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Re: Flying Delayed Until First Major Patch

Posted: Sun Nov 17, 2013 6:01 am
by Qraljar

Re: Flying Delayed Until First Major Patch

Posted: Sun Nov 17, 2013 7:16 am
by Danielfboone
I don't do the alt thing, I only have the one 90. Don't say everybody hated the way the dailies were done in MoP because I liked it. It made perfect sense to have to secure the defenses of your home base before venturing further out. I suppose it might have been annoying if you had to do it multiple times but I only did it once and enjoyed it.

Flying has been restricted in every expansion except Cataclysm so I don't get the uproar over the same thing being done in WoD.

Re: Flying Delayed Until First Major Patch

Posted: Sun Nov 17, 2013 9:04 am
by Castile
SylviaDragon wrote: I guess what I'm trying to say is that it wasn't always an easy thing but it was worth it. it was hard and slow going but it made me appreciate the reward so much more and after going through all that, a single patch wont bother me. I'm actually excited to see what they do with flying. Hope its not as hard as I hear the old druid quests were but this could still be cool.
I really liked the old druid quest and was so sad when they noobified it. It wasn't that hard really and i played a boomkin. I would be really happy to see something similuar put in place for the new flying quest - one that tailored depending on the class.

I also agree with Junrei, the whole "subs going" arguement is rather dead. WoW had millions of players before flying - one patch won't kill it. Flying isn't immersion to me, its a luxury. I think there was also a valid point about node control by the 48hrs to 100 ppl, I think stemming some of that is good. This really is a mountain out of a molehill imo.

Re: Flying Delayed Until First Major Patch

Posted: Sun Nov 17, 2013 2:11 pm
by AdamSavage
Junrei wrote:I don't believe the 'no flying until a patch that could be only 1 month away after release or even shorter than that' is going to make wow lose subs. It took me about a month on my mains to get to 90 from 85. It's gonna take me longer to get to 100, and probably many others. They even said that the flight paths will be convenient and they'll make sure we won't really need flying for the majority of the leveling experience. :) I think they are taking people like you into account and trying to get a middle ground. It doesn't have to be 'my way or the high way'.

If it means much, I'm an altoholic. ;) I've got atleast 7 or 8 90s. So this is coming from someone with lots of alts.
The only thing I'm worried about, is that blizzard loves to over hype stuff. Like they did with the farms.. I still have my doughts about this, but I guess we will see when Beta come out. That should give us an idea of how the flight paths are going to be like, and if the world is going to be ground mount friendly.

Re: Flying Delayed Until First Major Patch

Posted: Sun Nov 17, 2013 2:47 pm
by GormanGhaste
AdamSavage wrote:I guess we will see when Beta come out. That should give us an idea of how the flight paths are going to be like, and if the world is going to be ground mount friendly.
Sounds like they are going to make the effort to make it good for ground mounts. BC zones were that way.

Re: Flying Delayed Until First Major Patch

Posted: Sun Nov 17, 2013 2:55 pm
by cowmuflage
I really love it when people pretend like they know why Blizz is looseing subs. :roll: (that's sarcasm by the way becuase they don't know, no one does becuase you'd have to ask everyone who stops playing :lol:)

Re: Flying Delayed Until First Major Patch

Posted: Sun Nov 17, 2013 3:53 pm
by Rawr
cowmuflage wrote:I really love it when people pretend like they know why Blizz is looseing subs. :roll: (that's sarcasm by the way becuase they don't know, no one does becuase you'd have to ask everyone who stops playing :lol:)
I think it has to do with the monthly price and so many MMORPGs are going FtP also I know quite a few ppl who stopped after LFR came out, said "It ruined the sense of community" I would have to agree there but they may bring it back a little with all these merging realm things. :mrgreen:

Re: Flying Delayed Until First Major Patch

Posted: Sun Nov 17, 2013 4:14 pm
by cowmuflage
Rawr wrote:
cowmuflage wrote:I really love it when people pretend like they know why Blizz is looseing subs. :roll: (that's sarcasm by the way becuase they don't know, no one does becuase you'd have to ask everyone who stops playing :lol:)
I think it has to do with the monthly price and so many MMORPGs are going FtP also I know quite a few ppl who stopped after LFR came out, said "It ruined the sense of community" I would have to agree there but they may bring it back a little with all these merging realm things. :mrgreen:

Even then I would not say that.

Re: Flying Delayed Until First Major Patch

Posted: Sun Nov 17, 2013 6:55 pm
by Lisaara
AdamSavage wrote:The only thing I'm worried about, is that blizzard loves to over hype stuff. Like they did with the farms.. I still have my doughts about this, but I guess we will see when Beta come out. That should give us an idea of how the flight paths are going to be like, and if the world is going to be ground mount friendly.
Farms? I still like the farms. It wasn't overhyped at all. Those farms are the reason we're getting Garrisons because they were the testing grounds for it. Anything gets tedious once you do it over and over again. That's why you take a break. ;)
Castile wrote:
SylviaDragon wrote: I guess what I'm trying to say is that it wasn't always an easy thing but it was worth it. it was hard and slow going but it made me appreciate the reward so much more and after going through all that, a single patch wont bother me. I'm actually excited to see what they do with flying. Hope its not as hard as I hear the old druid quests were but this could still be cool.
I really liked the old druid quest and was so sad when they noobified it. It wasn't that hard really and i played a boomkin. I would be really happy to see something similuar put in place for the new flying quest - one that tailored depending on the class.

I also agree with Junrei, the whole "subs going" arguement is rather dead. WoW had millions of players before flying - one patch won't kill it. Flying isn't immersion to me, its a luxury. I think there was also a valid point about node control by the 48hrs to 100 ppl, I think stemming some of that is good. This really is a mountain out of a molehill imo.
Oh man, I miss the druid quests too. They made me feel like I was apart of the druidic culture. Bonding with the spirits of the animals I took shape. They made me prove my worth to gain their blessing.

Re: Flying Delayed Until First Major Patch

Posted: Mon Nov 18, 2013 1:28 am
by Desaphia
I have a comment to add , and its just speculation on my part, but once you complete ability to fly once on a lvl 100, thru a special quest and gold purchase; which is how it is sounding, you can purchase an account bound item like which was available in WoLK that you can send to an alt to learn flying before lvl 100 but after lvl 90. Just a thought.

Re: Flying Delayed Until First Major Patch

Posted: Mon Nov 18, 2013 4:27 am
by AdamSavage
Desaphia wrote:I have a comment to add , and its just speculation on my part, but once you complete ability to fly once on a lvl 100, thru a special quest and gold purchase; which is how it is sounding, you can purchase an account bound item like which was available in WoLK that you can send to an alt to learn flying before lvl 100 but after lvl 90. Just a thought.
I would hope so.. Because most people wont have alts lvled up till either the first patch, or just before it. Not sure which toon will become my main toon.. I love my hunter, but I love shadow priest just as much. Both have alot of survivability, and are easy to play.

Re: Flying Delayed Until First Major Patch

Posted: Mon Nov 18, 2013 4:52 pm
by Desaphia
Junrei wrote: Oh man, I miss the druid quests too. They made me feel like I was apart of the druidic culture. Bonding with the spirits of the animals I took shape. They made me prove my worth to gain their blessing.

I do too, I also remember having to do special quests for taming as a hunter before I could learn to tame almost any beast I wanted. I also remember having to level to 40 for the first mount and then to 60 for second, took me till mid WoLK to get flying at all.

Re: Flying Delayed Until First Major Patch

Posted: Mon Nov 18, 2013 5:39 pm
by Lisaara
Desaphia wrote:
Junrei wrote: Oh man, I miss the druid quests too. They made me feel like I was apart of the druidic culture. Bonding with the spirits of the animals I took shape. They made me prove my worth to gain their blessing.

I do too, I also remember having to do special quests for taming as a hunter before I could learn to tame almost any beast I wanted. I also remember having to level to 40 for the first mount and then to 60 for second, took me till mid WoLK to get flying at all.
I remember all that too. And the warlock quests.

Re: Flying Delayed Until First Major Patch

Posted: Mon Nov 18, 2013 6:00 pm
by Rawr
I'm going to put my two pennies in (USA don't use cents anymore). Why does it really matter when it's coming? I mean be glad it is at all. Does anyone remember WoW BEFORE Cata? Part of me thinks this is the reason why WoW started losing subs in the 1st place, the loud people wanted everything easier and it was given to them. Why does it need to be easy, why can't people wait, why is the mindset for this society "I don't want to work but I want my pay now"? What are we two-year-olds who throw hissy fits when we can't have what we want? Blizzard needs to stop this and go back a ways, back to when they were more like how parents should be "I hear what you want, but I know what you need". Anyways that's my two pennies worth. :mrgreen:

Re: Flying Delayed Until First Major Patch

Posted: Mon Nov 18, 2013 9:05 pm
by Castile
Rawr wrote:I'm going to put my two pennies in (USA don't use cents anymore). Why does it really matter when it's coming? I mean be glad it is at all. Does anyone remember WoW BEFORE Cata? Part of me thinks this is the reason why WoW started losing subs in the 1st place, the loud people wanted everything easier and it was given to them. Why does it need to be easy, why can't people wait, why is the mindset for this society "I don't want to work but I want my pay now"? What are we two-year-olds who throw hissy fits when we can't have what we want? Blizzard needs to stop this and go back a ways, back to when they were more like how parents should be "I hear what you want, but I know what you need". Anyways that's my two pennies worth. :mrgreen:
ALL MY YES! /highfive.

Re: Flying Delayed Until First Major Patch

Posted: Mon Nov 18, 2013 9:32 pm
by Chimera
What I'm confused about, and what makes me happy we can't fly between our lvl 90-100 (and even then, till its released to begin with for WoD), why did Blizz change flying in Outlands to lvl 60 and 68 for those ready to jump right into Northrend if they want people to have to stay grounded till cap? I liked the old system... Let people fly in Azeroth at 60 but make people run around in Outlands till like... 68 and epic flying remains the same, requiring lvl 70 to learn, and have people in Northrend have to wait till 77 to fly out there so they can get to the flying-only zones

We dealt with TBC for all of its time plus WotLK, and we dealt with WotLK for its entire duration with flying being restricted to 70 (68 for druids) in Outlands and 77 in Northrend and then suddenly it all changed with Cata and we just burn through the content like it was in itself a monotonous boring dungeon where its only purpose is loot and experience (which is pretty much what dungeons have become now to me. Before it was like, something I entered for the sights and the fights and any little bits of lore they put in there)

I know a lot of people really hate Outlands but I wouldn't mind having flying level requirements changed for Outlands and Northrend to the way it was before so the game seems more uniform in that regard. They're limiting flying in the higher levels cause it removes a core aspect of the game which is combat, but combat is in the game from lvl 1 to lvl 90 and beyond. It'd be nice if they'd take a poke at the lower flying levels and rethink them to either revert them to the old lvl req. or create a compromise between the player base and their feelings about flying's effect on the game

Re: Flying Delayed Until First Major Patch

Posted: Mon Nov 18, 2013 10:09 pm
by Lisaara
Shalyth wrote:What I'm confused about, and what makes me happy we can't fly between our lvl 90-100 (and even then, till its released to begin with for WoD), why did Blizz change flying in Outlands to lvl 60 and 68 for those ready to jump right into Northrend if they want people to have to stay grounded till cap? I liked the old system... Let people fly in Azeroth at 60 but make people run around in Outlands till like... 68 and epic flying remains the same, requiring lvl 70 to learn, and have people in Northrend have to wait till 77 to fly out there so they can get to the flying-only zones

We dealt with TBC for all of its time plus WotLK, and we dealt with WotLK for its entire duration with flying being restricted to 70 (68 for druids) in Outlands and 77 in Northrend and then suddenly it all changed with Cata and we just burn through the content like it was in itself a monotonous boring dungeon where its only purpose is loot and experience (which is pretty much what dungeons have become now to me. Before it was like, something I entered for the sights and the fights and any little bits of lore they put in there)

I know a lot of people really hate Outlands but I wouldn't mind having flying level requirements changed for Outlands and Northrend to the way it was before so the game seems more uniform in that regard. They're limiting flying in the higher levels cause it removes a core aspect of the game which is combat, but combat is in the game from lvl 1 to lvl 90 and beyond. It'd be nice if they'd take a poke at the lower flying levels and rethink them to either revert them to the old lvl req. or create a compromise between the player base and their feelings about flying's effect on the game
Personally, I'd have to say nay on changing things back. When content is not current, it's an unnecessary grievance. Current content is one thing. Old content is something else all together. Blizz wants to help people get to the current content, not slow them down. After you see it once or twice, it's not fun anymore to be on the ground. I quite enjoy being able to fly on my alts through old content.

Re: Flying Delayed Until First Major Patch

Posted: Tue Nov 19, 2013 11:45 am
by Slickrock
Key is current content. The current grab bag of 496 loot that any new alt can get should prove that Blizz wants you in the current content.

I don't mind the delayed flying as it levels the playing field to a large degree. And you might actually see some of the content... :D