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Re: Should we have more stable slots?

Posted: Thu Aug 10, 2017 6:33 pm
by Valnaaros
I wouldn't say it is unfair when it accurately applies to those that catches pets just to have them, even though they rarely, if ever, use them. Of course everyone is free to tame whatever pets they want, and however many they want. But when they choose to catch, say, every tamable Cat variant, just for the sake of doing so and only use a certain few, that is hoarding. It is only viewed as a negative word due to shows on tv that depict chronic hoarders. It doesn't mean the word can't be used, is truly negative, or unfair.

Re: Should we have more stable slots?

Posted: Thu Aug 10, 2017 6:37 pm
by Loridon
Xylexia wrote:So I'm a huge Pokémon nerd. My hunters name is Mew and whenever possible I name my petc after a similar pokémon.
151st pokémon is Mew
I know I'm bad lol *shot*
Do you feel attacked? Don't be, you and Valnaaros are just 2 totally different kind of hunters. Nothing wrong with that ;)

I don't have the same problem as you, while I also started in vanilla.I'm like Valnaaros,I want to build a good connection with the pet.
That's why I do not change often with my pets. In vanilla, around lv 15 I tamed a whit bat(Ressan the Needler). Till the end of tbc that bat was on my side for almost everything. In wotlk that changed a little bit,for pve I had most of the time a wolf or cat on my side.
In cata I found my new main pet,Magria. He is still my main pet for leveling,pve and battlegrounds. The other pet I used alot the last years is my corehound(alot for soloing old raids). While leveling I always have my turtle in my active slot in case I need him for more difficult stuff. And sometimes he can be handy while soloing harde circumstances at max level. I tamed that turtle in tbc! Like you can see, I don't change alot with my pets so I don't have a problem with the 55 slots.

The fact is we don't get more slots so far and we don't hear anything from blizzard about this topic. So you need to adept your play style on it. For instant,do you rlly need more then 1 marsuul? You can complain you want them all but you need to accept we "only" got 55 slots.

Its okay for me if blizzard give us more slots. But to be honest I want/hope they put there time and effort in changing the pets system. Most of the non-exotic pets got 1 skil. Only 1 basic attack!! That's even worse than in vanilla. Even in vanilla most pet family got atleast 2 attacking abilities. And there is something else I find more important then to have more slots... eye of the beast. I would like to have that spell back.I rlly do :( Sometimes it was so fun to use. It should not always be too serious in wow :lol:

Re: Should we have more stable slots?

Posted: Thu Aug 10, 2017 6:47 pm
by Valnaaros
Very well said, Loridon :). If Blizz gives more slots, then fine. Unless they give some ridiculous number, then I won't have major issues with it. I think it is much more important that Blizz works on the families we have instead of working on a stable.

And yes, Xylexia, you don't need two Marsuuls. You may like various skins, but we have 55 slots. Pick whichever one you like the most and roll with it. It is just the way it is.

As of right now, we have no idea what Blizz's stance it. But I would honestly guess that it isn't a concern for them. They either don't want to increase the limit, or just don't see the demand. Every patch since the last update, someone has asked if there will be more stable space, and the answer is always No. Every Q and A they have had involving classes, patches, or just things in general, someone has put in the question of whether there will be more slots or not. That question has never been selected.

Judging by this, it is either a very low priority for them, they don't want to increase the limit, or they see no reason to. Also, bear in mind, we are one of several classes. Muffinus and Shem already do a lot for us, but they are just two men. Further, they have other projects - bigger ones, to work on.

Re: Should we have more stable slots?

Posted: Fri Aug 11, 2017 2:46 am
by Xylexia
I don't feel attacked. I'm just saying that using the term hoarder so loosely isn't a good thing. Also I'm unsure why you're quoting my goofy nerdy Pokémon idea for a quest and go into a long post about something else entirely?

Anyway. Wrath did have a lot of great rare spawns and so did cataclysm. However, with the addition of crossrealm zones and sharding it makes finding Rares in all zones and world's very difficult. Unless you're lucky and have a friend on an oceanic realm lol

For example it took me a week to find jetwing. Took me 3 days to get snowblind. And unfortunately some people had the issue of finding that nest and not having it spawn multiple times in a row. So can't blame people for not wanting to discard time sinks in that case.

If they add slots, great. If not I'll grumble on like I always do because I love my hunter too much to quit her.

I think maybe the easiest thing would be to make it somehow easier to reacquire past tames if you decide to release them. That way discarding that time sink of your life won't burn so much.

Re: Should we have more stable slots?

Posted: Fri Aug 11, 2017 2:54 am
by Valnaaros
As I said, if you combined both the rares of Wrath and Cata, you would get ~15 pets total. That leaves 40 slots still open.

Those examples are all due to how Sharding and the CRZ works, not due to rarity.

And what would be your idea for something like that? Even still, it is a time sink you are choosing to partake it. Just like people who camp for mounts or rare battle pets, or those that farm raids and dungeons for xmogs. It is a choice.

Re: Should we have more stable slots?

Posted: Fri Aug 11, 2017 3:43 am
by Shelassa
GormanGhaste wrote:I don't think it's possible to convince me that someone has an intimate relationship with 50 rares.
Valnaaros wrote:that doesn't mean we have to agree with their decision in doing such nor do we think it is necessarily a wise idea.
Tbh, I've decided not to return to this topic since I've already said everything I wanted, but... Didn't work out :D
I'm sorry Gorman & Valnaaros, but I fail to see how a hunter on a spree to tame should go out of their way to meet an agreement of a part of Hunter community or convince someone of something? I also do not think it is wise to claim the decision not being so this hastily. Ultimately, as long as the player in question enjoys it and finds it engaging, it is a wise and worthy of their time.
Valnaaros wrote:As for xmogs, I don't think I ever heard of anyone saying that there should be limits to them.
Back in MoP there were myriads of threads with people asking for more Transmog slots or bigger bags and, while most players eagerly agreed, some would answer along the lines of "You already have all those bank & Void storage slots, maybe it's enough hoarding? Send non-bound stuff to your alts! Pick what you like and stick to it!" Despite all of our attachment to WoW's pets, tell me how they're different from transmog beside the part that some of them bring an extra combat advantage while being a glorified DoT with a neato cosmetic? You can loosely split both into common pixels, rare pixels and pixels showing certain accomplishment - mythic / gladiator / challenge mode sets vs. challenge tames or pets that are no longer tameable. Hunter attachment? Would, for example, Xylexia taming two Marsuuls or me taming two Pantharas ruin yours for you? Then, once again, why not?

Continuing with the thought of limitation, maybe it is also time to check out mounts and battle pets? I mean, 400+ ways to shlap your character around... I'm sure that's more than enough and there is no way to convince me you (generally) ride all of 'em - let alone equally. As for pets - how many haven't seen the light of the sun once they were tamed / raised to level 25? Where lies the limit? Do they not deserve attention like Hunter pets do? :mrgreen:

In the end, all of this is milling the wind and clashing two different philosophies of gameplay until Blizzard makes its stance known. There are not enough people on Petopia and EU / US / RU forums combined to really shed the light on what the majority of the Hunter community thinks, anyway.
What really matters is
that Blizz works on the families we have

Re: Should we have more stable slots?

Posted: Fri Aug 11, 2017 5:00 am
by Xylexia
Well said Shelassa. Everyone plays and enjoys the game differently just like in real life we can enjoy various hobbies or forms of entertainment.

Just because I don't like sports, I'm not going to go around and tell people who do enjoy it, to partake of it less because there are only 24 hours in a day and they should also enjoy other things. They place value on it. I do not. If they decide to spend more time doing it, good for them. It doesn't harm me one bit.

Re: Should we have more stable slots?

Posted: Fri Aug 11, 2017 6:10 am
by Loridon
My last post in here because now it seems I want to push ppl into my idea about pets... What I do not want to do. I only want to help and try to give solutions for ppl that are low on stable slot.

Xylexia you are 100% right about "Everyone plays and enjoys the game differently". But the thing you can't play the game anymore like you do because of the 55 slots. Hunters like you can complain about it but is that going to help you further? No
You need to look at how to solve the problem. In your case the only way is to release pets so you can tame new ones.
Maybe you got alot pets from the same family?(Nothing wrong with that,I got 9 cats.) Maybe some of the not rare pets of that same family can be released?So you can tame atleast a marsuul and a fel talbuk.

I got my own system to chose wich pet to release but thats gonne make this post too long...
Xylexia wrote:I don't feel attacked.
...go into a long post about something else entirely?
Good :)
Yeah, it was not my intention to make it that long. The original text was even longer.
It was to explain how hunters like Valnaaros and me works with there pets.

Re: Should we have more stable slots?

Posted: Fri Aug 11, 2017 6:37 am
by Xylexia
I should not have to sacrifice loved pets to accommodate an outdated system. I'll continue to release ones without any time sinks, like my wolfhawks, but refuse to release any others. Everything else is too tedious and time consuming to reacquire.

And I'm not complaining. I'm participating in a discussion as to why or why not we need more slots. If I were complaining I'd be whining like a little b**** on the warcraft forums and reporting/down voting anyone who disagrees, which is not how I roll.

I feel I've said enough here. I've put in my two cents. Anything else is redundant.

So I'll leave it at this:

Tldr: We need more slots. The system will be outdated again and again unless they rework it, keep adding more slots, or remove our ability to choose pets altogether.

Dear Mr Lurker, your 2 cents would be greatly appreciated at some point. No pressure <3

Re: Should we have more stable slots?

Posted: Fri Aug 11, 2017 9:39 am
by Valnaaros
@Shelassa. Neither of us are trying to convince or force an opinion on anyone. We are sharing our views on the matter. If we think it is unwise the decisions that some Hunters make, then we can have that opinion, just as you have yours.

The key difference with Xmog, Pets, and Mounts is this: they are for every class. Every class and player has an involvement in these systems. And yes, you could find threads talking about getting bigger bags and whatnot, but the majority of people were for a Wardrobe system. Even Blizz said severral times they were interested in such a system, and that it was only a matter of when rather than if.

Here is the difference between pets and mounts, and Hunter pets: the former two involve everyone and, in the case of mounts, never had a solid limit. Imposing limits on these systems would face massive backlash. Battle pets had a limit due to internal storage, and that was remedied in Legion. Hunter Pets have always had a limit and, no doubt, for a good reason. But even with battle pets, as Vephriel said, there are just so many of them that they become a faceless horde of them.

In regards to Xylexia taming two Marsuuls, it is true that she doesn't need two. She has complained about a lack of stable space this whole thread, but instead of working with the current system, she decides to make her personal situation harder by abandoning two pets she has prior had and may have an attatchment to, all in order to get two more of the exact same pet.

Though, genuinely, I am curious about what are the other 40 pets you have. Assuming you tamed every rare from Wrath and Cata, that would leave you with about 40 slots. And assuming you have some trick tame pets, that could take away 5-10 slots (depending how determined you were to get them). Then you may have a couple of retiref pets that have appearances no longer obtainable, but there aren't a ton of those. So, that would leave you anywhere between 20-30 slots of pets that can be easily obtained again.

I do agree that until Blizz says something, we really just don't know what they think. I have already posted what I believe their stance could be, based off of evidence, but we'll never know for certain until they say something.

Re: Should we have more stable slots?

Posted: Fri Aug 11, 2017 2:00 pm
by Novikova
Valnaaros, I think that you just come on strongly, so people might feel intimidated or attacked. It's not a bad thing, though. Sort of like I'm Captain Blunt As A Bag of Bricks And As Aggressive As An Upset Badger. Some things sound pretty negative, even if you don't mean to- like calling people who have or want a lot of tames hoarders. Hoarding is a symptom of mental illness and shouldn't be thrown around lightly (and indeed, IS a mental illness in and of itself. See the show Hoarders/Buried Alive). I have to watch myself for making sure I don't sound like I'm on the warpath/attacking people.

It's like Wain said, the current limit means a lot of long time hunters don't get to or aren't able to even *try* fun, new tames. Hopefully the devs work something out, but it is still very much a circular discussion. I just think the stable should grow as we get more expacs and content patches.

Re: Should we have more stable slots?

Posted: Fri Aug 11, 2017 2:27 pm
by Valnaaros
I have seen the show and I know that the term can by a term for a mental illness. But is that what I am implying here? No. I'm not saying that there are individuals (whom I have not named or insinuated) that are hoarding pets. I am not using the term in reference to the show or to the mental illness. I am using it in reference to people who keep as many pets as they can; even those they don't need or ever use.

People can still try out new pets and tames. All you need are empty spots. When a new patch or xpac comes out, I think almost all of us are very interested in the new beasts. They are very "shiny". My recommendation is that when the patch or xpac comes out, you tame whatever it is you're interested in and run around with it for a while. If that shine is still around after a period of time, then keep it. But if it has dulled and you aren't as interested in it anymore, then get rid of it. Keep the pets that not only grab your interest, but hold onto it.

Re: Should we have more stable slots?

Posted: Fri Aug 11, 2017 3:09 pm
by sasrei7
Honestly I do feel they should increase it to 100 then leave it at that til the end of WoW. Yes I played in Vanilla when we had only 5 slots and lost a few pets cause I uh didnt feed them enough (going afk back then bad idea lol), came back at Wrath and been taming ever since. With over 700 skins to choose from 55 isnt enough for some people, and the longer you play the harder it is to release your old pets because of how long you have had them. I'm the kind of person who will be strolling around, see some pet, and just try to tame it lol. You never know what you'll fall in love with, some of my faves are the ones I thought i'd never like 0.0. But with 100 stable slots that should be more than enough even for the avid collectors and people can choose if they'd like to tame all 100 or not.

Re: Should we have more stable slots?

Posted: Fri Aug 11, 2017 3:12 pm
by Valnaaros
The thing is, many said that 50 was more than enough, and look what is happening. To extreme collectors and pet hoarders, there will never be enough room

Re: Should we have more stable slots?

Posted: Fri Aug 11, 2017 3:33 pm
by GormanGhaste
Valnaaros wrote:@Shelassa. Neither of us are trying to convince or force an opinion on anyone. We are sharing our views on the matter. If we think it is unwise the decisions that some Hunters make, then we can have that opinion, just as you have yours.
Please do not put words in my mouth. Ultimately, we all play the game in the way that gives us the most pleasure, which is as it should be. I enjoy having a fluid relationship with my pets, others do not. If the game only had hunters like me, then we would all still have only three pet slots, so vive la difference! :)

Re: Should we have more stable slots?

Posted: Fri Aug 11, 2017 3:55 pm
by Valnaaros
My apologies, Gorman, but I wasn't necessarily refering to you. The first two sentences I was, but the we in the third sentence was more of a general one, rather than refering to you and I.

Re: Should we have more stable slots?

Posted: Fri Aug 11, 2017 11:58 pm
by Wain
As expected, this thread has degenerated into a few posters offering variants on the same arguments they presented pages back, unable to bear someone else having the last say.

It is possible to respectfully offer your opinions and then step back and not have to jump on all disagreeing opinions as though you're putting out spot fires. Especially when this is definitely a subjective discussion. There is no right answer.

Unless anyone has anything new to add I would suggest holding back. If you're new to this thread and haven't offered an opinion yet, please go ahead and add your thoughts. I'll likely be closing this thread in a day or two.

Re: Should we have more stable slots?

Posted: Sat Aug 12, 2017 4:07 am
by Krysteena
I usually like to keep out of stuff like this, because it does go round in a big ol' circle a lot of the time, and I feel that the need for more stable slots is a personal thing, down to how each person plays. It's a very opinionated topic.

Personally, I don't need any more slots. I didn't need more slots when they increased it up to whatever it is now (55?), but I was happy for the change, and I loved seeing what pets people were planning to tame with their increased stable size. I have two, maybe three, pets that I actively use, and the rest are either for sentimental value, or because I know if I released them, that I would immediately regret it. I'm one of those who gets attached to different pets, and I'm very picky.

However, that doesn't place my opinion above anyone else's, and I can understand why people would want more pets. Eventually, Blizzard will get to the point that they'll keep adding more and more pets, and then maybe they will need to add more slots. However, a simple fix would be that, as someone suggested above, we buy extra stable slots that we need. Then, the people who don't need more stable slots have no problem, and the people who need more stable slots can buy them as and when they need them. Of course, a limit would need to be in place. I don't think the servers could handle having an infinite stable :')

Re: Should we have more stable slots?

Posted: Sat Aug 12, 2017 12:33 pm
by Bristlenose
Valnaaros wrote:The thing is, many said that 50 was more than enough, and look what is happening. To extreme collectors and pet hoarders, there will never be enough room
At the time, 50 was enough. That was several expansions ago. Expansions. There have been quite literally 100's of new pets since then. The system has not grown since then. This argument is outdated in every sense of the word. Would people be happy with no more talent points every expansion? Or no new weapons or armor?

There are a lot more pets now than there used to be when Cata came out. Or Pandaria and there will be more and more with every expansion and thus, a need to house more pets as time goes on.

Re: Should we have more stable slots?

Posted: Tue Aug 29, 2017 7:30 pm
by Madeline
From what I can gather on this forum, the vocal majority do not care or want more stable slots. My view is different. I left my post on the wowforum.

(I have to admit, I am rather surprised that on the PETOPIA forums, where hunters love pets, they are more in line with no more stable slots.
I honestly thought it would be different here. You just never know. It really took me aback.) ... 7#post-127