A Tear in the Universe Sign-In Thread

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A Tear in the Universe Sign-In Thread

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ATitU is the newest RP thread, and is a cross over of whatever dimensions you can think of from already established fandoms. There aren't too many rules or things to worry about, just the following:

1. Put name and location at the start of each post. This is for keeping your characters and others characters straight, for simplicity.
2. Include some sort of Wikia link to your character, because not everyone is going to know about the Mass Effect or the MLP universe. Stick to already known worlds as opposed to your own personal made up ones, please.
3. No already established characters from said fandoms. As in, no Dr. McKay for SG:A, or Cpt. Jack Sparrow from PotC or Pinkie Pie from MLP: FiM.
4. There is a democracy system to this madness. If your character is believed to be "too special" by the majority of the group (As in, Mary Sue), then you will politely be asked to change it. Tips and suggestions will be given to help fix the problems, obviously.

Antagonist Details:

A great creature exists between the dimensions of alternate realities. It has no shape, no form, no name, no size. It simply is. A creature of thought alone, it sustains it's existence by devouring universes. In times past, the being would target only one universe at a time, consuming it entirely before moving onto the next. However, as the idea of this creature has become larger, it's hunger has increased as well. In an attempt to sate it's desire, it has latched onto multiple dimensions, spreading itself across each of them to sustain itself.
The few who do know of it, call it The-Devourer-of-Worlds.
The process of devouring these universes isn't quite as one would imagine. You won't see great big teeth crunching down on the sun, for example. Instead, what the creature does is slowly erase knowledge from the universe. Once that knowledge is gone, the thing that knowledge represents disappears. For example, let's say the creature killed anyone who has knowledge of Mars and destroyed all the books that held passages about Mars. Since nobody now knows about Mars, Mars suddenly vanishes, eaten by The-Devourer-of-Worlds.
Once a concept is completely destroyed, it leaves a rift in that universe. Normally, entering one of these rifts would kill you. However, since The-Devourer-of-Worlds has latched itself onto multiple dimensions, instead going into one of these rifts will send you to another dimension. Beings are freely able to hop though these portals with no ill effects, assuming the portal in question doesn't lead to some place inherently dangerous, like a volcano.

Now, The-Devourer-of-Worlds consumes this information by sending out manifestations of itself into the universe to attack and destroy. These beings share only one distinguishing feature between themselves; their eyes appear to ripple, as if they were crafted with the same stuff that dreams are made from. Or nightmares. Otherwise, they look completely different from one another. Some skitter by on hundreds of legs, others are more humanoid in appearance.
Most of them are mindless drones, attacking and killing anything in their path. However, there are a handful of these beings that show a remarkable degree of intelligence and are able to command the drones. Calling themselves “Monarchs”, they are able to think, reason and speak with any creature they might encounter. These Monarchs are the last remaining figments of past universes eaten by The-Devourer-of-Worlds.
In times past, the Monarchs have made deals with factions within the universe they is being devoured, promising to spare the lives of those who submit and help their master to destroy everything around them. This is always a ruse, a trick to make the process so much easier.

Each of these Monarchs has in their possession a single fragment of the universe they came from. If each of these fragments are brought together and imbued with a certain spell, it will cause The-Devourer-of-Worlds to physically manifest, which allows it to be possibly killed.

Protagonists Details:

With all the tears in the universe, chaos is completely and utterly breaking loose. Civilizations that prosper are over run by aggressive, chaotic races that tear through and destroy in their desires, or in the name of the Devourer-of-Worlds. Furthermore, civilizations that would once grow to do great things are quelled without a whimper, and the stability of the universe is crashing down.

Legends speak of a spell to Bind and subdue the Devourer-of-Worlds, allowing heroes to restore their peace and stability. But with a catch, for the reagents to the spell are the essence of worlds destroyed, and they must face the Devourer-of-Worlds' most horrible allies to restore the order.
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Re: A Tear in the Universe Sign-In Thread

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Last edited by Azunara on Sat Jun 04, 2011 8:49 am, edited 11 times in total.
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Re: A Tear in the Universe Sign-In Thread

Unread post by Azunara »

Edit: Thanks to Sat and Moon, this space is once again reserved for characters. Yay! Space!
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Re: A Tear in the Universe Sign-In Thread

Unread post by Lupis »

Name: Aodhok Warsong (He has no glory-earned last name as of yet, so he's adopting the name of his clan.)
Race: Orc
Class: Bone Crusher (Fury Warrior adoption) (Still an apprentice, not nearly the strength of a real Bone Crusher.)

Physical: A young, green skinned orc male, with brown hair. He's mostly shaven except a ponytail and a short beard, all his hair painted with red lines and marks. His scalp is painted with several red symbols, continuing down his face. They represent how far he's gotten in training - ideally they'll cover his entire body. He tends to wear only what he must, a tribal outfit of mostly beads and fur. As a Bone Crusher, he forsakes armor. He can be seen with a very large axe on his back, though typically it's not in use.
Oddly, even though he's learning to be a killing machine, he's got only very few scars, hinting at a lack of true battle experience.

Mental: Aodhok tries very hard to be a proper orc. He acts tough and gritty, regarding emotional people with a distinct lack of empathy, and scorns most magic casters or rogues. Only other fighters and spiritual healers earn his immediate respect.
That, however, is just how he acts. A hint of his real personality shows through in brutal battle - he closes his eyes and ignores the world around him, hating to see or hear anyone in pain, even the enemy. Seeing anyone in pain makes him queasy. He knows it's something he was supposed to grow out of, and is incredibly ashamed of it, hiding his sympathy from those around him.

Background: His parents didn't think there was much they could do with him. He was too sensitive to be a real orc. Ashamed of himself, he began training as a Bone Crusher - the epitome of strength - to try and prove himself.

Okay, let me explain myself before I'm burned at the stake. Bone Crushers, in lore, are real. They're also STRONG AS FEL. However, Aodhok is one, an apprentice, and two, awful at being a good fighter. He weakens himself by ignoring his senses in battle and prefers to scare his enemies into submission before actually attempting to fight them. So think of him as a Fury Warrior with strong punches as a weak stomach. He kind of cancels out his own strength. >.>

My Turian character will come later.

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Re: A Tear in the Universe Sign-In Thread

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Name: Sasha Eth
Faction: Caldari
Occupation: Pilot (Not a podder)
Corporation: Simple Trade Union (STU)
Appearance: I lied. I didn't draw a picture. Still, I LOVE the new char creation tool in EVE!
She also has a tattooed barcode on her forehead, like most Caldari, but she hides it under the hair most of the time.
Personality: She's a quick thinking girl, and has a very easy time learning. She's worked around engines her whole life, and though she's still pretty young she's got a diverse experience with technology, both from fighting as a field engineer in her corporation's mercenary troops, and from being a pilot. She's naturally curious, and not the kind to be easily frightened. She thinks of scary things as challenges to overcome.

Playing a spaceship pilot is gonna' be sweeeet! :D
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Re: A Tear in the Universe Sign-In Thread

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Yep. Except for the whole Not Scared bit. Kaylee would probably be terrified, even though she's my favorite Serenity crewmember.

EDIT: The message I was replying to got deleted...
Anyway, it was Someone posting that my char was like Kaylee Fry.

I also exist on DeviantArt.
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Re: A Tear in the Universe Sign-In Thread

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Sorry bout that XD
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Re: A Tear in the Universe Sign-In Thread

Unread post by Azunara »

Character Sign-Ins, continued

Azunara Name: Avira "Avi" Blake and Ebonira
Race: Human (Wyrmcultist) and Black Whelpling (See here: http://www.wowwiki.com/Wyrmcult)

Description: She's slightly shorter than an average human, though not by much. She's built for speed as opposed to stamina. She wears a typical hunter's chainmail, except the links are scorched, as if flame had been breathed upon them. Her hair is black and pulled into a rather messy ponytail, and her eyes are green. Her skin is dirty and tan from a lot of outdoor exposure, and she's covered in scratches.

Ebonira is a pretty average black dragon whelp, except rather small, similar idea to a runt, given to Avi because she wasn't quite fully trusted.

History: Avi was hired as a scout for the druids of Evergrove, and was sent to sabotage the Wyrmcult. When she was captured and was about to be killed, she quickly turned on her employers, offering her service and key information to the Cult. In turn, her life was spared and she was accepted as a member of the Wyrmcult. When more adventurers came and completely destroyed Blackwing Coven, she escaped by hiding and fleeing with her rather recently hatched dragon whelpling, Ebonira. She avoids cities as much as she can, so she isn't arrested or captured, only entering briefly for supplies.

Personality: Time as a Cultist taught her loyalty to her superiors, but time as a mercenary taught her not to blindly follow her superiors. She's quite content with running away from a battle if it looks like she's going to be killed, but she's not a coward, she'll fight savagely until then. Killing doesn't bother her much, and she'll do it when needed. She's nice to people she's friends with, and while a bit cautious around strangers, she can warm up to them quickly enough.

Ebonira is the type to annihilate critters, just because she can. She's also very protective of Avi and will snap at anyone who tries to touch herself or Avi. Beyond that, she can be incredibly lazy, lounging on Avira's shoulders or hiding in her pack.

Weaknesses: She and her whelpling, Ebonira, share a spirit bond that mimics a hunter's, though it was set up by ritual less than bond. They share each other's pain and thoughts, so if one were to hurt Ebonira, Avi would feel it just as badly and cripple them. Furthermore, Ebon is still extremely young for a dragon whelpling, so she's not much of a fighter. At most, she'll flap in someone's face and breath small gouts of flame. Avi is a ranged fighter as well, get into her face and fight her in melee and she will struggle.
Last edited by Azunara on Wed Jun 01, 2011 4:52 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: A Tear in the Universe Sign-In Thread

Unread post by Magnakilro »

Buzzlizzk and Ophelia
Race: Goblin Hunter and a Crab. (http://www.wowpedia.org/Goblin_(playable))

Appearance: Buzz is your average Goblin. He keeps his black hair set in a Mohawk. He tends to wear mail armor and carries a gun. When he's about to set up a small shop, he puts on a suit he carries in his pack.

Ophelia is a red, non-cataclysmically altered crab.

History: Buzz lived on the island of Kezan for years. He perfected hunting techniques and somehow talked a local crab into being his business partner. The pair have made a successful Toy business...selling things like explosive Voodoo dolls....teddy bears made of real bear fur....among other products.

Since the destruction of Kezan, he's been trying to replicate his success through new toys and other creations.

Personality: Buzz is a sly salesman. He's always trying to sell something to someone for a quick buck. He's very quick to anger which brings his crab much amusement. However, Buzz has been known to be generous or helpful at times....usually after Ophelia "persuades" him.

Ophelia is usually disgruntled about hanging with Buzz. She finds him annoying and odd. She does like him though....he has taken surprisingly good care of her. Ophelia's favorite pasttime is messing with her owner. Usually making fun of him for his faults, whapping him on the head for being an idiot, or just plain laughing at his failures, laughing harder when he reacts.

Weaknesses: Buzz is VERY easy to anger. This can be turned against him. Also, being a goblin, he has the goblins' natural greed. Pay the right price and he'll do anything you want.
He's also meant for Ranged combat...get close and he's screwed.

Ophelia is kind've small, therefore her reach isn't very good. Overall Ophelia is not as quick to fall for things as Buzz is...but not having size, reach or overall strength does kind've limit her.
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Re: A Tear in the Universe Sign-In Thread

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Name: Banet La'Kora
Race: Katagaria Were-Tiger (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Were-Hunter#Katagaria)
A little on the wall for now...

Apperance: When human Banet is somewhat short, maybe five five, but well muscled. Her hair is light brown with darker streaks and shaggy, reaching her shoulders. Her eyes are almost constantly covered with sunglasses, even if it's dark out. Her clothing style can be considered odd, ranging from jeans to skirts and tank tops to long sleeved shirts, but she very rarely, if Ever, wears a dress. Her shoes are a different story as she wears thick boots with everything but her skirts, having sneakers for then.
When in her true form (Animal) she is a white tiger, average size for a female.

History: As a child Banet grew up rather normally, playing with her siblings and learning from her mother. Once she hit puberty and changed into a human for the first time she discovered how fun it could be. Like most she went through the period where she was stuck in her human form for some time, though she did well. When she returned to her animal form it had changed, going from a normal coloured orange to white.
She was forced to leave her family then, wandering off on her own. She's been doing so since then, well over a hundred years now, though she's made a few friends along the way.

Personality: Sarcastic and borderline rude, it can be hard to tell when she's joking and when she's serious. Despite this she still acts caring toward her friends and has a motherly side when it comes to those younger than her.


If the white tiger thing is too much I can easily change her to a regular coloured tiger form. As for the age, that's normal in the series that she's from, but she's still considered a kid, even at 130 years or so.


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Re: A Tear in the Universe Sign-In Thread

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Well, while I figure out how to work out a blood magic antagonist character, I've figured out my protagonist.

Name: Zul'Kari
Race/Class: Darkspear Troll Shadow Hunter

Physical Description: Kari is average height for a female troll with pale blue skin. Her long hair is a dark blueish-black color and is kept into a triple mohawk running down to the center of her back; four braids are formed and draped over her shoulders. Unlike many of her species, her eyes are a golden color as opposed to orange. She is typically clad in tribal gear, carrying small carvings of the loas she gleans her power from. Her fel glaive, bow and masks are strapped to her back.

History: Kari was outcast from her Darkspear tribe many moons ago when she showed promise at being a shadow hunter, a profession typically dominated by males. Undaunted by their rejection, Kari gleaned what knowledge she could from other tribes (without revealing her intentions of training) as well as staying firm in her belief of the loa. Eventually, the loas deemed her worthy and began granting her their blessings, allowing her to become a true shadow hunter. She now travels the world seeking adventure.

Personality: Kari is usually very easy going and lighthearted. Her faith is strongly centered around her loas, although she does not preach about them to others unless asked. She is fiercely loyal to any who earn her trust. Her combat skills revolve more around supporting her allies, however, when backed into a corner, she becomes a fierce and deadly fighter, using both her bow and glaive with relative ease.

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Re: A Tear in the Universe Sign-In Thread

Unread post by Serendipity82 »

Scrapping my character guys, I don't think I'll be able to pull him off. I'll think of another one eventually.
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Re: A Tear in the Universe Sign-In Thread

Unread post by Moonlost »

((Still working on my protagonist(s), but I'll go ahead and write in my antagnonist. Let me know if I need to tone him down in any way))

Name: Skalvhar
Race: Devourer-of-Worlds Monarch
Universe of Origin: N/A (Own creation)
Appearance: ((Rough picture here, ignore the eyes, I'll draw up an updated picture when I get the chance.)) Skalvhar posesses a long, lithe, serpentine body, covered in a thick chitinous armour. The tentacles surrounding his head are dexterous and are usually used for item manipulation, however he is able to use his forelimbs for more complex manipulations if need be. The spines on the back of this creature are able to be dislodged, and it's saliva is mildly venomous. Not enough to kill a man, but it causes severe pain and temporary paralysis.
Personality: Skalvhar is a trickster, strangely glib tongued and of fine humour. However, he does have a delight for cruelty. His favourite tactic is setting mortals on one another, getting them to to his dirty work for him, enjoying the wonderful tragedy of watching them doom themselves.
History: Skalvhar was one of the first Monarchs, his universe being consumed when The-Devourer-of-Worlds was relatively young. As such, he has plenty of experience causing rampant chaos.


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Re: A Tear in the Universe Sign-In Thread

Unread post by rubybeam »

Well lets see if I can pass without accidently making sues.....

Name: Sockie puppet
Race/class: Earth pony http://mlp.wikia.com/wiki/Earth_ponies
Psychical description: a simple light blue pony, it has orange hair with orange/yellow ends. Her cutie mark is a sock, which seems a bit TOO obviously even when hidden due to that fact that she wears socks on her ears and on her feet. (theres a picture on my deviantart and on my art page here)
History: Born in ponyville, she had the life of a normal pony. She never actually knew her special talent was making socks, only due to the fact that she grew up in a Greenhouse. She gained her cutie mark after a visit to a clothing store, growing up at a greenhouse socks would have gotten dirty anyways, she she hardily saw them. The storekeeper seeing her exploring the socks with curiosity, he allowed her to make one gaining her cutie mark. Time soon passed on though, the store-keeper passed on and she gained control.
Personality: Growing up in a Garden-like setting she isn't afraid to get a little dirty, she seems also found of taking care of stuff with a motherly passion.
HOWEVER her socks ALWAYS come first priority and she starts getting sassy over the subject easily. When shes not protective of socks though shes generally caring and kind

Name: Electrika
Race/class: Luxio http://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/ ... %C3%A9mon)
Physical description: A normal Luxio with bright blue eyes
History: He wandered away from his pack believing he could find ways to survive on his own as a shinx, he evolved on his own having a near death experience
Personality: Hes full of himself, but admires people with plenty of talent. He tends to like fighting and absolutely hates water, despite being superefftive to it. His wrost enemy is mud, because it isn't just mixed with water but actual ground, so he feels completely weak when near it and scared.

I'll have another coming, I just need to go something in-game for the charater though, and trust me this ones actually humanoid (Well more or less a ginjinka)
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Re: A Tear in the Universe Sign-In Thread

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Because I can't see myself not using pokemon...I will edit this post when I figure something out...1 Protaganist and 1 Antagonist is the plan here XD
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Re: A Tear in the Universe Sign-In Thread

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Name: Zarik the Trickster
Race: Monarch

Description: http://azunara.deviantart.com/art/Conce ... -211023519

History: Once, Zarik was a member of some world, but it was in the process of being devoured. When the Monarchs came and offered Salvation, he joined their cause, expecting to be saved. Instead, he was corrupted and twisted into the monstrous creature he is. From there, he joined the other Monarchs in their reign of destruction. He's called the Trickster because he specializes in shapeshifting, and will take the form of other creatures and species in order to lure and trick the innocent. His disguise will always drop when he takes combat.

Personality: It lives for only two things: destruction and serving its Master. He thrives on killing and havoc, and will do whatever he can to make sure destruction is wrought. He has no qualms about those he slaughters, even enjoying torturing and tricking his victims. He doesn't believe in mercy and will destroy young and old alike.

Weakness: It spits flames from the mouth of on its chest, thereby any attacks there are completely useless. Its eyesight is rather awful and relies heavily on smell and hearing. It's too heavy to actually fly, so it can't get airborne. It's covered in heavy armor except for its face, which is extremely sensitive.
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Re: A Tear in the Universe Sign-In Thread

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Name: Mala'sari nar Vellarn
Race: Quarian
Universe of Origin: Mass Effect
Class: Engineer
Appearance: As with all quarians, Mala'sari is always seen in her environmental suit. The bits of cloth she decorates her suit are a deep red, with swirling golden patterns upon them. She carries a pistol with her at all times.
Personality: Mala'sari is intensely curious, having seen little of the universe beyond the migrant fleet. She sometimes forgets to be tactful about her questions, however. Despite her lust for knowledge, she's very unsure of herself when dealing with other people, especially those not of her species. She also tends to be rather timid when it comes to combat situations.
History: Not much to say here. Mala'sari was born a typical quarian on the migrant fleet. Her mother was chief engineer on her birth ship, the Vellarn, her father was killed in a tragic accident when she was very young. She has just been sent out on her Pilgrimage and dreams of finding something amazing to return back to the fleet with.


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Re: A Tear in the Universe Sign-In Thread

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Edited. Completely up to date on characters. Yay!
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Re: A Tear in the Universe Sign-In Thread

Unread post by rubybeam »

So finally got my charry set-up. I wish I could of used my perfect world main instead but noooooo the had to have so-little information about the earthgaurd race :C

Name: Ataliou
Race/class: Cat Untamed Venomancer
Pet: Sharptooth wolfing named 'Tao'
Genie: Spring named 'Feaver'
Personality: Ataliou is strangely calm and collected, she tends to accidently ignore people when deep in though (This is a usual habit). She's used to this because her cat ears are sensitive and she learned to ignore any loud sounds so they wouldn' be ringing all the time, however she will listen if she needs. She kind towards others but spiteful towards enemys (Im putting a note that this all might change in near future), if too shy for something she will remain in her fox form
History: She was experienced plenty of the wars, and has a spite towards the winged elves and humans because of it. She doesn't mind Tideborn or earthgaurd though, as she never saw them causing harm to her people. She has a huge scar she achieved on her back that she keeps hidden.
Appearance: Her skin is completely black, her hair eyes and lips white. She has white cat ears and a white cat tail show that she probably came from a black and white cat once. She prefers to wear dresses the color of fire and carries around a sword, her wolf Tao is a light brown color with green eyes, The horn upon his head is chipped but not dull. Though her genie looks the same as any other spring genie
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Re: A Tear in the Universe Sign-In Thread

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Species: Crawdaunt http://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Crawdaunt

History: Vice had a rough time growing up. First thing he saw when he hatched was his parents being gunned down by poachers.
As he grew up, he went through hardship after hardship. After evolution, he decided it was over. He would get back at the world for making him suffer.

Appearance: See link

Personality: HIGHLY aggressive. He will lash out at anything for no good reason. He also has a hard time trusting others. This leaves him alone in the world. A life style he prefers.

Weakness: While he's clad in a strong carapace, a strong blow akin to a Fighting type will greatly damage him. Nature (Grass type) based and Electric-based attacks are hard to cope with as well. He's also pretty slow, though if your not careful, he can do the Dragon Dance and fix this.

Editted to get working link. Thanks Ruby!
Last edited by Magnakilro on Mon May 30, 2011 10:47 pm, edited 6 times in total.
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