Looking for an RP realm

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Re: Looking for an RP realm

Unread post by erwil »

Vephriel wrote:WRA = Wyrmrest Accord server I believe. :)
Big "Ohhhhh"-moment there. Took me a few seconds for my brain to register after I clicked Submit. XD

And just something I ran into while leveling on Moonglade, poor Gorefang. :< I've beaten his hide down on both sides of the road, 6 times now? Is this spawn rate/double intended? x)
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Re: Looking for an RP realm

Unread post by Loethlin »

I'm on Defias Brotherhood, EU.
Since it's RPPvP... it doesn't stand for Really Powerful PvP. Tho I hear the horde side does good in PvP. They frequently whoop Ally arses in TB and always did in WG, but arena- and bg-wise, it's mostly equal.
No no. RPPvP means we get all sorts of people, really. The raiders, the RPers and the PvPers.
From what I can tell, there are 2 really prominent RP guilds on my server. Dwarven Rifle Squad and Second Gurubashi Empire, dwarves and trolls respectively.
There is an active RP community and many scheduled RPevents, some of them word PvP between RP guilds.
Unfortunately, there's also a lot of people who claim they're RPers and all they do is cybor on /s in some really public places, and yell at you if you happen to be questing nearby. Those little pricks should die in a fire. They are also those people who claim my guild is full of "anti-RP" people. Idiots. if we were, we'd roll on a different server. It's the really disturbing cybor or obonxious, holier-than-thou condescending twats we really don't like. For example, the Dwarven Rifle Squad are our good friends. :)
Defias Brotherhood is also quite strong ride-wise, there are some very, very good raiding guilds here, on both sides.

It's not a bad server, really. It's fine for RP, fine for raiding, fine for PvP and (unless you have <GROM> under your name, like I do) good for levelling.
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Re: Looking for an RP realm

Unread post by Nia »

Yeah you can pretty much take Sentinels off your list for potential places too. Very little RPing going on, unless of course you're in one of the rare RP guilds.

I don't understand why it's still classed as an RP server to be honest... but yay to name restrictions!


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Re: Looking for an RP realm

Unread post by Vephriel »

I'm not exactly proficient in WoW RP, but I will throw in a little vouch for Shadow Council. It's my 'getaway' realm that I chose completely randomly one day (I just liked the name), and I wanted a peaceful sort of server so I looked through the RP lists. From the day I rolled an alt there I noticed RP almost everywhere. I found it all over the major cities of course, but even as I was out questing I'd run into strangers who would casually act in character. It was really refreshing, and I saw tons of people using FlagRSP.

I'm not too active on the server, so I don't know if that's changed, but from what I experienced there myself I'd say it has a pretty decent RP community. Anyways, might be worth looking into.
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Re: Looking for an RP realm

Unread post by erwil »

Aright, I decided to transfer one of my lvl 80 toons to Argent Dawn after asking around a little bit. I'm extremely pleased at the amount of RP even though I've spent only very little time here so far and already met a few really cool people. :) I'm not too worried about the "lolRP" people on the server, even though at first I thought it'd be a big minus.
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