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Re: Rant Thread

Unread post by cowmuflage »

These fish are going to make me go bald from stress by the time I'm 24 in July. >.> I've lost what? 6 fish in nearly 2 weeks and I have a cory with a secondary fungal infection who might pass on. I treated the water today with anti fungal meds so I hope he will get fine but chances are he wont. *shrug* that's the life of a fish keeper really aint it? you can only treat the water and pray for the best.
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Re: Rant Thread

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Varethyn wrote:I wish I didn't get so worked up when people don't talk to me, or comment on something I did. Or at least wish I could control what I say when I do get upset. I'm pretty sure I just lost the best friends I ever had because of the way I worded my feelings. I don't mean to be aggressive, least of all passive-aggressive. I just...

I just want some attention. There, I said it. I'm a fucking attention-seeker. I'm lonely and get extremely twitchy when people don't talk to me. I miss being a part of something and constantly feel like I'm being pushed away with no god-damn explanation. It makes me panic and I say stupid things.

I don't know what to do.

As an awkward aside, my little finger has been feeling numb and tingly since yesterday. I hope I haven't damaged myself somehow.
You sound quite a bit like myself, actually. I find it extremely easy to feel left out, ignored and I'm paranoid so very often that people just don't care about me. And believe me, my friends know it. Almost every time I head back to my mum's for a bit, where I'm quite far from all my friends, I feel like they're all having fun without me and that they don't need me there, etc. I end up really upset over the thought at least once *every single time* I go to stay with my mum. And they all know it. But the fact is, they don't mind, they know I'm like that and they roll their eyes while I'm being silly about it and try to cheer me up. I just need reminding every so often and apparently you do too. (': If your friends care about you, they'll stick by your side no matter what. If not, well, you need some new friends frankly. :/ Friends should accept you for who you are, silly faults and all.

My best friend is the same as well. We have a group Facebook chat and he posts in it a lot and sometimes his messages get seen but people don't respond. He basically posts a lot of stuff so we don't feel the need to respond to everything. We always read it, but he sometimes feels ignored and left out. I think everyone does at times, just some people more than others. I have another friend who's out of uni at the moment so he can work but he's quite far from all of us, when he hears about how we've gone to the cinema or whatever, he seems to feel quite left out.

It's completely understandable but I think that if it's a really big deal for you, you should express concerns to your friends. Sometimes I feel like an absolute brat asking for attention but everyone needs attention, everyone gets lonely and upset and just needs a hug every now and then. And don't worry, I panic and say stupid things too. (I called my best friend a very rude word the other day that I shall not mention here and he knew that I was just being me, a stroppy, bitchy cow on shark week, obviously I apologised for it but he knew not to take it seriously. xD)

Just... know that I understand how you feel and I hope things improve for you. :hug:

And in other news...

Last night's episode of Game of Thrones was fucked up. Just as they redeemed Jaime, he pulls a stunt like that, a stunt that went in a very different direction in the book. I'm pissed off because Jaime became one of my favourite characters by redeeming himself to the extent he did, I was even starting to root for him and Cersei to be together. (Yes, seriously.) But then... that. I can't comprehend it because, according to book readers, I've not read them yet, Jaime isn't like that *at all* and as far as I'm concerned, the show has just messed up his entire character. I'll need to wait until we see him next to fully decide but I'm so pissed off and confused right now. Also Dany make some progress plz you're awesome but you're getting boring.

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Re: Rant Thread

Unread post by Makoes »

Woke up this morning to hear a very weak "mommy..." rushed over to my daughters room to find her with a fever, and she promptly threw up...Poor kidlett :(
I have her on the couch resting and watching the Magic school bus, the one where Ralphie is sick. Gave her some children's tylonel as well, and her fever is going down...but I just want to hug her close and take all the sick onto myself so she can be happy again.


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Re: Rant Thread

Unread post by cowmuflage »

That's no good Makoes D: I hope she gets better fast :3 Also Magic school bus is a very ka pai show! That's good in Maori

My rant is R.I.P Mr Peppered Cory catfish D: He looked really bad last night and I knew he would pass on but it still got to me. He was a big 4 cm long boy. His fellow tank mates will miss him! There has been way to much death in my tank :/

I think the fish who will miss him most is the giant female cory I have. Now she only has one male to boss around now!
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Re: Rant Thread

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Why does Youtube show me suggestions from a channel where I disliked all the videos? Makes no sense :x
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Re: Rant Thread

Unread post by Aeladrine »

1223 loots, and still no Black Tabby Cat. RNG hates me. Plus, my period has me crying over it. Wooooo.

EDIT: Make that 1650 looks with still nothing. I'm too stubborn for my own good.

EDIT AGAIN: 2002 and still no carrier. I... I have never, ever had such bad luck before. It's supposed to be 1/1000. I know it's RNG, and I know it's never exact, but...
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Re: Rant Thread

Unread post by Anyia »

AAaaaaah! My PC just froze and doesn't want to restart again. It spins up for a few seconds before switching off again - rinse repeat. This is not looking good... I was hoping to get a few more years out of this one :(

Edit: After pulling it mostly apart and moving the graphics card to a different slot it seems to be working. For now. Doez not trust!
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Re: Rant Thread

Unread post by Falcon »

Oh my god I am so pissed off right now.

So, over Easter weekend, we finally got a washer and drier for this house and just now, we got around to trying to do a load without the help of my boyfriend's mother. Lo and behold, everything was going well until the water suddenly started leaking out of the top of the washer hose, AND some water and dirt came up through both sides of the sink! And the sink itself isn't clogged. I KNEW our first time trying to do our own laundry would end in a goddamned disaster. I have horrible luck with laundry equipment, apparently. This happens, and back in 2008, my parents' old house burned down on my birthday because of a blanket catching fire in their drier. -_-

I. HATE. LAUNDRY. EQUIPMENT. I seriously swear I'm fucking jinxed when it comes to these things! I'm angry and on the verge of tears at the same time, and we have a wet pile of clothes we can't do a fucking thing with because the drier will probably mess up, too! So, my boyfriend's mother will have to do our laundry until we can get the fucking thing fixed.

*sighs* Laundry Day is a VERY dangerous day...
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Re: Rant Thread

Unread post by Novikova »

Gotta make a vodcast for my course. Of course my voice goes out. Of course it does.
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Re: Rant Thread

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this is stupid this is so stupid
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Re: Rant Thread

Unread post by Bowno »

So today just a few hours ago we were attacked for the fifth time by our neighbors dog. This time it bit me. It didn't break the skin, but it jumped up and bit my arm just enough to pinch.
We were just taking out the trash and it came charging over. The second dog was tethered, but it was barking and working the unleashed one right up to the point of biting. But if the other dog had been unleashed, I know it would have turned out a lot worse.
I am 4 ft 11 and my dad is 69 years old. That dog attacked someone the size of a child and an old man. Thats not good.

I think tomorrow we're going to have a sit down with them and be like "Look, we dont want to be that person that calls animal control on your dog.. But we should have called 4 unprovoked attacks ago."

Once again, the lady didnt even care. It was once again "Come here doggy" and when dad stormed up to them and said "Your dog just bit my daughter. this is against the law and it needs to stop" they just were kinda like "Youre right" and drove away.

I dont know why I'm so upset though. I mean, it didnt hurt and I didn't go to the hospital or anything. I love animals so much I guess and its just weird to be attacked like that.

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Re: Rant Thread

Unread post by Lisaara »

Bowno wrote:So today just a few hours ago we were attacked for the fifth time by our neighbors dog. This time it bit me. It didn't break the skin, but it jumped up and bit my arm just enough to pinch.
We were just taking out the trash and it came charging over. The second dog was tethered, but it was barking and working the unleashed one right up to the point of biting. But if the other dog had been unleashed, I know it would have turned out a lot worse.
I am 4 ft 11 and my dad is 69 years old. That dog attacked someone the size of a child and an old man. Thats not good.

I think tomorrow we're going to have a sit down with them and be like "Look, we dont want to be that person that calls animal control on your dog.. But we should have called 4 unprovoked attacks ago."

Once again, the lady didnt even care. It was once again "Come here doggy" and when dad stormed up to them and said "Your dog just bit my daughter. this is against the law and it needs to stop" they just were kinda like "Youre right" and drove away.

I dont know why I'm so upset though. I mean, it didnt hurt and I didn't go to the hospital or anything. I love animals so much I guess and its just weird to be attacked like that.
Bowno, if the skin gets broken, the dog will have to be put down by state law(pretty sure that's in all states) so somehow you'll need to get that across to the lady and get authorities involved.

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Re: Rant Thread

Unread post by cowmuflage »

I can't find Lor'themar Theron in my copy of WMV. Like he's not under Lor'themar Theron at least >.>
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Re: Rant Thread

Unread post by Vephriel »

cowmuflage wrote:I can't find Lor'themar Theron in my copy of WMV. Like he's not under Lor'themar Theron at least >.>
Try going to View > View NPC > and typing Lor'themar
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Re: Rant Thread

Unread post by Makoes »

I don't know what to do...My bf and I are not getting along so well...so many factors...today, he insulted me in front of our daughter, and here I thought it was going to be a good day, but anyhow, I had to tell my daughter that I couldn't play farm animal hungry hippo with her since daddy was being mean to me. (he told me I couldn't be the sheep, I could only be the pig or donkey because I was an ass...in front of our daughter!!!) Normally I don't vent on Facebook, I do it here since I don't really want to drag any mutual work friends into our problems, but today just really really hurt...and I posted what happened on FB.

I am kinda glad I did, my mom text me and we went on skype to talk, then I got a phone call from my friend to go out and have some drinks, her hubby watched the kids, and while at the bar I got another text from my other friend to go out for a walk tomorrow morning. I love my friends!!

But that part I am kinda "what to do, what to do..." about is that at the bar, I found out that one of our mutual friends that I think is cute (no harm finding people cute while in relationships) also has a crush on me...now I can't help but wonder "what if..."

I've been trying so hard to make this relationship work...but I feel that I am the only one trying...and now this...
And my friend use to date him and said he is the nicest guy ever and so polite, and even after they split they are still close friends...I feel like I am experiencing High school stuff in my late 20's!!!!!!!

I really don't know what to do...financially I am better with my BF...but emotionally starved...or take a leap at the unknown and find out more about this other guy...


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Re: Rant Thread

Unread post by Rawr »

Got my B12 shot and now I have a quarter sized bruise where it was injected :( I keep getting Charley horses that turn into weird striped bruises, I'm not feeling well. :mrgreen:


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Re: Rant Thread

Unread post by Arthur »

I'm real, real sick to death of some people

Stop purposely trying to make me sad or trigger me u piece of trash.

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Re: Rant Thread

Unread post by Jurz »

Makoes wrote:I don't know what to do...My bf and I are not getting along so well...so many factors...today, he insulted me in front of our daughter, and here I thought it was going to be a good day, but anyhow, I had to tell my daughter that I couldn't play farm animal hungry hippo with her since daddy was being mean to me. (he told me I couldn't be the sheep, I could only be the pig or donkey because I was an ass...in front of our daughter!!!) Normally I don't vent on Facebook, I do it here since I don't really want to drag any mutual work friends into our problems, but today just really really hurt...and I posted what happened on FB.

I am kinda glad I did, my mom text me and we went on skype to talk, then I got a phone call from my friend to go out and have some drinks, her hubby watched the kids, and while at the bar I got another text from my other friend to go out for a walk tomorrow morning. I love my friends!!

But that part I am kinda "what to do, what to do..." about is that at the bar, I found out that one of our mutual friends that I think is cute (no harm finding people cute while in relationships) also has a crush on me...now I can't help but wonder "what if..."

I've been trying so hard to make this relationship work...but I feel that I am the only one trying...and now this...
And my friend use to date him and said he is the nicest guy ever and so polite, and even after they split they are still close friends...I feel like I am experiencing High school stuff in my late 20's!!!!!!!

I really don't know what to do...financially I am better with my BF...but emotionally starved...or take a leap at the unknown and find out more about this other guy...
Personally, I say stay with your bf as you start to learn more about this new guy just so you can stay financially sound for a little while longer, but if you feel emotionally starved then don't stay with him. I've been reading your rants about him off 'n' on, and the relationship seems to have hit a dead end of sorts. Unless he changes his attitude, I feel like you should leave him eventually. It might also be better for your daughter as well, but what do I know XD 19 without kids, so i can only give so much advice


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Re: Rant Thread

Unread post by Snowy »

Sick of people on Facebook who are so busy trying to convince everyone that they're gay that I start to believe they're doing it for attention.

"Haha I'm so gay that I did this" and "I know I'm a lesbian but <insert completely unrelated topic here>". It's just stupid. I have quite a few gay friends who don't feel the need to show off their sexuality so you just sound really dumb. What if I went around going "wow I'm so straight look at me". You wouldn't like that would you huh? Just shut up, your sexuality is not special. :|

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Re: Rant Thread

Unread post by Jurz »

Snowy wrote:Sick of people on Facebook who are so busy trying to convince everyone that they're gay that I start to believe they're doing it for attention.

"Haha I'm so gay that I did this" and "I know I'm a lesbian but <insert completely unrelated topic here>". It's just stupid. I have quite a few gay friends who don't feel the need to show off their sexuality so you just sound really dumb. What if I went around going "wow I'm so straight look at me". You wouldn't like that would you huh? Just shut up, your sexuality is not special. :|
I hate the religious/atheists even more. I have nothing against either, but...OMG!! Easter was the worst day to get on Facebook!!! Every other post was "SHARE IF YOU BELIEVE!!!" and after that would be a posts saying "F**K CHRISTIANITY!!! IT POISONS THE MIND!!! happy zombie Jesus day <3"

It's like you can't even say what you believe or don't believe anymore cuz so many people will tell you you're wrong no matter what T.T


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