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Lilkao basic info help needed :c

Posted: Sat Jun 18, 2011 4:49 pm
by Lilako
So I've been thinking Lilako needs some info on her! But this is all I could really think of :c
Any advice and such on it? most of it is off the top of my head D: or what friends said I should add. Also I didn't use certain terms for a reson so don't tell me off :c
Any other advice would be wonderful please don't be afraid to tell me the truth otherwise how can I learn!

Full Name: Lilako Dawnblade.
Age: Mid-20’s.
Gender: Female.
Birthday: Autumn, October 27.Though only her close friends and family know.
Race: Blood Elf, Sin’dorei/Quel’dorei.
Sexuality: Straight.
Languages: Orcish, Goblin, Thalassian.
Current Occupation: Ranger in training.
Current Residence: Silvermoon, Quel'danas

Height: 5’3”
Weight: 90-100lbs
Hair Color: Dark Orange, tints of red near the ends, straight and thick.
Eye Color: Pale green.
Clothing Style: When not in combat she most commonly wears robes, normally red and blacks.
Special Features: She has dazed look about her nothing unusual.

Personality: Kind-hearted by nature, respectful. Compassionate.
Likes: Wind Riders, cats, wildlife, challenging herself. Also her older sister.
Dislikes: Orcs, Trolls, mindless fighting.
Fears: Her Father finding out about what she is doing.
Talents/Skills: Currently she is just trying to keep herself busy and gathering enough to survive.

Parents: Mother, Coria Dawnblade. Father, Marial Dawnblade.
Siblings: Older sister: Lilatha Dawnblade.
Partner/Best Friend: Her Wind Rider cub, Mixii.
Pets: Currently she is running along side a family Dragonhawk, which her mother gave to her before leaving home. She intends to take it home once her training is over.
Boyfriend: None, nor is she interested.

Special Abilities/Powers: Lilako seems very ‘at one with nature’ and uses this to gain allies to help her on her journey.
Fighting Style: Ranged, prefers using Bows over Guns.
Peaceful or Brutal: Peaceful unless you get her mad.

Fun Facts:
- Lilako no longer wheres makeup or jewellery.
- Lilako still keeps her Wind Rider close to her at all times, hopefully he will grow up one day.
- Lilako is becoming good at hiding her true feelings.
- Lilako is secretly hiding the fact that she is training to become a Ranger from her Father.
- Lilakos Father wants her to become a Noble’s wife one day.
- Lilako wants to become strong to find her sister Lilatha.
- She has a rather complex family history.
- She seems very unaffected by her kinds ‘curse’.

Re: Lilkao basic info help needed :c

Posted: Sat Jun 18, 2011 4:54 pm
by Bonita
Thats a lot more then I can seem to come up with for Boni. This might help me out a bit :D
Personally I love it.

Re: Lilkao basic info help needed :c

Posted: Sat Jun 18, 2011 5:03 pm
by Lilako
I still need to add her history but its like *brains melting* :c

Re: Lilkao basic info help needed :c

Posted: Sat Jun 18, 2011 5:05 pm
by Bonita
Haha I know how that feels. I told my bf last night I planned on writing a background for my hunter and my druid and as I sat down to write what I had in my head I completely blanked out and still can't remember what I had planned.

Re: Lilkao basic info help needed :c

Posted: Sat Jun 18, 2011 5:14 pm
by Saturo
I like it, 's all good. One little thing though, mid-twenties is very young for an elf. For a comparison with humans, she should be about 110 years old.

Re: Lilkao basic info help needed :c

Posted: Sat Jun 18, 2011 5:22 pm
by Lilako
Ops thankies for point it out I should or wrote 'Appears to be in mid 20's.' /smacks self c:

Re: Lilkao basic info help needed :c

Posted: Sat Jun 18, 2011 5:34 pm
by Aeladrine
She looks fecking amazing.(:

I only wish we could actually play with them together. D:

Re: Lilkao basic info help needed :c

Posted: Sat Jun 18, 2011 5:45 pm
by Lilako
Maaaaaybe one day :p
Robs been talking about moving to the USA anyways D:

And ofc she is but I got told to call her 'Red head' Otherwise my ginger friend would hit me tomorrow :c

Still having issues with her history trying to add how Lilatha is her sister (ranger the npc in game.) Getting turned into a Death Knight D:

Re: Lilkao basic info help needed :c

Posted: Sat Jun 18, 2011 6:56 pm
by Aeladrine
That would be so cool! *u*
But ginger is an awesome term! c:

Hmm, I don't really know how to help with that. :C