your toon's new model/face?

Posted: Mon Aug 25, 2014 10:51 am
by Qraljar
I'll get on that, Ziarre and Nikrosnil.

Also, thanks for your help, Xella. It's very much appreciated! Welcome to the team. :b





Now, because I was given only a screenshot, I had to sort of guess, especially the skin colour. If I am right, this is your lady:


If you want to be sure, you'll have to provide additional information, like the numbers for each customization option (e.g. face #1) or an armory link. Sorry if I didn't choose the right options. :)

Re: Do you want to see your toon's new model/face?

Posted: Mon Aug 25, 2014 11:56 am
by Quiv
Man not a single Horde request so far? Where da' Horde at mon!

Sent from my phone.

Re: Do you want to see your toon's new model/face?

Posted: Mon Aug 25, 2014 12:08 pm
by Nikrosnil
Thanks Qraljar! Sorry for not thinking about the specifics, the face I picked is number 7 I think? The last one? It's the one that looks 'cutest' and the most vacant I guess? The hair colour is the lightest turquoise colour, so one shade lighter than the screenshot you showed me. :) The skintone is pretty perfect, it's a warm peachy human colour. ^_^ It would be awesome if I could see what she'd look like in one of the bucaneer/pirate shirts? Only if it's not too much trouble, if it's a hassle don't worry about it! I just want to thank you guys for doing this for those of us that can't access the beta. :hug:

Re: Do you want to see your toon's new model/face?

Posted: Mon Aug 25, 2014 12:19 pm
by Yoruko
Quivering wrote:Man not a single Horde request so far? Where da' Horde at mon!
Well, here's one! :D
I'm not subscribed at the moment, but I remember my character through and through so here's a model viewer shot of her mug. From what I remember of the character creation screen, I think her skin colour is the top most one!


Re: Do you want to see your toon's new model/face?

Posted: Mon Aug 25, 2014 12:26 pm
by Qraljar
Well, getting back on Eskarina then! Quivering can do the pretty troll lady, since he was waiting for some Horde requests. :)

Thanks for the extra information!

Re: Do you want to see your toon's new model/face?

Posted: Mon Aug 25, 2014 12:31 pm
by Quiv
I sure will, but it will have to be when I get home from work. On my phone atm and I can't seem to get WoW to play on phones :lol: Ugh day job :)

Sent from my phone.

Re: Do you want to see your toon's new model/face?

Posted: Mon Aug 25, 2014 12:37 pm
by Qraljar
Quivering wrote:I sure will, but it will have to be when I get home from work. On my phone atm and I can't seem to get WoW to play on phones :lol: Ugh day job :)

Sent from my phone.

Would you like me to do it? It's your choice.




And in buccaneer shirt:


Re: Do you want to see your toon's new model/face?

Posted: Mon Aug 25, 2014 12:41 pm
by Quiv
Qraljar wrote:Would you like me to do it? It's your choice.
Sure if you're available. I don't want you to overwhelm yourself though. I would happily do it if I could from work lol During the week, I can only do them when I get home. I will address any that are still untended when I get home in the evenings. I put a disclaimer up about timing so it should be OK if theres a little delay :)

Sent from my phone.

Re: Do you want to see your toon's new model/face?

Posted: Mon Aug 25, 2014 12:47 pm
by Nikrosnil
Qraljar wrote: Eskarina:
Thanks so much! I love the new models. I think I might end up re-customizing my character to pick the face I like best, but all of them are vast improvements.

Re: Do you want to see your toon's new model/face?

Posted: Mon Aug 25, 2014 12:55 pm
by Qraljar
Quivering wrote:
Qraljar wrote:Would you like me to do it? It's your choice.
Sure if you're available. I don't want you to overwhelm yourself though. I would happily do it if I could from work lol During the week, I can only do them when I get home. I will address any that are still untended when I get home in the evenings. I put a disclaimer up about timing so it should be OK if theres a little delay :)

Sent from my phone.

Ah, then I will go ahead for now, just so Yoruko gets a preview quick. :)

Anyway, Yoruko, here's your pretty troll lady, Kamaru:


And now in the dressing screen with her gear. Pic will be smaller, but it's still a preview, I suppose.


Re: Do you want to see your toon's new model/face?

Posted: Mon Aug 25, 2014 1:04 pm
by Yoruko
Woo, thanks Qraljar! :D It's good to see her in the transmog gear as well. I'm so happy the mohawk seems to remain out in the new model as well.

Re: Do you want to see your toon's new model/face?

Posted: Mon Aug 25, 2014 1:48 pm
by Qraljar
You're very welcome. And yeah, her armour, especially helm seemed to be rather iconic to her. And yeah, the 'hawk can't just be cut off like that!