From Humble Beginnings

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From Humble Beginnings

Unread post by Rhyela »

I am Rhyela Boughstrider, and I began my journeys through Azeroth as a daughter of the Kal’dorei, or, “Night Elf”, as the other races call us. I had already lived to see countless moons, but after much meditating in the forests of the great tree Teldrassil, I felt a calling. Long into the night I would sit, listening to the sounds of the creatures that called this place their home. I would observe their simple behaviors: hunting, stalking, building dens or nesting, and I felt a great tugging within my heart to be one with these creatures. My druidic brothers and sisters understood these feelings well, yet they had perfected the art of shape-shifting into various forms. I, on the other hand, wished to keep these creatures by my side.

On a day like any other in our great city Darnassus, I stopped in the Cenarion Enclave, branch of the druidic Cenarion Circle. I had learned that there was a trainer here, one who had mastered the ways of the hunter. I sought his wisdom and knowledge, and so he agreed to train me. He began by instructing me in the ways of the marksman, wielding a bow or firearm and using it with great accuracy to fell my prey, in whatever form it may be. I remember not the time we spent, but it was not long before I was a master myself. My sensitive ears and keen eyes could detect prey no matter where it lurked, and with one swift shot, it returned to the earth. I never hunted for a perverse pleasure of killing, it was always to feed or clothe my kin. After every kill, as instructed, I thanked the great creature for giving up its life so that it may save another. After all, we must all return to the earth one day.

Finally, once my master saw that I was ready, he taught me how to go forth into the dusky forests to tame a wild beast. This beast, once tamed, would be a partner for life, or until we came to a mutual agreement that he should be set free. This task proved far more difficult to conquer, as it required an astute and sound mind. I was trained day and night to sharpen my focus, for I had to use my mind to tap into the target animal’s consciousness, and convince it through sheer will that it should fight by my side. My master at last felt that I was ready to begin the training, and sent me into the forest to tame several creatures, and return with my new companion. Each creature proved more stubborn than the last. However, from the noble, strong-hearted strigid owls to the agile, cunning nightstalkers, I rose up to the challenge and overcame their consciousness with my own. Now, and only now, was I ready to find a creature of my choosing to tame.

However, I was not satisfied with the beasts of Teldrassil. Yes, the nightstalkers were deadly hunters themselves, but it was not a feline I wished to tame. The strigid owls were noble, majestic, and had a keen eye. But, it was not an owl I wanted, either. This frustrated me greatly, and so I visited the ponds of Darnassus to meditate. During times like this, I had the fortune of witnessing hunters of other races from other lands who were coming to Darnassus on travels of their own. They frequented the banks and auction houses, and so I spent many a day sitting and watching. I was excited by all that I saw: stout and iron-willed Dwarves with large, snarling bears by their side; or the elegant Draenei, who now shared our coastal town of Auberdine, with soft, powdered moths. Even other fellow Kal’dorei stopped by, and I was amazed by the different creatures by their side. There were so many wondrous animals in the lands beyond Teldrassil, and so I decided that my destiny awaited me outside the safety of our great tree.

But before I go any further, let me first describe a little more about myself. I have explained the details of my training, and of the life I wish to pursue; but in order to understand my life decision one must first understand why. The Kal’dorei are a proud, ancient race. We have the wisdom of thousands of years. We have seen races born, only to see them vanish. We have witnessed the struggle of the humans, the dwarves. We have seen our forests burned and ravaged by invaders riding under the Horde banner. I know all this, I have seen many of these things for myself. And yet, unlike my Kal’dorei brothers and sisters, I do not cling to our traditions. I do not wish to dedicate my life to Elune, our great goddess of the moon; nor do I feel the roots of druidism within my spirit. My only desire is for The Hunt. I long to feel the cold steel of a firearm within my hands, and to carry blades capable of slicing down even the largest of foes. I do not garb myself with the traditional silken robes of Kal’dorei citizens, for I feel most comfortable in the hides of beasts I have slain. Both men and women wear their hair long and tidy, but I find this cumbersome when I am perched in a tree, awaiting my prey. I have since cut my moss-colored hair well above my shoulders, much to the disdain of family and friends. Everything about our culture, everything that defines who we are as a people, feels too…traditional. And while I love my people and would die defending them, I am also not quite the same as they are. I am an outcast, if you will, though by my own choosing.

And so it was that finally, one day, still without a beast to call my own, I set out into the great lands of Azeroth. I knew not where I intended to go, or what I would do once I arrived, but I knew I had to leave Teldrassil. I longed to run free, to see and experience new things.

To be continued...

Edit: In typical noob fashion, I forgot to add my character's name to the story! :lol:


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Slickrock wrote:Given their current trend, we'll probably get a spirit toucan that farts loops.
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Re: From Humble Beginnings

Unread post by Helio »

*claps* Awesomeness.
Much thanks to Saturo for the awesome signature.
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