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Notches ((RP Story))

Posted: Sat Jun 11, 2011 3:46 am
by Kamalia
As some of those who frequent the RP forums know, my two main WoW RP characters are my goblins, Glix and Karzix. I've recently felt inspired to write out their backstories, and, well, that's what this thread is for. No guarantees on writing quality - It's been a while since I've written a story.
Basically, it's going to be a bit about my two character's pasts and how they met. I... have no idea how long this is going to be. Guess we'll find out. :lol:

The first few parts are centered around Karzix fairly early in his life - the first part is when he's about... fourteen or so? The second planned part (Which will probably be up in a day or so) would be when he's around seventeenish. And I'll see where I go from there. Copious amounts of angst angst angst angst angst for the first little bit, but I promise I'll try to lighten up in future parts. >_>
And for those used to how I roleplay Karzix - I'm dropping the accent for both easier reading and writing and the fact that accent is viewed as normal speech by goblins. Just in case it throws you off, haha.


"How late is he?"
"Like, thirty minutes."
"Man, he is so dead." One of the young goblins stood on tiptoe, trying to peer down the street.
"See him?"
"Maybe he just decided not to come because it'd be pointless? I mean, why come if -"
"Oh, hey! There he is!" The pair leaned to the side, trying to spot the boy they were looking for. A few disgruntled sounds floated up from the crowd in the street as a small goblin boy pushed his way past, gasping and panting. He stumbled up to the other two boys, pausing to lean against the wall and catch his breath.
"Why did you come?" One of the other two stared at him in disbelief. "You're just gonna get hauled out."
"I know, I know." He straightened, quickly brushing his dark hair out of his eyes. "But I still need to... get..." He froze when he noticed the two other boys gawking at him.
"What happened to your eye, Karzix?" The other finally blurted out. "Wow, that's one heck of a shiner. How did you get it?" The pair leaned forward eagerly as Karzix swallowed, his ears slowly swiveling backward. His anxious expression was wiped away, replaced with one of triumph as he proudly puffed out his little chest.
"Oh, this? Just a fight is all." He flinched as he was promptly bombarded with questions, his bravado fading. He stuttered, trying to answer them as they ranged from "Who was it?!" to "Did you beat them?!" The trio's heads snapped up at the sound of a sharp whistle.
"You three! Get back to work, now!" An older goblin snapped, causing the three boys to fall silent. He paused when he set eyes on Karzix, squinting. "You. Come with me."
Karzix swallowed, giving the other two a panicked look. They paid him no heed, walking away and whistling a funeral tune for him. Karzix glowered after them, wincing as the bigger goblin gave him a cuff upside the head and growled at him to follow.


"So. What's your excuse this time?" A middle aged, pinched-faced goblin glared down at the boy standing in front of his desk. Karzix was silent, his eyes cast downward. He mumbled something and the older goblin let out a growl. "For gold's sake, boy, speak up and look at me." He drummed his fingers on his desk, the rhythmic tapping echoing in the otherwise silent room. Karzix finally looked up.
"I was... in a fight." He finally said, rubbing the back of his neck. The other goblin peered at the boy's black eye, frowning.
"Congratulations. If you were intelligent, you would have realized that losing a fight and therefore losing your job isn't in your best interests."
"How do you know I lost?" Karzix retorted hotly before going silent, staring down at the ground. The older goblin gave him a sour look, raising his eyebrows at the boy's small, thin frame.
"You're scrawny enough to hide behind a fencepost, boy."
"Makes me a smaller target, sir. Harder to hit." The other goblin blinked, then let out a loud laugh. He stopped when he caught a glimmer of hope in Karzix's face.
"Don't think amusing me is going to make you keep your job." He snorted at Karzix's crestfallen expression. "You've wasted enough of my time. Get out."
"B-but, sir! What about -"
"Let me guess... your pay?" The older goblin's face twisted into a snarl. Karzix didn't move at his withering glare, stubbornly staying put. The goblin stood up, his chair letting out a screech as it scraped against the floor. He stomped out of the room for a few moments, then reappeared and threw a small sack at the boy. "There. Get out."
Karzix scrambled to catch the bag, gripping it tightly as he dashed out the door. His ex-boss let out a chuckle once he had disappeared, shaking his head. "Stupid boy."


The stupid boy had realized his mistake when he was a block away. He stopped, looking down at the little bag clutched in his hands. He slowly opened it, staring down with disbelief. Instead of silver coins like there should be, there was only a handful of some mere copper coins. He poured them out onto his palm, counting them over and over is some desperate hope that they would all add up to what he needed. His shoulders sagged and he thrust the coins back into the bag, glancing up at the sky. The faded ball that was the sun struggled to shine through the smog, its position high in the sky. Karzix looked back down at his meager pay, enclosing it in his fist and setting a determined expression on his face. He had time. Maybe he could get enough money by tonight? Encouraged by this thought, he trudged on.

Re: Notches ((RP Story))

Posted: Sat Jun 11, 2011 3:47 am
by Kamalia
As it turned out, he did not have enough time. He stood on the corner, staring down at the few coins he had managed to earn through pick pocketing. The fading sunlight glinted off of the dirty metal and he looked up at the disappearing sun. He swallowed and slowly began to walk, staring down and watching his feet as they carried him home.
The streets were dark now and the crowds had thinned. Karzix turned the corner, his heart skipping a beat as he recognized one of the buildings. He stopped, clutching his small bag filled with copper coins. He looked around, and, seeing nobody in the area, he swallowed and quietly made his way to the door.
He carefully turned the knob, silently slipping through the door. He looked around the small, dark hallway, standing completely still with his ears pricked as he listened for any sounds. When he heard nothing he took a few steps forward, being sure to avoid the creaky sections of the floor. He slowly but surely crept his way to his room, letting out a quiet sigh of relief once he reached his door. He opened it and stepped inside, closing it behind him. He turned, then let out a startled squeak as he bumped right into something.
"There you are." Karzix slowly looked up at the soft voice, his ears pinning back. An older, muscular goblin looked down at him. He reached out and ruffled the boy's hair. "So, how was your day, kiddo?"
"Fine." Karzix replied hoarsely, shrinking back.
"Mm. For some reason, I don't believe you." He frowned at him, rubbing his chin. "Something happen? C'mon, you can tell Vixik."
Karzix was silent for a long moment. "I lost my job."
"Because I was late."
"Why did you say you were late?"Vixik's voice took on a sharp tone, staring intently down at the smaller goblin.
"I told them I got into a fight."
"Did they believe you?"
"Sort of."
Vixik let out a chuckle at his response. "That's right. No one doubts that my little brother can hold his own in a fight, right?"
Vixik studied Karzix, his eyes drifting down to the bag he clutched in his hands. A smile spread across his lips. "Oh, good! You made sure to get your ex-boss to give you what you deserve? Good boy, good boy." He snatched the bag from him, an eager expression on his face as he tore it open. He froze, his brows slowly furrowing as he stared into it. It turned it upside down, the copper coins falling out and rattling on the floor. "Karzix. What's this?" He asked quietly.
"My pay." The younger goblin whimpered.
"That's it? And you're already a day late?"
"This is all copper." Vixik's voice rose a notch. "This ain't what I was expecting from you."
"I'm sorry, Vixik. This is what he gave me! I didn't know he cheated me."
"Is that your excuse? You saying you didn't even bother checking to see if you got what you deserved?"
Vixik looked down at the trembling boy, tilting his head before continuing. "I think you're lying," he growled.
"What?! No! Why would I lie?" Karzix shook his head hard, making a grab for the door handle. Vixik lurched forward, slamming it shut before he could squeeze out.
"The fact you're trying to run is only convincing me. There's no way you forgot to check what you got. That's the number one thing you do, always. You want to know what I think? I think you're trying to keep that money to yourself, you greedy little roach." The older goblin hissed. "After all I've done for you? Raising you, feeding you, giving you a roof over your head and clothes on your back? Any other goblin would have left you in the sewers for rat food. And this is the thanks I get?" His voice rose to a yell, staring angrily down at the cowering goblin.
"Vixik, I didn't! I swear, he cheated me!"
"Likely story." Vixik grabbed him by the shoulders, picked him up, turned, and set him on the ground. He now stood between Karzix and the door.
"You're up to your ears in debt, kiddo. Why would you pull something like that on me? Swindling your own flesh and blood?" Vixik said, plastering a look of hurt on his face. "You know how I feel about people who do that kind of stuff to me, Karzix." He ignored his little brother's cowering, advancing forward and clenching his fists. " Let me tell you right now, I hate it when it happens. Sounds like your memory could use a jogging, eh, 'Zix?"


Karzix scrunched his brows together, slowly opening an eye. Someone had lifted up the thin, itchy sheets on his bed just enough to peek at the little goblin hiding underneath. "Good morning, Sunshine," a feminine voice said, the owner of the eyes peering at him. Karzix reached out and grabbed the sheets, pulling them back down with a muffled "Go 'way." He rolled over, mummifying himself and pointedly turning his back to her. He let out a surprised noise as he felt himself getting lifted up, carried for a few moments, and placed on the ground.
"C'mon, Kar-Kar. Get up! From what I've heard, you need to go look for a new job today." The female goblin grabbed the edge of the sheets, trying to unroll them and reveal the boy hiding inside.
"Don't, Flitt." The goblin paused, noting something in the boy's voice. She hesitated for a moment, peering carefully at where she guessed Karzix's face was.
"...Karzix?" She asked, carefully pulling down the fabric to reveal his face. She leaned back, her eyes narrowing as she silently studied him. He sat up, curling up and resting his chin on his knees while huddled in his blanket. He quietly watched his older sister as she reached out to touch his face, flinching when her fingers made contact with one of the new notches carved in his ear.
"I don't really wanna go look for a job today." He finally said in a quiet voice. She silently nodded, getting up and pulling him to his feet. He winced, struggling to hold back a whimper as his sore, bruised body complained at the movement.
"I'll be back." Flitt growled, turning on her heel and storming out the door. Karzix stared after her, flinching as he heard an explosion of angry voices from downstairs. He walked forward and quietly closed the door, then turned and crawled back onto his bed and cocooned himself in his blankets.

Link to next part.

Re: Notches ((RP Story))

Posted: Sat Jun 11, 2011 4:53 am
by TygerDarkstorm
Wow Kam, I wish my writing talents were half as good as yours and Moon's. :lol:
This was excellent and I look forward to more.

Re: Notches ((RP Story))

Posted: Sat Jun 11, 2011 4:54 am
by Saturo
TygerDarkstorm wrote:Wow Kam, I wish my writing talents were half as good as yours and Moon's. :lol:
This was excellent and I look forward to more.

Re: Notches ((RP Story))

Posted: Sat Jun 11, 2011 8:02 am
by Azunara
*claps.* More please! Can't wait to read more. *takes a seat right outside of the thread, places down her sleeping bag and makes some s'mores while she waits.*

Re: Notches ((RP Story))

Posted: Sat Jun 11, 2011 8:10 am
by Moonlost
And here you were worried about this not being very good. Silly Kam! *Gently bats head with a rolled up bit of newspaper*
This is an excellent read thusfar, I can't wait for more.

Re: Notches ((RP Story))

Posted: Sat Jun 11, 2011 8:15 am
by Serendipity82
Moar please? That was awesome.

Re: Notches ((RP Story))

Posted: Sat Jun 11, 2011 1:08 pm
by Kamalia
You think my writing is good? *Boggles* Well, thanks, guys! xD Guess I was silly being nervous to post this.

I'll probably be writing more tonight, so more misadventures of a miserable Karzix should be up soon, whoo.

Re: Notches ((RP Story))

Posted: Sat Jun 11, 2011 1:25 pm
by Moonlost
Yes, we do. Your writing is a pleasure to read. *Sage Nod*
Do I need to link My Immortal again to make you feel better about your writing? XD

Re: Notches ((RP Story))

Posted: Sun Jun 12, 2011 1:38 am
by Kamalia
That won't be necessary. I don't think my brain cells would be able to take it. ;_;
Second part! This one's pretty big.


"Kitzi? Where are the boys?" Flitt peered into the small room, seeing no one else but her sister inside. Kitzi busied herself for a few more moments before answering, too concerned with adjusting and admiring some gaudy new jewelry she had somehow obtained.
"Probably at work..." She finally said, only partially paying attention. "Vix is coming back sometime tonight ,isn't he?"
"Yeah," Flitt said with a small frown. "Tonight." She turned and went for the door, calling over her shoulder that she should be back sometime soon.
"Mmhmm," Kitzi finally answered after some delay. "See you soon."
Flitt simply snorted. With luck, that wouldn't be happening.


The goblin entered the room, her ears pricked. It was empty, though sounds echoed through the building from farther in. She scooted past merchandise and boxes stacked haphazardly about the store, being careful to watch her step as she followed the sound of clanging and muffled cussing.
She blinked as she entered a brightly-lit garage, wincing as the sounds blasted into her ears as she opened the door. She spotted a trike in the center of the room, the bottom half of a goblin sticking out from underneath. Flitt approached him, putting a foot on the edge of the car creeper he was laying on and rolling it back.
"Hey, handsome. How's it going?" She peered down at the disgruntled teen, his face smudged with oil and grime.
"Kill me now."
"... Not well, I take it?" She hopped up on the trike's seat, ignoring the groaning the rusty old jack holding it up made. Karzix frowned at her, pushing his goggles up on his forehead to reveal the bags under his eyes and his frighteningly zombie-like expression.
"I haven't slept in three days. I'm going to drop dead of exhaustion." He moaned, leaning back and accidentally banging the back of his head against the trike's side. He didn't appear to register the feeling and simply slumped there. He was silent for a few moments, then he tilted his head to look up at his sister. "I'm doomed, Flitt," he hoarsely said. "I'm never going to be able to pay Vixik enough by tonight." He rubbed his eyes, ears drooping.
"You're not -"
"Yes, I am!" He slammed his fist into the side of the trike, baring his teeth in a frustrated snarl. "Do you know how much he wants from me, Flitt? It's impossible! There's no way I'll be able to scrape all the moolah I'll need for when he comes home tonight. And then what?" He glared at the trike's hubcap, his warped and grimy reflection staring back. He furrowed his brows at the sight of his ears, their edges irregularly dotted with notches. He looked away, his hands curling into fists.
"That's why we're leaving."
Karzix twisted around to stare at her. "... What?"
"You heard me," Flitt growled. "I'm sick of this. All my hard-earned gold - and where does it go? To that bastard we call a brother. And you, Karzix? You said it yourself. You know what Vixik is going to do to you. You're not a little boy anymore, Kar-Kar -"
"And yet you won't drop that nickname."
Flitt allowed a smirk to tug at the corners of her mouth before sobering. "...If I couldn't protect you then, what will happen now?" The pair sat in silence for a few minutes. Flitt finally slid off of the trike's seat and began to head toward the door. She paused and glanced over her shoulder to look at her little brother.
"As soon as you get home, go straight to your room. Got it?" Satisfied with his small nod, she left.


Karzix paced back and forth, pausing every few minutes to listen apprehensively. So far there were no signs of Vixik, but the sun was starting to set. He drummed his fingers nervously, counted scuffs on the floor, paced, did anything that would keep his mind off of what could happen within mere hours. He jumped when he heard a hissing noise, looking around with a panicked look on his face.
"Karzix! Get your skinny ass over here!" Flitt's voice hissed. Karzix looked around his empty room, a confused look on his face.
"Down here, knucklehead." A board in the flooring lifted up and Flitt peered out, chuckling at her brother's dumbfounded expression. She pushed the plank aside and clambered out, dusting herself off. "Right. Wipe that look off of your face. We've got things to do. Give me a hand with this." She went over to the bed, grunting as she tried to move it. Looking puzzled, Karzix assisted her with pushing it over until it blocked the door. Flitt stood back and studied their handiwork, nodding in satisfaction. She gestured for Karzix to go down into the space she had popped out of, then busied herself with dragging whatever furniture was left in the room over to the door.
Karzix carefully lowered himself down, glancing around. It was cramped, dark and gloomy. Cobwebs littered the corners and the scuffling of some critter could be heard now and then. Even hunched over, the tips of Karzix's ears brushed against the ceiling. "What is this place?" He asked quietly when Flitt hopped down.
"Probably some kind of bunker left over from the Cartel Wars." Flitt rapped the thick metal walls with her knuckles, producing a low ringing sound. "Follow me." She nodded to their left and disappeared into the murky blackness. Karzix pricked his ears, trying to pick out her echoing footsteps as he trailed after her.
"Where are we going?"
"There's a way out just up ahead."
"... What's wrong with taking the front door?"
Karzix could hear a weary sigh from Flitt's direction. "Kitzi was downstairs, right? Did she see you?"
"Yeah. Dritz too," Karzix replied, referring to their youngest brother. "And yeah, she saw me. Why? Is that bad?"
"No, no. That's good. For all they know, you're up in your room. Vixik will come home and think you've barred yourself in your room to avoid him. However long it takes for him to get that door open will be more time for us to escape." There was the sudden sound of a thunk followed by a curse. "Found the way out." There was a pause, then a grating metallic sound. Karzix squinted as a dim light appeared ahead, Flitt's silhouette standing before it. She gestured at him to come, then stepped outside.
Karzix peered up, realizing they were behind their house. Flitt pushed the door back in its place, then gave her brother a solemn nod. "Let's go." She cast one last wary look at the building, then slunk away with Karzix sticking close behind.

Re: Notches ((RP Story))

Posted: Sun Jun 12, 2011 1:39 am
by Kamalia
"Okay, Karzix, enough of this crap! Open up!" Vixik yelled, slamming his shoulder against the door. "Flitt, are you in there with him?" He paused, then snarled as there was no reponse. He turned to face Kitzi and Dritz, who were both standing behind their brother and watching him take his rage out on the door. Kitzi wore a look of annoyance on her face, while Dritz simply stood there and watched expressionlessly.
"You sure he's in there?"
"Yes. He came home about twenty minutes ago. He went straight to his room without saying anything to me." Kitzi tsked. Dritz nodded in agreement, flinching when Vixik whirled around and started beating on the door with his fists. He rattled the doorknob, pressing up against the door with a grunt.
"What the fel did he do to this door?" He growled under his breath. He slammed his shoulder up against the door, pausing when he felt it budge the tiniest amount. "Dritz. Gimme a hand, would you?"
Dritz nodded wordlessly, obediently coming up beside his brother and pressing his hands up against the door. The two goblins heaved and grunted, the sound of scraping coming from the other side of the door. After several minutes they had created a gap large enough to slip through. Vixik smirked, squeezing past and expecting to see Karzix cowering in the corner.
Instead, it was empty. Vixik looked around, his brow furrowing. He studied the furniture that had been shoved up against the door, scratching the back of his head. "How the fel...?" He glanced around the windowless room, a baffled and enraged expression on his face. He took to pacing around the room, struggling to think of how the little rat had escaped. His ear pricked at the sound of a loud creak and he looked down. He shifted his weight, the one floorboard his foot was placed on letting out a groan in response. He made a circle around the room, noting that there were no other creaking noises to be had. He pressed his foot down again, tilting his head as the board creaked. He stomped down on it and let out a startled yelp as the board broke in half, plunging his leg down into the murky blackness below. He grunted and hauled himself up, ignoring the pain the sudden fall had caused him. He peered down into the darkness, his eyes narrowing. He carefully slipped down, disappearing.
Dritz jumped as he heard his name being called. He peered into the room, blinking at the sight of Vixik's head poking out of the floor. "Wh -"
"Get my gun. We've got two rats that have escaped through their hole."


"Hold on." Flitt held up a hand. Karzix stopped, tilting his head at her. She was still, her ears twitching. "Do you hear that?"
Karzix looked around, listening carefully. Nothing seemed out of the ordinary. All he could hear was the normal sounds of the city at night. Scuffling of rats in the alleys, the low voices of seedy-looking goblins conversing in the shadows, faint music from taverns and casinos. He cocked his head at her, giving her a puzzled look when the sound reached his ears. He paused, ears pricking. Was someone yelling? Now, that generally wasn't an unusual occurrence, but... the goblin stiffened, casting his sister a panicked look.
"Is that...?"
"Better safe than sorry. Go!" Flitt urged, breaking out into a run. She darted past streets and alleys, Karzix trailing close behind. After a few minutes of frantic running, they ducked into a dark corner to catch their breath. All was quiet. The two siblings cast each other uneasy looks, then continued on, sticking to the cover of the darkest shadows.
"... Maybe that wasn't him?" Karzix suggested, speaking in a low whisper.
"I mean, how could he have found that passage? It was well hidden, right?"
"Let's hope. Shut up for now, okay?" Flitt's voice was strained, her eyes darting back and forth. "Even if he did find it, we've got a good amount of distance between us."
Her words had scarcely left her mouth when a ear-shattering bang echoed through the alley, dust spraying out of the wall next to the two goblins. Flitt let out a gasp and whirled around, seizing Karzix's arm. Vixik's voice roared out at them, bouncing off the walls and making it impossible to guess where it had originated from.
"Go, Karzix! Run faster! Run faster!" Flitt urged, a note of panic to her voice. An expression of sheer terror was on her brother's face as he ran beside her. He dared to glance behind them and let out a strangled gasp as another shower of dust and rubble sprayed over them with a bang.
"Split up. It'll be harder for him to track us that way." Flitt murmured before turning a sharp corner. Karzix shot a horrified look after her, turning the next corner he could see. He skidded a few feet, puddles spraying up as he ran straight through them. The sound of gunshots and yelling echoed behind him, only urging his feet to fly faster. Now alone, every shadow stood out and leered at him, each one having the possibly of hiding his enraged brother. His breath starting to come in ragged gasps, he squeaked as three more shots rang out behind him. He could've sworn he had heard screaming, but his fear-numbed brain could barely process what direction he was going in, let alone what sounds he could hear.
He skidded to a sudden stop, staring up at the walls towering before him. He looked to the left and right, but it was the same result on both sides. He glanced behind him, pinning his ears back against his skull. Was that something moving there? Was that the click of a gun being loaded? Or was he just imagining it?
He gave his surroundings a desperate look, his eyes resting on an old pipe precariously attached to one of the walls. He leaped for it, wrapping his sweat-soaked and trembling hands around the slimy metal. He pulled himself up, ignoring the dangerous-sounding screeches and groans coming from the old, rusted metal. With the sound of its supports being ripped out of the wall from the strain of his weight, Karzix reached up for the top of the wall. His grasped hold just as the pipe tumbled down with a loud crash.
Pulling himself up, the goblin cast the pipe a worried look. How loud had that been? As if to answer him, the window beside him opened and a disgruntled-looking goblin poked his head up. Both he and Karzix shrieked at the sight of each other and Karzix leaped back. He felt himself slip and he tumbled right off the opposite side of the wall.
He hit the ground hard, the air rushing out of his lungs. He simply laid there for a moment, taking in ragged gasps as he tried to get his breath back. A large dumpster stood beside him and he noted a small space between it and the wall. Still breathing hard, Karzix dragged himself over and slipped between the space, huddling against the wall. The feeling of safety the crude shelter offered, however small, was welcome. The goblin curled up into a ball, trembling and taking in sobbing breaths. He would find Flitt soon enough. Vixik hadn't killed him. That was enough for him. For now, he just... needed to rest.

Link to next part.

Re: Notches ((RP Story))

Posted: Sun Jun 12, 2011 4:16 am
by TygerDarkstorm
Fel Kam this is amazing. :D
*waits eagerly for more*

Re: Notches ((RP Story))

Posted: Sun Jun 12, 2011 8:33 am
by Azunara
Seriously. Fantastic.

*waits in anticipation.*

Re: Notches ((RP Story))

Posted: Sun Jun 12, 2011 8:34 am
by Moonlost
Okay, that chase scene was awesome.
Do I need to say it? I can't wait for more! XD

Re: Notches ((RP Story))

Posted: Sun Jun 12, 2011 8:51 am
by Saturo
I'm in love with this story. Simple as that.

Re: Notches ((RP Story))

Posted: Sun Jun 12, 2011 10:44 am
by Serendipity82
*camps thread and waits for more*

Re: Notches ((RP Story))

Posted: Thu Jun 16, 2011 1:04 am
by Kamalia
Today's update is mildly humorous, for a change. Enjoy!


Glix furrowed her brows as she became aware of the sunlight filtering through her window. She pulled her pillow over her face, letting out a long, muffled groan. She simply lay there for a few minutes until she finally forced herself to sit up. She blinked blearily down at her wrapped hands, sighing when her memories from yesterday came flooding back. She slipped off of her bed and sleepily stumbled out of her room.
She winced as she slowly unwrapped the bandages as she walked, frowning down at the slowly healing burns on her palms. She entered the kitchen, intending to fix herself a quick breakfast before heading out. She gave a start and a gasp when she realized that someone was sitting in the corner of the room.
"Rizz?! How the fel did you get in here?!"
"Good morning to you, too. And you left the front door unlocked." The other goblin didn't even look up, calmly taking a sip out of a steaming cup he held, his eyes trained on the book he held in his other hand.
"Well, why are you in here?"
"I ran out of coffee."
"So you're breaking in and stealing from your poor little sister?"
"Yes. This is very good coffee, by the way." Rizz finally looked up to shoot Glix a cheeky grin. "Last cup you had, too." He took another sip. "Mmm. Delicious."
She cast him a sour look, though an amused smile tugged at the corners of her mouth.
"So... how's the mage training going?" He asked, peering at the bandages on her hands and raising his eyebrows. She wordlessly unwrapped one of her hands and held it up, chuckling as her brother's face turned greener than usual.
"Uh... you got first aid for that, right?" He pushed away his cup, his appetite fleeing him.
"Oh, man up. It's not even that bad. And yes, I got a bit of healing for it. It's just itchy and ugly now." Glix scowled and covered her hand back up. Seizing a thick slice of bread for a quick breakfast, she jerked her head at the door. "C'mon, we'd better go. We're late already."


"Ugh, what an ugly day." Glix scowled, pulling her jacket up above her head to shield it from the pouring rain as she and her brother ran from cover to cover.
"Hey, at least it'll bring in customers hoping for a hot meal and an escape from the weather." Rizz reached up to steady his spectacles as they began to slip down his rain-slicked nose. They broke into a dash at the sight of their destination: the restaurant the family ran. Glix fumbled for her keys, letting out an "aha!" once she had found the right ones. "Here we go. Now we can finally get dr -"
The two stopped and stared. A strange goblin in the middle of trying to open the cash register stared back, very much resembling a deer caught in the headlights. The three simply stood there for a second before bursting out screaming. The other goblin whirled around and fled deeper into the building.
"G-Glix?! Where are you going?!" Rizz shrieked as his sister took off after the thief. She shot him a look over her shoulder before turning her attention back to the chase. It was admittedly easy to follow him - all she had to do was follow the trail of rain-soaked footsteps and the sound of frantic cursing. She turned the corner to see the goblin making a beeline for an open window. He cast her a glance over his shoulder, shooting her a glare. Glix narrowed her eyes in response, her eyebrows furrowing as she tried to remember what she had learned. She took in a breath and belted out the words to a spell, praying it would work.
The goblin let out a gasp as the puddles from the rain let out a crackling noise, creeping up his legs and forming into ice crystals. Glix gawked as the ice tripped the thief up, sending him crashing to the ground. She winced as his momentum sent him colliding into the wall. He slumped down and stayed there, even once the ice melted away. Glix stared at the unconscious goblin, feeling a small bit of pride that she had managed to correctly use the spell.
"Dear gold, Glix, get back!" She let out a squawk as Rizz grabbed her shoulders, pulling her around the corner. Rizz flattened himself against the wall, looking at her out of the corner of his eye. "...Is he still there?" He whispered hoarsely.
"Yes. And he's out like a light."
"He is?" Rizz cautiously peered around the corner, his eyes widening. "... Did you kill him?"
"No! I don't think. I didn't, did I?" She peered around the corner as well, staring at the motionless goblin.
"Go check and see if he's still breathing."
"I'm not going to check. You check!"
"You're the one that took him out!"
"I'm pretty sure you're already labeled as an accomplice anyway. You check."


"How do I get myself into these positions?" Rizz mumbled to himself, staring at the still slumped over goblin. Rizz was armed with a large pot lid in one hand, a heavy rolling pin in the other. He hefted the lid up like a shield, cautiously inching closer.
"Well? Can you tell?" Glix hissed from the other side of the room, tense and looking battle-ready. Rizz shrugged, using the side of his hand to push his spectacles back up his nose. He took in a deep breath to steady his trembling self, trying to put a brave face on for his sister. He stared down at the goblin when he was close enough.
"I think he's dead."
"He can't be dead. There's no way he hit the wall hard enough." Glix scoffed.
"Why don't you come over here, then?!" Rizz replied, his snappy tone turning into a pathetic squeak. He looked back down at the motionless goblin, sucking in a breath and reaching out. His shaking rolling pin nudged the side of the goblin's head. The thief's head rolled to the other side, but otherwise he didn't react.
"Yeah, I think he's de -" Rizz let out a shriek and dropped his pot lid with a clatter as the "corpse" let out a moan, slowly opening his eyes. In a fit of absolute terror, Rizz swung his rolling pin like a mighty sword and cracked it against the other goblin's skull.
"Good job, Rizz. Now he's extra dead." Glix gave her brother a sour look as he retreated back to her , the thief slumping over again.
"Now what do we do with him?" Rizz whimpered, clutching his rolling pin to his chest. Glix tapped her chin thoughtfully.
"Do you think the cellar would make a suitable temporary jail cell?"

Re: Notches ((RP Story))

Posted: Thu Jun 16, 2011 1:04 am
by Kamalia
Rizz jerked around as the door opened, relaxing when he recognized the couple that came in. He turned back around, staring steadily at the doorway on the opposite side of the room.
"Son... what are doing?" The female goblin asked in bewilderment, tilting her head at Rizz. He had tipped a table over and was kneeling behind it like it was some kind of bunker, heavily armed with pans, pot lids and a rolling pin.
"Why aren't we open yet?" The male beside her added, narrowing his eyes. "Not that we would want it open with you like this. Your mother has a point - what the fel is going on?"
Rizz slowly turned to face his parents, his eyes wide. "There is a strange goblin in. Our. Cellar."
"...What?" The pair asked simultaneously, staring at him with baffled expressions. Rizz launched into the story of how he and Glix had found the goblin trying to steal from them, finishing with how he and his sister had dragged the unconscious thief to the cellar and had locked him in there for the time being.
"I didn't want to call for any bruisers! Just think of what a blow it would be to our reputation if our customers found out we had bruisers come to our restaurant!" He scrambled to finish, babbling by this point.
"Where's your sister?"
"Oh, she's standing outside the cellar to make sure that guy stays in there."
"You left her there? Alone?" Rizz's father fumed, ignoring his son as he tried to make up an excuse, bolting for the back of the building.
"Glix!" He yelled, darting behind the counter and seizing his old shot gun before running around the corner and sighing with relief upon seeing his daughter unharmed. He went to check her over, growling under his breath. "You okay, sugar? That slum rat didn't hurt you, did he?"
Glix pushed her father away, scowling. "I'm fine. In fact, it's quite the opposite." She couldn't help but put on a proud expression. "You should've been there. I took him out like it was no trou -"
"Yes, that's great. Good job, sugar." Her father interrupted, waving a hand to quiet her and staring at the heavy door leading to the cellar. He pricked his ears as he heard a muffled curse. "That him?"
"Yeah. That's him." She murmured, furrowing her brow and staring down at the floor.
"If you hear me yell, get to a bruiser as soon as possible. Got that?"
"I can help you! It'll be faster than going and fetching a bruiser."
"No, Glix. Just get a bruiser."
"But if I can take him out once, I can do it again! You'll be able to get help quicker, too! Why can't I just -"No, Glix!" He snapped, pulling the door open and disappearing through, leaving Glix standing there alone.


"Jaxil Lockfuse. And yourself?"
"Go to hell."
Jaxil tsked. "You realize you're not exactly in the best position to say that to me, yes?" He stared hard at the bedraggled-looking goblin pressed into the corner. The other goblin stared back, though his gaze was trained on the gun Jaxil held in his hands.
"Well? Speak up, boy." Jaxil ran his hand down the barrel of the gun and rested it near the trigger. He had no plans whatsoever to splatter bits of worthless thief all over his cellar walls, but it worked well to open the stubborn boy's mouth.
"Karzix Coppertock." The goblin finally ground out, his teeth clenched.
"Well, Mr. Coppertock, I assume you've figured out what a mistake it was to even consider entering my business and trying to steal from me?" Jaxil drummed his fingers in mild annoyance as the boy refused to answer, taking the moment to study him. It looked like the dictionary definition of a slum rat - skinny, grimy, desperate, eyes darting left and right as he tried to look for a way out. He probably had a lump the size of an egg on his noggin as well. There was something about him, though, Jaxil mused. He was cornered by a cranky old goblin with a rickety old gun and was probably going to be hauled off to the slammer in less than an hour, and yet he kept the defiant scowl on his face. He began to stare Jaxil straight in the eye, his own narrowed with suspicion.
The boy could really use a good beating to make him learn his place. As much as he would have enjoyed it, Jaxil was, unfortunately, civilized. The goblin rubbed his chin, noting that the boy was tracking his every movement with his eyes.
"You're an odd thief, I'll give you that. Every one I've met turned into a pathetic, sniveling heap upon being caught."
"Thanks," Karzix growled, though a look of surprise flitted across his face at the older goblin's hint of compliment.
"A stupid thief, though. I can't name many that have been beaten into submission by a mage trainee and a goblin wielding culinary utensils." A smirk tugged at Jaxil's face as the sour expression returned to Karzix's face.
"It's not exactly what most thieves expect to be up against, to be truthful." Karzix replied in a dry voice, slouching against the wall. "Can't you just leave me alone to wait for the bruisers, old man?" He hissed after a few moments of silence, glaring at the older goblin.
"Actually..." Jaxil gave the younger goblin a thoughtful look. "My son brought up a valuable point. Customers don't want to come to a place that has had thieves. People don't like being where there's been trouble, right?" He blinked, then chuckled as Karzix shot his gun a panicked look. "Calm down, calm down. I'm not gonna shoot you. Yet."
"So what is it you want?" Karzix snapped.
"I want you to pay back what you stole."
Karzix pulled his pockets inside-out. "Whatever I did manage to steal was taken away by those other two. I've got nothing of yours anymore."
"It's the thought that counts." Jaxil turned toward the door, yelling out. The door opened and his wife peered in, giving Karzix a quick glance.
"Alli, how much did the slum rat steal?" He gave her a meaningful look and she tilted her head, then smirked and gave him a wink.
"Oh... about two hundred gold's worth." She said casually, quickly shutting the door as Karzix exploded.
"WHAT?! That junk wasn't worth nearly that much!" He yelled, balling his hands into fists.
"Ah, so my belongings are junk, then?" Jaxil scowled for a moment before continuing. "Now, listen to me, Mr. Coppertock. I could haul you by the ears to the nearest jail... or I could have you work for me. First option? You're stuck in a cell and I don't get anything for my efforts. Second option? I get my dignity back, and I'll even let you go so long as you stay far away from this place. Everyone ends up happy, yes?" He neglected to say exactly how long Karzix would be working for absolutely no pay, but he figured he could spare the details. He kept his face completely neutral as Karzix studied him hard.
"And don't you go thinking you can get one of your buddies to bail you out. I'll be making sure those bruisers aren't accepting any bribes. Dignity is big to us Lockfuses, you see. It would be worth it." He blinked as the boy's face went pale.
"You mean someone could find out I'm in jail?"
"Sure. Probably wouldn't be that hard to track you down."
"And if someone asked for my name... they would find out if I was in there?"
"Yep. You don't have any jail experience? I'm surprised. But take my word for it, boy! There's no way your slum chums are going to be able to afford a bribe big enough to bust you out of -"
"I'll take it! I'll take the job!" Karzix shouted, a note of panic to his voice. Jaxil tilted his head, baffled at his sudden change in attitude. He quickly covered his confusion up with a grin.
"Well. Glad to have you on the team." He stood up, backing toward the door. "You'll be staying in here for tonight, just to make sure you don't run off. If you damage anything, it's being added to your debt. Got it? Good. Sleep well." He swiftly closed the door and locked it, ignoring the explosion of furious words from the other side. Chuckling, he turned to face his family. They were staring at him and Rizz's mouth hung open in shock.
"Figure out what position our new employee will be taking. And make sure this doesn't get out." Humming to himself, Jaxil walked out to begin preparations for the day.


Link to next part.

Re: Notches ((RP Story))

Posted: Thu Jun 16, 2011 1:22 am
by Serendipity82
*Squee!* Yay! I <3 Glix

Re: Notches ((RP Story))

Posted: Thu Jun 16, 2011 1:36 am
by Moonlost
Kamalia wrote:"Good job, Rizz. Now he's extra dead." Glix gave her brother a sour look as he retreated back to her , the thief slumping over again.
That line make me giggle. XD
As always, a wonderful read. Moar!